german bank holiday today?

german bank holiday today?

in WvW

Posted by: ginzo.8792


if ever conclusive proof was needed that WvW is all about who can pillage during the night when the competition sleeps its in our battle , gandara V abbadons mouth (german) and underworld.

gandara had ammased a 60k lead since the start and all of a sudden it seems the germans have a bank holiday today so could stay up all night and this morning control 500 points owrth of the maps. so far at 2pm UK time all we can do is get back our are of EBG for 85 points and same with underworld.

so either suddenly the germans became uber or its conclusive proof that skill and tactics mean jack and its all about who doesnt need to go to bed on your server.

so anyone else wake up to find the germans have suddenlt became “uber” this morning? if so its just more weight to the evidence that this system downgrades skill and tactics to meaningless except at a small portion of the day while night crews rule the world…….


german bank holiday today?

in WvW

Posted by: Sjeufke.9346


most likely a german holiday, out of the sudden riverside got aswell half the map

german bank holiday today?

in WvW

Posted by: Sjeufke.9346


Day of German Unity 03.10.2012 (wednesday) all provinces

german bank holiday today?

in WvW

Posted by: Karicus.8356


Yup Germany has a holiday but dont worry one day you’ll have a holiday when they wont.

Stormbluff Isle – The Brewery

german bank holiday today?

in WvW

Posted by: Dinks.2478


I think this was less about complaining that he doesn’t have a holiday and more about showing the proof that night capping is basically a one way ticket to win.

german bank holiday today?

in WvW

Posted by: Kempest.9405


yes holiday day and a lot of players online

its no skill

its only zerg power

german bank holiday today?

in WvW

Posted by: ginzo.8792


yes and so far its a very expensive day for all non germans who face them cos we got to grind down fully upgraded keeps all over all maps…

As i said conclussive unarguable proof that it,s simply all about who doesnt need to sleep when others do.
so all the chest beating about tactics and skill mean zero against folk who dont need to go to work for wahtever reason. be it unemployment, holiday or living on the other side of the planet.

and dont get me wrong i,m not hating on the germans. i’m simply using this as evidence of whats wrong with this system. if we had a holiday it would be the same.

german bank holiday today?

in WvW

Posted by: AXLORD.2045


I think this was less about complaining that he doesn’t have a holiday and more about showing the proof that night capping is basically a one way ticket to win.

More like showing the proof that numerical superiority is a one way ticket, seems like Clausewitz was right.

german bank holiday today?

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.1462



We are closing this thread to prevent it from derailing into a flaming. The nightcapping issue has already been clarified by Anet.

Thanks for your comprehension