WvWvW Needs Paid Transfers Pronto

WvWvW Needs Paid Transfers Pronto

in WvW

Posted by: revial.2938


What the title says.

Don’t really think it needs an explanation, and if it does, I fear for the future WvWvW development of this game, as it means the current devs in charge of WvWvW are…well, I’m going to go with not too intelligent, because if I wrote what I really felt about the people who’ve allowed the current situation to become so pervasive, I suspect I’d be banned from the forums for a very long time.

Yes, I’m on Black Gate (controlled every single point across every map earlier when I was on). I suppose it could be a little worse. But, steamrolling people because so many players just keep transferring to whatever server they think is going to win is not my definition of anything remotely resembling fun.

WvWvW Needs Paid Transfers Pronto

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Wonder how many quit when their server die because they don’t wanna pay transfer.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

WvWvW Needs Paid Transfers Pronto

in WvW

Posted by: Bluesavanah.8562


Countless threads on this subject, but I’ll give an alternate view. Yes it could do with tweaking maybe changing to once a month from once every 24 hours and possibly limited to 3-4 transfers per year. That would calm it no end. Up until today I hadn’t considered transfering off Underworld for WvW reasons. But as far as I can see the realm just officially died as far as WvW goes.

Most of the WvW players I’ve met enjoy the epic battles, the map swinging backwards and forwards as one realm battles for dominance, but when this becomes a landslide in favour of the enemy week after week. I’m sorry but its time to leave.

I played on a dead realm in SWTOR for quite a while because there was no option to transfer off and because you can here at no cost its quite refreshing. When you first hit realm selection you have no idea wether the realm will be good, bad or indifferent.

I’m making a wild assumption here from experience, but a few months from now the glory boys and girls who hop servers daily / weekly won’t even be playing. they generally have a low boredom threshold and aren’t willing to put much effort in.

Commander, Malicious Mischief [MM] ,Gandara
[MM] recruiting currently

WvWvW Needs Paid Transfers Pronto

in WvW

Posted by: revial.2938


A greatly increased CD on server transfers would be fine as well. Four times a year, and if you want more, you pay for it would also be fine. Basically, anything would be an improvement over the current system.