First, Id like to say I really like gw2 and always really have. I find WvW which was always my ultimate goal in the game to be frustrating at times… although I have succumbed to the zerg mentality a little for bag farming.
However, upon release I expected WvW to be more decentralized with smaller groups trying to organize to do things in tandem…. not run around like bison crashing servers or causing lag and FPS drops.
That being said the current WvW and EOTM are still fun and above par in my opinion.
I am simply suggesting a few ideas that may help give WvW EOTM a little more “dynamic” and possibly create a better playing environment.
ZERG BUSTER ULTS (or skills)
obcviously you can rework these anyhow you see them being easier to balance and non breaking of the current mechanics
Also as an idea some animation where ZERG busting ults can be seen on the battlefield as Zerg busting ults should be a channel Where the longer channeled before release does EITHER max damage or max Knockback etc. If the zerg wishes to pounce on the animation it will serve a purpose Albiet komakaze style… if not the skill will go off and create some zerg Busting CC… again not high damage but high CC or Confusion etc.
like butterflies on a Mesmer above them or a big earth rock on the eles head etc.
MESMER – ECHO or Echoing Confusion
example creates a LINE (hereafter line will mean straight out from players nose vs perpendicular to it) that causes enemies who cross it to spread 1….5 (balance needed) stacks of confusion on adjacent enemies (balance needed)
The idea here is to be able to balance it without causeing super nuke damage but still create confusion in RL even inside of a zerg. THe cap should not be on how many can be affected but how much damage or confusion stacks can actually be acquired per player. This if balanced correctly could create a ZERG cc that is less powerful in a smaller confrontation.
(insert game awesome name here)‘s SPIKE OF EARTH
create an aoe (300? balance needed) SPIKE that Shoots straight up into the air… (huge stalagtite) the CC is Knockback as a function of ANGLE to the spike as the spike would be more vertical in center and more horizontal toward the outside…. mass confusion mass people flying doesn’t necessarily have to be high damage at all
the IDea here is Not huge damage but a RANDOM CC that does more damage (balanced needed) to foes in the center of the spike and less on the outside the channeling could determine knockback power and zergs would or (could be) split up to create more dynamics instead of zerg50 vs zerg55
now we have 20 people west 10 east and dynamic kittenation everywhere.
NECRO PARANOIA WALL (insert creative here)
this ult Channel should be akin to FEAR except less automated…
CREATE A LINE (straign out from necros nose etc) that causes paranoia on any foe who crosses for 2… 6 seconds based on channel (again balance needed here)
again you could pin a small amount of agony to this but the main CC effect is similar to fear but less automated…
make the paranoia cause the foe’s directions to be flipped and crossed or some combination thereof so that moving is hectic etc. mass confustion and lots of QQing and killing and zerg busting
ult CALL WILD animals to attack all foes in an aoe radius for 2-10 seconds (balance needed whatever)
this would not serve to do loads of damage just coupled with another zerg buster would make targeting more of a chore and add dynamics that could create an environment where people who are scared of open field zerging would have more utitlity and come out the keep to do more things so I can kill them more often thnx.
CALL APON YOUR THIEF BUDDIES TO DO A MAJOR HEIST OF all the foes weapons in an aoe (300? balance needed)
in effect a channel that creates a disarm for 2-10 seconds or whatever is balanced (keep in mind these ultimates can also be somewhat balanced by cooldown timer too)
maybe all ultily skills work but not 1-5 skills etc.
I was thinking a march of machines or maybe a random condition or transform on all that are in a goo effect this one needs your help anet I dunno just a channel with an aoe effect that’s not damage heavy but CC heavy and doesn’t cap on number off foes but caps on damage done where CC is most important factor large cool down whatever
I don’t have good ideas for warrior guardian as I don’t play them as much… but I think my idea about zerg busting may be understood
I was thinking of possibly giving them anti zerg busters like a “COME TO ME” skill etc… but that again may need some balance
Please leave your comments and suggestions
and please keep in mind the idea is to create dynamics that blurs the line between OPEN FIELD and TOWER CAMPING
don’t bash
and upvote
thanks for your consideration!