WvW scores and the disconnect issues

WvW scores and the disconnect issues

in WvW

Posted by: trueanimus.4085


I am wondering if anything will be done with the wvw current score on reset tonight considering that they scores got inflated and wonkey because of the disconnects this week and players from mainly TC being unable to log in and actually play.

For almost two full days on Tarnished Coast, we were unable to stay connected (as i know a lot more servers were) but because of the population imbalance against BG and JQ (outnumbering us 3 to 1) we fell way behind in score because the other teams were simply able to get more people on the map between the disconnects than we were.

Some of it may be just due to the massive amount of players that JQ and BG have as they usually run full map ques and we are only able to que maybe 1 or 2 maps on reset night for example…. but we had tons of people on TS that were locked completely out of the game while JQ and BG both were able to log in and cap everything on all the maps. There were points where we would be ticking 15 or less when we logged in.. then get booted right back out after severe skill lag.

Will we see a score balance tonight for reset? Considering this was a game connection issue and not a balance one (or so it seems)

WvW scores and the disconnect issues

in WvW

Posted by: trueanimus.4085


BTW.. righ now TC is actually winning as we have fought back hard.. but its only with a 1 point lead.. I just want to make sure that this weeks scores will not be subject to altercation like the manual adjustments in the past weeks for servers.

WvW scores and the disconnect issues

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


Unlikely… The score will problably be the score it is when the clock tick at reset. I expect no changes nor should they be done.

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WvW scores and the disconnect issues

in WvW

Posted by: Xenesis.6389


I guess you mean a glicko adjustment and not “score”, because the score will reset with no adjustments. For more balance play TC should be hoping to roll t2 in place of Mag.

This is what will happen this week.
11/16/16 Glicko Adjustments
Far Shiverpeaks: -50
Dragonbrand: +50

Another derailing post. ^^
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WvW scores and the disconnect issues

in WvW

Posted by: zhonnika.1784


For real though? We weren’t able to play either unless you think JQ had some weird work-around to play when literally nobody else was? Here’s a spoiler: we weren’t. My guild called raid 2 nights in a row because nobody could stay connected. Indo’s group had 8 people at one point before he called it. But sure go ahead and believe you’re losing (you’re not?) because the other servers could slam ‘full map queues’ into disconnected maps.

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