My simple suggestion for scoring changes for WvW. I won’t go into details but talk about the general problem and solution. Feel free to add your ideas and details.
I think scoring is a important factor in making WvW feel alive and important. Let’s get this out of the way right away, in following discussions (or any for that matter) PPT =/= PvDoor, cap tower waypoint away, run away, hide in keeps.
PPT is the driving force of a immersive impactful combat focused WvW, the oldschool WvW. rosetintedclasses It is gonna take a while for people to start caring again but I believe.
The problem with current scoring system are:
- You cannot feel your impact on the match up
- It is difficult to evaluate if you did well during your playtime, guild raid
- Numbers are large, score is ticking, how much we get in a day again? How, can we still win? What if we are 220 for 5 hours and they 115 for 12? If you get what I’m after, you shouldn’t need a calculator to check how much you have to pwn to win. Or look at graphs to figure out at what time zone are you loosing the match up.
- It is easier to gain lead by offpeak capping
This leads into people not caring about the score, objectives flip who cares, stay blobbed loose everything because ninja caps blame pvdo and there just isn’t a goal in any of this. While people should be splitting, countering ninja caps, doing ninja caps of their own, be on a ticking timer! Trying to constantly outmove their opponent. I remember in the olden_golden_times we were constantly on the move and once fight was done we instantly moved again to counter the other server or quickly take advantage of this wipe… by PPT!
This kept the WvW experience intense and varied.
Suggestion is very simple:
Take notes from PvP by creating shorter scoring intervals for WvW so people can evaluate how they did, can see their impact and feel important.
Currently: 7 days Match Up, One pool of points, PPT 15minutes tick.
Score in the end of the week “300k 200k 100k”
Suggestion: 7 days Match up, 6 hour sub-War aka 4 per day, 28 a week , …
sub-War #1: 00-06 the night cap, sub-War #2 06-12 the morning cap, sub-War #3 the day cap, sub-War #4 the prime time.
And at the end of the sub-war points would be granted to the overall 7day pool based on static point for Gold, Silver, Bronze + PPK + Bonus points. (notice win is a win, 6000 1000 500 equals to 3500 3000 2500, equalizing the offpeak capturing)
Bonus points could be based on special objectives during the sub-match and on who holds the captures in the very end.
- This would instantly create a goal: LETS WIN THIS SUB WAR! Goals bring meaning to PPT, creates alive WvW.
- Bonus points would make sure people try to the very end
- Section off the experience so you can properly evaluate things and the new data allows to coordinate raid leaders to different sub-wars if you want.
- Allows for timed bonus modifiers. Anet can make the last hour give double PPK, first hour give triple points from Camps and Dolyaks, timed event at 3 hours THE ORB RETURNS…
- Rewards, score pop up, server notification feels good man.
- EQUALIZES NIGHT CAPTURE because all sub-Wars give static points for the 1st/2nd/3rd. So winning night capture will not be any more better than winning prime. It is essentially a scalor to the scoring which kind of creates a cap. And just as importantly it doesn’t make any time zone worse which is super important everyone deserves to impact the score.
- Allows for camp resets, supply resets, tower, keep resets after a sub-war or 4 of them. It is important to still keep continuity in WvW so resetting large objectives is not a good idea. But experimenting on resetting the supply count in them, resetting camps and so on could be a nice spice! Bonus ending modifier, drain supply in enemy keep by holding the adjacent supply camp at the very end of the sub-war.
So all in all I think this simple change would bring more meaning to PPT, more ways to evaluate how you are doing as a individual, guild or server and allow anet to add in interesting spice into the matches based on captures, time.
- correct point ratios for winner, second, third of sub-war. And their relation to PPK+Bonus.
- too easy to see if you can’t win the week anymore -> counter act with rewards for winning subwars
- not worth to push it to the end of subwar if you have secured 2nd spot and can’t surpass 1st. -> counter act with comeback mechanics and bonuses that follow to the next sub-war (supply/objective resets), rewards