aNET development dudes/dudettes...represent

aNET development dudes/dudettes...represent

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


GW2 WvWvW is one of the most ambitious online persistent pvp efforts I have ever seen. In essence its brilliant, however to keep people interested and to provide a balanced environment I think you guys need to be more interactive in the forums.

As little as 3-5 posts a week. A general State of Play post where you discuss what games design things you are looking at…or just “hey guys were really busy doing the new pve zone, fixing rangers who we have horribly underpowered or whatever so nothing new in WvW this week”.

And the odd comment on an interesting thread “We have noted the general issue with blah and we think blah”. Be brave and bold, “yes we agree its a problem we are having some discussions as to what we can do” or no sorry its working as intended and we wont be changing it (and wear the flack etc).

We the gameplaying folks would need to respect this and on the whole, excluding the odd muppet, I think we would.

However providing forums, indeed moderated forums, so that’s good, without keeping up some conversation with the 10’s of thousands of punters out there is a recipe for disgruntlement.

Again I love my GW2 W3 and look forward to a continually improving engaging rewarding pile of fun. So thankyou and come on represent !

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

aNET development dudes/dudettes...represent

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


I agree with all of what you wrote.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro