WvWvW No Longer Works

WvWvW No Longer Works

in WvW

Posted by: Looter.4312


Everyone has joined 1 server so the 2 other sides don’t stand a chance.Is there a gameplan for fixing this?Thanks

WvWvW No Longer Works

in WvW

Posted by: Ecclaire.5421


Have to agree here. HoD went from top to non existent because one guild pitched a hissy and left? Don’t think so. They need to fix this free transfers crap to get the bandwagon zerg locked down.

WvWvW No Longer Works

in WvW

Posted by: CharliePrince.2071


Denravi is alive and well. So is ET. It’s called Blackgate.

The reason HoD and ET servers died is simply because everyone stacked up on Blackgate.

Throw in the most EU guilds out of all NA servers and all you have is the same situation as before

One server with complete dominant coverage.

It is what it is.

WvWvW No Longer Works

in WvW

Posted by: Mog.1589


Totally agree on the free transfers. WvWvW cannot possibly stabilize with even match ups because of these transfers.

I wonder if A.Net will ever decide to comment on why 2 1/2 months later we still have free transfers.

[LGN] Legion For We Are Many – a Blackgate guild

WvWvW No Longer Works

in WvW

Posted by: Earthfire Zephyr.8765

Earthfire Zephyr.8765

Server transfers need to stop being free, they were only supposed to be free for what? A month? I’m sure we’re past that point if I’m looking at my calendar correctly.

Server balance won’t truly occur until players are forced to pay to play on another server.

WvWvW No Longer Works

in WvW

Posted by: Webley.1295


So far the action taken when it was needed has been poor or non-exsistent. Albeit they are fixing bugs. PvE prolly becomes before PvP for them by the look of it. Not to impressed with Anets new baby to be honest. They dont seem to be looking after the community like they promised. Thats is at least, the PvP aspect of the community. The PvE guys are happier

WvWvW No Longer Works

in WvW

Posted by: Toggles.1783


Lock transfers to high pop servers.

Lock transfers to (egregiously?)winning servers.

Lock transfers between servers currently in a WvW battle.

Watch WvW rankings normalize.

Fix the remaining WvW problems after normalization defines them better.


(there’s not even a ??? step! that’s how awesome this plan is)

Level 80: Elementalist Engineer Guardian Mesmer Ranger Thief Warrior

WvWvW No Longer Works

in WvW

Posted by: Irony.5203


Denravi is alive and well. So is ET. It’s called Blackgate.

The reason HoD and ET servers died is simply because everyone stacked up on Blackgate.

Throw in the most EU guilds out of all NA servers and all you have is the same situation as before

One server with complete dominant coverage.

It is what it is.

Because a handful of severely deteriorated HoD guilds and questioning ET guilds constitutes stacking.

Irony Torzung – [US] Blackgate
Blackgatewvw.com – Website Administrator
1st Generation War Council Leader