how to punish dagger storming thieves?
There wasn’t a single post in this thread about cluster bomb and you come out of left field talking about how it is the god of AoE spells (which is untrue).
I was correcting a fallacy that another thief was attempting to perpetuate in relation to the original post. If you cannot see the value in my posts then I invite you to ignore them and the content contained therein.
There wasn’t a single post in this thread about cluster bomb and you come out of left field talking about how it is the god of AoE spells (which is untrue).
I was correcting a fallacy that another thief was attempting to perpetuate in relation to the original post. If you cannot see the value in my posts then I invite you to ignore them and the content contained therein.
I did not know “correcting a fallacy” meant responding to a simple yet true statement with complete misinformation and excuses. Where have I been.
As an Elementalist, i just pop my anti projectile shield (skill 4 earth staff) and i’m traited with “auras apply to allies”. Dagger storming thieves usually run back quite fast.
I’ve been countered plenty of times when using Dagger Storm. Considering that it is our 30 skill point elite skill, I think it’s in a good state. I would hazard a guess that the majority of people that complain about it just refuse to learn how to counter it and prefer to complain about it en masse to get it nerfed just like they do with Pistol Whip, Heartseeker, 100 Blades and Mesmer Portals. I just hope that Arena Net has the wisdom to see through the QQ and not give in to it.
why would someone run TO the thief using it? i dont get it..
why would someone run TO the thief using it? i dont get it..
Probably the same people who think popping a reflect of their own will hit the thief with a re-reflect hehe
as a warrior, i cant find a single skill that works to stop the kitten doing his thingy…
he comes in, goes practicaly invulnerable, hits everyone in a huge kitten area, and walks away untouched.. or even with more HP..
while warriors elite is a.. well.. we dont have one.. and our “warrior thing” wel.. we dont use it.. who uses 3rd adrenaline? we get more bonuses for not using it, than using it..
You honestly should just roll a thief and go play Spvp to learn about it’s skills. It is the people that don’t do this that come to the forums and cry about abilities non stop. Don’t be one of those.
Since I’m feeling nice I will explain it step by step for you, but don’t expect people to hold your hand until you know every ability in the game:
Thief ports on you and starts daggerstorm
You run to the thief and start using melee attacks on him (Don’t try and CC unless you strip the 8sec stability) Since he can’t dodge without stopping the daggerstorm AND he moves slower while channeling it. He should be a pretty easy target. The ability does not do very much damage in melee range because the projectiles are random on where they shoot out.
So you get to smash his face in and force him to:
A. Shadowstep out stopping daggerstorm from effecting you.
B. Dodge away from you stopping the daggerstorm channel.
C. Get downed and stop the daggerstorm channel and die.
This should not have to be explained in such detail honestly. Go play it and test it. It is amazingly easy to test every ability in this game unlike any other MMO out. Get off your kitten because it looks foolish.
I’d really like to know what exactly to do as an Engineer against this, actually.
Both of our choice of weapons given, Pistols/Rifles, are ranged. These will be reflected. Is it honestly the only option to happen to have a specific kit equipped to deal damage while a Thief is using DS? Because that’s pretty bad…
ROFL at the thiefs crying about cluster bomb not being a proper 1200 ranged ability. have you nutjobs even tried other classes? I would take clusterbomb over lava font, fireball, necrotic grasp, mark of blood, spatial surge etc etc . Clusterbomb is one of the best WvW abilities in the game…
As for daggerstorm -? That spell is OP. it deals high damage in a huge AOE and boosts your survivability significantly. If you combo it with rangers entangle, ele earthquake or even moar daggerstorm you can wipe entire zergs… It can be countered but the amount of disruption and damage it causes is insane. Compare it to necros stinkform and mages crapnado elites….
(edited by bartsimpsons.6135)
No one was crying about cluster bomb thus your trolling looks really dumb. You should spend a little bit more time reading before you try and troll.
There was a bunch of thieves crying on the 1st page about clusterbomb not being a proper 1200 range ability because it is too slow and it costs initiative You should spend a little bit more time reading before you try and troll.
Judging by your comments in this thread you only have played thief in WvW and how no idea how much stonger thief is compared to other classes in WvW. Probably the strongest WvW class atm – excellent mobility, utility and damage. Tankiness is pretty worthless in WvW tbh – it just means you take longer to kill but still die if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time – escapes → tankiness in WvW.
(edited by bartsimpsons.6135)
Do you just make stuff up as you go along or do you plan it out ahead of time?
Do you get your debate tactics from Mit Romney? “I’ll just lie to make myself sound right! GENIUS!”
I’m a dagger storm thief and I haven’t read this entire thread yet cause beer, but why do you hate me cause I love you.
Btw, stuns/things likes stuns destroy me.
as a dagger storm thief, feedback kills us, instantly.
I have put Feedback on a number of thieves and I have not seen it do damage. Perhaps Dagger Storm is reflecting the projectiles that are being reflected by the Feedback?
1. Feedback does nothing to daggerstorm, daggerstorm is not a projectile attack
2. Daggerstorm cripples and does tons of damage, smart thieves only use it when they have a zerg behind their back, which is 100% of the time in WvW
3. There’s no counter to it, which is why all good thieves spam it whenever its up
4. Thieves are ez mode which is why i rerolled one and am OP at level 23 with 75% crit rate and unkillable with short bow out
I don’t think feedback works against daggerstorm.
Sure it does. Get enough people complaining about daggerstorm, giving feedback to Anet and they will nerf it. Once it is nerfed, then you will see how effective it was.
If you drop into the spvp forums you’ll find its not used by thieves there much, most consider thieves guild much better, I’m not sure its such a bad thing that thieves actually have a skill with some wvw utility.
Oh, I hope we can keep it the way it is. Lol. Just was being punny.
As a thief, stopping dagger storm is easy. If you’re a class that can strip boons, just remove the stability then cc away. If you’re not a class that can strip boons, use fear to cut through stability. If you can’t do either of those things, go into melee range or use non-projectile ranged abilities like ground targeted AoEs. Thieves in general are squishy and will drop very quickitteno steady damage. A lot of thief survivability comes from evasiveness or stealth and both of those are disabled by dagger storm. The fact that dagger storm lowers movement speed a bit and the fact that it is a channeled ability makes the thief even more squishy than he already is so direct damage from multiple sources will either kill the thief outright or at the very least force him to fall back, putting his elite on cooldown.
Fort Aspenwood
If you drop into the spvp forums you’ll find its not used by thieves there much, most consider thieves guild much better, I’m not sure its such a bad thing that thieves actually have a skill with some wvw utility.
Dagger Storm is only really effective when there are a large number of targets gathered in one place. If there are just one or two targets you’re much better off using Thieves Guild as it provides more focus damage and utility. The number of people required to truly make Dagger Storm a better choice over Thieves Guild is really only reached in PvE and WvW, where the number of possible targets is large.
Fort Aspenwood
1. Feedback does nothing to daggerstorm, daggerstorm is not a projectile attack
2. Daggerstorm cripples and does tons of damage, smart thieves only use it when they have a zerg behind their back, which is 100% of the time in WvW
3. There’s no counter to it, which is why all good thieves spam it whenever its up
4. Thieves are ez mode which is why i rerolled one and am OP at level 23 with 75% crit rate and unkillable with short bow out
Again I will say this so everyone can read it, retaliation. End story, bye bye thief.
The OP is a warrior correct? Try using “Fear me”, fear goes right through stability and cancels dagger storm. “Fear me” is one of the best wvw abilities a warrior has so it might be that its on cooldown, in that case charge in with melee or dodge away and hit escape to stop attacking, attack someone else in the meantime..
stability makes you invulnerable to FEAR.. so no.. fear me does’nt work
guys, recheck your advice before giving it.. giving false information is worse than not give any information at all
retaliation its not reflection, dager storm will still kitten you yup..
you may do like 2k dmg total at the end of it, counting the heals he gets.. but you will take 10k dmg if you are clustered with other people..
im a shield/board warrior with 33k hp and 2400 toughness..
I used to run around in berserker gear and glass canon build, but got gibbed by this crap one too many times
In my experience Feedback and reflection do seem to prevent the damage of the daggerstorm, but they do not damage the thief, probably because of the reflection built into daggerstorm.
I’ve tried doing the Mind Stab/Illusionary Wave combo on daggerstorming thieves with mixed success. Often the stability is covered by other boons that I strip instead. And Mind Stabs area is small which, combined with the casting delay, makes it’s difficult to hit a moving target.
I’ve not tried Arcane Thievery on it yet, that may have better chances to strip the Stability, once that’s gone it’s trivial to stop the daggerstorm with a daze/stun/knockback/fear.
The OP thing about Dagger Storm is the length of time it lasts. Unless you have a retaliation, blink, or something else handy, you’re screwed. Even 2 dodges is not enough to mitigate the attack.
Oh and it does crazy dps….
Personally, I play as a tank thief. Dagger storming in WvWvW doesn’t do as much damage as a glass cannon dagger storm, not by far. However, enemy zergs don’t know my build. They start running away or awkwardly focusing me with attacks that don’t do anything, allowing my zerg to wipe them out. It has a nice morale effect, like the Ranger AoE that makes people believe that arrow carts are raining down on them.
There is a billion things in this game that you simply just have to get out of the way with, why is this one any different? Dodge is your friend, and if pugging PvE is any indication, the majority of you have no idea how to use it.
To deal with DS as a warrior.
Swap to shield, use shield 5. Dodge if nessisary. Theifs major DPS ability down, you are at full health, now you kill him. If he steals from you to do whirling axes, stun with shield 4, kill. I am far more afraid of theives guild as a warrior than Daggerstorm.
To deal with DS as a group: Strip boons, kill. Or group wide retaliation also does the trick.
Apathy Inc [Ai]