i can't be the only one.

i can't be the only one.

in WvW

Posted by: Arasuki.6094


I, Arasuki, have been with Stormbluff Isle since the pre-releases. I devote my heart to fighting for and ONLY for Stormbluff Isle. But am I the only one that does not want us to win this matchup (ASSUMING we continue at the rate we’re going). All I can see are the hordes of bandwagoners or as you will know them as the “noob train” hopping over to us and ruining our humble little community.( not that people haven’t hopped already)

this post is not meant to offend in any way. if offended, message me with what and how it offended you and i will seek to rectify the issue

[DU]Arasuki – Ranger
Down Under – Stormbluff Isle

(edited by Arasuki.6094)

i can't be the only one.

in WvW

Posted by: hitsuzenryuu.4891


I know how you feel but the week is still young and the match is still close. It definitely feels like a no-win situation though.

i can't be the only one.

in WvW

Posted by: Arasuki.6094


I know how you feel but the week is still young and the match is still close. It definitely feels like a no-win situation though.

that is why i explicitly caps’d the “assuming”. But still, i would like to hear some thoughts on attaining 1st place. when, how, why. stuff like that.

[DU]Arasuki – Ranger
Down Under – Stormbluff Isle

(edited by Arasuki.6094)

i can't be the only one.

in WvW

Posted by: steb.7048


All this “oh no don’t swap server you’re a noob/glory hunter if you do” is total nonsense. Shut up and play the game.

People will come and go as the please, and they have the right to, they shelled out money to play the game the way they want to and if that means swapping servers to actually enjoy WvW then so be it.

In the immortal words of the MMO; Less QQ, More Pew Pew.

Charr Warrior & Asura Necromancer
Proud member of Heresy on Blacktide EU.

i can't be the only one.

in WvW

Posted by: Arasuki.6094


All this “oh no don’t swap server you’re a noob/glory hunter if you do” is total nonsense. Shut up and play the game.

People will come and go as the please, and they have the right to, they shelled out money to play the game the way they want to and if that means swapping servers to actually enjoy WvW then so be it.

In the immortal words of the MMO; Less QQ, More Pew Pew.

this thread is for discussion over what Stormbluff feels. your contributions, however large you feel they may be, unfortunately do not contribute to this topic.
Your brazen choice of words has also left me perplexed as to what incited you to post in this thread and if there are, if any, ulterior motives. As I see it you are simply, as the general teenage youth would describe it, “chiming in” and/or “being nosy”.

[DU]Arasuki – Ranger
Down Under – Stormbluff Isle

i can't be the only one.

in WvW

Posted by: Stenia.9623


I completely feel the same, I do not want to see SBI lose its community because of a mass noobsquad moving over

“Jade Quarry overstacked in TKG timezone”

Necro Class Lead for Night Shift [NS]

i can't be the only one.

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


It’s hard to pew pew when you have to sit in a 4 hour queue because everyone transferred to your server.

i can't be the only one.

in WvW

Posted by: deviller.9135


Well I know what you feel, but this is a matter of choice: living with them (you have hope to make a good community) or alienated your community from them.

And I agree with steb more. “In the immortal words of the MMO; Less QQ, More Pew Pew.” Have fun.

Dunno about Q times for WvW, as my experience in crowded server, I never had 4 hours queue for borderlands except EB. The longest is about 1 hour.

(edited by deviller.9135)

i can't be the only one.

in WvW

Posted by: Arasuki.6094


Well I know what you feel, but this is a matter of choice: living with them (you have hope to make a good community) or alienated your community from them.

And I agree with steb more. “In the immortal words of the MMO; Less QQ, More Pew Pew.” Have fun.

Dunno about Q times for WvW, as my experience in crowded server, I never had 4 hours queue for borderlands except EB. The longest is about 1 hour.

well here on SBI, it really depends on the morale of the people. And if you’ve been there long enough, and people are excited about WvW, there’s always a buzz in the air. (and high queue times)

queue times range from 5 hours (EB, NA peak hour,weak matchup)
to 0 queue + outmanned.

[DU]Arasuki – Ranger
Down Under – Stormbluff Isle

i can't be the only one.

in WvW

Posted by: Ualtar.5047


Tarnished Coast felt the pain of facing one of those servers that got a flood of new people last week. It was not fun fighting that many people. However, I would rather lose those matches, and be at the bottom of the WvW standings then lose the TC community. I have been impressed by how people play together, and the lack of drama on TC. That is much better then rolling over people every week.

Alrekr Yerling
Khazad Fundinul [KF] – Tarnished Coast

i can't be the only one.

in WvW

Posted by: Arasuki.6094


Tarnished Coast felt the pain of facing one of those servers that got a flood of new people last week. It was not fun fighting that many people. However, I would rather lose those matches, and be at the bottom of the WvW standings then lose the TC community. I have been impressed by how people play together, and the lack of drama on TC. That is much better then rolling over people every week.

this is once again exactly how i feel. our sbi community was great and still is albeit more fragile now due to the dethroning of the king.

[DU]Arasuki – Ranger
Down Under – Stormbluff Isle

i can't be the only one.

in WvW

Posted by: Krustydog.1043


I am loyal to my few friends I have been gaming with for years not some made up name for a place that doesnt really exist. I liked my server til the same thing happened and now I like my new server cause my buds are there. If winning or misplaced server pride is standing in your way of actually having fun thats on you, your the one who prioritized it that way.