WvW now and then.

WvW now and then.

in WvW

Posted by: Phule.1968


As title says wvw now is, what I’d say, not wvw. More like World vs. NPC’s.

Back at the start of GW2 there was a lot more fights between players then what it is today. GW2 has set the bar for wvw to a very low level, imo that is. Fighting over some random drops in a chest from a tower/keep lord seems to be what 90% of the players are looking for. Not mentioning the WxP you get from taking all them structures which is just plain silly as it is right now.

WvW should be more rewarding when it comes to fighting other players, isn’t that what most of the wvw people want at the end of the day? I know what I want and it’s simply fighting other players to test my abilities compared to other players. The fun in wvw should emphazise towards taking down your enemies, not their structures And get richly rewarded for doin so.

I had some hopes for Edge of the Mist as it was tested by other wvw’ers, maybe I’m to quick to judge EotM, I dunno but as it is now it’s just as sad as ordinary wvw, blobs moving as one taking structure after structure, the fights against npc’s in wvw has reached a dead end. It’s not wvw any more, it’s PvS (structures).

Some will agree and others will disagree, and the occasional, go sPvP or tPvP if you don’t like wvw in it’s current state. To that I can just say, No I won’t. I like the diversity wvw presented in the beginning, small scale 2-5 in a group or running as a guild group with 12-15 players. That is not happening these days, sure on some servers it might be like that but when I have to pay to move to another server then it’s just another nail in the coffin for many players.

What’s your thoughts on wvw in it’s current state?

Where’s my X-ray goggles when I need em?

WvW now and then.

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I am vehemently against increasing the rewards for killing players because it’s so different between tiers. It’s already very out of whack.

Entire guilds are still moving from the bottom tiers to higher tiers, this month, last month, every month. Game is still broken.

Gate of Madness

WvW now and then.

in WvW

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

I was wondering how you could change the “loot” droprate to make pvp the focus of WvW.

My thoughts:

WvW Kill achievement just like the agent of entrophy achievement.

-25 player kills = lord chest.
-Obtaining structures, camps, sentries reduces the number of kills you need for a chest.
-Structures ony reward karma, xp and a reduction of kills needed for the reward chest.
-Npc’s don’t count as kills.
-When you die you lose your kill stacks.

Maybe controlling all camps, towers or ruins on a border give an extra bonus towards loot.

This would promote people to fight and fight hard.
Blobing structures would be less attractive, and a blob on the open would become more attractive for havoc squads who can hit and survive.

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.