WvWvW problems

WvWvW problems

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


I know my spelling and english in general sucks but please bear with it.

Its about time you get rewardet again for escorting dolyacs. It was OP befor but you should have just lowerd the reward instant of completly removing it. Now nearly no one is escorting them.

And at least make the guards stronger.
Its easy to take a fully upgraded supply camp with just 4 ppl and you can take a not upgraded one alone if you are good.
The Guards are to weak they have to be stonger. Make them lvl 82 standart and let them go up to lvl 85 with the buff.
It costs 70 silver witch is a lot of money to fully upgrade one supply camp just to see 4 ppl killing all the guards without a problem.

NPC Camps in the borderlands are also to easy to destroy. The one in the Center ok but the one in the water can be destroyed without the need to fight even 1 enemy. Just go down and fokus the Orbs and the job is done.
Change it so that ones you attack the orb, all the Quaggens around it will attack you or place some Veterans there to defend it.

WvWvW problems

in WvW

Posted by: Squishei.5810


Are you trying to say there is no reward to escorting dolyaks? It is probably one of the more important jobs in the fact that it is the only way to upgrade your towers and keeps. The incentive to escorting dolyaks are the defense points that you will get when your keeps won’t fall and eventually winning the matchup.

In regards to the fully upgraded camp, those guards actually hurt and there are quite a few of them. They all come when one is pulled so in the least it’s going to take quite a bit of time in which a couple people can defend against 4 attackers. If no one comes that’s your own team’s fault. Supply camps are supposed to be able to be attacked by small groups anyways, it’s not like small groups can do much of anything else but it’s your job to stop them.

WvWvW problems

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


if the guards are that strong than why can 1 player solo a not upgraded camp?
And 3 player can nearly insta cap a fully upgraded one. Just pull them all together and burst AoE them.
Killing a Veteran is like killing a Moa no chalange at all.
Champs to dont do mutch and can be killed quit fast with range DDs.

In my option the HP of all NPC guards and Champs should be double and the dmg +30%.
Also give them more skills like poison and freeze fields.

The Champs in the Fortresses should have a skill to pull all enemys within 1500 range to him and than cast a havy burst AoE of 600 range (2 sek cast time).

Tl.DR: NPC veteran guards and champs are to weak and to easy to kill give them more skills , HP and DMG.

WvWvW problems

in WvW

Posted by: Kazak.8459


I’d like to see the veteran has the longer unkillable buff, maybe 5-6 mins? To prevent constant camp switching. Maybe put the same buff on the camp guards as well?

A group of 5 exotic 80s can take down the vet with the buff in under 2 mins. The rest of the guards + scouts are just trash clearing.

WvWvW problems

in WvW

Posted by: Konrad Curze.5130

Konrad Curze.5130

The Champs in the Fortresses should have a skill to pull all enemys within 1500 range to him and than cast a havy burst AoE of 600 range (2 sek cast time).

this has been discussed, and while I agree somewhat with you that lords are currently a bit too weak, I would be hesitant to buff them much.

I already experienced what you say in WAR’s fortresses, and tbh it was BS. the lord could almost singlehandledly defeat an entire zerg.

now if you couple a STRONG lord with all the defenders getting some proper LOS on the lord room (from a floor above/the ceiling/whatever) and AoEing the crap out of it, you have a totally impenetrable death zone with little to no effort.

WvWvW problems

in WvW

Posted by: Sniku.6837


when u upgrade a camp to lvl 82 guards,pls upgrade the supervisor also to level 82,also pls make an option where i can choose if all guards are to be ranged,mixed,or melee,
also make them all linked,so when u aggro one,all will come,.

also an upgrade for a camp would be nice to suround it with a wooden wall,evan if it has low hp,it still nice to have just one way that the enemies can enter

WvWvW problems

in WvW

Posted by: Gaslov.9164


I feel guard HP should be increased by 50% across the board. I agree that guards are a joke to kill. Me and one other guy took a supply camp the other day. I really think Guards should be of the same difficulty level as dungeon mobs.

WvWvW problems

in WvW

Posted by: Kazak.8459


None upgraded supply camp I can take out solo. Full exotic guardian. I like Sniku’s suggestions. The current guards are just a speed bump. A single invader/defender gives me much more hassle than all the guards/vet of a supply camp. I definitely think twice when I see a single player in the camp, before I rush in.