WvW now and then.
I am vehemently against increasing the rewards for killing players because it’s so different between tiers. It’s already very out of whack.
Entire guilds are still moving from the bottom tiers to higher tiers, this month, last month, every month. Game is still broken.
I was wondering how you could change the “loot” droprate to make pvp the focus of WvW.
My thoughts:
WvW Kill achievement just like the agent of entrophy achievement.
-25 player kills = lord chest.
-Obtaining structures, camps, sentries reduces the number of kills you need for a chest.
-Structures ony reward karma, xp and a reduction of kills needed for the reward chest.
-Npc’s don’t count as kills.
-When you die you lose your kill stacks.
Maybe controlling all camps, towers or ruins on a border give an extra bonus towards loot.
This would promote people to fight and fight hard.
Blobing structures would be less attractive, and a blob on the open would become more attractive for havoc squads who can hit and survive.