WvWers the underclass of GW2?
Least paid, least rewarded, least in depth, etc. List goes on and on. STILL waiting for them to actually balance content as was promised and allow us to get ascended via WvW. At the rate their going there should be Guild Missions for WvW just in time for GW3.
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink
I make money in PvE to WvW. It’s true you can make some slow steady money in WvW, but usually only if you buy no siege, which is in other words, being a drag on your teammates.
In the normal course of WvW, for the amount of battles and sieges I get into, if I contribute 1 or 2 pieces of siege equipment to each big siege, I will end up at net neutral on money for the session.
They need to up the rate at which rares and exoitcs drop off players. I find a rare about once a week, and don’t think I’ve ever gotten an exotic in WvW.
Just consumables costs almost 20 silver/hour. I MIGHT break even on that doing wvw, but I certainly won’t make any money. If I spent the time I have in wvw doing pve instead, I’d probably have two legendaries. And yet, a pve’er can come into wvw and have better stats than me. Go figure.
Just consumables costs almost 20 silver/hour. I MIGHT break even on that doing wvw, but I certainly won’t make any money. If I spent the time I have in wvw doing pve instead, I’d probably have two legendaries. And yet, a pve’er can come into wvw and have better stats than me. Go figure.
What consumables are you using that cost 20s/hour? o.O
Just consumables costs almost 20 silver/hour. I MIGHT break even on that doing wvw, but I certainly won’t make any money. If I spent the time I have in wvw doing pve instead, I’d probably have two legendaries. And yet, a pve’er can come into wvw and have better stats than me. Go figure.
What consumables are you using that cost 20s/hour? o.O
Loads of Gears and Spiked Fruit.
No, but seriously – Rare Veggie Pizzas and Master Tuning Crystals cost me 23s 20c an hour.
Ah, Rare Veggie, that’s true. Omnomberry Ghost + Master Oil isn’t too bad.
We are the red-headed step child of GW2 family….
Call of Fate [CoF]
New content includes yet more jumping puzzles. What does that tell you about the importance of the end content? Everything is working as intended and Guild Wars 2 is turning into Puzzle Wars 2.
Just consumables costs almost 20 silver/hour. I MIGHT break even on that doing wvw, but I certainly won’t make any money. If I spent the time I have in wvw doing pve instead, I’d probably have two legendaries. And yet, a pve’er can come into wvw and have better stats than me. Go figure.
If you are really strapped for cash like every wvw player, buy the second best consumable
those only go for around 1s / piece
Luna Solares – Mesmer
I make money in PvE to WvW. It’s true you can make some slow steady money in WvW, but usually only if you buy no siege, which is in other words, being a drag on your teammates.
You shouldn’t be able to earn more in WvW than in PvE because people would come to WvW to farm gold – I guess that might not be as bad as I thought it was when I started typing this.
I make money in PvE to WvW. It’s true you can make some slow steady money in WvW, but usually only if you buy no siege, which is in other words, being a drag on your teammates.
You shouldn’t be able to earn more in WvW than in PvE because people would come to WvW to farm gold – I guess that might not be as bad as I thought it was when I started typing this.
But wvw is pve, just with less revenue, more repair bills, less gear, less progression, really hard to get titles and Way more fun.
It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!
I stopped buying upgrades about 2 months ago and really cut back on my siege buying.
I finally have 3 gold.
Most of what I make goes into repair bills and consumables. Meanwhile my guildmates go on PvE runs and make 3 gold in like an hour — more, sometimes much much much more if they get a good drop or two. I have yet to get a single exotic drop in WvW and I’ve been playing since beta 2. I could probably count the yellow drops I’ve seen without running out of fingers.
They clearly wanted WvW to pay out poorly but they overdid it.
A game that’s 100% WvW
this has been pointed out many many many many times already man.
Indeed and we must raise it again and again until we see some changes.
My other toons support my wvw’ing. I know this…from my harvesting for truffles to gearing my 80’s up.
So what? Its part of the game and, in truth, probably closer to reality than some might think. Its always been a given that a front line fighter in era in any army has a veritable army of support behind them. From food to weapons.
Why should it be any different here?
What I don’t do, however, is waste time putting a pencil to imaginary $‘s in a freakin video game. It doesn’t matter what it costs. What matter is whether or not you are enjoying yourself.
If you’re no longer having fun…maybe these games are not the outlet for you?
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
Just consumables costs almost 20 silver/hour. I MIGHT break even on that doing wvw, but I certainly won’t make any money. If I spent the time I have in wvw doing pve instead, I’d probably have two legendaries. And yet, a pve’er can come into wvw and have better stats than me. Go figure.
I do not understand people who handicap themselves. Besides ascended gear and legendaries, anything a PVE’r has is attainable within a few days to a week depending on play time. Plus, all you need is some start up coins and then you can flip items in the TP without having to PVE..
I spent the weekends farming PvE to support my WvW habit for the upcoming week. I am not alone in this. I am also big on upgrading camps/towers/keeps as I go by, and donating siege. So yea, I run lean by reset.
Leader of The Ethereal Guard
WvW players don’t pay the bills at ArenaNet. They’ve done a bad job at monetizing WvW. Unfortunately for ArenaNet they need to avoid “pay to win” scenarios but they haven’t figured out what WvW players would purchase on an on-going basis.
So, instead, they put their resources where they get real money from that resource investment.
I still don’t understand the structured PvP thing but I suspect it is because some fella over at ArenaNet still dreams of making it a “professional gaming league” type environment. And, somehow, they figure they will be able to monetize off of that or, at the very least, it’ll be marketing.
I’d like to see WvW get far more attention. It would bring me back to the game but it is clear to me that WvW won’t get any real attention since ArenaNet doesn’t know what to do with it. I suspect that WvW was more popular than they thought it would be but, more than that, they didn’t have any plans in place on how to make it a self-sustaining business element in the overall revenue stream of Guild Wars 2.
I can think of a lot of ways to implement gem-store desireables for WvW that wouldn’t turn it into pay-to-win but that’s me. It doesn’t appear that the folk over at ArenaNet have any imagination when it comes to making money off of WvW without completely kitten off the playerbase.
WvW players don’t pay the bills at ArenaNet. They’ve done a bad job at monetizing WvW. Unfortunately for ArenaNet they need to avoid “pay to win” scenarios but they haven’t figured out what WvW players would purchase on an on-going basis.
I don’t know about that. As someone without a lot of time to play, Anet has got more money through gems from me than I paid for the original game just to help speed up gearing my 80s simply because I feel lucky to even make 2-3 gold a week in W3 in the few hours I can play. If I paid for excotic sets strictly through the money I made in W3 I’d be gearing for months after you take out the money I lose from upgrades and consumables.
a guardian from k[Ai]neng
WvW players don’t pay the bills at ArenaNet. They’ve done a bad job at monetizing WvW. Unfortunately for ArenaNet they need to avoid “pay to win” scenarios but they haven’t figured out what WvW players would purchase on an on-going basis.
So, instead, they put their resources where they get real money from that resource investment.
I still don’t understand the structured PvP thing but I suspect it is because some fella over at ArenaNet still dreams of making it a “professional gaming league” type environment. And, somehow, they figure they will be able to monetize off of that or, at the very least, it’ll be marketing.
I’d like to see WvW get far more attention. It would bring me back to the game but it is clear to me that WvW won’t get any real attention since ArenaNet doesn’t know what to do with it. I suspect that WvW was more popular than they thought it would be but, more than that, they didn’t have any plans in place on how to make it a self-sustaining business element in the overall revenue stream of Guild Wars 2.
I can think of a lot of ways to implement gem-store desirables for WvW that wouldn’t turn it into pay-to-win but that’s me. It doesn’t appear that the folk over at ArenaNet have any imagination when it comes to making money off of WvW without completely kitten off the playerbase.
I think this is a pretty accurate description of the situation on all counts.
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]
WvW players don’t pay the bills at ArenaNet. They’ve done a bad job at monetizing WvW.
I don’t see how PvE or sPvP players have more incentive than WvWers to “pay the bills”.
I can’t think of what you’re spending gems on in PvE that aren’t just as useful for WvW. (In fact, the repair kits are a godsend to WvW players but not that useful in PvE because you don’t die that much.)
If anything, you have it backwards. WvW is the only thing keeping this game going.
A game that’s 100% WvW
So what? Its part of the game and, in truth, probably closer to reality than some might think. Its always been a given that a front line fighter in era in any army has a veritable army of support behind them. From food to weapons.
Why should it be any different here?
Because I don’t generally want to spend my free time picking carrots in PvE zones in order to feed my troop? That doesn’t sound like a fun game.
Now if the carrot collection area also had PvP and could be subject to raids by the enemy, that would be fun. But to sit in a safe zone doing something boring, like farming boss mobs? I’ll pass.
A game that’s 100% WvW
I average about .8g per hour in WvW counting materials stashed from loot bags. I can easily make 3 times that in PvE but one is farming and the other is fun (at least to me).
“We want you to play YOUR way” That was a selling point… Why should we be punished for enjoying WvW and not Dungeon grinding.
I average about .8g per hour in WvW counting materials stashed from loot bags. I can easily make 3 times that in PvE but one is farming and the other is fun (at least to me).
“We want you to play YOUR way” That was a selling point… Why should we be punished for enjoying WvW and not Dungeon grinding.
Once Karma, badges and free waypoint jumps are factored in profit parity between WvW and PvE is closer. PvE is still more profitable overall IMO but with some minor adjustments from Anet I think WvW can achieve parity. Certainly would be nice to have more uses for karma and badges such as armor repair via karma or more item options with badges.
Give us Dungeon Equivalent exotics for badges, and maybe a 50% discount on repairs. We die 100x more in WvW than those in PvE (except bad dungeon runs).
Increase the drop rate of Badges, maybe give 5 for a tower capture, 10 for valley / main keeps, and 15 for SM.
Just a thought. Oh and give us a chance to actually receive exotics in WvW through loot. Killed 7 champs last night, got 2 badges off of one and nothing from the other 6, lol.
Sad to get 2 Black Lion Chest keys drop in gw2 but never see an exotic drop.
The thing is…Anet never thought people would really threat this game as three mini games in one…summary:
just play pve
just play wvwvw
just play spvp
But they threaten the game like this, so this is what happens. I mean the idea is like: you should be doing the three minigames not just one.
But that wont happen, the playerbase already decided. Very few are practically involved in the whole three mini games. Is not something bad or good…is just what happens when you make the biggest themepark ever with themeparks inside the main themepark.
Its part of the game and, in truth, probably closer to reality than some might think. Its always been a given that a front line fighter in era in any army has a veritable army of support behind them. From food to weapons.
Why should it be any different here?
I find this to be an intriguing idea.
Just like every time you finish a Dungeon, you get extra rewarded with Gold, Tokens, XP and Karma – WvWers could recieve similar rewards after each week of WvW matches. The rewards could depend on the personal contribution of a player during the week and the place that the server took in the Match.
That’s actually a really good idea.
(side note )
The PvE’ers can go shove their thumb up their butt for all i care. Why should they be rewarded the most for playing the easiest part of the game ?
Take me for example. I am already near bankrupt just from buying sieges. I won’t be able to afford upgrading keeps and towers.
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs
I don’t think first/second/third should come into it but yeah sure, gimmi a bonus at the end of the week. I’d love that.
Nar: I love that it will take me time and money to
reach the same level I’m at right now… …said no one, ever.