fewer match up with more maps?

fewer match up with more maps?

in WvW

Posted by: lagrangewei.8516


the reason for limiting server population is the map are fill and people can’t join wvw. so why not just add more borderland? and give each server both alpine and desert home for a total of 7 map?

this can be doable with some aggressive linking. anet may even have fewer server to run as there will be fewer match up. and server can take on more population.

Feed the Merlion… before the Merlion feed on YOU!

fewer match up with more maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Then why not go all the way and have 1 matchup with 20 maps?

The problem is that the fewer matchups you have, the less competition matter and the more EoTM it become.

fewer match up with more maps?

in WvW

Posted by: DemonSeed.3528


Fewer servers, more population – sounds like a surefire recipe for perma lag. Are all your maps constantly queued 24/7, or did you mean people can’t join at a specific time?