WvW ranks order

WvW ranks order

in WvW

Posted by: Miroe.2054


The current state of the WvW Rank naming is composed of Bronze/Silver/Gold/Blablu and then of the actual military rank. But the order in which you earn them is kind of strange to me.

Bronze Legend —> Silver Assaulter --> … —> Silver Legend

Its strange how a Silver Assaulter is a lot higher then a Legend. This is because the military title part of the name is a lot more resonant then the prefix. “Knight” or “General” create a certain picture within my mind. To make the whole system more appealing for our imagination i suggest the following order.

Squire —> Bronze Squire --> Silver Squire —> Gold Squire --> Diamon Squire —> Knight

Any thoughts?

WvW ranks order

in WvW

Posted by: maestrochino.7104


good idea, but it is already too late to change. changing it would only cause more confusion

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