alt 4 exploit
You mean Alt+F4, this was already addressed making the player get the dead and the armor damage, when doing that.
I’ve certainly been seeing a lot more Alt F4ing lately, but doesn’t matter to me — I still get the bags. I’m wondering if you ran off too far from where he disconnected and just missed the bag? Lots of grass and all. Have never seen it happen where a bag didn’t drop after.
Someone mentioned a bug with eles. Once they use mistform while in down state you won’t get any loot no matter if Alt+F4/logout or regular finishing. I didn’t check if this is true but that might have been the case.
But I can confirm this. It happens from time to time that you down someone and he is just gone without any loot or WXP.
You get a bag if there was going to be loot. If not, then no bag. Just like it is with killing anything. If anything you should be happy. He now has to pay a waypoint fee in addition to an armor repair cost. You made them so mad to be beaten that they shut off their game, it’s the ultimate win.
It’s not an exploit in any way, it used to be. Until they patched it like…. 8 months ago?
4 Warriors, 3 Rangers, 3 Mesmers, 2 Engineers, 2 Guardians, and Necro, Thf, Ele
-Beastygate Beast Milk, OG BG Veteran Native
Alt+f4 won’t deny loot for those who have already tagged the player but might prevent a latecomer getting in a few shots and having a shot at the chance of a drop.
The ele mist form bug might be exploitable though.
Alt+f4 is a viable counter-troll still for thieves to psychologically deny the spike (or stealth spike) to lessen the feeling they get that they won due to their mad skills. Does OP main a thief? Did he scream in frustration from his mom’s basement that he couldn’t use his special finisher after 5mins of stealthing into and out of a fight to kill an uplevel?
If your computer isn’t a toaster Alt+f4 (or just logging out to char select) only means 8 seconds to be back in WvW.
Queue transfer still works to skip out of death which I think some players take advantage of.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”