WvW overhaul

WvW overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: Zoid.2568


WvWvW needs an overhaul. The biggest problem with WvW now is the boring zergfest. Why do people zerg? zerging is a simple and effective way to play WvW, but it’s not the most fun way to do it, and certainly not the most effective.

How can we encourage smaller groups and split groups for more fun gameplay?

- WvW is a warzone of conquest and glory.
- Small objectives that has an impact on the war.
- Infiltration
- Scouting
- Stealing resources
- Ambushes
- Environmental events and consequences
- WvW specific skills
- The more objectives completed on your map the more and the better rewards. (encourage players to not just go in a big zerg to cap castles etc)

What if 2-3 players infiltrated a castle and put a few bombs in there and 10 min later the bombs explode unless someone disarms them. (WvW specific skills)
The castle’s walls will go down, opening it up for the enemies to conquer it.

Things like this is needed in WvW. More strategy. More tactic. More everything.

WvW overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: King Cephalopod.7942

King Cephalopod.7942

1. This belongs in the wvw forums. 2. No. E.g. “not the most effective” try to fight an organized 50-man squadron with a 10-man raid group out in the field and tell me how it goes.

A little savagery now and then is relished by the wisest men.
Don’t cry, Signet of Mercy. Others may forget you, but I will always remember.
Our deficiencies may be overcome by practice and self-discipline.

WvW overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: Dragon.8762


TBH, “Zerging” is something the community decides to do. Its not like Anet intends everything. Its just what the players within that game mode have decided to collectively do. The same thing a large group of players can do, a even smaller group can do as well.

I did make a suggestion a while back about having players spread out more and having them travel to places they normally wouldn’t, which would encourage more small group fighting but it was quickly shot down by people who didn’t even read my full post.

WvW needs more exclusive rewards yes. I believe Anet are already “hopefully” working on a legendary WvW back-piece as we speak.

My suggestion was to have some sort of daily repeatable quest board where once taken; smaller groups or solo players must travel to specific areas on the map (Some away from keeps and castles) where they must activate a NPC who appears and they have to kill it. Once it appears and they kill it, they will receive a chest and more xp towards their reward tracks. However, people from other servers will also have the same bounty. So it’ll be like people would encounter each other off the beaten path where they are forced to fight over the NPC. Which will encourage more fights. NPC locations will be random everytime.

IDK if its a good idea or not. But, it will give players a lot more direction on where they should go or do. Especially if they wanna get new players in there. Having more direction on what you should do, would help out the game mode a lot in my opinion. But! It must be lite direction.

WvW overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


sorry, it isn’t the most effective in ppt but it is indeed the most simple way of playing wvw

to split up group will means that you will need a lot of people with that knowledge, passion, motivation and experience to lead on those smaller groups. also the communications between the different groups and likewise the cost that come along with it. pugs follow commander simply because they do not have to think too much and bother about siege costs.

in reality, people like simply things and if you make it even more complicated, be aware that you might lose even more people from wvw.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

WvW overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


this is because the game is designed to stack but there are no means to counter stacking.

We need some player skills in game to work as Single target AoE.
Similar effects to Vampiric Infection from the Vampire Beast Crawler. Target is affected and for a short time foes around the target are also affected.

Good case could be Druids Astral Wisp. If that wisp would apply burning all the enemies it cross then the zerg wouldn’t be so kin to stack and more about making small squadrons.

Thief, Druid,Engi, Necro, Mesmer would be good classes to give some skills that has that new mechanic. It does not need to deal only damage but any kind of utility, mesmer could rip boons, necro could corrupt boons, Engi rip them or apply CC…

once the staking problem is solved the meta will change to a more natural and fluid combat were the squadron would be organized in small groups instead a massive hit 1 blob that is making the people to get bored and deflect wvw.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

(edited by anduriell.6280)

WvW overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: Trajan.4953


Hmmmmmm let’s see.

Revert Stability changes, tone down condi/boon meta and voila, smaller well coordinated groups go back to kittenting all over blobs.

Blobs complain followed by different inane nerfs and buffs and we are right back here.

Simplest way to deal with a blob is kite them forever while your cheese build gankers pick them off one by one, bait their bomb when they peel on the gankers and driver snipe. It’s garbage play and reprehensible at best but that’s what everyone does. Nothing makes a blob get bored faster than making all the casuals play Running Simulator for a while.

RiP this game.


WvW overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: Swedemon.4670


Buff condi in wvw, bring back perma stealth thieves and bring back culling… problem sovled. Orb glitches anyone?? /ftwThisThread /s

WvW overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


sorry, it isn’t the most effective in ppt but it is indeed the most simple way of playing wvw

I concur with this person’s post the most.

  • It’s hard enough to get 1 commander, let alone multiple ones
  • Small groups will wipe to enemy ones which are larger (usually)
  • It is safer to travel in a large group
  • Shared death is less impactful on morale. The more people it is shared with, the less impactful the morale hit

What I’m trying to point out is that while having a small group of elite doods who could wipe zergs sounds cool on paper, in practice it would be bad for the game-mode. IMO.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

WvW overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Small group can still wipe zergs, problem just is that game WvW doesn’t really have any good players. Most of guild aren’t any better than random pugs.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

WvW overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: Ansau.7326


Why do people zerg? zerging is a simple and effective way to play WvW, but it’s not the most fun way to do it, and certainly not the most effective.

This is wrong.

For the majority of people, zerging is enjoyable. Massive fights are a key aspect of this game mode and the reason a lot of people have been attached to WvW. People have been organized in dedicated guilds oriented to the zerg fight. And public commanders have gathered pugs in enormous blobs.
This is a game and people play for the fun. If zerging wasn’t fun, people wouldn’t play it.

Also, it is truly the most effective way, which is not the same as efficient. Yes, spreading a zerg allows you to capture more structures in less time, and you optimize better the player resources available. But at the same time, it requires much more average player skill and team work.
Zerging is still very rewarding and way easier to set up, turning it in a much higher success rate method.

Ansau – Sylvari Mesmer – Exiled Warriors [wE] – Gandara

i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz

WvW overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: akaCryptic.2389


1) Anet doesnt strongly encourage zerging, its what community chooses to do for various reasons. For my server its mostly cause we have 0-1 commander. Cant comment on “efficiency” as I dont know any pro PPT tactics.
2) Fun is subjective. Just cause you and I dont enjoy 50v50 fights as much as 1v1 or 20v20 doesnt mean others dont.
3) Anet already secretly discourages zerging by not fixing skill lag. It’s bad enough I get 15 FPS with an overclocked CPU, I also have to deal with skills not working. No thanks, I’ll go to some other border or pvp where I have 80 FPS.

The bullet points you wrote are already relevant but most servers arent organized enough or care more about fights rather than PPT.

WvW overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: Balthazzarr.1349


1. This belongs in the wvw forums. 2. No. E.g. “not the most effective” try to fight an organized 50-man squadron with a 10-man raid group out in the field and tell me how it goes.

ummm… this IS the WvW forums….. :P

… just call me … Tim :)

WvW overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: King Cephalopod.7942

King Cephalopod.7942

ummm… this IS the WvW forums….. :P

It was moved by a moderator from the General Discussion page after my post.

A little savagery now and then is relished by the wisest men.
Don’t cry, Signet of Mercy. Others may forget you, but I will always remember.
Our deficiencies may be overcome by practice and self-discipline.