Yak's Bend WvW Coordination Thread

Yak's Bend WvW Coordination Thread

in WvW

Posted by: Sojourner.6938


Okay so longer matches start tonight, and the Yak’s have been flailing around without leadership so far as I can tell.

Are there any organized WvW-centric guilds on the Bend who are gearing up for these games? Does anyone have a public Vent, Mumble or TeamSpeak server we can share with other dedicated guilds/players?

We did very well in the first few days, but have floundered for the most part since. I mean, we do “okay” every now and then, but I’m ready to start whoopin’ some major kitten in the coming weeks.

Holla back, Yaks!

Odd Bodkins

Yak's Bend WvW Coordination Thread

in WvW

Posted by: trammer.2847


Victory or Death is fielding players. don’t have designated nights but look up Trammer tonight and i will get you in touch with our guild leader. i also asked him to post here.


(edited by trammer.2847)

Yak's Bend WvW Coordination Thread

in WvW

Posted by: Firefly.4165


I believe TOG (The older gamers / the tyrian guild ) are starting to field regular events on wednesday and saturdays.

Yak's Bend WvW Coordination Thread

in WvW

Posted by: Phwap.9415



Public Yak’s forum, public TS for Yak’s players/guilds and always doing WvW. Stop by the forum, say hi and grab the TS info or get in touch with any of us in game.


Yak's Bend WvW Coordination Thread

in WvW

Posted by: Gedwyn.5239


Few things:

A) we did well in the first few days against two servers that really didn’t ‘have it’. We then had a massive amount of players transfer over from one of those servers. Hopefully those players are dedicated, and will learn as they play, but early indications – the last couple weeks – are that this is either not happening at all, or in at best, happening slowly.

B) There have been a lot of transfers out, namely to larger servers that have more wins and a better ranking. Many of these transfers are what I will term as ‘pvp aware’ players.

A + B = in general… a dilution of the player base. Again, things will get better, but it will take time.

C) Upgrades: now that matches are going on for longer than a day, hopefully we’ll see more players willing to spend coin on keep upgrades.

Comments on some of our problems on Yaks:

1) People need to be better at prioritizing:
What’s the most important object on any WvW map? The Orb. (really…that’s all the matters). In general: too many players ignore Orb defence when we have it, and ignore taking the steps to gain the Orb when we don’t. If the Orb is being held in the Eastern keep, don’t be screwing around needlessly on the west side.

On Orb defence:

As soon as we lose one of our keeps on our WvW world, you basically need to boogie north to our Orb and get ready to defend. Bring supply, and ballistas. Put the ballistas up at the Orb. That zerg that’s coming to take our Orb is going to be big….you really can’t be screwing around somewhere else (unless it’s a small group retaking the keep we lost before it’s upgraded).

2) You can’t upgrade anything without a decent supply line:

So our current strategy of taking a keep (if we manage it), taking the closest supply depots to that keep and then moving onto the next keep need to change.

Certainly, take the keep. Take the depots. Don’t immediately run off to the next target… guard the depot. Guard the keep. Wait for the upgrades to be finished. (Yes, it’s boring, but it’s a necessity).

Once the walls and gates have been reinforced, and cannons are up (and that takes awhile) you can start thinking about the next objective on the map.

3) Taking keeps.

Just for once, I’d love to see us actually hold and retain supply depots around the targeted keep before we make an attempt on the keep. You know, when that keep has no supply, it does mean we face less siege on the way in

Also, I see this almost every night at the western keep. Knock down an inner wall, congregate on the docks and get pounded by a bajillion arrow carts and ballistas.


Absolutely, congregate on the docks. Let them put up their arrow carts and ballistas. Once they are up, move to a different gate and use the rams (that being smart, you didn’t put up on the dock gate) there instead. Sure, they can re-deploy siege, if they want to spend the coin and have supply. Eventually – assuming we followed step #1 and cut off supply – they’ll run out of wood.

Really, it’s just patience and baby steps. Organization will help, but players need to listen first, think second, and third make good decisions, and I’m not seeing a lot of that right now. Again, that will change hopefully. I think we have a ‘young’ player base in terms of pvp smarts and awareness, and that will get better as more and more players figure things out.

By all means, if someone wants to takes the reigns, go for it. We need it. I’ll promise support if whoever does that doesn’t turn out to be an idiot (opinion subject to change without notice, e. & o. e.)

Taelyn Windstrider
80 Thief
Sea of Sorrows

Yak's Bend WvW Coordination Thread

in WvW

Posted by: Sojourner.6938


Taelyn, I see you in there right beside me every night, so I know you feel the same pain.

I agree with everything you wrote. Now, if we can just get some Yaks on the forums to READ those tips, we’d be in good shape.

And thanks Phwap, I’ll check that site out and spread the word!

Odd Bodkins

Yak's Bend WvW Coordination Thread

in WvW

Posted by: Merc.2017


With Victory or Death you can also contact Mercnificent Faust in the game. We are looking to set up some organized day for our guild, but we usually have 6 – 15 looking to RvR.

[VoD] Mercnificent Faust
Guild Leader
Yak’s Bend