WvW rank rewards

WvW rank rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Radiobiology.6185



Hi, i’m wondering if the wvw rank reward always stays the same or if it changes the higher rank you get, like a higher chance to get rare / exotic at higher ranks for example, i did look in the wiki but its unclear. Thanks for answers.

WvW rank rewards

in WvW

Posted by: TheAmpca.1753


I don’t think it’s supposed to change nor do I think it does and I think what I got was a fluke. Before rank 100 1 rare, from 100-120 5 rares, 120-170 no rares. Kind of weird but I guess that’s RNG for you.

WvW rank rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Radiobiology.6185


I don’t think it’s supposed to change nor do I think it does and I think what I got was a fluke. Before rank 100 1 rare, from 100-120 5 rares, 120-170 no rares. Kind of weird but I guess that’s RNG for you.

So basically the numbers should be the same for every rank up? Is there any offical confirmation of this?