YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: Woljnir.7810


I just checked the WvWvW pane and Maguuma is at like 400,000 while IoJ is a tiny sliver with just 29k. Is simply no one from the other servers playing? I’ll admit I’m not really a fan of PvP/WvW whatever, but I did want to try to get the maps opened, but it looks like being IoJ I can just go ahead and forget it.

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: Xavi.6591


Well LoJ lost approx. 19? wvw guilds at the start of the match and now barely have the numbers to fight off the Skritt and Centaurs that hit the NE supply camp.

Maguuma became a bandwagon server with a large population influx that is propelling them up 3-4 spots this week.

Yak’s Bend stayed about the same at the beginning of the week but since we are no competition to Maguuma this week, we decided to take the week off and have fun running Karma Trains of upleveled alts for Karma, XP, gold, Poi’s, etc., do dungeon PvE, or just take the week off. Yak’s Bend may end up doing the same thing next week when we meet up with the next bandwagon server, Kaineng.

Then free transfers will end and I predict it may take a few weeks to a month for the tiers to stabilize.

Fantasme Bloodwen [R.I.P. Mesmer] | Andi Runi [Warrior] | Bonedoggle [Necro] | Zooerasty [Ranger]
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |

(edited by Xavi.6591)

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: Karma Crimzin.5079

Karma Crimzin.5079

Its not that no one form IoJ is playing its just that from what i heard most WvW guilds and other people jumped ship and server transferred to either one of the top servers (good luck to them with all the inflation of people heading to those) or other mid servers due to them not wanting to lose. Im from Maguuma myself started there and will continue to stay there but i noticed we have gotten alot of new faces to the server as well

Karma Crimzin – Guardian
Guild: Legion Thirteen [LT]
Server: Maguuma

(edited by Karma Crimzin.5079)

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: rad.6703


I have been playing large scale PVP since Warhammer online. We used to complain that the two factions in WAR guaranteed that one would dominate the other and wished for a third so that two groups could oppose the one dominant team. After the last three weeks on IOJ I am less of a believer in 3 factions being a solution.

One of my guildies said that he thought IOJ had lost 34 guilds since we fell out of Tier 2. At one point yesterday in primetime IOJ had a 12 man zerg (lol) in its BL. There may have been others in WvW, but those were all that we had in the group running together. I am a pessimist, so my next comment is probably irrelevant, but atm we (IOJ) would probably be crushed in Tier 8.

Rad Adhene

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


It’s the end of the week, obviously there will be less people playing in all maps. I wouldn’t consider yesterday’s IoJ representation to be accurate at all. Nor would I consider this case evidence against three-way fights being a bad solution—it’s evidence that ever having free transfers and then announcing paid transfers caused a mass panic and exodus.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: Hubris.7039


Maguma is a freight train right now. Truly a wonder of nature. Not much we can do about it, so we’re doing Karma trains and leveling alts.

It’s not like we aren’t trying. We simply do not have the kind of organization and motivation as the guilds that transferred to Mag.

Wiideus – Elementalist
Officer – War is Hell [WAR]
Yak’s Bend

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: thealienamongus.1968


YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: Fallensbane.8420


I have been playing large scale PVP since Warhammer online. We used to complain that the two factions in WAR guaranteed that one would dominate the other and wished for a third so that two groups could oppose the one dominant team. After the last three weeks on IOJ I am less of a believer in 3 factions being a solution.

One of my guildies said that he thought IOJ had lost 34 guilds since we fell out of Tier 2. At one point yesterday in primetime IOJ had a 12 man zerg (lol) in its BL. There may have been others in WvW, but those were all that we had in the group running together. I am a pessimist, so my next comment is probably irrelevant, but atm we (IOJ) would probably be crushed in Tier 8.

Rad Adhene

Three servers would be the solution if it had been planned better. After a certain point when it is quite obvious that one team is trainwrecking the other team by an insane margin (AKA Maguuma). There should be an option for the other two teams to merge forces against them as allies. This alliance should last 24hrs and then the system should reset and figure out if there is need to ‘alliance’ up again.

And really, in the end the big culprit is free transfers. Once they are locked down populations will settle and hopefully anet will merge together some low/medium servers to make them better numberwise.

80 Ranger • 80 Necromancer • 80 Guardian • 80 Mesmer • 80 Engineer
[SAnD] of Maguuma

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: rad.6703


Well, sadly, my guild has also decided to leave IOJ too, not that we were ever a factor since we are a small guild, but every loss hurts at this point. Good luck to those remaining.

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: Emerge.9640


Bandwagoners ruined my once fun server. Wish they would all leave.

ROAM | Oink | TLP

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: Neeho.3859


Bandwagoners ruined my once fun server. Wish they would all leave.

Be careful what you wish for…

I used to say the same thing. Now I realize that pve’ers don’t leave servers, only WvW guilds. Not that I’m not happy they left, lots of disruption gone now; it’s just that now we don’t have that zerg to occupy the larger of the enemy forces.

[SoCo] Solum Contego SoCo loco style!
Yak’s Bend

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: Emerge.9640


I’m saying it was fantastic before they showed up.

ROAM | Oink | TLP

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: Kuldred.2436


Hey Emerge, don’t lose heart. We had great fights with you because we matched up pretty close with coverage, now we can’t hold a stick to you, so we can’t give you the challenge you are looking for. Jump up another tier or two, and you should run into servers that can match your new coverage, and hopefully make fights fun and challenging again.

Yak’s Bend

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: TheDevilWithinU.7092


From what I’ve learned from most of the threads.

1. Maguuma seems to be immensely over-hyped.

2. They are playing against “dead” WvW servers.

3. They like to chest-bump about it quite a bit.

4. They are just a band-wagon server now.

Did I get it all right?

| Maguuma | [KEK] | GvG Relic & Historian |
Notorious Nevermore – Guardian

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: kash.9213


From what I’ve learned from most of the threads.

1. Maguuma seems to be immensely over-hyped.

2. They are playing against “dead” WvW servers.

3. They like to chest-bump about it quite a bit.

4. They are just a band-wagon server now.

Did I get it all right?

That about sums it up.


YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Hey Emerge, don’t lose heart. We had great fights with you because we matched up pretty close with coverage, now we can’t hold a stick to you, so we can’t give you the challenge you are looking for. Jump up another tier or two, and you should run into servers that can match your new coverage, and hopefully make fights fun and challenging again.

Coverage isn’t what he’s looking for.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: TheDevilWithinU.7092


From what I’ve learned from most of the threads.

1. Maguuma seems to be immensely over-hyped.

2. They are playing against “dead” WvW servers.

3. They like to chest-bump about it quite a bit.

4. They are just a band-wagon server now.

Did I get it all right?

That about sums it up.

Sorry to hear that Hopefully things change for you guys, so it will be back to normal… Don’t really know how it was before the transfers, but it seemed to have been much better… Or at-least balanced.

| Maguuma | [KEK] | GvG Relic & Historian |
Notorious Nevermore – Guardian

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7581


Bandwagoners ruined my once fun server. Wish they would all leave.

yeah, wish OG would leave, bunch of useless kittens

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7581


3. They like to chest-bump about it quite a bit.

Sounds like OG – Original Gankstars [sigh pun], not to be confused with [OG] – Original Grubstars – The real PVP stars of Maguuma

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: DarkElvenChic.2618


From what I’ve learned from most of the threads.

1. Maguuma seems to be immensely over-hyped.

2. They are playing against “dead” WvW servers.

3. They like to chest-bump about it quite a bit.

4. They are just a band-wagon server now.

Did I get it all right?

That about sums it up.

Sorry to hear that Hopefully things change for you guys, so it will be back to normal… Don’t really know how it was before the transfers, but it seemed to have been much better… Or at-least balanced.

Magg was a rough and tumble, skirmish loving type server that pushed it’s way up tactically then got flooded with a bunch of transfers that they never wanted. Back in the day they LOVED to crush mindless zergs and by the sound of it now they are stuck with them on their side.

I think they’d be very happy if the new guilds did in fact transfer off their server, lol. As it stands now Magg and Kain are both still getting transfers and probably will until the switch is flipped on the 28th.

Commander ~ Aurora Noctai ~ Thief
Officer of Rethesis [RE] ~ Kaineng
NEO Alliance ~ NeverEndingOdds.com

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: Kuldred.2436


Hey Emerge, don’t lose heart. We had great fights with you because we matched up pretty close with coverage, now we can’t hold a stick to you, so we can’t give you the challenge you are looking for. Jump up another tier or two, and you should run into servers that can match your new coverage, and hopefully make fights fun and challenging again.

Coverage isn’t what he’s looking for.

Never said it was. <confused>

Yak’s Bend

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: Maladon.5760


I think Maguuma is just working on it’s community right now

Malzarius – Guardian
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Don’t really have a choice if we want to keep our server the same it’s been since the beginning. The population has doubled in size.

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


IoJ is like the New York Islanders. No one wants to play there. T_T

Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: kash.9213


Sorry to hear that Hopefully things change for you guys, so it will be back to normal… Don’t really know how it was before the transfers, but it seemed to have been much better… Or at-least balanced.

I wasn’t serious with that post, unless you meant that’s what you got out of the thread according to people on the other servers.


YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: exits.8075


I personally don’t think we’ll last in T3 for more than a few week for two reasons. First, we were propelled into Tier 3 not because were a dominating server, but because IoJ had a much higher rank and lost most of their WvW guild. This allowed us to game the Glicko system and jump 4 spots. Second, after we begin to lose the next couple of matches, we will begin to lose players as they seek greener pastures in either higher or lower rated servers.

I think, however, that we will again be able to troll tier 4 as we have always been destined by the grace of Great Lord Flame Ram. Up-and-coming servers and servers dropping from tier 3 will be converted to his mightiness and aid in his quest to defeat his archenemy, Under Lord Reinforced Door.

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Hey Emerge, don’t lose heart. We had great fights with you because we matched up pretty close with coverage, now we can’t hold a stick to you, so we can’t give you the challenge you are looking for. Jump up another tier or two, and you should run into servers that can match your new coverage, and hopefully make fights fun and challenging again.

Coverage isn’t what he’s looking for.

Never said it was. <confused>

Sorry, I didn’t really feel like explaining it again, because it’s been said many times in other threads. It’s basically that we aren’t used to and don’t really like super zerg/lag battles, for the most part, and the higher you go, the more likely that will happen. Overall, yes, our server is given more of a challenge, but it’s not really the kind of challenge we want.

I personally don’t think we’ll last in T3 for more than a few week for two reasons. First, we were propelled into Tier 3 not because were a dominating server, but because IoJ had a much higher rank and lost most of their WvW guild. This allowed us to game the Glicko system and jump 4 spots. Second, after we begin to lose the next couple of matches, we will begin to lose players as they seek greener pastures in either higher or lower rated servers.

I think, however, that we will again be able to troll tier 4 as we have always been destined by the grace of Great Lord Flame Ram. Up-and-coming servers and servers dropping from tier 3 will be converted to his mightiness and aid in his quest to defeat his archenemy, Under Lord Reinforced Door.

I’m not so optimistic about that. SBI seems like it will drop out of the first three tiers and IoJ already has. I also don’t think transfers will happen en masse, because free transfers end on Monday and moving guilds will be a lot more difficult.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: BrockMcCleery.9562


Population is always a problem in 24/7 PvP. As for the comment on 3 factions not helping, 3 factions are definitely better than 2 but if one of the 3 is fielding next to no one, it is basically a 2 faction fight.

Transfers have made for many an imbalanced 3 server fight.

Also, week to week populations naturally go up and down and yet people seem to freak out about it. Sometimes the big guilds need a week off.

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: Vol.5241


I’m been on Mag for a week now (original Yaks player but doing map completion before it gets difficult).

Just reading over map chat is just downright embarrassing – all the arrogance and taunting – It will be hilarious to see how many Magg jump off the bandwagon as soon as they hit some real competition that is appropriate for their tier. They obviously do not belong to t4, and may very well get steamrolled in t3. Just look at Dragonbrand who last week steamrolled through t4 (granted, with a powerful night team) and just lost it all this week. Now I hear people are jumping ship off Dragonbrand?

Oh well, have fun with the bandwagoners.

[Permabanned on Forums]
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


They obviously do not belong to t4

Maguuma has been in T4 longer than any other server by a wide margin. We build this city on rams and flames.

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: Pinko.2076


I agree. Maguuma is really rude + lewd and I’m eager to transfer off before the 28th. I encourage everyone to do the same, because it’ll be a ghost town soon.

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: Emerge.9640


I agree. Maguuma is really rude + lewd and I’m eager to transfer off before the 28th. I encourage everyone to do the same, because it’ll be a ghost town soon.

The rudeness was derived from the huge influx of people who weren’t wanted to begin with.

ROAM | Oink | TLP

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Maguuma is a pretty terrible place to be. People should leave in droves.

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: wads.5730


I agree. Maguuma is really rude + lewd and I’m eager to transfer off before the 28th. I encourage everyone to do the same, because it’ll be a ghost town soon.

The rudeness was derived from the huge influx of people who weren’t wanted to begin with.

the lewdness was derived from just a few out of many

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: Emerge.9640


I agree. Maguuma is really rude + lewd and I’m eager to transfer off before the 28th. I encourage everyone to do the same, because it’ll be a ghost town soon.

The rudeness was derived from the huge influx of people who weren’t wanted to begin with.

the lewdness was derived from just a few out of many

Don’t insinuate that I am part of the “few” because I recognize many server originals are irritated.

ROAM | Oink | TLP

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: wads.5730


i’m not sure you know what lewd means

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: Mike.7320


3. They like to chest-bump about it quite a bit.

Sounds like OG – Original Gankstars [sigh pun], not to be confused with [OS] – Original Scrubstars – The real PVP stars of Maguuma (lol JK).

I fixed this for you camo. Never heard of original scrubstars bro, sorry.

Idolizethis Warrior

Arkham (Ark)

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: lani.7431


I’m been on Mag for a week now (original Yaks player but doing map completion before it gets difficult).

Just reading over map chat is just downright embarrassing – all the arrogance and taunting – It will be hilarious to see how many Magg jump off the bandwagon as soon as they hit some real competition that is appropriate for their tier. They obviously do not belong to t4, and may very well get steamrolled in t3. Just look at Dragonbrand who last week steamrolled through t4 (granted, with a powerful night team) and just lost it all this week. Now I hear people are jumping ship off Dragonbrand?

Oh well, have fun with the bandwagoners.

DB is in second and staying in t3. We haven’t lost guilds lol. CD has lost guilds and is going down. Don’t know where you got your info but it is wrong.

Lani [Krew] – BP
Former [EA] DB Commander

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Pretty much everyone is making random predictions off of hearsay…some people think we should be in T2 or T1, some people think we have 24/7 coverage now…no idea where any of that comes from.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


I heard a rumor you guys could all join together to form a tower crushing robot of justice:


FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


That is actually true.

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: SlimGenre.6417


Don’t understand the complaints. The guilds are dedicated to WvW, the communication is good. The commanders work together across all BL’s. And we’ll see how we respond in the coming weeks in higher tiers against better competition. The game just came out like 5 or 6 months ago, it’s still new and it’s not unreasonable that guilds are still building alliances and settling into their worlds. There’s no way one person could know on release day which world would end up dominating others in WvW. Once transfers are done, then it’ll really matter. What’s probably going to happen is we’ll have 8 or 10 really strong servers, and the rest will be lame ducks. It’s unfortunate, but that’s how it goes. There are a lot of players in the game that have no interest in WvW, and they should stick to those other servers. Who cares if guilds are trying to make a place in a new server as long as they’re willing to work with the other guilds in that server.

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


Look at it this way. We havent had a good fight in over 2 weeks. Many of us have been spending time in spvp for that very reason.

Maguuma was in a good place before all the transfers. It was in a “just right” tier where it wasent too zergy and there were still plenty of people around. Even if we do even out to have a balanced score the kitten borderlands are going to be packed with people and its going to be nothing but zerg fights 24/7.

OINK – Devona’s Rest
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: kfarb.6732


Look at it this way. We havent had a good fight in over 2 weeks. Many of us have been spending time in spvp for that very reason.

Maguuma was in a good place before all the transfers. It was in a “just right” tier where it wasent too zergy and there were still plenty of people around. Even if we do even out to have a balanced score the kitten borderlands are going to be packed with people and its going to be nothing but zerg fights 24/7.

Is TLP a new guild made of old Maguuma players? I don’t recall seeing that tag.

Maguuma – considered by many to be the best

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


No just very small, 5 man or less groups

OINK – Devona’s Rest
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos