WvW party layout improvement

WvW party layout improvement

in WvW

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


I have been participating in WvW lately. With our group we offten have between 5-15 players.
Now i know we have commanders with nice blue arrow mark on them. But what about other leaders?

Whoever played any other MMO will probably know how

1) marking in groups is working. Its so simple, you put some specific mark on your leader. Therefore you can see him anywhere in big fights.

2) As a leader im missing information about my second party. I see only 5 blue dots on my minimap. But im playing with more players. For that i would like to see party UI improvements and probably instead of 5 as maximum to increase it to 20 as maximum. That would help any organization of smaller but also bigger guilds.

Im not sure if these were discussed somewhere else (probalby many times allready) but is there any official anwer to this ? Will we see improvements?

WvW party layout improvement

in WvW

Posted by: Iavra.8510


At least for 1) you can mark your leader using Ctrl + T (or whatever you are using to call a target). I believe that’s how all organized WvW guilds are doing it.

WvW party layout improvement

in WvW

Posted by: BarnabyMalong.7561


I have been participating in WvW lately. With our group we offten have between 5-15 players.
Now i know we have commanders with nice blue arrow mark on them. But what about other leaders?

Whoever played any other MMO will probably know how

1) marking in groups is working. Its so simple, you put some specific mark on your leader. Therefore you can see him anywhere in big fights.

2) As a leader im missing information about my second party. I see only 5 blue dots on my minimap. But im playing with more players. For that i would like to see party UI improvements and probably instead of 5 as maximum to increase it to 20 as maximum. That would help any organization of smaller but also bigger guilds.

Im not sure if these were discussed somewhere else (probalby many times allready) but is there any official anwer to this ? Will we see improvements?

On a similar note, I’d actually like to see squad dots on the map (whichever map you or a commander is on). It’d be nice, personally speaking as a commander with the blue icon, to see the people who are following your squad on the map. That way you could keep an eye on where your people are. That could be a suggestion for improvement.

The only problem I have with a 20-person party is that amount of space it’ll take up on your screen. I’d like to see a bigger sized party, but 20 may be too large? Just conjecture, thoughts, etc.


WvW party layout improvement

in WvW

Posted by: Grumpdogg.6910


I’d settle for being able to do more than reporting my friends. I’m sure I wanted to invite him to a party, not get him banned?

“I swung a sword, I swung a sword again, oh look I swung a sword again!”
- Colin Johanson while spamming key 1 in GW2

WvW party layout improvement

in WvW

Posted by: Vench Fullho.5694

Vench Fullho.5694

The party sytem sucks period. Back in the day of Warhamer we could have 4 parties of 6 players in each on screen an it was no issue to visibility because we could also custumize the screen layout to our needs by making 1-4 of the parties visibil or not by resizing any of the parties footprint on the screen to the size disired. At the very least to pay 100 gold for the blue dorito, a commander should have a much better on screen ability to view his troops. Anet really dropped the ball on this aspect of combat.

WvW party layout improvement

in WvW

Posted by: Vench Fullho.5694

Vench Fullho.5694

Oh sorry for the double post. Also not to be able to kick a person from a party at any time is so lame, if ya leave the game you should be auto kicked from any party you were in. Currently we have to remake the the hole party to invite just one person.

WvW party layout improvement

in WvW

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


At least for 1) you can mark your leader using Ctrl + T (or whatever you are using to call a target). I believe that’s how all organized WvW guilds are doing it.

Yea, i know, but since im leading small scalle roamers we need our targeting system to call enemy target and not to mark leader. (speaking mostly about groups of 5-10 ppl).
its not really the way i would like to see it working.

Sure, good sugestion. And sounds logical to me. You should see where your followers are.

Yea, i know what you mean. I can´t invite anyone to party last few weeks.. its soo soo annoying to write it manually all the time.

@Vench Fullho.5694
Biggest advantage of Warhammer was customizable UI. Thanks to addons you had everything working as community and players wanted. But i understeand the reasons why to not allow to players addons. But in that case the company should provide these tools.
What i dont get still is that developers know players, they know games, they know addons. Why they dont take some of the very popular addons and dont implement them in game directly? Its just a profit for them..
Speaking about Warhammer – these two addons http://www.curse.com/addons/war/enemy and http://www.curse.com/addons/war/squared would simply fix all my issues with party UI and marking system.
Btw, speaking about party UI – its not that big. 20 people should be easy to handle. If you of course have the simple version of UI..