Your message was suppressed

Your message was suppressed

in WvW

Posted by: omegazone.9254


So over the years i have found this to be a hindrance, of course we have ts, but at times we just want to shout in map chat, scout reports, or when tagged commands to those not on ts, but having the " Your message was suppressed due to excessive messaging " block is just so annoying. I understand that it is to help reduce spamming etc, but when there is spamming you can just block that person. But to block important information over map chat is in my opinion is not needed.
Could we have the devs look at removing the above block for map chat !
More so now as we can not swap to team speak where the block does not operate, as it just goes to all maps, which is imo just annoying, as it just does not get used properly the potential is right, but it will not work.
So please remove the excessive messaging on map chat . thank you!

(Blub) Brotherhood of blub
Piken Square

Your message was suppressed

in WvW

Posted by: Mertyns.4921


+1, Anet please have a look at this. Now that team chat is WvW-wide and map chat is (or at least should be) used for most scouting reports, the restriction is a bit too harsh. Especially when it seems trigger off things like linking a particular poi/waypoint into the chat.

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in WvW

Posted by: Balthazzarr.1349


Yes, sadly it’s not so good so far. I’ve had to completely turn off the Team Chat in my message box simply due to people chattering about nothing important now that they can yack between bl’s. I did see one or two messages by people saying they need help somewhere, and saw responses that said something like, “sorry can’t come”… then just a lot more chatter.

Unfortunately it’s not working well… and ESPECIALLY because people do NOT say where they are posting from… and don’t say just ask them … because if you think that’s efficient then you’re not a WvW person ‘on the move’.

… just call me … Tim :)