Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Dethroat.3514


As the title states, we are in need of Oceanic players/Guilds on our server. Mainly because our forces are mostly NA Prime time. We have a few small sized Oceanic Guilds/Players, but nothing to what Dragonbrand has (props guys). If we want to even consider moving up, that’s what we need. We need a night time force that will let us sleep at night by holding what we have.

I am Dethroat, and I am one of the main leaders of the Yak’s Bend Alliance. We have a strong, family oriented alliance with a “never say die” mentality. We have people from all over the United States, Canada, Chile, Mexico, etc. We make everyone feel at home, no matter what language you speak! I would love to sit down and talk to ANYONE who is thinking about transferring over, because it really is a big decision. I hope that you might think about coming over to us, and trust me, it won’t be the wrong decision!

Thanks for your time, and I hope to be hearing from some of you! If you have any questions, feel free to visit our community site at www.yaksbend.com, or email me at justin@yaksbend.com. Hell, even jump into our community Mumble server, and talk to anyone, and ask them what makes our server so great! The information for that is on our website!

Once again, thank you for your time, and have a great day!!

Dethroat – Human – Necromancer – War is Hell [WAR] Leader
Tarnished Coast

(edited by Dethroat.3514)

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: elmordil.2389


We need reinforcements, the people from the alliance are great ones, is really fun to play with them. Move your guilds to YB, you will not regret

Izhak-Thief CL
Húsares de la muerte GM
YB Alliance

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: mauler.5694


Great group of NA prime players on Yaks. The need for Oceanic and Euro players keeping Yaks from Tier 3 and above. Check out website www.yaksbend.com. Best group of players I have been involved with!!!

Killa Zombie – Necromancer

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Puddin Cheeks.8539

Puddin Cheeks.8539

I’m confused with all the ? and why is Dragonbrand in the message so much?

- Puddin Cheeks [W]
- [EA] Elephant Ambush
- DragonBrand since 8/25/12

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Farout.8207


I’m confused with all the ? and why is Dragonbrand in the message so much?

DB envy!

~ Cleetus

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Facet.5914


I think Dethroat was trying to translate his post into other languages but the boards didn’t accept the foreign characters.

YB’s immediate goal is to return to T3, where our NA forces have already shown that they can fight and win.

YB has a brave oceanic crew that fights hard and smart but just doesn’t have the numbers to hold against certain servers for their entire shift. Oceanics transferring to YB should not be under the impression that it will be an easy task, but rather, a worthy challenge.

Yaks Bend [SoF] [Me] [One]
Sea of Sorrows [All]

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Xavi.6591


Oceanics transferring to Yak’s Bend will definitely enjoy some great WvW.

Fantasme Bloodwen [R.I.P. Mesmer] | Andi Runi [Warrior] | Bonedoggle [Necro] | Zooerasty [Ranger]
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Jan.4830


The Yaks’s bend alliance is incredibly welcoming, the the free mumble slots for small guilds is great too.

Yaks Bend Alliance

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Vincynt.7396


Bumpity Bump!

The YB Community is top notch, we have a good deal of fun and look forward to WvW every week. We could absolutely use some Oceanic presence if any guilds are looking for a competative server as we’re very interested in imporving our standing and moving back up to T3.

Come visit us at www.yaksbend.com and see what we’re all about!

War is Hell – www.warishell.net
Tarnished Coast – http://tcgw2.com/forums/

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Ralith Arkane.8371

Ralith Arkane.8371

I have been on this server since day 1 and I could not imagine going anywhere else. The guilds and people in them have really created a sense of community and belonging for players of all styles and preferences. I love Yak’s Bend!

Yak’s Bend (NA) | Anne | Co-Leader of Angry Intent [AI]

Why should you never let a yak handle your paper clips? —Because Yak’s Bend!

(edited by Ralith Arkane.8371)

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


The late crew is awesome! Although our numbers cant match what our current opponents can field, we still manage to rock them repeatedly. We may end up losing a position, but not before we’ve bled them almost dry. There’s been 2 man defense teams successfully pushing off zergs of 20+!

The server as a whole rocks. Tons of teamwork, unparalleled communication and coordination. It just has a nasty gap in coverage that needs filling to lock it into an upward climbing server.

If you’re looking for fun times and great fights Yak’s Bend is definitely the server to transfer to. If you transfer get with me, I’d love to share strats and map objectives.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Slamz.5376


Really you just need some Oceanics to transfer OFF of Dragonbrand.

I don’t see how they have any fun. They cap the entire map and then….what? Twiddle their thumbs for 4 hours? What fun is there in having every Oceanic player on the same WvW server? I’m sure it’s convenient for PvE but it looks pointless for WvW. Meanwhile DB lacks the daytime presence to really be a tier 3 server.

Camelot Unchained – from the makers of DAOC
A game that’s 100% WvW

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Nyxpersona.9128


I love how you guys say DB takes everything in the nighttime yet even during the day DB still manages to hold a solid 200+ points lead. Seriously stop crying about night/oceanic crews, if wvw really mattered that much, then why not skip work or sleep and help out your server? though so. stop complaining if your not man enough to take action.

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: patricide.1062


I’ve been with Yak’s Bend since launch, and with the WvW Alliance since the day after launch. I’ve got to say that from the top commanders to the newest WvWers, Yak’s Bend is a wonderful COMMUNITY. We fight hard, we fight smart, and we have fun!

Our community is so great that we have leaders from other servers coming to us and asking “How did you do it?” While others may emulate Yak’s Bend, they will never be Yak’s Bend.

We did it first. We did it right.

Support Guardian – D/D Ele
[Rawr] – HoD

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Facet.5914


Really you just need some Oceanics to transfer OFF of Dragonbrand.

I don’t see how they have any fun. They cap the entire map and then….what? Twiddle their thumbs for 4 hours? What fun is there in having every Oceanic player on the same WvW server? I’m sure it’s convenient for PvE but it looks pointless for WvW. Meanwhile DB lacks the daytime presence to really be a tier 3 server.

I love how you guys say DB takes everything in the nighttime yet even during the day DB still manages to hold a solid 200+ points lead. Seriously stop crying about night/oceanic crews, if wvw really mattered that much, then why not skip work or sleep and help out your server? though so. stop complaining if your not man enough to take action.

Really everyone, save it for the matchup thread.

Yaks Bend [SoF] [Me] [One]
Sea of Sorrows [All]

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Dethroat.3514


Thanks everyone for the kind words and support. What Patricide said was true. The owner and creator of the Ehmry Bay Community site came to us earlier this week asking us for help on how to make their community grow. We always have Guilds and Players in higher tier servers like jade Quarry, Blackgate, Tarnished Coast that have came to us because they heard of the great community we have. We’ve also heard from Guilds, that if they leave Yak’s Bend for let’s say Blackgate, and people ask where they are from, and they say Yak’s Bend, they instantly question why would they leave such a great server?

We are seen as the underdogs by most servers that we play against, because we honestly just need a night crew. Once that happens, there is nothing that can stop us.

Dethroat – Human – Necromancer – War is Hell [WAR] Leader
Tarnished Coast

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Dokem.2634


Give Yak’s Bend a try. I moved here recently from Sorrow’s Furnace and the community in Yak is wonderful. I think it’s because the alliance and their leaders are awesome, relaxed people that know how to handle the community. My guild really felt welcome here and the our strenght during day time is overwhelming. Oceanic people will have a great time in our server.

Yak’s Bend
Coalicion [GWH]

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Dethroat.3514


Thanks for the support Dokem!

Dethroat – Human – Necromancer – War is Hell [WAR] Leader
Tarnished Coast

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: akanibbles.6237


can you give me the current scores please?

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: mauler.5694


A few Drangon Brand Oceanic Guilds transfers to Yaks then you could fight each other instead of PvDoor. Just a thought.

Killa Zombie – Necromancer

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Phoenix.3416


Even better! why don’t you send some US guilds to Europe?
If 100 Us players transferred to my server Underworld then hell they would make 1000x the difference they do man to man on a US server.

Honestly though, why don’t US guilds move here? I see a lot of your servers asking us to move then none of you moving yourselves.

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Henrik.7560


Not a bad server, I used to be on it, I didn’t leave because I hated them of anyway, I just hated their opponents, since they are stuck in T4 and aren’t coming back to T3, so they will face those servers for quite a while.

Arcane Bastion [AB]
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Slamz.5376


Even better! why don’t you send some US guilds to Europe?
If 100 Us players transferred to my server Underworld then hell they would make 1000x the difference they do man to man on a US server.

Honestly though, why don’t US guilds move here? I see a lot of your servers asking us to move then none of you moving yourselves.

Because of lag. We actually had a big Euro guild move to Ehmry at one point only to move away one week later because of the lag. Makes little sense for Euro to come to the US or vice versa.

Oceanic is different because there are no “Oceanic servers”. They must play on either Euro or US, and it seems a lot of them prefer US. Which is fine. Except they all pile into the same server, which results in that server running a +650 score all night with no real WvW going on because there is nobody for them to fight against.

Camelot Unchained – from the makers of DAOC
A game that’s 100% WvW

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Dethroat.3514


can you give me the current scores please?


Dethroat – Human – Necromancer – War is Hell [WAR] Leader
Tarnished Coast

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Dethroat.3514


By the way for anyone who didn’t know. We are a Tier 4 server, and have been for a good month or two. We were in Tier 3 with TC and FA, but we couldn’t hold onto much because of our Manpower. We are easily a Tier 1, 2 or 3 server for NA prime time, but it’s our night time that is where we need the help.

Dethroat – Human – Necromancer – War is Hell [WAR] Leader
Tarnished Coast

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Dethroat.3514


Still need people

Dethroat – Human – Necromancer – War is Hell [WAR] Leader
Tarnished Coast

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Phoenix.3416


Even better! why don’t you send some US guilds to Europe?
If 100 Us players transferred to my server Underworld then hell they would make 1000x the difference they do man to man on a US server.

Honestly though, why don’t US guilds move here? I see a lot of your servers asking us to move then none of you moving yourselves.

Because of lag. We actually had a big Euro guild move to Ehmry at one point only to move away one week later because of the lag. Makes little sense for Euro to come to the US or vice versa.

Oceanic is different because there are no “Oceanic servers”. They must play on either Euro or US, and it seems a lot of them prefer US. Which is fine. Except they all pile into the same server, which results in that server running a +650 score all night with no real WvW going on because there is nobody for them to fight against.

If Oceanic players are on EU servers with no lag why would they move to US with lag by the same logic?

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: pigtaro.2749


The late crew is awesome! Although our numbers cant match what our current opponents can field, we still manage to rock them repeatedly. We may end up losing a position, but not before we’ve bled them almost dry. There’s been 2 man defense teams successfully pushing off zergs of 20+!

The server as a whole rocks. Tons of teamwork, unparalleled communication and coordination. It just has a nasty gap in coverage that needs filling to lock it into an upward climbing server.

If you’re looking for fun times and great fights Yak’s Bend is definitely the server to transfer to. If you transfer get with me, I’d love to share strats and map objectives.

Seriously? With lies like this, u r discrediting ur server. What r e 2 defenders using, nuclear missiles?

Although I m not from YB, they r pretty cool. Nv get any corpse jump from them, which is a plus considering I saw my our teammates doing tt to others.

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Erinshaw.8035


I have been on Yaks bend since Beta. I am traditionally a PVE player. I have played and active role with my Guild for more years than I care to remember. ToG (The Older Gamers) chose Yaks Bend (na) and Desolation (eu). I would cut my right hand off to have more of our EU group on Yaks however we do have a number of active EU WVW players but not nearly enough. When I first played WvW I fell in love with it and never looked back. Since launch Yaks bend Alliance has been formed and many an hour has been spent both with my guildies and the alliance. My fellow commanders and yaks players are like one big family who teach support and assist you to develop your personal playstyle. Large guilds Small guilds and individuals are catered for. I use TS for guild comms and mumble for Alliance. As a more mature player I feel at home. If you are frustated not involved or lost on your current server have a look at the website yaksbend.com chat to them in mumble (link on web site) and the team there will find a special place by the fire for you. Get in quick before you have to pay to come to a special place

To the above poster i would say You have no idea how we defend but that is why we have a reputation for just that!!. What we lack in numbers we make up for with tenacity and know how. Never Quit never say die Do not care if we are out numbered. Watch out if there is just 1 Yak about (particularily if he is defending)

The Older Gamers (TOG) wvw guild leader

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: mauler.5694


I dont think you will find a better server web site then what has been created at yaksbend.com. Just want to thank all that have put their time and money into it. It is superior. Thank You. The sense of community has kept me at Yaksbend.

Killa Zombie – Necromancer

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Slamz.5376


If Oceanic players are on EU servers with no lag why would they move to US with lag by the same logic?

Because that’s not what I said. EU players moving to US or vice versa makes little sense because of lag.

As far as I know, Oceanic players should have about the same lag whether they play in Europe or US servers, so it’s more of a toss-up for them.

At any rate, the problem really isn’t that “US needs more Oceanic players”. We just need the ones who are already here to spread out a bit. I don’t see how all of them on the same server is fun for anyone.

Camelot Unchained – from the makers of DAOC
A game that’s 100% WvW

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Hubris.7039


With paid server transfers fast approaching, it only makes sense to settle into a community that not only will you will genuinely enjoy, but will welcome you with open arms.

We recently brought on board a couple of very large Latin-American guilds. Our server leadership made the extra effort to welcome them, creating Spanish language channels in VOIP server, for instance. I’m sure that they would also put in the extra effort for any community that transferred from the Oceanic time zones.

Really, the level of acceptance and community support that you can expect on Yak’s Bend is remarkable. I’ve been there for three months now and would never consider playing anywhere else.

Check out http://www.yaksbend.com for more information.

Wiideus – Elementalist
Officer – War is Hell [WAR]
Yak’s Bend

(edited by Hubris.7039)

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Xavi.6591


What Hubris said.

Now’s your chance to try out Yak’s Bend before paid transfers. We are looking for any WvW players and guilds, especially Oceanic and European who will definitely experience some great WvW while NA players snore in their beds. We welcome any and all NA players and guilds too.

Or maybe you have never tried WvW and have been too afraid to try? Perfect. Come and we will show with all the info, tips, advice and experience to make you feel a part of the Yak’s Bend WvW community and alliance.

Join today and see you on the battlefield!


Fantasme Bloodwen [R.I.P. Mesmer] | Andi Runi [Warrior] | Bonedoggle [Necro] | Zooerasty [Ranger]
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Dethroat.3514


Thank you for all of your support guys! Everything that has been about our community is true. We welcome everyone! No matter where you’re from.

Dethroat – Human – Necromancer – War is Hell [WAR] Leader
Tarnished Coast

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Dethroat.3514


I dont think you will find a better server web site then what has been created at yaksbend.com. Just want to thank all that have put their time and money into it. It is superior. Thank You. The sense of community has kept me at Yaksbend.

Glad you stayed!

Dethroat – Human – Necromancer – War is Hell [WAR] Leader
Tarnished Coast

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Erinshaw.8035


So you did not see the video of one pot of oil vs 20 golls. The pot of oil was one yak vs 20. The pot of oil won. Therefore 1 yak beat 20. I rest my case your honour. We on Yaks play together win or loose come now whilst its free to try. Join us and know what real teamwork is about and most of all how to have fun day and night.

The Older Gamers (TOG) wvw guild leader

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Erinshaw.8035


Sorry i got it wrong it was 41 golls with pot of oil


So before you critic someone know that evidence is king

The Older Gamers (TOG) wvw guild leader

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


Sorry i got it wrong it was 41 golls with pot of oil


So before you critic someone know that evidence is king

When you verse Maguuma look for the OG guild tag

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: mauler.5694


I usually see the (OG) tag…..as we roll past their corpses.

Killa Zombie – Necromancer

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: mauler.5694


Tired of PvDoor on NA servers? Come to Yaksbend and help us defend against the Oceanic wave crashing onto our keeps every morning.

Killa Zombie – Necromancer

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: RoChan.1926


Yak’s Bend has been my home server since launch and I have to say that our WvW has always been an amazing and fun time for me. From wonderful commanders to an awesome community I really cannot recommend Yak’s Bend enough. If you’re looking for a new home or want to have a challenge experience, join our server!

Optee Kaal Allusion | The Evil Empire
“Kitten the yaks, so persistent about everything.” -Ebay

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Hubris.7039


Sorry i got it wrong it was 41 golls with pot of oil


So before you critic someone know that evidence is king

Here’s a direct link to the video:


Wiideus – Elementalist
Officer – War is Hell [WAR]
Yak’s Bend

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Xavi.6591


Looking for more devoted, positive and community orientated players and guilds to join the Yak’s Bend alliance. All time zones welcome! Oceanic and EU players and guilds coming over will see a fair amount of action and will play a key role in our presence and strategy.

Try us this week!

Fantasme Bloodwen [R.I.P. Mesmer] | Andi Runi [Warrior] | Bonedoggle [Necro] | Zooerasty [Ranger]
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Rancor Chiron.6178

Rancor Chiron.6178

An amazing server! Any guild would be welcomed with open arms and you would feel a part of our family from day one.

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Lanimal.6541


This is an amazing server even weeks since we played them last, I have immense respect for these guys (TC player here).

A server that combined Yaks and Toasters would be heaven on earth. Unfortunately both servers have an almost cult-like devotion to their server and this would never happen but one can always dream.

I hope you guys get more WvW guilds to transfer over to you guys and climb back up the tiers so we can fight you guys again.

[VoTF] www.votf.net

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Hubris.7039


I hope you guys get more WvW guilds to transfer over to you guys and climb back up the tiers so we can fight you guys again.

Looking forward to the day!

Wiideus – Elementalist
Officer – War is Hell [WAR]
Yak’s Bend

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Xavi.6591


Transfer today and try Yak’s Bend this week for free!. If you don’t like it, you can still transfer somewhere else.

But beware, our milkshakes bring all the Invaders to the yard.

Fantasme Bloodwen [R.I.P. Mesmer] | Andi Runi [Warrior] | Bonedoggle [Necro] | Zooerasty [Ranger]
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: InfernoX.9638


Yes! Transfer To Yak’s Bend Today Before The Server Resets! Our Commander Community Is Tight! You Defiantly Won’t Regret!

Commander Rave King – Yak’s Bend

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Dethroat.3514


IOJ guys, come over to YB!

Dethroat – Human – Necromancer – War is Hell [WAR] Leader
Tarnished Coast

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Strippling.3524


Once you go Yak you’ll never wanna go back

Talons [BT]