WvW's server population inequality solution!

WvW's server population inequality solution!

in WvW

Posted by: pigdog.9215


Im sure everyone is noticing how the WvW tier system isnt very fair because a fair amount of servers just have more of a population than others. It could be easily fixed if aanet just merged certain servers together. Also depending on someones country (timezone) giving free server transfers which need WvW players for those certain time zones.

Simple? you decide, opinions please ( sorry if any grammer mistakes, im tired lol )

WvW's server population inequality solution!

in WvW

Posted by: psizone.8437


It’s pretty bad on the lower population servers now, I’d say 70% of our WvW population left FoW before the season started.

I agree, a merger is needed at this stage. Preferably with a new name to prevent server players from arguing about which name we should have.

So I’d imagine for EU – Fissure of Woe, Underworld and Whiteside Ridge should merge as Lion’s Gate

It’s a shame that Anet will most likely not merge until the season is over. 8 more weeks of being run down for us.

Brotherhood of Blub [blub]

WvW's server population inequality solution!

in WvW

Posted by: Basket of Boxes.1976

Basket of Boxes.1976

This was the easy solution to fix the population disparity but Anet took a different route. I feel Anet went with the heavily criticised Mega Server idea instead to avoid having to worry about merging servers. If Anet merges servers people will say the game is failing and nobody is playing when that isn’t really the case. The Mega Server idea fixes the population problem for PvE where it wasn’t really a problem any way as you could always guest but it does nothing for WvW and could even make things worse.

WvW's server population inequality solution!

in WvW

Posted by: pigdog.9215


This was the easy solution to fix the population disparity but Anet took a different route. I feel Anet went with the heavily criticised Mega Server idea instead to avoid having to worry about merging servers. If Anet merges servers people will say the game is failing and nobody is playing when that isn’t really the case. The Mega Server idea fixes the population problem for PvE where it wasn’t really a problem any way as you could always guest but it does nothing for WvW and could even make things worse.

I was thinking they won’t because of that reason but in reality they would only gain a positive outcome. Fixing wvw rank inequality = more interest in wvw,which increases active players and higher possibility for esport. Don’t think anet is smart enough to take this opportunity tho lol

WvW's server population inequality solution!

in WvW

Posted by: Berk.8561


As annoying as if can be to be badly outnumbered, I just had a lot go fun on a badly outnumbered server in third place in points because everyone pulled together and did what they could do to take and hold what they could against the big bad zergs using us to complete their achievements. I’m concerned that any forced merge or elimination of servers would break the die-hard communities on hype low-tier servers that stuck with making the best out of a bad position rather than switching servers. There is a reason why people don’t leave the bottom ranked servers.

Kerzic [CoI] – Ranger – Eredon Terrace

WvW's server population inequality solution!

in WvW

Posted by: velmeister.4187


PPT gotta go.

15 chars

“If there is anyone here whom I have not offended, I am sorry.”

WvW's server population inequality solution!

in WvW

Posted by: ManaCraft.5630


WvW population isn’t identical to PvE population. What you think of as potential candidates for server mergers may in fact not be. At least that’s what a.net’s answer to the thought of mergers has been in the past.

This, by the way, is one of the many reasons why some people have argued for a three faction solution to WvW, as it effectively accomplishes the same thing – not by merging servers, but by reducing the total amount of maps the population is spread out on to fit demand (i.e. “map merging”), thereby achieving the same outcome but for WvW specifically.

WvW's server population inequality solution!

in WvW

Posted by: Reverence.6915


ANet just gotta incentivise participation in WvW

There’s always going to be population differences though, no matter how you look at it. There’s no server on either EU or NA that can queue 4 maps 24/7 except for a few nights during a tournament/season. If 10 people on one server stays up 1 hour later after prime time and another server doesn’t, that creates a population imbalance right there.

Expac sucks for WvW players. Asura master race
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI

WvW's server population inequality solution!

in WvW

Posted by: Wanderer.3248


This hasn’t been possible in the past because of PVE populations. A server with low WvW numbers might have high PVE numbers.

But with the new megaserver system, who knows. Combining WvW populations from different home worlds might be possible.

WvW's server population inequality solution!

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


once the guild system (cross-server upgrades) take effect, then probably (small probability there) they will merge servers.

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

WvW's server population inequality solution!

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


ANet just gotta incentivise participation in WvW

I don’t disagree…

I want to appreciate different play styles but I also don’t wish to be burdened by different play styles. Players have and likely always will fall on a continuum when it comes to PvE v PvP.

[I lump WvW in with PvP at the risk of offending semantic precisionists — mainly because many casuals don’t value the distinction.]

That said, I want people in WvW that want to be there. With world completion, there has been (modest and arguable) incentive. And there are many players that COULD have become avid WvWers but were disgusted by first impressions.

If WvW incentives were more carrot-like and less stick-like, I venture there would be better opportunity for “fun” experiences and a kinder-gentler proselytizing of new converts.

Ignorance is not a crime… it requires education.

The current environment can be toxic at times. It often demands a thick skin. For the hard core, this is not a problem. However, casuals need to be “taught” how to contribute (and given time to harden up) . I find that many (most) end up providing exceptional overall uplift if provided the opportunity to learn and enjoy the fruits of their efforts.

The WvW community owns a huge part of incenting greater participation.

This is not unique to any specific server. Hate speech in our own channels does not create a team atmosphere. New players are not going to play where they are unappreciated or worse reviled. Trolling our own does not create a welcoming environment. And I’m not suggesting chat police… I advocate for full on culture shift where self-sabotage behavior is taboo.

It may seem unattainable but what a noble bar to strive for…

Again, I don’t disagree that ANet has skin in the game and owns some responsibility. However, there is MUCH that can be done to advance participation at the cultural level.

WvW's server population inequality solution!

in WvW

Posted by: redstag.1406


I agree something needs to be done because with time zone issues and low WVW population I’m sitting here reading the forum because its not safe to go out in WvW and its only 9.00 pm local time… and outnumbered in own borderland.

WvW's server population inequality solution!

in WvW

Posted by: psizone.8437


I agree something needs to be done because with time zone issues and low WVW population I’m sitting here reading the forum because its not safe to go out in WvW and its only 9.00 pm local time… and outnumbered in own borderland.

Yeah, that’s never fun. We were outnumbered in our own borderland almost constantly from 5pm to 2am GMT during the weekend (stopped playing after 2pm, not sure how it looked afterwards)

Brotherhood of Blub [blub]

WvW's server population inequality solution!

in WvW

Posted by: pigdog.9215


ANet just gotta incentivise participation in WvW

I don’t disagree…

I want to appreciate different play styles but I also don’t wish to be burdened by different play styles. Players have and likely always will fall on a continuum when it comes to PvE v PvP.

[I lump WvW in with PvP at the risk of offending semantic precisionists — mainly because many casuals don’t value the distinction.]

That said, I want people in WvW that want to be there. With world completion, there has been (modest and arguable) incentive. And there are many players that COULD have become avid WvWers but were disgusted by first impressions.

If WvW incentives were more carrot-like and less stick-like, I venture there would be better opportunity for “fun” experiences and a kinder-gentler proselytizing of new converts.

Ignorance is not a crime… it requires education.

The current environment can be toxic at times. It often demands a thick skin. For the hard core, this is not a problem. However, casuals need to be “taught” how to contribute (and given time to harden up) . I find that many (most) end up providing exceptional overall uplift if provided the opportunity to learn and enjoy the fruits of their efforts.

The WvW community owns a huge part of incenting greater participation.

This is not unique to any specific server. Hate speech in our own channels does not create a team atmosphere. New players are not going to play where they are unappreciated or worse reviled. Trolling our own does not create a welcoming environment. And I’m not suggesting chat police… I advocate for full on culture shift where self-sabotage behavior is taboo.

It may seem unattainable but what a noble bar to strive for…

Again, I don’t disagree that ANet has skin in the game and owns some responsibility. However, there is MUCH that can be done to advance participation at the cultural level.

I totally disagree, Anet created everything about this game, any problems within the game is solely their responsibility. I love the game don’t get me wrong but to blame it on the WvW community is just pathetic. No platform = no community, therefore problems within community = problems with platform. ( platform being the game )

WvW's server population inequality solution!

in WvW

Posted by: Dutchares.6084


Hopefully the merged servers will change WvW completely
Since there are no more Seafarer’s rest, Piken or other servers, except for WvW.
Hopefully people and guilds can sign up to one of the servers doesn’t matter on what old server they were. People/guilds sign up for the next round.
If you play enough hours in wvw, or guild members play enough hours for their total guild, you/the guild is signed up for the next round automatically. If not you have to reassign for the server you want to play on.

The system will determine if a server has room. It will keep total of signed up players on all server equal with about 25 players difference It will lock and open servers sign up list.
If a guild of 50 people sign up, only servers with room for 50 players will open up.
Yes this will mean very large guilds need to split into smaller guilds to play in WvW (or create wvw guilds next to their large pve guild) And clean up their player rosters.

This will equal the number of active wvw players on each server. So if you didn’t consider the number of players from different time zones, servers should get more balanced.

And if they really want it good they even check when players have been playing in the last match up and create a system that even considers and balance the players on servers on each time zone. (could even merge the usa and euro players) So for a server could be: CET 12:00 -15:00 15 slots open. CET 15:00-18:00 25 slots open. 18:00-21:00 closed 21:00-24:00 closed. So for a guild were most players play in the evening, or a player that plays mostly in the evening (CET time) the server is locked.. But for a player that plays wvw mostly in the morning, or live in another time zone and because of that plays wvw at 12:00-18:00 CET the server is still open.

So no more paid transfers. guilds/players that want to play on another server just need to sign up for the next round and will be able to play for the other server after next Friday/reset. Of course the better servers will be most of the time be locked, especially for bigger guilds. And if you keep doing enough WvW you will not loose your spot on a server.

(edited by Dutchares.6084)

WvW's server population inequality solution!

in WvW

Posted by: Altie.4571


Your “idea” is very bad OP.

First of all, servers (for now) are largely PvE centric so the population has to include a servers PvE component first then WvW component.

Second, WvW population fluctuates. Case in point transfers prior to seasons, some servers gained a large amount while others lost just as much. Your solution would only be valid for a month or two (or till the next season) then have to be re-done again.

Third, solutions should be based upon incentivizing PLAYERS to be more spread out. In the end, it is us the players that can be the only ones to make matches even, and the only way to do that is to make people want to a) spread out, b) stay on their server rather than chase a carrot of bigger stronger better, c) not blob around.

When scientists discover the center of the universe,
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.

WvW's server population inequality solution!

in WvW

Posted by: ManaCraft.5630


Third, solutions should be based upon incentivizing PLAYERS to be more spread out. In the end, it is us the players that can be the only ones to make matches even, and the only way to do that is to make people want to a) spread out, b) stay on their server rather than chase a carrot of bigger stronger better, c) not blob around.

I’m curious to know exactly how you would accomplish that. I think a lot of players would be fundamentally unwilling to move from their servers unless you create incentives that are powerful enough to effectively force their hand.

WvW's server population inequality solution!

in WvW

Posted by: Altie.4571


I’m curious to know exactly how you would accomplish that. I think a lot of players would be fundamentally unwilling to move from their servers unless you create incentives that are powerful enough to effectively force their hand.

That is the problem we should throw out solutions for. Brain storm!

I’m not sure if I have the solution, but I think it will not be one single thing, but a combination of a lot of things.

My ideas:
Offer rewards for winning the weekly match up. To re-introduce the 2v1 where the top server can never feel safe because the other two will go after it for the top spot. 2nd and 3rd place get no rewards. That would help end the “dominant server” trend where everyone flocks to one place.

Transfer fee’s should be linear down the list of servers. 2,400gems for the top server, reduced according to the server ranking. The last server in the previous week would be 0 gems. That would help take away stigma of moving down to help population balance. And those that want higher level fights would have to pay for them.

Outmanned buff should offer a chance to the smaller server. Current buff gives no incentive to fight. Should give a sizable reward for killing opponents/capturing objectives with the outmanned buff. Such as +5 points for each enemy kill. +10 points for each captured AND defended objective. Increase gold/karma and magic find by 100%. If too many people flock to it, that means that the server won’t be outmanned, if too few are there, at least they are rewarded for their effort.

Reduce the effect of zergs against a well organized defense/attack. Stacking should not be a viable solution to combat 5 people raining down aoe on someone. I know due to server limitations we can’t increase an AoE cap. So let’s approach it from another perspective. Dynamic content scaling…. The engineering exists from PvE, lets re-introduce it for WvW.

if enemy player – friendly player quantity is > X : content scale Y.

What content would we scale? Gates/Walls. Make ti tougher for blobs to get through to reduce zerging and re-introduce divided forces to WvW and strategy.

These are just some of the ideas that I want to put forth. Maybe others have better ones, maybe mine have a bad side I overlooked. But we have to offer solutions rather than just demand a resolution. It is a problem we contribute to.

When scientists discover the center of the universe,
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.

WvW's server population inequality solution!

in WvW

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


I’m curious to know exactly how you would accomplish that. I think a lot of players would be fundamentally unwilling to move from their servers unless you create incentives that are powerful enough to effectively force their hand.

That is the problem we should throw out solutions for. Brain storm!

I’m not sure if I have the solution, but I think it will not be one single thing, but a combination of a lot of things.

My ideas:
Offer rewards for winning the weekly match up. To re-introduce the 2v1 where the top server can never feel safe because the other two will go after it for the top spot. 2nd and 3rd place get no rewards. That would help end the “dominant server” trend where everyone flocks to one place.

Transfer fee’s should be linear down the list of servers. 2,400gems for the top server, reduced according to the server ranking. The last server in the previous week would be 0 gems. That would help take away stigma of moving down to help population balance. And those that want higher level fights would have to pay for them.

Outmanned buff should offer a chance to the smaller server. Current buff gives no incentive to fight. Should give a sizable reward for killing opponents/capturing objectives with the outmanned buff. Such as +5 points for each enemy kill. +10 points for each captured AND defended objective. Increase gold/karma and magic find by 100%. If too many people flock to it, that means that the server won’t be outmanned, if too few are there, at least they are rewarded for their effort.

Reduce the effect of zergs against a well organized defense/attack. Stacking should not be a viable solution to combat 5 people raining down aoe on someone. I know due to server limitations we can’t increase an AoE cap. So let’s approach it from another perspective. Dynamic content scaling…. The engineering exists from PvE, lets re-introduce it for WvW.

if enemy player – friendly player quantity is > X : content scale Y.

What content would we scale? Gates/Walls. Make ti tougher for blobs to get through to reduce zerging and re-introduce divided forces to WvW and strategy.

These are just some of the ideas that I want to put forth. Maybe others have better ones, maybe mine have a bad side I overlooked. But we have to offer solutions rather than just demand a resolution. It is a problem we contribute to.

I know it is easier to shoot people down rather than to make solutions yourself. So sorry.

However, 1st idea: everyone would flock to the top server.
2nd idea: I am going to assume the scaling would work in the opposite case too? 50 defenders but 10 attackers then the walls/gates would have its health decreased?

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer