Yup, we're in for a win here...

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: psizone.8437


Prime time. Weekend. Stupidly outnumbered.

GG Anet.


Brotherhood of Blub [blub]

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: Offair.2563


Coverage wars 2.

Big Babou, Ranger for life.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: psizone.8437


Maybe one of you devs would like to volunteer to come stay with us for this week? See an extreme of how unfair your matchup system is.

Don’t go for it next week, we’re against servers that are of our level for the first time in months.

Brotherhood of Blub [blub]

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in WvW

Posted by: Offair.2563


Maybe they gained loads of bandwagoners to win the bronze league?

Big Babou, Ranger for life.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.

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in WvW

Posted by: psizone.8437


Maybe they gained loads of bandwagoners to win the bronze league?

Nah, they and the servers around them have always been stupidly superior in numbers to us. The population difference we’ve been stuck with has been brutal.

Brotherhood of Blub [blub]

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: Filovirus.6258


Prime time. Weekend. Stupidly outnumbered.

GG Anet.

Don’t tell me you really expected to have a shot at winning more than 2 MU this Season ??

You KNOW the only MUs you can win are against Vabbi/WSR/UW and maybe Bt depending on how it works.

The rest you’ll get stomped into the ground, and you know it it’s MUs you already had (minus the uber kittene where you’ll face 2 of the 19-22 servers at the same time if it happens).

You get destroyed by RoS for months now, and all the other servers are stronger than RoS.
Same with MS who rolfstomped you without really trying. Add to that that German servers are known for mustering superior numbers during Seasons, with a good chunk of part time/milicia players, and you’re doomed, but it’s nothing new.

And it’s nothing to do with the Season, it’s an overall problem of population in WvW.

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: Filovirus.6258


Maybe one of you devs would like to volunteer to come stay with us for this week? See an extreme of how unfair your matchup system is.

Don’t go for it next week, we’re against servers that are of our level for the first time in months.

The only server your lvl is Bt.

Vabbi/WSR/UW are FAR weaker. Facing them you are doing to them what is being done to you this week.

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: psizone.8437


Prime time. Weekend. Stupidly outnumbered.

GG Anet.

Don’t tell me you really expected to have a shot at winning more than 2 MU this Season ??

You KNOW the only MUs you can win are against Vabbi/WSR/UW and maybe Bt depending on how it works.

The rest you’ll get stomped into the ground, and you know it it’s MUs you already had (minus the uber kittene where you’ll face 2 of the 19-22 servers at the same time if it happens).

You get destroyed by RoS for months now, and all the other servers are stronger than RoS.
Same with MS who rolfstomped you without really trying. Add to that that German servers are known for mustering superior numbers during Seasons, with a good chunk of part time/milicia players, and you’re doomed, but it’s nothing new.

And it’s nothing to do with the Season, it’s an overall problem of population in WvW.

Exactly my point, I saw this coming and wanted to show my frustration here. They should stop making these darn tournaments until they fix the population issues.

Assuming we don’t face the same server twice, we’ll had a good fight with Vabbi and Underworld then have a week with WSR and a server that’ll run us both into the ground then another week with 2 servers that won’t even realise it’s a 3 way fight.

Brotherhood of Blub [blub]

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: psizone.8437


The only server your lvl is Bt.

Vabbi/WSR/UW are FAR weaker. Facing them you are doing to them what is being done to you this week.

Agreed, except I’d place WSR in with us and BT, they have decent numbers when they try. (last time I saw them anyway)

But with the mood in WvW at the moment, I wouldn’t be surprised if not many people turn up for next weeks matchup at all.

Brotherhood of Blub [blub]

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: sparc.3649


Then calculate in these new ****** siege disablers!

They’re just going to make things worse. Now that zerg/ktrain you MAY have held off, is going to storm your tower after they disable your siege…

Yes ANET, please, change the title of your game to zerg wars 2. It is after all the zerg you seem to favor. You’re always doing things to benefit them.

© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: Filovirus.6258


Prime time. Weekend. Stupidly outnumbered.

GG Anet.

Don’t tell me you really expected to have a shot at winning more than 2 MU this Season ??

You KNOW the only MUs you can win are against Vabbi/WSR/UW and maybe Bt depending on how it works.

The rest you’ll get stomped into the ground, and you know it it’s MUs you already had (minus the uber kittene where you’ll face 2 of the 19-22 servers at the same time if it happens).

You get destroyed by RoS for months now, and all the other servers are stronger than RoS.
Same with MS who rolfstomped you without really trying. Add to that that German servers are known for mustering superior numbers during Seasons, with a good chunk of part time/milicia players, and you’re doomed, but it’s nothing new.

And it’s nothing to do with the Season, it’s an overall problem of population in WvW.

Exactly my point, I saw this coming and wanted to show my frustration here. They should stop making these darn tournaments until they fix the population issues.

Assuming we don’t face the same server twice, we’ll had a good fight with Vabbi and Underworld then have a week with WSR and a server that’ll run us both into the ground then another week with 2 servers that won’t even realise it’s a 3 way fight.

Actually they WILL realize it like we did for quite some months (and season) when you won’t show up and won’t even try to recap your towers/keeps, and focus on the 2nd weakest server already hammered by the leader, like you did us all season (like WSR do).

At least try to do like Vabbi and defend/recap your things and go after the leader’s stuff when they are occuped focusing number 2, it’ll make the mu’s more enjoyable for everyone, your players first.

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: Filovirus.6258


Then calculate in these new ****** siege disablers!

They’re just going to make things worse. Now that zerg/ktrain you MAY have held off, is going to storm your tower after they disable your siege…

Yes ANET, please, change the title of your game to zerg wars 2. It is after all the zerg you seem to favor. You’re always doing things to benefit them.

Siege disablers are broken on the defense side, not the offensive one.
Basically any objectives with a bit of supplies and 1 person in it can be held for minutes (longer than the WP timer for sure) and force the attackers to go resupply and use cats, wile defenders still have lots of places to put defensive ac/trebs/whatever that CAN’T be disabled and yet still can kill attackers.

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: Otokomae.9356


Meh, I’ve seen more lopsided Matchups during the tournament. In fact, I’m in one right now!

Also, the name of your server is freaking “Fissure of Woe”; did you really think things were going to be EASY over there?

Bakuon/Bakuon Thief [MAS]/ ex-[ATac]

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: Offair.2563


Then calculate in these new ****** siege disablers!

They’re just going to make things worse. Now that zerg/ktrain you MAY have held off, is going to storm your tower after they disable your siege…

Yes ANET, please, change the title of your game to zerg wars 2. It is after all the zerg you seem to favor. You’re always doing things to benefit them.

Siege disablers are broken on the defense side, not the offensive one.
Basically any objectives with a bit of supplies and 1 person in it can be held for minutes (longer than the WP timer for sure) and force the attackers to go resupply and use cats, wile defenders still have lots of places to put defensive ac/trebs/whatever that CAN’T be disabled and yet still can kill attackers.

Just get rid of that stupid grenade. The time they invest on making that could have been better used to make a Guild only tag – something loads of people have been asking for since launch. I seen lots of suggestions for new stuff but never ever the siege disabler grenade. Why they think it could add some positive to wvw is beyond me.

Big Babou, Ranger for life.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: sparc.3649


Then calculate in these new ****** siege disablers!

They’re just going to make things worse. Now that zerg/ktrain you MAY have held off, is going to storm your tower after they disable your siege…

Yes ANET, please, change the title of your game to zerg wars 2. It is after all the zerg you seem to favor. You’re always doing things to benefit them.

Siege disablers are broken on the defense side, not the offensive one.
Basically any objectives with a bit of supplies and 1 person in it can be held for minutes (longer than the WP timer for sure) and force the attackers to go resupply and use cats, wile defenders still have lots of places to put defensive ac/trebs/whatever that CAN’T be disabled and yet still can kill attackers.

I personally don’t care what “side” people think it will benefit more at this point. All I have seen and heard left and right is how horribly abusive this item is period. So to me, it doesn’t matter who it may benefit more, or who it may benefit less. The item should just be removed so that nobody can use it or abuse it. Also bear in mind, players will ALWAYS play a game someone develops in ways the developer NEVER could even imagine. So I would have to say (also being so new of an item) who it does, will, or may benefit more at this point is still rather subjective. So again, bad item, just needs to go AWAY!!!

© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: sparc.3649


Then calculate in these new ****** siege disablers!

They’re just going to make things worse. Now that zerg/ktrain you MAY have held off, is going to storm your tower after they disable your siege…

Yes ANET, please, change the title of your game to zerg wars 2. It is after all the zerg you seem to favor. You’re always doing things to benefit them.

Siege disablers are broken on the defense side, not the offensive one.
Basically any objectives with a bit of supplies and 1 person in it can be held for minutes (longer than the WP timer for sure) and force the attackers to go resupply and use cats, wile defenders still have lots of places to put defensive ac/trebs/whatever that CAN’T be disabled and yet still can kill attackers.

Just get rid of that stupid grenade. The time they invest on making that could have been better used to make a Guild only tag – something loads of people have been asking for since launch. I seen lots of suggestions for new stuff but never ever the siege disabler grenade. Why they think it could add some positive to wvw is beyond me.

They need to add Multi-Quote >.<

I was going to quote this in my last post so I’ll just say – ^ THIS ^ at this point… … …

© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: psizone.8437


At least try to do like Vabbi and defend/recap your things and go after the leader’s stuff when they are occuped focusing number 2, it’ll make the mu’s more enjoyable for everyone, your players first.

We haven’t had a chance to leave our borderland this week yet, attacking the first place server results in our 4 man group being zerged hard and the second place server is focusing on our borderland instead of defending their own or attacking the first place server.

Problem is, Dzag has more than enough players to keep us and BT down on every map at the same time.

Just wanted to make it clear that we aren’t targetting BT, we’re too busy trying to keep our borderland, if only one tower!

Brotherhood of Blub [blub]

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: Xiem.4719


Moved to BT some time ago, to join my friends… and it was a mistake.
We can’t do anything in wvw at the moment.
Last tournament achievements was great way to attract pve players, but now? …
Map is all green each time i’m checking.

Also, sorry for my english, hopefully you guys can understand me =)!

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: psizone.8437


Also, sorry for my english, hopefully you guys can understand me =)!

Loud and clear! It’s a shame, Bt used to have decent numbers until about 2 months ago. Not nice seeing servers fall like that.

I agree that the old achievements were nice. Even if PvE players only came in to do the achievements, it bolstered low population servers a bit.

Brotherhood of Blub [blub]

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: Bubi.7942


Sorry to say, but that’s totally expected.

We at WSR know that we are gonna get stomped into the ground next week by Dzag. We’ll try to make the best of it though, finally some zergs to bust, and to see the Dzag PvD masters return is always a glorious site (I mean last season they didn’t even use siege).

Looking foward to Blacktide and you guys at FoW, I think that’s gonna be the highlight matchup for us.

Regards from WSR.

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

Yay leagues, 2 months out of the year making the other 10 months feel worthless.

(or the other way around)

Mag Server Leader

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: psizone.8437


Looking foward to Blacktide and you guys at FoW, I think that’s gonna be the highlight matchup for us.

Regards from WSR.

Ditto, will be a great matchup!

Also, watch out when zergbusting Dzag, when their zerg gets wiped they call a blob >.>

Brotherhood of Blub [blub]

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: JusticarArkiel.1564


Also, the name of your server is freaking “Fissure of Woe”; did you really think things were going to be EASY over there?

^this has to be the best post yet, possibly ever, in this thread. maybe if it was renamed “Fissure of Rainbows”? ……. nope, the fissure part still kinda kills it

Fix what you have before you build something new

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: Tiffany.8576


You’re not trying hard enough. I’ve busted bigger zergs with fewer people.

Joking aside, it’s probably not too fun for the “winners” either. I’d hate to be anywhere near that “match” right now. Meh.

Tiff | [TW] Tempest Wolves | WvW Staff Tempest Guide
NA/EU sPvP Elementalist

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: psizone.8437


You’re not trying hard enough. I’ve busted bigger zergs with fewer people.

Joking aside, it’s probably not too fun for the “winners” either. I’d hate to be anywhere near that “match” right now. Meh.

They seem to be enjoying spamming laughter emotes after portal bombing 3 people with a zerg of 30… You get all sorts of people online I guess! =/

Brotherhood of Blub [blub]

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

Look at it from the bright side, at least you can play in a target rich environment :P

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: Lenoir.3579


Joking aside, it’s probably not too fun for the “winners” either. I’d hate to be anywhere near that “match” right now. Meh.

No, it’s no fun.
I’ve no clue where all those players suddenly come from but in the last weeks we didn’t have so many players.

Anyway I guess that within our tier the differences on population are really big. And nobody (at least with a brain) is actually arguing that we are about to win because we are so unbelievable skilled.
I guess we’ll also have a harder time next weeks when we meet servers that have about the same population level.


Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: Filovirus.6258


Also, sorry for my english, hopefully you guys can understand me =)!

Loud and clear! It’s a shame, Bt used to have decent numbers until about 2 months ago. Not nice seeing servers fall like that.

I agree that the old achievements were nice. Even if PvE players only came in to do the achievements, it bolstered low population servers a bit.

Erm, Bt had “decent numbers” exactly from 2 weeks before S2 (when they got bandwaggoned like Hell due to free transferts by the like of FRS, Hi, RiOT, KYSA and others), and kept them till (as predicted and as all other bandwagons servers before and after) they hit a bump in the road and had to actually start working and pulling their weight instead of massively outblobbing servers that had half their population, at which point the bandwagonners left with a good chunk of Bt’s numbers, specially their night crew (like they did multiple other servers before, RoS in S1 for exemple).

Bt is basically back to where they were before S2, with even more numbers actually.

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: Filovirus.6258


Joking aside, it’s probably not too fun for the “winners” either. I’d hate to be anywhere near that “match” right now. Meh.

No, it’s no fun.
I’ve no clue where all those players suddenly come from but in the last weeks we didn’t have so many players.

Anyway I guess that within our tier the differences on population are really big. And nobody (at least with a brain) is actually arguing that we are about to win because we are so unbelievable skilled.
I guess we’ll also have a harder time next weeks when we meet servers that have about the same population level.

Easy, you are in a MU you win by miles, shortly after end of Summer (period where your pop dwindle, like all German servers, like last year), so the karma trainers/Fariweather people are there.

They will disappear quite fast when they’ll have to face people stomping them in a few.

(and it’s not an attack on Germans or your server or whatever, pretty much all servers has those kind of “Fairweather” players that only show up when you basically don’t need them since the “backbone” did the hard job and got the lead, and they don’t need the PvD blob making ennemies disappear in a won mu, after a while they don’t show either after Sunday when you win because “it’s the same done mu all over again , boooorrring”, they certainly disappear when it’s close mu and you would NEED the slight push/edge that those players would represent, and that would allow to win, it’s a pain xD)

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: MacTep.7058


Maybe one of you devs would like to volunteer to come stay with us for this week? See an extreme of how unfair your matchup system is.

Don’t go for it next week, we’re against servers that are of our level for the first time in months.

Awesome idea.
We have 2 wvw guild like RA (about 10 ppls raids) and FD (15), and ~8 roam players like me, Psi, Omega, Matatabi and Eve with.
Thats ALL that we can do against Dragonur and Millers zergs.

But anyway we can handle BT and WSR, i think.

or modify ur “outnumbered” buff – bcs we r always outnumbered, and there isnt any diffirence. +20% s rly funny.
Lets try 200% or smth like that.

Russian part of [OP] guild / Fissure of Woe
[lpe] trolls / Fissure of Woe

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: Sin.4130


Thx to Blacktide FoW can cap something more than camps, of course FoW capping our objects everytime they can (usually deep at night) We even encounter this pvd group deep at night – called [RI] or so.

Why you QQ? WvW is all about numbers/coverage.

FoW and BT can’t attract as many ppl as higher tier servers, which means we kind of fail – stop blaming ANet for that.

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: Filovirus.6258


Maybe one of you devs would like to volunteer to come stay with us for this week? See an extreme of how unfair your matchup system is.

Don’t go for it next week, we’re against servers that are of our level for the first time in months.

Awesome idea.
We have 2 wvw guild like RA (about 10 ppls raids) and FD (15), and ~8 roam players like me, Psi, Omega, Matatabi and Eve with.
Thats ALL that we can do against Dragonur and Millers zergs.

But anyway we can handle BT and WSR, i think.

or modify ur “outnumbered” buff – bcs we r always outnumbered, and there isnt any diffirence. +20% s rly funny.
Lets try 200% or smth like that.

RA’s core GvG team is 11 people… they are usually running with 15+ and pretty much every GvG they do there is 17/20 of them counting the ones watching.

FD have over 20 players (i should know, they were our first “unformal” GvG in the field and had to bench half their players to not destroy us while doing a 13v13 or something.

And on top of that, i’ve seen first hand what you can muster when you want, with 30/40+ man blobs in EB and elsewhere during prime time against Bt and RoS (wich was surprising numbers from FoW, specially considering your behaviour/numbers during S2 and the months after), so it’s not just the Dzag mu that is the problem (you had MS before and it wasn’t that bad, neither was it against RoS).

As a last note, don’t dream about a dev in any bronze server.

I think there is one of the devs going on a low silver server on NA, and in EU the lowest ranked server with one is Gunnar’s Hold i think (so rank 15 or so, mid/low silver). xD

Yup, we're in for a win here...

in WvW

Posted by: psizone.8437


Erm, Bt had “decent numbers” exactly from 2 weeks before S2 (when they got bandwaggoned like Hell due to free transferts by the like of FRS, Hi, RiOT, KYSA and others), and kept them till (as predicted and as all other bandwagons servers before and after) they hit a bump in the road and had to actually start working and pulling their weight instead of massively outblobbing servers that had half their population, at which point the bandwagonners left with a good chunk of Bt’s numbers, specially their night crew (like they did multiple other servers before, RoS in S1 for exemple).

Bt is basically back to where they were before S2, with even more numbers actually.

Yeah, you guys ended up with a bunch of our guilds at one point. We’ve seen first hand what transferred guilds can do when they recruit then leave.

Thx to Blacktide FoW can cap something more than camps, of course FoW capping our objects everytime they can (usually deep at night) We even encounter this pvd group deep at night – called [RI] or so.

Why you QQ? WvW is all about numbers/coverage.

FoW and BT can’t attract as many ppl as higher tier servers, which means we kind of fail – stop blaming ANet for that.

We’ve always had players like the ones in [RI] that stay up longer to try and make up some PPT during hard weeks.

Also, why shouldn’t we blame Anet? They definitely have the power to fix the population balance issues and have stayed quiet about it for way too long. Also, you can’t rely on players to fix it themselves, especially when you get rewarded more if you stack a server.

And on top of that, i’ve seen first hand what you can muster when you want, with 30/40+ man blobs in EB and elsewhere during prime time against Bt and RoS (wich was surprising numbers from FoW, specially considering your behaviour/numbers during S2 and the months after), so it’s not just the Dzag mu that is the problem (you had MS before and it wasn’t that bad, neither was it against RoS).

As a last note, don’t dream about a dev in any bronze server.

Those blobs are a once or twice a week event where FoWs PvE guilds come in and have some fun and try to help out, it’s beautiful to watch, but we can’t keep those numbers up longer than a few hours a week.

Too true on the dev front though!

Brotherhood of Blub [blub]

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in WvW

Posted by: Filovirus.6258


Actually, the Outnumbered will probably never be stats buff (and should never be), because it would instantly make roamers on the Outnumbered side totally Godlike and destroy said mode.

The only way you can make that buff “useful” (and not too exploitable) is having npcs, structures and such gradually spawn more numbers, getting higher levels, having better stats and so on, till you get ai manned siege after a while.

But even that would probably be “abused” with people leaving only the bare minimum of people needed for defense to get the whole bonuses for their side since it would be stronger that what they can muster.

It’s quite problematic.