just some thought on wvw annoyances

just some thought on wvw annoyances

in WvW

Posted by: lobo fett.4705

lobo fett.4705

I have some thoughts about wvw that if not fixed I believe to be the end of it. I realize we all use these things… just in my thoughts I don’t think they should be this way, things that have annoyed me, most are well known.

I didn’t want to post on forums.. mainly cause it will get trolled, and ill be flamed, but when I put feedback in under support they told me to post on forums…. “The best way to have your feedback or suggestions for Guild Wars 2 reach someone in development is to post it in a public forum like the Official Forums (https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/suggestions), Twitter (#!/GuildWars2), Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/GuildWars2), or on a Fan Site. The more people who view and comment on it, the more likely developers will take notice.”

The first thought I have is elles, and the dmg they can do to siege weapons that imo should be unreachable and should be untouched by aoe. Elles make setting up arrow carts and siege up on walls for siege defense in towers, pointless. meteor shower… its range on walls just goes so deep… even the mortar at lowlands facing aldons is not safe even though its deep in. this range needs to be fixed… siege is a waste for defense, and when a zerg comes they have free reign on door as ppl nor siege can stand on walls at towers, as a few elles can have constant meteor shower up on walls.

Another elle problem is this focus air 4 skill. It’s being used to protect siege. 4 elles can protect siege indefinitely by timing their skills. This is a major issue, for example, if trebs are set up on stonemist level 3 on the peaks, 4 elles are protecting these trebs, and make tower sieges like wild creek, anz, kloven, Quentin, etc… simple. There is absolutely nothing we can do to get these down, and so we just watch our towers get trebbed endlessly. These trebs are hard enough as it is without this skill, we need to gather 10 people with supply, run in close by stonemist walls, so that we can reach the treb, and do this all unnoticed, now with focus air 4, well its almost impossible. Another example is you can build a tonne of siege to take a tower, catas, rams, whatever, and these can be focus air 4, and there is nothing you can do to stop a siege if they get the jump on you… yes you can get elles to protect walls from trebs, cats, but its hard for smaller guilds who aren’t all organized on trebs to always have 4 elles at every wall being hit on every tower that is getting hit, all the time, its not reasonable. massive guilds, with these tactics, and the fact they are all on teamspeak together, well…. other servers with smaller guilds, no chance.

What is the point of outmanned buff, it gives ppl nothing… all it does is alert the opposing servers that it is time to attack cause they are outmanned. Opposing servers can see buff on players that are outmanned. Think about this, and what it really does.

A Thief can do almost 10kcrit? They can kill players in 2 hits? Come on!

A thief can single handily hold a control point forever using black powder and heartseeker, jumping in and out to maintain permanent stealth… they don’t need to hit anyone, they don’t need to do anything, just those two skills and the right initiative traits. This can also be used in fighting a thief, they can simply disappear whenever they want, and stay that way, pop out to hit u whenever they want and then right back in.

Portals are being used for absolutely everything, and is becoming increasingly annoying. They are used to hide in towers, portal a hole server in and take towers without ever taking down gate or walls. They are constantly being used to portal bomb siege. They portal bomb in the middle of groups… and with siege and groups with the rendering problem… no chance to even fight back. Groups never run in and fight anymore, they stack, and a Mesmer comes in invisible and poof 30 people kill everything before they even render. Mesmers chain portal countless golems, getting golems across map in minutes. Portal people in hard to reach places to build siege.. 90 second cool down.. just means you need more mesmers. portals should maybe be limited to 5 ppl and despawn, or limited to a group you are in….The amount portals are used you might as well call this game portal wars.

ninja fett/lobo fett/Eagle eye Fett

(edited by lobo fett.4705)

just some thought on wvw annoyances

in WvW

Posted by: lobo fett.4705

lobo fett.4705

Golems, well yesterday for example I saw sos built 8 trebs, they chained portal them across jq map and took entire fully upgraded map in 10 minutes. 10 minutes for an entire side…… jeez…either you got to have some kind of golem limit or don’t allow them to use waypoints or portals, or actually both. 8 golems in a zerg are not defendable. You will lose everything in minutes.

Towers and keeps, and zergs… lets face it, with a zerg no matter how upgraded a tower or keep is, and with elles taking out siege, using focus air 4 on their siege, the inability to stand on wall, when 10 elles are constantly aoe’ing…. They get taken in probably a minute. Lets make towers a little tougher to take… make doors and walls more hp, so that it takes a long dedicated time, and you have time to rally and get back for defence… this will create more balance to servers, as even lower manned borderlands and battlegrounds can get to keep in time for a reasonable defence… also reduce elles aoe range so siege is there when ppl get there. Not all servers are like sos where prx (from hod) is 90% of their wvw, and they are all on ts and can organize so quickly… this will balance that.

Patches, are a serious issue…. You guys put in patches, and you kick ppl out at same time, which is good, however… when you have to exit game and download patch, people get in very scattered back into game… some patches freeze midway, or near end, or whenever, but then you have to notice it frozen, and then restart it… anyway my point is, people don’t all get in at same time, yet wvw is open as soon as you login. If a server happens to get more people and the jump on others servers, they can literally take out quite a few towers, even the keep before other servers get on. There should be some delay like 10 minutes after client reset from patch .

trebs on level 3 stonemist that are not on the edge, and therefore not reachable by balistas… require a treb to be placed on grass right outside sm wall… as i mentioned before this requires quick build by 10 people, and if you are lucky and they don’t have 4 elles protecting them and you don’t get noticed by enemy, you can get it down… this is just too complicated… and for example, once we finally get klovan side stonemist peak treb down… after 4 tries… and about 20 minutes or more… we still need to get wildcreek side of sm level 3 down… meanwhile they simply build more trebs on klovan side peak…. rinse repeat….. i don’t know… stonemist is enough of an advantage without this issue of every outer tower constantly being trebbed by sm. id suggest only allowing trebs on walls in sm, where they can be aoe’d….. or just put these outer towers just out of reach from their hits. also trebs shouldnt despawn… they cost to much, and on patches restarts they despawn… often if u have to run supply from to far they despawn before being built.

server transfers have to be longer, and cost money, too many spies, and cross realming pug herders. Or implement a server transfer history where we can look up characters transfer history, like aion did.

ninja fett/lobo fett/Eagle eye Fett

(edited by lobo fett.4705)

just some thought on wvw annoyances

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Golems, well yesterday for example I saw sos built 8 trebs, they chained portal them across jq map and took entire fully upgraded map in 10 minutes. 10 minutes for an entire side…… jeez…either you got to have some kind of golem limit or don’t allow them to use waypoints or portals, or actually both. 8 golems in a zerg are not defendable. You will lose everything in minutes.

My apologies for only quoting this part of your post. But this is the only part I felt like I could really cry foul on.
Last week we had an amusing incident with the Sorrows Furnace server.
We generally ignore them as they had basically given up on WvW as we’ve been paired with them for nearly 4 weeks straight and beaten them badly each week.

But one night they showed up with a 35man zerg. Pretty impressive you say? And they started chewing up the other side of the map as we ourselves were at Stalemate with the DragonBrand server over their keep.

Anyway, we noticed that our towers were being totally slammed and overrun in less that a few minutes each, and in the 3months playing WvW I’ve never witnessed this before. They dropped like flies to this SF swarm.

Why? Do I bring this up?
You were astounded at an 8 man Golem Team?
This was a 17 man Golem team with 5 Omega’s and 12 Alphas.

Well we thought this was hilarious so we ditched DB and stormed back to Brovast (Eternal Battleground). Because of the slow moving Golems we flattened them in a few minutes.
Oh yeh a few of the Omegas managed to port out but honestly Golems are just big lardballs. They are great if no one is defending, but even two players can kill an Alpha with ease.

What I’m trying to say here is, Golems no matter how many of them there are. Basically suck compared to real offensive speed.
You can slam dunk and tier 3 keep just as quickly with rams and its cheaper too.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

just some thought on wvw annoyances

in WvW

Posted by: lobo fett.4705

lobo fett.4705

with portals.. golems move just as fast as zerg… well organized servers/guilds can do this without u seeing the golems they port so fast… so maybe just another portal issue more than golem

ninja fett/lobo fett/Eagle eye Fett

just some thought on wvw annoyances

in WvW

Posted by: skycrow.4821


don’t talk suck on Omega Golem love them soo much hahaha
for ex: if you are not afraid to sacrifice your Omega golem for a better purpose. i for one can rush to a Siege placement of about 2-3 Balista and 1 AR inside a tower thats also being guarded by about 4-5 player around it (excluding the siege user) and destroyed it, all soloed by 1 Omega Golem <3

and also, 1 Omega Golem can nearly destroy nearly half or more of the sieges that have been placed inside the Lord Room of Stone Mist, if you use the omega golem skill and postition properly

just some thought on wvw annoyances

in WvW

Posted by: Varthanos.4897


I came to the forums to see if there was anything regarding the freezing I am getting inconsistently when moving to waypoints in Eternal Battlegrounds. Game was working just fine before the last couple of patches with the expansion.

Anyways, I have seen the same issues with WvW. Mesmer portaling is just ridiculous. Thief’s can hold off a 30 man zerg preventing a camp from capping. The way the stealth mechanic is implemented is just plain stupid in my opinion. PvP in any game is always hard to balance. Just wish some things that seem so obvious would be fixed but whatever. I knew WvW was a joke when I encountered my first Stonemist siege where all 3 sides were in the castle. Talk about server side skill lag. Wasn’t even surprised with the rendering issue and exploiting that with the totally bogus portaling. World style PvP is still a distant dream it seems.

just some thought on wvw annoyances

in WvW

Posted by: Raehvyn.4530


I came to the forums to see if there was anything regarding the freezing I am getting inconsistently when moving to waypoints in Eternal Battlegrounds. Game was working just fine before the last couple of patches with the expansion.

Anyways, I have seen the same issues with WvW. Mesmer portaling is just ridiculous. Thief’s can hold off a 30 man zerg preventing a camp from capping. The way the stealth mechanic is implemented is just plain stupid in my opinion. PvP in any game is always hard to balance. Just wish some things that seem so obvious would be fixed but whatever. I knew WvW was a joke when I encountered my first Stonemist siege where all 3 sides were in the castle. Talk about server side skill lag. Wasn’t even surprised with the rendering issue and exploiting that with the totally bogus portaling. World style PvP is still a distant dream it seems.

Read up on the dev posts on the forums. They’re fixing the thieves holding caps. From what devs are saying they’re focusing on WvW in upcoming patches and what not. Culling will still be an issue but they are working on that but I can’t imagine thats a slap 1 line of code into whatever and its fixed.

I’ve been having hellish lag lately. I mean literally lag not FPS lag, it has been nuts.

[NoPe] Jello Gangsta Cosby.Cute Lil Pookiebear
“Check your inbox. Infractions for everyone!” – Oprah

just some thought on wvw annoyances

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfgang Michael.8217

Wolfgang Michael.8217

Soon, Invisible and invulnerable will not affect contested locations.
