(edited by wickedgreen.4685)
I’m going to lay it on the line here:
I like PvE and have zero interest in WvW (I think it’s great, it’s just not my bag). Unfortunately, one of my main PvE goals is map completion, but that has been impossible for myself, and all of the players of Devona’s Rest for the past 6+ weeks. (I don’t know what was going on before that).
6 weeks ago we were getting beaten by Maguuma something like 320,000 to 80,000. Then we had 2 weeks in a row of being pitted against Kaineng, and the scores were the same. Sick and tired of being beaten so badly and knowing that free server trades were coming to an end, many players – even entire guilds – hopped over to the winning side, making it even harder for those of us that stayed. Sitting at 97% map completion, with my main, I figured I’d simply have to bide my time for a week or two and keep a close eye on the WvW maps and help out whenever possible. (I’ve probably logged 20 hours so far).
Unfortunately my hope is being abused. For the past 3 weeks in a row, we have been fighting Island of Janthir and Ehmry Bay. EBay is doubling to quadrupling our score EVERY time (not to mention controlling 75-95% of all 4 maps). IJ on the other hand, is usually +/- our score by 20,000, so they seem to be more evenly matched to us. The sentiment among the people that I have talked to is that they are frustrated that this imbalance has continued as long as it has, and are avoiding WvW until things “change” (especially since armor repairs are not free as they are in the PvP environment).
So my question is strictly for the developer:
Why are you continuing to match us up with a server that is clearly more WvW oriented than ours, and when can we expect a NEW opponent?
For that matter, why are WvW part of PvE map completion, while Southsun Cove and the Dungeons are not?
Thank you for your consideration.
(edited by wickedgreen.4685)
@wickedgreen: Make sure you got all “red” points this week, current WvW score says you will be “blue” next week (1st in a match is green, 2nd blue, 3rd red)
An Ehmry bay looks like going up a tier, you can try vs Sturmbluff Isle next week
(edited by Dayra.7405)
If you want an objective your enemy holds for the sake of map completion, you will never get it by complaining on the forums. If you want that objective, do what everyone else does, go take it from your enemies.
You aren’t entitled to anything. If you want it, earn it.
You can either eat the gem/gold cost of transferring to get your map completion and include that in the cost of getting a legendary (assuming that’s your goal) or start to work with your community to set up times where you will zerg the hell out of those point of interest and get map completions done.
I’d have a ton more respect for someone who got map completion in your situation if you would actually organize times to work for them. There are many ways to take a highly fortified tower/keep but if you plan it right you can blitz an objective before they can react and get your PoI.
The goal of WvWvW is to cap and hold points, not to kill people. The reward for playerkilling in WvWvW is limited to the individual and actually doesn’t score any points for the team. Consequently this means it’s also primarily a PvE area, and is thus included in map completion & suffers/gains from the same mechanics as PvE (repair costs and such).
As someone who’s sitting at 99% completion for months now, missing the poi and vista in green’s EB keep, all I can say is be patient & be vigilant. Participate in WvWvW on your server, bring your friends, and systemically raid the points you need as time allows. Eventually you’ll get paired up with more balanced teams (this is when WvWvW is actually fun & strategic like a giant game of chess) – the imbalances that make it a zergfest will pass. It may take a couple more weeks but it’ll settle down eventually.
I do not care about PvE or map completion, I am focused on WvW, and I agree with the OP WvW should not count to map completion, sometimes the carebears take the place of people that want to PvP on the map, and all they do in chat is to cry about the tower or keep they need to map completion… you know when you are in the middle of a fight do defend or take something important and people comes on the chat “I need Anz to complete my map can anyone get it pls”… that sucks.
ANet please take PvE stuff out of WvW!!!! PvE people do not enjoy it and WvW people do not care about it!!!! Take the JP too… make it a separate place from WvW.
There’s nothing wrong with the achievement. By design, it encourages you to participate in WvW. That’s a good thing! Plus, making it challenging to attain enhances the achievement. Without the WvW component, half the toons in Tyria would be sporting gold dots. Who wants that?
@wickedgreen: Make sure you got all “red” points this week, current WvW score says you will be “blue” next week
(1st in a match is green, 2nd blue, 3rd red)
http://mos.millenium.org/matchups#NAAn Ehmry bay looks like going up a tier, you can try vs Sturmbluff Isle next week
That was my original plan, but DR has been Red for at least 4 weeks now (not sure about before that). Ebay blue for one week, then has been green for the last 2 weeks, and vice versa for IJ. Is there a particular set of circumstances that cause the colors to be reassigned, or is it luck?
There’s nothing wrong with the achievement. By design, it encourages you to participate in WvW. That’s a good thing! Plus, making it challenging to attain enhances the achievement. Without the WvW component, half the toons in Tyria would be sporting gold dots. Who wants that?
This elitist attitude isn’t helping the game. Is your gold dot only special because you have something other’s don’t? And for the record, it isn’t “challenging” if you are on a server that is winning and control’s 90%+ of all 4 maps at any given time, now is it?
you want it earn it, i have three toons with 100% wvw map completion and my highest total is only 44% of world.
And i play on a server that did not have many wins.
Try joining a wvw guild when you are going in they take many more places and make it much more fun. If not cry less thestar does nothing unless you are going for a legendary, if you are then wvw maps take less time then grinding cash or pve maps
I hear WvW interferes with jump puzzle completion too. We should probably mention that as well.
you want it earn it, i have three toons with 100% wvw map completion and my highest total is only 44% of world.
And i play on a server that did not have many wins.
Try joining a wvw guild when you are going in they take many more places and make it much more fun. If not cry less thestar does nothing unless you are going for a legendary, if you are then wvw maps take less time then grinding cash or pve maps
Do I have to be going for a legendary in order to want a map completion acheivement? Who’re you to judge how, or why I play the game? I like PvE STYLE of play, not WvW, which is why I put in a lot of hours completing the PvE maps. You haven’t, and clearly prefer spending your time in WvW. Good for you, I am genuinely glad to see you are enjoying yourself. But if you want to turn this forum into a blog about why you think the WvW experience is superior to PvE then please take your soapbox and go start your own post.
How many posts like this we have a day? 100?
If you want an objective your enemy holds for the sake of map completion, you will never get it by complaining on the forums. If you want that objective, do what everyone else does, go take it from your enemies.
You aren’t entitled to anything. If you want it, earn it.
Why are you being such a troll? Do you really have nothing better to do? Or could you just not understand the point of this post? Using map completion to force PvE players to play WvW is lame. If I wanted to spend all of my play time trying to rally and organize 50-200 people on my server to take a WvW fort, I’d already be doing that, wouldn’t I? If that is what you enjoy, GREAT, I’m not here to troll you. If you think you’d have a wonderful time doing it when your server is being beaten 4:1 or 8:1, by all means, go ahead. Maybe you’d have less free time to be a troll.
He’s not being a troll.
Your argument is only valid if you presume that world completion is a PvE exclusive achievement to begin with. And it’s not, because WvW nodes count as part of world completion (notice how dungeon points and PvP points are not? This is by design)
Also good on you for calling someone who disagrees with your reasoning a troll. Yeah, that’s a great way to give yourself credibility.
If you want an objective your enemy holds for the sake of map completion, you will never get it by complaining on the forums. If you want that objective, do what everyone else does, go take it from your enemies.
You aren’t entitled to anything. If you want it, earn it.
Why are you being such a troll? Do you really have nothing better to do? Or could you just not understand the point of this post? Using map completion to force PvE players to play WvW is lame. If I wanted to spend all of my play time trying to rally and organize 50-200 people on my server to take a WvW fort, I’d already be doing that, wouldn’t I? If that is what you enjoy, GREAT, I’m not here to troll you. If you think you’d have a wonderful time doing it when your server is being beaten 4:1 or 8:1, by all means, go ahead. Maybe you’d have less free time to be a troll.
He’s not being a troll.
Your argument is only valid if you presume that world completion is a PvE exclusive achievement to begin with. And it’s not, because WvW nodes count as part of world completion (notice how dungeon points and PvP points are not? This is by design)
Also good on you for calling someone who disagrees with your reasoning a troll. Yeah, that’s a great way to give yourself credibility.
This. I don’t post about having to do silly PVE vistas for my map completion, even though all I do is WvW. I don’t like PvE, but I have to do it anyway.
Just because he gives you a very viable solution that you dont like doesn’t make him a troll – and you calling him out on it makes you rather narrow minded and whiny. DR is a great server and more than capable of taking points on the map. Get a group, take what you need, win.
Then all I can tell you to do is to deal with it. My guild leader wanted a legendary and she’s a the exact opposite of you. She ground through all the PvE for weeks on end. You want that gold star/achievement? Start capping keeps buddy
Stop complaining on the forums. Go organize a raid, get your server some points and you benefit from the map completion as well. Seriously, not everything needs to be handed to you on a silver platter
Get yer PvE out o’ me WvW just give me a gold star fer WvW so I can have me legendaries now.
Counter point ta yer post. Jes because I despise PvE doesn’t mean I shouldn’t have to do it to get my star and 100% map completion. Just think of it as a massive Dynamic Event where you need a lot more people to achieve it.
Edited for this point:
Who’re you to judge how, or why I play the game? I like PvE STYLE of play, not WvW, which is why I put in a lot of hours completing the PvE maps. You haven’t, and clearly prefer spending your time in WvW. Good for you, I am genuinely glad to see you are enjoying yourself. But if you want to turn this forum into a blog about why you think the WvW experience is superior to PvE then please take your soapbox and go start your own post.
This is the way ANET wants you to play and make the sacrifice to obtain a rather rare achievement (which also gains you the opportunity for other gear that the majority will not gain without a huge monetary dump). So, nobody gets special concessions. That includes you.
(edited by Sins Vorkag.5218)
If we aren’t allowed to kill you in your PvE zones, we aren’t going to let you PvE in our PvP zones easily, either.
Get yer PvE out o’ me WvW just give me a gold star fer WvW so I can have me legendaries now.
Counter point ta yer post. Jes because I despise PvE doesn’t mean I shouldn’t have to do it to get my star and 100% map completion. Just think of it as a massive Dynamic Event where you need a lot more people to achieve it.
Edited for this point:
Who’re you to judge how, or why I play the game? I like PvE STYLE of play, not WvW, which is why I put in a lot of hours completing the PvE maps. You haven’t, and clearly prefer spending your time in WvW. Good for you, I am genuinely glad to see you are enjoying yourself. But if you want to turn this forum into a blog about why you think the WvW experience is superior to PvE then please take your soapbox and go start your own post.
This is the way ANET wants you to play and make the sacrifice to obtain a rather rare achievement (which also gains you the opportunity for other gear that the majority will not gain without a huge monetary dump). So, nobody gets special concessions. That includes you.
Great, then lets add in the Dungeon and PvP POI’s too.
If you really have nothing better to do than hop on a forum and insult someone, you are a troll. Accusing me of having a “sense of entitlement” is insulting, and brings the issue down to a personal level, which there was no reason for. I logged a lot of time and effort to complete all of my PvE maps. That is was not entitlement.
Oh, you think those are insults? I would suggest you never leave Gw2 forums, because these are some of the most carefully modded forums I have ever seen in my life. I dunno if you could handle the others.
Also, no one is trolling or insulting you for that matter. He told you to stop complaining on the forums, and told you that you need to earn the stuff you want. Sounds perfectly reasonable and not insulting in the least to me. If you are implying that I am insulting you, I’d like to point out that I told you that your argument is badly reasoned and so are your grounds for calling someone ELSE a troll.
If anything you’re the one insulting people here bro.
Also, notice how my original post states: Why are southsun cove and dungeons not part of map completion? Since you seemed to have missed it the first time, I’ll elaborate: Why include some maps and not others? (I disagree that the styles of play between PvE and WvW are similar enough to validate that argument.)
I’ll be honest, I don’t really give two kittens about why, nor do I know for that matter.
Also it’s not very relevant to the issue of removing wvw from map world completion.
Another thing you and your friend seem to have missed: “I have zero interest in WvW” So telling me to go form a group, encourage my server, join a wvw guild, and storm the wvw maps are rather moot.
I have no clue who he is, I just happen to agree with him is all. Also if you have zero interest in wvw, then you don’t deserve world completion, cause last time I checked it’s a PvE AND WvW achievement. Go figure
If you really have nothing better to do than hop on a forum and insult someone, you are a troll. Accusing me of having a “sense of entitlement” is insulting, and brings the issue down to a personal level, which there was no reason for. I logged a lot of time and effort to complete all of my PvE maps. That is was not entitlement.
Oh, you think those are insults? I would suggest you never leave Gw2 forums, because these are some of the most carefully modded forums I have ever seen in my life. I dunno if you could handle the others.
Also, no one is trolling or insulting you for that matter. He told you to stop complaining on the forums, and told you that you need to earn the stuff you want. Sounds perfectly reasonable and not insulting in the least to me. If you are implying that I am insulting you, I’d like to point out that I told you that your argument is badly reasoned and so are your grounds for calling someone ELSE a troll.
If anything you’re the one insulting people here bro.
Also, notice how my original post states: Why are southsun cove and dungeons not part of map completion? Since you seemed to have missed it the first time, I’ll elaborate: Why include some maps and not others? (I disagree that the styles of play between PvE and WvW are similar enough to validate that argument.)
I’ll be honest, I don’t really give two kittens about why, nor do I know for that matter.
Also it’s not very relevant to the issue of removing wvw from map world completion.
Another thing you and your friend seem to have missed: “I have zero interest in WvW” So telling me to go form a group, encourage my server, join a wvw guild, and storm the wvw maps are rather moot.
I have no clue who he is, I just happen to agree with him is all. Also if you have zero interest in wvw, then you don’t deserve world completion, cause last time I checked it’s a PvE AND WvW achievement. Go figure
Great, if it’s WORLD completion, lets add dungeons and PvP too
Sure, why not?
But then again I don’t care about world completion either.
Also if this is your only defense to your flimsy position, I’d have to say it’s rather lacking.
This is a good troll post. I think having more then 5g is rich and if I have to pve to get better gear that isn’t available from pvp then you have to slug it out in wvw to get your few precious parts for map completion. Pve players can just farm gold to pay to transfer to a server that they have the parts they need for map completion. A pvp player has pride in their server and won’t leave just to get a few ticks in the box. So just go back to your dungeons and mountains pve of content. Farm some gold, exchange some gems, transfer and there you go.
Please don’t qq in our forums unless you have something great to share like a dolyak steak recipe or screens from your servers dolyak parade
Another thing you and your friend seem to have missed: “I have zero interest in WvW” So telling me to go form a group, encourage my server, join a wvw guild, and storm the wvw maps are rather moot.
Something you seem to repeatedly miss (or ignore) is the fact that some of us have ZERO interest in the PVE maps as well.. I have 4 80’s leveled and geared purely through WvW.. But if I was to want that shiny gold star, guess what, I would have to go grind out all the PVE maps..
The achievement is what it is, it includes both WvW and the PVE world, nobody cares if you don’t like part of whats required for an achievement.
Today my daily includes crafting, I have ZERO interest in crafting.. Guess what I have to do if I want to complete my daily…
If you really have nothing better to do than hop on a forum and insult someone, you are a troll. Accusing me of having a “sense of entitlement” is insulting, and brings the issue down to a personal level, which there was no reason for. I logged a lot of time and effort to complete all of my PvE maps. That is was not entitlement.
Oh, you think those are insults? I would suggest you never leave Gw2 forums, because these are some of the most carefully modded forums I have ever seen in my life. I dunno if you could handle the others.
Also, no one is trolling or insulting you for that matter. He told you to stop complaining on the forums, and told you that you need to earn the stuff you want. Sounds perfectly reasonable and not insulting in the least to me. If you are implying that I am insulting you, I’d like to point out that I told you that your argument is badly reasoned and so are your grounds for calling someone ELSE a troll.
If anything you’re the one insulting people here bro.
Also, notice how my original post states: Why are southsun cove and dungeons not part of map completion? Since you seemed to have missed it the first time, I’ll elaborate: Why include some maps and not others? (I disagree that the styles of play between PvE and WvW are similar enough to validate that argument.)
I’ll be honest, I don’t really give two kittens about why, nor do I know for that matter.
Also it’s not very relevant to the issue of removing wvw from map world completion.
Another thing you and your friend seem to have missed: “I have zero interest in WvW” So telling me to go form a group, encourage my server, join a wvw guild, and storm the wvw maps are rather moot.
I have no clue who he is, I just happen to agree with him is all. Also if you have zero interest in wvw, then you don’t deserve world completion, cause last time I checked it’s a PvE AND WvW achievement. Go figure
Great, if it’s WORLD completion, lets add dungeons and PvP too
Sure, why not?
But then again I don’t care about world completion either.
Also if this is your only defense to your flimsy position, I’d have to say it’s rather lacking.
If you don’t care about world completion, why are you even on this post? Is this how you like to spend your friday nights, sitting and waiting for anyone to post anything so you can argue with others who are trying to air their concens?
Because I WvW and you are asking for changes to WvW that I find absurd and would affect me negatively. Go figure.
Also it’s thursday.
1) Why does it matter?
2) It’s neither good nor bad. It’s just the way things area. And it doesn’t just apply to PvE players because while you think not being able to get your POI’s and Vistas is frustrating I can tell you it’s FAR worse for WvWs who lose their EB keep every morning.
In short, it negatively affected everyone for a short while, but overall it’s good for stability. Stop complaining.
3) It’s not, the scoring system is going as is. It’s not perfect but there’s not much that can be done. Also, if anything, T8 is the problem, not T5.
its called map completion for a reason, WvW is included and its not going to just be handed to you. Complaining on forums gets you nowhere.
1) Dungeons are instanced, “high-level” content with their own exploration rewards, Southsun Cove was introduced long after a lot of people got their map completion, and sPvP/tPvP have always been separate. WvW is part of world completion to encourage all players to spend a minimum amount of time in it, some of these players will end up playing WvW regularly which is good for servers with small WvW communities.
2) Current situation (free transfers remaining for a long time, because guesting couldn’t be implemented) was certainly a mistake but you’re complaining about something that happened in the past.
3) Look at http://mos.millenium.org/matchups#NA. There’s a big point gap between 13 and 14 unfortunately, there had also been some recent transfers resulting in more skewed matchups. The point is that when you look at the table now, you’re getting a different opponent next week but there will still be a gap.
(edited by Bertrand.3057)
It takes weeks to complete the WvW vistas you say? Try to finish a WvW achievement, and then come back and complain it took you “weeks” to get map completion.
But seriously, you come in to the WvW forums, saying that you don’t like it and expect sympathy. If you had posted this in the PvE section, you may have more friendly results. Second, you asked a question. It got answered and you didn’t like the answer. Even if someone gave you a nobel-prize winning argument for why WvW is included in map completion, you will still not agree. Because you simply don’t want to do it.
(edited by Mizu.9387)
If you want an objective your enemy holds for the sake of map completion, you will never get it by complaining on the forums. If you want that objective, do what everyone else does, go take it from your enemies.
You aren’t entitled to anything. If you want it, earn it.
Why are you being such a troll? Do you really have nothing better to do? Or could you just not understand the point of this post? Using map completion to force PvE players to play WvW is lame. If I wanted to spend all of my play time trying to rally and organize 50-200 people on my server to take a WvW fort, I’d already be doing that, wouldn’t I? If that is what you enjoy, GREAT, I’m not here to troll you. If you think you’d have a wonderful time doing it when your server is being beaten 4:1 or 8:1, by all means, go ahead. Maybe you’d have less free time to be a troll.
This game is choke full of lame things with no other point than waste your time (and from Anet pov, give you a reason to buy gems). the only thing positive i can say is that every week you have a 1 in 3 chance of being a diffferent collor on the map. as a result every week some vistas and poi’s will be easier to reach than others. you’ll just have to bid your time.
now explain me, why do you want map completion, and why does it matter to you? this is NOT a troll question, merely a first question that will lead somewhere, for you or for me.
Is there a particular set of circumstances that cause the colors to be reassigned, or is it luck?
i have no idea, i asume it’s luck.
1) Dungeons are instanced, “high-level” content with their own exploration rewards, Southsun Cove was introduced long after a lot of people got their map completion, and sPvP/tPvP have always been separate. WvW is part of world completion to encourage all players to spend a minimum amount of time in it, some of these players will end up playing WvW regularly which is good for servers with small WvW communities.
counter argument is that on servers with queues on all 4 maps, those pve players with zero interest and very little meaningfull contribution in w3 occupy slots that the w3 players crave for. they prevent players who (only) want to w3 to play and forces them to sit idle in an LA (overflow)
that would explain at least ‘some’ of the resentment that ‘some’ of the w3 players have against pve players (who are on their own ‘team’)in w3.
(edited by muylaetrix.2096)
erm … what happened to the original post ?
Err, OP was pretty aggressive and thought he was above everyone else by making his questions “strictly for the developer”.
When you look at how WvW is made, it’s quite clear that it’s meant to allow a transition for players who only do PvE to playing WvW. Most WvW experts (if they didn’t start with PvE themselves) should remember just how many players came from PvE and how much many of those players have learned.
Thank you for your courtesy. Some day, perhaps, I will need it for a legendary. As for now, it’s simply a because I put a lot of time and effort into completing the PvE maps, only to discover that the completion achievement is also tied into WvW . (But not PvP or dungeons, so it isn’t even truly “world”. Perhaps I simply should have read the Wiki first, but in my defense, there really are a lot of wikis and my leisure time is limited). I disagree with the “solutions” that have been posted about transferring servers whether there is a cost or not. Still, with the issue of gems now being involved, it is becoming “pay to win”.
This isn’t the first time I’ve seen people complain about the akward cross over between PvE and WvW, whether it be WvW’ers complaining about pve’rs taking up server space with JP’s or leaving the battle to grab a nearby POI, or PvE’rs complaining about map completion or not getting any gathering bonuses. Is it whining to suggest that perhaps there could be 5 map completion acheivements: one for WvW, PvE, PvP, Dungeons, and and a great big “No Aspect of the Game Undiscovered” mega acheivement once every last inch has been done? As it stands, world completion is 97% PvE.
Thank you for your courtesy. Some day, perhaps, I will need it for a legendary. As for now, it’s simply a because I put a lot of time and effort into completing the PvE maps, only to discover that the completion achievement is also tied into WvW . (But not PvP or dungeons, so it isn’t even truly “world”. Perhaps I simply should have read the Wiki first, but in my defense, there really are a lot of wikis and my leisure time is limited). I disagree with the “solutions” that have been posted about transferring servers whether there is a cost or not. Still, with the issue of gems now being involved, it is becoming “pay to win”.
-someone thanking me for my courtesy ( i had to make sure i spelled that word right :p ) now that’s something i’m not used to :p
- i could argue that dungeons and pvp are not ‘world’ (persistant map) but ‘instance’ (not part of a persistant world).
- now part two of my question, why would you want a legendary ? as a ‘pure’ w3 player, i simply can’t see the point in world completion or legendaries. for me they are a WASTE of time without fun or benefit. they require a huge investment in time and effort, doing things that are absolutely no fun. the mere idea of having to do stuff in a game that are NO fun disgusts me. that’s why i have up on the idea of world completion and legendaries the first day i played the game.
at the moment i have no items from fractals (and don’t ever expect to have such an item. oh yes, i have been in a fractal, but only because the guild was 1 person short of a full group and sometimes you have to take ‘one’ for the guild) and i have ZERO laurels (crafting 10 items for daily ??? Never, i don’t craft, crafting is no fun)
This isn’t the first time I’ve seen people complain about the akward cross over between PvE and WvW, whether it be WvW’ers complaining about pve’rs taking up server space with JP’s or leaving the battle to grab a nearby POI, or PvE’rs complaining about map completion or not getting any gathering bonuses. Is it whining to suggest that perhaps there could be 5 map completion acheivements: one for WvW, PvE, PvP, Dungeons, and and a great big “No Aspect of the Game Undiscovered” mega acheivement once every last inch has been done? As it stands, world completion is 97% PvE.
again dungeons and pvp are part of the ‘game’, but are they part of the ‘world’ ?
-someone thanking me for my courtesy ( i had to make sure i spelled that word right :p ) now that’s something i’m not used to :p
- i could argue that dungeons and pvp are not ‘world’ (persistant map) but ‘instance’ (not part of a persistant world).
- now part two of my question, why would you want a legendary ? as a ‘pure’ w3 player, i simply can’t see the point in world completion or legendaries. for me they are a WASTE of time without fun or benefit. they require a huge investment in time and effort, doing things that are absolutely no fun. the mere idea of having to do stuff in a game that are NO fun disgusts me. that’s why i have up on the idea of world completion and legendaries the first day i played the game.
at the moment i have no items from fractals (and don’t ever expect to have such an item. oh yes, i have been in a fractal, but only because the guild was 1 person short of a full group and sometimes you have to take ‘one’ for the guild) and i have ZERO laurels (crafting 10 items for daily ??? Never, i don’t craft, crafting is no fun)
This isn’t the first time I’ve seen people complain about the akward cross over between PvE and WvW, whether it be WvW’ers complaining about pve’rs taking up server space with JP’s or leaving the battle to grab a nearby POI, or PvE’rs complaining about map completion or not getting any gathering bonuses. Is it whining to suggest that perhaps there could be 5 map completion acheivements: one for WvW, PvE, PvP, Dungeons, and and a great big “No Aspect of the Game Undiscovered” mega acheivement once every last inch has been done? As it stands, world completion is 97% PvE.
again dungeons and pvp are part of the ‘game’, but are they part of the ‘world’ ?
This is proof positive that people can be of different opinions and still be completely respectful and issue focused, and I thank you for that. I have heard many other people complain about crafting (two main arguments being either that they despise it or that getting exotics is much easier and less expensive through the TP, dungeons, laurels, etc.). If it is any consolation, the daily crafting can be aquired in a few seconds by refining any material (i.e. copper > copper ingots).
There’s nothing wrong with the achievement. By design, it encourages you to participate in WvW. That’s a good thing! Plus, making it challenging to attain enhances the achievement. Without the WvW component, half the toons in Tyria would be sporting gold dots. Who wants that?
This elitist attitude isn’t helping the game. Is your gold dot only special because you have something other’s don’t? And for the record, it isn’t “challenging” if you are on a server that is winning and control’s 90%+ of all 4 maps at any given time, now is it?
Yes, except that I’m not on one of those uberservers. I played about 200 hours of WvW before hooking up with a group that was able to crack into Blue Garrison. Those were NOT 200 wasted hours. WvW is all kinds of fun, and is much better at honing your PvE skills than PvE is at making you a good PvP player.
And yes, I rather enjoy having something that not everybody else does. I’d have done the achievement anyway because that’s how I like to play MMOs, but the gold dot is icing on the cake because I am an elitist jerk.
If it is any consolation, the daily crafting can be aquired in a few seconds by refining any material (i.e. copper > copper ingots).
i am well aware that it takes only a handfull of seconds, but it’s a principle and i accept the consequences, drawbacks and the disadvantage of the CHOISE of sticking to that principle.
Is there a particular set of circumstances that cause the colors to be reassigned, or is it luck?
i have no idea, i asume it’s luck.
This is absolutely not true.
The first in the tier gets green, second in tier gets blue, third in tier gets red.
Is there a particular set of circumstances that cause the colors to be reassigned, or is it luck?
i have no idea, i asume it’s luck.
This is absolutely not true.
The first in the tier gets green, second in tier gets blue, third in tier gets red.
fair enough, thanks for the info. i do think it would be better if it was random. that way, i think, it would be easier for the people that want 100 % world completion and have no interest in w3, to get their 100 % world completion (and make the queues smaller).
Is there a particular set of circumstances that cause the colors to be reassigned, or is it luck?
i have no idea, i asume it’s luck.
This is absolutely not true.
The first in the tier gets green, second in tier gets blue, third in tier gets red.
And in this particular case, DR will move up to blue on reset today – so this may open the opportunities the OP needs (can’t remember if the OP discussed a particular colour and couldn’t be stuffed to scroll to find it).
Is there a particular set of circumstances that cause the colors to be reassigned, or is it luck?
i have no idea, i asume it’s luck.
This is absolutely not true.
The first in the tier gets green, second in tier gets blue, third in tier gets red.
fair enough, thanks for the info. i do think it would be better if it was random. that way, i think, it would be easier for the people that want 100 % world completion and have no interest in w3, to get their 100 % world completion (and make the queues smaller).
The reason it’s that way is because blue has strategic advantages over green and red has strategic advantages over both. For example. green has the least easily defended supply camp in EB (Golanta), whereas red is the only faction that can trebuchet Stonemist Castle from their keep, not to mention taking said keep involves marching up a winding twisting path.
Of course since the Borderlands are identical it doesn’t matter what color you are (for strategic reasons) but in EB this is very pronounced.
Get yer PvE out o’ me WvW just give me a gold star fer WvW so I can have me legendaries now.
Counter point ta yer post. Jes because I despise PvE doesn’t mean I shouldn’t have to do it to get my star and 100% map completion. Just think of it as a massive Dynamic Event where you need a lot more people to achieve it.
Edited for this point:
Who’re you to judge how, or why I play the game? I like PvE STYLE of play, not WvW, which is why I put in a lot of hours completing the PvE maps. You haven’t, and clearly prefer spending your time in WvW. Good for you, I am genuinely glad to see you are enjoying yourself. But if you want to turn this forum into a blog about why you think the WvW experience is superior to PvE then please take your soapbox and go start your own post.
This is the way ANET wants you to play and make the sacrifice to obtain a rather rare achievement (which also gains you the opportunity for other gear that the majority will not gain without a huge monetary dump). So, nobody gets special concessions. That includes you.
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