Amazing Arenanet.

Amazing Arenanet.

in WvW

Posted by: General.7803


Im Jang Gun, in WM. Im very angry.
first, im sorry i cannot speak English very well.

In the past i saw “Hengie” use Bug to steal ORB manymanymany times.
ex: i saw five times at 5meter front of me broken Altar
in “our Bay Keep” to use thief backstep?
I sent “report” to Arenanet, their name-guild-skill-situation. but Arena didn’t.
so Hengie always have ORB.

Blackgate use Hack, to steal ORB.
i saw three times, flying-move with stealORB
and underground-move with stealORB in Blackgate map “our Hill Keep”.
Also in JQmap always Blackgate have ORB coz BBBBBUUUUUGGGGG.
so Blackgate always have ORB.

This is deface(?)-act other pure player in BG.

this is SSSuck. so WM don’t like to play WvW. me too. veryvery much
Many WM ppl is quitting(?) GW2 coz we r very disappoint to Arena.

2st. . i saw somebody told “WM use hack too.”
He is fking idiot and big liar.
We don’t need hack coz we r strong enough and we r soilder.
Maybe if u want to tell like that, tell me Name.
and give me “Time and Place” to fight “You and WM”.
We will show u.

[WM] GW2 leader, “Jang Gun”.
I’m sorry, i can’t speak English very well.

(edited by General.7803)

Amazing Arenanet.

in WvW

Posted by: Osskil.1029


I’m not sure what’s happening right now

Lord Osskilian – Mesmer
Sanctum of Rall – [Choo]

Amazing Arenanet.

in WvW

Posted by: Osskil.1029


I’m not sure what’s happening right now

As a side note though – ALL servers have hacking issues. It is a bit sad that Arenanet even pushed Wv3 out with so many glaring issues. Hopefully they get fixed quickly and all commanders are respectful enough to give back stolen orbs!

Lord Osskilian – Mesmer
Sanctum of Rall – [Choo]

Amazing Arenanet.

in WvW

Posted by: Umeil.5384


Well said Jang Gun. Everyone is getting sick of it and there is not much being done about the hacking. WM surly does not need to hack especially with commanders like you around (always a pleasure to run with any WM member) always good clean fights.

I chalange anyone to post a screen shot or any evidence ever attained against any WM member hacking (i am sure if you do they will be booted asap if you do have any)

Sad to see others have to hack to get ahead mate rely sad to see. Maby after x-mas they will possibly think about doing something about it as I am sure they are way to busy putting together some or other “function” for x-mas to worry about the hacks and breaks in the game.

Amazing Arenanet.

in WvW

Posted by: Genocide.4506


Still lots of hacks and bugs that Anet need to fix this will indeed be a huge problem even if they balance out all servers…..

Blackgate thief :)

(edited by Genocide.4506)

Amazing Arenanet.

in WvW

Posted by: Elcyion.7452


is this news to tier 1 gods its been like this for over a month orbs being bugged. Even when u break an altar and cap the keep the altar will still be the enemys and after placing the orb they get the buff.. Orb hackers running rampart has also been happening alot on the lower tiers.

On the stacking issue the high Tiers seems to have gotten to used to Zerging and cant even think for themselves and find new strategies that Blackgate can dominate this badly with Stacking tactics is pretty embarrising as the Lower Tiers has been doing it for ages

Swedish Insomniac
Server: Maguuma Guild: (iRez)
Night-Morning-Midday Crew WvW

Amazing Arenanet.

in WvW

Posted by: aeroh.8930


Disable the orbs until you can fix them, Anet.

Amazing Arenanet.

in WvW

Posted by: Arani.9057


WM always been a well respected opponent. +1

I think public claims of “hacking” of entire guilds/servers should start having repercussions. It defaces a server or guild’s ability to recruit quality talent and reputable players. The only reason to post publicly like that is to try to discredit.

Aradea [AoS] /\/\ESS/\/\ERR of Jade Quarry (GG SBI)
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.

Amazing Arenanet.

in WvW

Posted by: Lofty.8759


Im Jang Gun, in WM. Im very angry.
first, im sorry i cannot speak English very well.

In the past i saw “Hengie” use Bug to steal ORB manymanymany times.
ex: i saw five times at 5meter of him broken Altar in “Bay” to use thief backstep?
I sent “report” to Arenanet, name-guild-situation. but they didn’t.
so Hengie always have ORB.

Blackgate use Hack, to steal ORB.
i saw three times, flying-move with stealORB
and underground-move with stealORB in Blackgate map “our Hill Keep”.
Also in JQmap always Blackgate have ORB coz BBBBBUUUUUGGGGG.
so Blackgate always have ORB.

This is deface(?)-act other pure player in BG.

this is SSSuck. so WM don’t like to play WvW. me too. veryvery much
Many WM ppl is quitting(?) GW2 coz we r very disappoint to Arena.

2st. . i saw somebody told “WM use hack too.”
He is fking idiot and big liar.
We don’t need hack coz we r strong enough and we r soilder.
Maybe if u want to tell like that, tell me Name.
and give me “Time and Place” to fight “You and WM”.
We will show u.

nice troll.

Amazing Arenanet.

in WvW

Posted by: Arreyanne.2683


Blackgate = Henge Dues Ex?

How sweet

Amazing Arenanet.

in WvW

Posted by: Scorpio Shirica.1286

Scorpio Shirica.1286

WM, from what I understand, is a Korean guild that was one of the guilds that dominated the Guild Wars 1 PvP environment. Now, I’m not from that era… but if one of their early franchise stakeholders is making a statement like this, maybe it’s worth paying attention. Just because WM has some English speaking problems doesn’t mean their opinion is worth any less.

I’m glad to see Anet addressing server transfers to a degree. Now it appears they have the orb problem to address.

Amazing Arenanet.

in WvW

Posted by: BAEK.8561


Prevent orb capture (make alter invulnerable) until Champion is dead.

It’s really that easy…

{Sanctum of Rall} Since Day -3
Weekend Guardian/Elementalist
No Guild Affiliation

Amazing Arenanet.

in WvW

Posted by: Scorpio Shirica.1286

Scorpio Shirica.1286

I don’t think it’s that easy. It would take away from a ninja team of 5 (to avoid orange battle markers) breaking into a wall with a catapult and stealing the orb, as well as some other small man team tactics that make the game enjoyable for those that don’t want to organize 40+ man squads to take the orb.

I think Anet is approaching this problem professionally with a well thought out answer, instead of making a knee-jerk response that could cause other problems.

Amazing Arenanet.

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


They need to improve their tools to detect and quickly ban those responsible.

Apathy Inc [Ai]