WvW team deserves a /headpat
Definitely! Great, great work and a great new level of engagement. As a community we are decidedly bipolar and just about impossible to please!
In short, this past week has been the best.
In short, this past week has been the best.
So good he said it twice, but……. Yes
Yes, Thank you WvW team for listening to all of us =)
I agree, Tyler and the wvw team have been great in keeping communications up with recent changes since Mike reorganized the staff in the background.
A lot more red tag posts around in the wvw section that’s for sure, and now they have a poll up to see where we the players want wvw development to go in the immediate future. Which means they are going to work on wvw more, and what they just released wasn’t just a little development spurt to try and shut us up lol.
Hopefully they can keep this up in the future even if some things may not work out, they just need to let us know what’s going on, what they were thinking with changes, and things will be much more forgiving than the silent treatment we had been given for far too long before this turn around.
Things got rough around here because as players we felt we were being ignored, that nothing was being done for wvw, the devs weren’t interested in our ideas/interest for wvw.
The recent changes have been great in my opinion, so my props to Tyler and the wvw team, please keep up the good work in updating my favorite part of the game!
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
I have been as critical as anyone towards anet regarding wvw, I do try to stay objective when possible. I can say I am very happy right now with the direction WvW is going. I find myself more active and involved. What I like most is that they are not simply putting bandaids on wvw this time, they are actually overhauling the mechanics, which is much needed, improving qol features, and actually communicating and taking feedback from the community.
In the past, when anet would say they had plans for wvw…I and I know many others would kind of mutter…well kitten how they going to ruin it this time lol..But now I am looking forward to future updates, changes, and improvements, because they are doing it the right way now.
The WvW team deserves a lot of praise for reorganizing their priorities and working hard on all these updates. And I have to say I am also impressed with Mike O’Brein after he took over for CJ, reorganizing staff and really pushing out a ton of fixes and features.
Tyler we very much appreciate your communication and hard work, we can be a pain in the kitten , but its only because we care. There are very few people who would want to go back to the past where we would go months at a time without a single dev post in the wvw section, or anything related to wvw in any update.
Keep up the good work.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
This week was great fun to me, and the changes have restored my interest to log in every day. I would say that it was really well done and I hope Anet will continue to improve WvW.
I think this week was pretty great and I am looking forward to whatever matchup curveballs we may be thrown tonight at reset.
Now, if we could just tone that AOE CC down just a little more it would be perfect.
I already bought $90 in gems last week after the Spring update. Kinda my way of supporting what they did. Though having a bit of buyer’s remorse after the inequitable pairing and the locking down of Worlds. Simply, WvW is no longer a competitive game mode while the dev’s are creating the teams. Especially if they attempt to create further inequality by adjusting the points awarded by time. That sours me completely as it’s better to just run around EotM for lulz then.
They started doing useful changes, but the game mode is not saved yet… the surgery is still underway. Not everyone is pleased, which is normal: there has to be sacrifices, things cut, bleed and removed alltogether. Until WvW is born again.
The old servers have to go, replaced by a new system – balanced in every timezone. Loyalty transferred to the new teams. This linking system is not enough, the imbalance is just as great as before – there is still no competition at all, and unless the last weakest has a chance for 1st place – WvW will be back to the same empty state very soon.
The WvW team deserves support for trying. They need more courage though, to cut deeper. When all matches all over already on Monday (NA tiers only, no ideea about EU) there is no more reason to play, except because we still try to hope, that more and better changes will be made.
They deserve huge credit for breathing life into a popular but dieing game mode. It was never going to be instantly perfect. Wvw is getting much needed attention now though.
I really appreciate that. I’ve been buying gems again recently because it feels like the game mode has a future now.
I really do hope they keep working on it and that we don’t make it a total drag for them
Kudos to Anet with this last patch. Also kudos to Tyler to communicate with us by replying to topics. +1.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
Kudos to mods for deleting my posts lol
that way i’ll know if they are reading the forums
Gate of Madness
I noticed in the latest Guild Chat that Tyler seemed really glum, almost as if he expected all his recent work to get torn to shreds by us.. Afraid of the torches and pitchforks we’ve brandished so commonly since launch.
Well, that’s not the case from me at least. I can say I honestly feel like a new era has dawned, and I very much look forward to seeing what they do next. My personal boycot of the gem store is over, my faith is restored, I’m willing to invest in the game’s future and have an outlook on the future that faded way back in 2013.
Happy workers are good workers, let’s give the guys something nice to read for a change.
Hear, Hear! +10
Well said, LetoII! And I 100% agree with your stance and feelings towards WvW with the latest patch (Spring Update) and the direction Anet is moving in with WvW and the game!
Tyler and Anet WvW staff,
What you’re serving up now is Top Shelf!!! I cannot express how pleasing it is to battle for 8+ hours straight tonight and know that I didn’t miss picking up a single loot bag thanks to WvW Autoloot! The fighting is so fluid now; no more pressing keys to try and pick up my stuff during battle, or worse – trying to run back to “get your bags”, or even worse still – just leaving my bags behind! Those days are GONE, baby!
And it’s so incredibly nice to be able to have a Reward Track and look at all the cool skins that I’m earning. And the Quality and the Quantity of the LOOT!!! OMG… DA LOOT!
(Did I mention “the loot?” LOL!) Folks were getting ascended stuff left and right tonight! And the other night I got an exotic that insta-sold on the TP for 10+ GOLD!!!! (Man, I’m getting paid so well now in WvW, I haven’t run any PvE events since the Spring Update was released! HOT kitten !
And there’s a bunch of more stuff like the polls and communication with the WvW Community from Anet! The server linking, which has imho, been a very positive experience! The Permanent Portable Provisioner is the bomb; it’s saving me gold! And many other WvW improvements! It’s ALL so refreshing!
In short – Tyler, you’re THE Man! Thank you, Thank you!
I cannot express how pleasing it is to battle for 8+ hours straight tonight and know that I didn’t miss picking up a single loot bag thanks to WvW Autoloot! The fighting is so fluid now; no more pressing keys to try and pick up my stuff during battle, or worse – trying to run back to “get your bags”, or even worse still – just leaving my bags behind! Those days are GONE, baby!
Nownow, let’s not get too excited. It can still be improved. I have lost SEVERAL bags already this week when I die and bags appear next to my cold dead body.
it is good news that they are reducing/revising the gimmicks, they need to understand that making a game heavy on to strong gimmicks it is not a good option for several reasons.
WvW is still unimportant gameplay, just be there part of the blob redundancy train, blob this and that, guild are just used to call the gimmick stuff, and they should have more impact on the game while holding stuff.
They still have the hard function of making something the has its core design extremelly flawed to make it work for most… really hard job.
I agree, I came back to WvW after barely touching it when HOT released, but this past week I have played it a lot. Well not sure if its " a lot", I’m like 1000 tickpoints away from my first triumphant armor box.
Even though EB has a constant queue, whenever I get in there is always action, and the borderlands on reset night are quite fun too.
Agreed. The new WvW team is working wonder! Even Deserted borderland is much, much better Like I can now roam once again on a BL without being bored <3
Will still be happy when Alpine BL at least goes on rotation tho ^^
They certainly do. Many excellent improvements came with the update and hopefully this will mean a change of direction for Anet to actively supporting and promoting WvW.
For me the signs are really good and hopefully, amongst other things, they can bugger around with the layout of the DBL to solve its main glaring problem and make structures worthwhile. I do “enjoy” the map for open fights and choke points and it would be a shame if they couldn’t resolve its problems although it is so much better since the modifications that were done.
GJ wvw team
WvW Team:
This Community is cranky, but I’m glad that you’re stepping up to the plate.
I’m sure we’ll need to agree to disagree in the future, but for the love of WvW…I’m looking forward to this Game Mode improving.
It’s not going to be a simple & smooth road imho. You’re stepping in after a long period of poor decisions & un-planned failures.
Hope you’ll make it your own & re-engineer the WvW Game Mode into an awesome skyscraper that we all can admire.
Yours truly,
I cannot express how pleasing it is to battle for 8+ hours straight tonight and know that I didn’t miss picking up a single loot bag thanks to WvW Autoloot! The fighting is so fluid now; no more pressing keys to try and pick up my stuff during battle, or worse – trying to run back to “get your bags”, or even worse still – just leaving my bags behind! Those days are GONE, baby!
Nownow, let’s not get too excited. It can still be improved. I have lost SEVERAL bags already this week when I die and bags appear next to my cold dead body.
Yes, if you die and “lay there.” Don’t do that. If I’m not mistaken, when you respawn, your bags then immediately resume being autolooted as your team kills the enemy and you “run back!” to the fight.
I think that the autoloot not working when dead is a good thing overall. It encourages people to respawn and reengage. With that said, I know it’s good to lay dead and gain useful intel sometimes (and for other reasons), but often times your team needs you MORE to respawn and run back. So I’m cool with Autoloot not working for a dead toon.
If I only had a gold for every time one of our commanders on TS said, “If you’re dead, respawn and run back!”…I could afford that new condo in Divinity’s Reach!
(edited by Krypto.2069)
Nownow, let’s not get too excited. It can still be improved. I have lost SEVERAL bags already this week when I die and bags appear next to my cold dead body.
You were never able to loot anything while dead before, so I don’t see a problem with this. Why should you be able to loot bags off players who died after you did? Respawn right away if you’re that worried about keeping bags.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
It is really tough to make jokes on the forum… I was not serious about it, honestly.
Yeah again I agree it seems like ANet is finally putting forward some decent to really good effort on making WvW a actually viable game mode again.
Good Job ANet for making some steps in the right direction. Keep up the good work.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys
kitten us core players tho. GW2 is free, so the money we once paid don’t mean kitten now. /facepalm
My personal boycott on the gem store continues.
Yes as OP so aptly stated: Thanks guys! You did a great job. Now, there is still stuff to be done, but you have me the feeling that we can expect a lot of good comming out way.