WvsW rendering problems

WvsW rendering problems

in WvW

Posted by: Riellan.2590


Not shure if its called like that ,but last night i was in WvsW with my guild and we were in eternal battlegrounds central castle ,we go in and got killed by GHOSTS!
It took a 20-30 seconds to show enemy in area ,enough to wipe us all.
Now before people jump on me how crappy my pc is and how shoud i buy better one -none of 25 people did not saw enemy for a 15seconds!
Also in smaller fights it takes too much time to see enemy that is in front of you,not to speak that in distance you cant see a thing.
This is a huge problem that bothers eaven new pcs and shoud be top priority for fixing-i do not expect to see high quality armors on 200m but i shoud be able to spot enemy on more than in front of my nose.
As well siege weapon like trebuche or mortar is impossible to shoot without guidance of your fellow teammate -simple reason you cant see where your shell is landing ,only by dmg number,wich sucks if you do not hit a guy.

Fix this as fast as you can its rly fun killer when you try to kill a guy and then suddenly 10 people appear from nowhere!

To all grammar nazis english is not my native language so i apologize on spelling errors.

WvsW rendering problems

in WvW

Posted by: TheRamosOnline.2670


It’s a registered issue among players, but an apparent “working as intended” by the CCs.

The server has issues with rendering lots of players in one go, so Mesmers abuse this by dropping a portal in enemy lines then all their guys use the portal at the same time to abuse the lag the server has in displaying lots of players.

CCs say that this is a valid play style, but it clearly isn’t as it gives the enemy an unfair advantage.

WvsW rendering problems

in WvW

Posted by: Shintai.5618


Yep, working as intended and a “tactic”. its part of the “gaming experience”.

Not sure who´s gaming experience tho…well must be those attacking you that can get free kills without any risk.

WvsW rendering problems

in WvW

Posted by: Kazim.2043


Today we had one of the biggest zerg fights trying to push RoF to their respad by capturing their entrance tower. And it was very funny.

We had like 60+ people around us, dying one by one, seeing combo fields all around but can’t even target one opponent for some time. One of my friend said on TS “I’m just running around while AoE’ing and see the numbers from no where” and we laughed hard.

I’m quite certain RoFs were having the same issue as we were been able to push them back. Even though funny, it was a bit disorienting.

Izuvac.5713 “…like imagine 2 taliban server against 1 american…”

WvsW rendering problems

in WvW

Posted by: Slyther.1297


This has been dubbed as “culling”, a server “optimization” on Arena’s part that limits the number of players on screen, and it prioritizes friendlies first so often times you will end up fighting invisible armies.


WvsW rendering problems

in WvW

Posted by: TheRamosOnline.2670


The Combat Mode Mod (before anyone decides to call bannable on this, the devs are in the process of informing CCs that this mod is fine to use and even advised the mod maker of a way to optimize the mod in a way he original thought to be illegal) does help a lot with this, though, as you can still see the name above their “heads”, just point in their direction, with your cross hair under their name, hit left click and you’ll hit them.

I’ve only seen this happen once, and am pretty sure it was an accident as it wasn’t a big force and we pushed them back easily.
If worst comes to the worst, pull out the engineers and Grenade Kit till the Dolyaks come home.

WvsW rendering problems

in WvW

Posted by: Shintai.5618


So the mod actually makes you aware of all the users. Its just the client itself that cant show it? Interesting? Another stab at the clients limited abilities.

So what now, we all need to download this mod to play?

WvsW rendering problems

in WvW

Posted by: Arson.4189


Did they really say this was working as intended? players not rendering? I thought they were looking for a fix to this.

WvsW rendering problems

in WvW

Posted by: Tuco.2419


Some of the best proof of how bad the ‘culling’ can be:

WvsW rendering problems

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596
