et vs kein this week my thoughts

et vs kein this week my thoughts

in WvW

Posted by: Mypinkbunny.4513


i firstly want to know how kein even got placed in t8 this week. they have the numbers to be on 24/7 where et n dr just dont. we try our best to take things and upgrade it just to waking up in the morning and kein got everything. kein at this point could go to sleep till reset and still win. i just wish we could compete this week but i feel there is no point when we just lost everything to kein nighttime crew. i hope anet get better at matching servers because this week has been so unfun i do not wanted to play.

et vs kein this week my thoughts

in WvW

Posted by: joneirikb.7506


To be fair, I have no idea *how* Kaineng got put in T8 match-up this week at all, I honestly thought that the Glicko difference was to large for this to happen.

And looking back at Snowreap’s calculation we had exactly 0% chance of getting either DR or ET. So I have no clue how it happened, as there are still other servers inbetween that we had glicko chance to meet.

So don’t worry, you won’t see Kaineng again after this week (Hopefully for everyone involved). I suspect this week was a mathematical error, or we still don’t know the full extent of the Glicko variation for match-up’s yet.

Anyways yes, Kaineng known for night-capping, always been. We don’t have the numbers to be on 24/7, and we get demolished in NA prime time by most other servers. It just seems like it, and the fair-weathers probably moved back in again thinking this will be an easier week and all that.

Do hope you guys will get a better match-up next week!

(NB: Been spending most of my time in EotM farming badges on my alt account, since we rolled green for once! so haven’t been much in WvW this week.)

Elrik Noj (Norn Guardian, Kaineng [SIN][Owls])
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”

et vs kein this week my thoughts

in WvW

Posted by: meltdown.5870


Well its part of the game that you can play 24/7 in WvW..

I agree its depressing to log in and see everything is taken ..

But trust me its not any fun at all to run around and bang empty doors mostly for chickens who are afraid to fight.

only thing that can prevent nightcapping is …

CLOSE THE WvW maps between 0100-0900 Paris time for euroservers,

that theese poor souls can get some rest.. that will ofc never happend..
Living peoble have to just accept “Nightcrawlers” banging empty doors scoring cheap points.

et vs kein this week my thoughts

in WvW

Posted by: Darius.1430


Well on ET it really doesn’t matter who they match up with, getting rolled over by superior numbers is getting rolled over by superior numbers regardless of the server tag.

Stop worrying about upgrades or ppt, you have not been competitive in those areas for quite awhile, you should be used to it.