WvWvW Fails
What is fail about that pic? If u suggest they are attacking their own keep they are not. There are 3 factions. They are attacking the other enemy.
I don’t see the fail, but I laughed because you had a mini fail there so all in all u actually managed to do what u set out to do, but in a paradox kind of way.
They’re attacking a gate when the wall is breached.
I think the fact is they’re attacking the gate and now going through the open wall.
Beaten to it. But yeah. I’m wondering if the gate was full health when the wall went down or not.
That happens quite a lot. I saw it myself today while defending Durios… (alone) of course considering 30+ of my teammates were on the other side of the hill fighting the grub it’s arguable which was the biggest fail.
Happens when the people responsible for it don’t tell anyone. There’s no possible way for any of them to know it’s down without walking around to the other side (and why would they?) and seeing it’s down.
Poor communication is the worst enemy in WvW.
happend 30 mins ago on DB :
“EH North Gate : 50%”
“EH North Gate : 40%”
“EH North Gate : 30%”
“EH North Gate : 20%”
its the facebook culture. everyones talking, no one is actually reading.
Saw this the other day as well. We had taken out the water gate and trebs had taken out an inner wall, so all we had to do was run through the water gate and kill the NPCs, very light defense.
The call was made so many times in chat but we couldnt get enough folks to make a charge. I ran around and looked and I found that we had people at every single gate bashing on them without rams, not a one of them would come inside the keep through the open door.
It really makes you hate your own server.
Some people just don’t understand the mechanics I guess. I don’t know if it’s one or other servers as well but I’ve seen several times that people just barge in with no planning what so ever.
Tactics? what’s that? I’ve got a greatsword I’ll just attack what ever pops up on my screen marked in red. And then they’ll start moaning at you when you suggest to stay behind and defend/upgrade something…
It’s just pointless if you just keep going from point to point not holding anything :/
On topic: WvW doesn’t fail… it’s the people who fail to utilize basic strategy and structure really.