Zippy Looking for Server

Zippy Looking for Server

in WvW

Posted by: FallenZippy.8106


Well I’ve been away from the game for while now my computer was broken and had to find a job to do other personal things with live i belonged to iconic guild for a while and worked with them on SOR (sanctum of Rail ) well i recently fixed everything and was looking for a good NA Server since I just got back today and it seems i got kicked so idk if anyone i knew is still on but was wondering witch server would you recommend me to go to , and btw i love using golems

Zippy Looking for Server

in WvW

Posted by: Zikory.6871


SoR is a great server, they are in the middle of a rebuilding phase so they aren’t quite as strong as the were a few months ago. If I were you I’d stick with them, they have good leadership and some really great guilds. Even though the scores aren’t showing it, they are still there kicking kitten.

If you’re trying to leave T1, SoS/Mag/TC/FA are all good choices as well.

[KnT] – Knight Gaming – Blackgate
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer