Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]
Zergs vs Blobs
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]
Do you have a solid definition for what is a zerg, and what is a blob?
Personal experience of many forum threads shows that these are quite loose terms… often a zerg is just “a group that I lost to” and a blob is just “a group that RiOT lost to” ;p
I do applaud the idea of finding a way to split people up and encourage more smaller fights all over the map, but if you’re going to go down a zerg v blob route we’re going to need strict definitions.
I like most of your ideas… though agree that choice of armour types will never happen! Good luck finding some answers
Hyinna, Gunnars Hold
[Ub] – My Life for Alesia
a zerg is less than 40 ppl give or take a few… a blob is 50+
or more specifically, a blob tends to be when you have to que to get on the map and once on the map almost everyone (give a take a few) is following the same commander.
But if you can cap the number of people able to see the commander tag then you would have distinct definition on what is a blob and what is a zerg.
There is an alternative… if Anet forcibly divided the population of the game into servers that were more equally balanced by moving entire guilds to different servers… So that each server had more or less the same number of people… and then solved the skill lag issues… then the dreaded blob would not be an issue anymore.
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]
I may be wrong, but I think that there is already a definition for Zerg and Blob… While both have lots of people, Zergs are not fully organized, and can be just a group of people following a commander; Blob’s on the other side are groups of people that move at the same time in very little space, taking advantage of the game mechanics for limitations like the one for 5 targets for AoE attacks.
So if you see 50 people running to your gates, and some of them are using catapults, others attacking the walls, and others building rams… that’s a Zerg.
If you see 50 people all together in the same spot, running back and forth always like a small ball… that’s a Blob.
Or that’s what I thought…
The trouble is that it’s subjective. 30 people would be considered a large zerg on the lower tiers, while in the higher tiers that might only be a small guild group.
It’s pretty easy by looking at the map to figure out where all the action is even without that blue square.
Why do you think the ANET is concerned about large groups of people massing together to interact? Perhaps this (as I believe is the case) is exactly what they had envisioned when designing WvWvW.
I’d suggest that instead of ANET spending time and resources to stop people from grouping up in a MMORPG that they fix any performance issues that occur when 200 players collide.
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