my sub acct was in SBI for a day and in their wvw chat
you will see “don’t attack ET” every 10 mins.
And the issue is?
didn’t screen shot. if you believe me, cool. If u don’t believe me, go ahead.
Seems like a smart tactic to me. Rather than split your resources on two fronts, collude to strength both your positions.
We had this happen the other day on Sorrow’s Furnace, where both Sanctum of Rall and Darkhaven stopped attacking each other to siege our keep and towers from multiple directions at once. It worked really well and the keep we’d been holding for a long while fell within an hour.
didn’t screen shot. if you believe me, cool. If u don’t believe me, go ahead.
It’s not a matter of belief, it’s a matter of wondering why it’s worth a post. It should be an expected occurance.
I believe you. what is your point?
ET was a friendly alien.
Your point being? What are you trying to imply?
It really depends on the situation but yeh, sometimes its a smart tactic to leave one side alone, especially if they are fighting the other server from a different angle, why poke the bear when you can attack the injured lion?
It’s like implying you’re spying. But you don’t see any problem with that right?
Meh! there will always be spying… Xrealming in Warhammer was always an issue, just know it happens and move on. At least with GW2 (when they make server transfers cost money) it will be harder to do it, UNLESS a single guy has purchased TWO or more accounts just for that purpose, in which case…haha..hahaha..HAHAHAHA what a waste of money.
There was alot of don’t attack ET because we don’t want to overextend so we can max upgrade all of our keeps/towers so once ET stopped ramming bodies into HoD’s behind neither of them would be able to break any SBI owned stuff. We rarely actually attacked HoD stuff if they didnt attack us (besides the zerglings), especially on sunday where ET actually had a point lead and we wanted to ninja ET stuff more, but defense is always #1 priority for Steelbluff.
agree, defending what you have means more points in the long run. Taking a tower at point cross over only to loose it in the next 15 mins, its, frankly, pointless. Ok we get 10 points but 15 mins later we loose 10 points.. back to square 1… If we can upgrade and defend that tower we get more.
No point in pushing into ET territory when our back lines are weak and vulnerable.
you will see “don’t attack ET” every 10 mins.
Better question: Why do you have a sub account on SBI?
you will see “don’t attack ET” every 10 mins.
Better question: Why do you have a sub account on SBI?
To spy what else would they have a sub SBI account for?
Also @Swift:
Why attack ET during our weak time, and have both ET/SBI caught in fights allowing HoD to take advantage and gain points? Seem’s kinda idiotic to me, if both servers are gunning to get 1st place, and openly knowing HoD’s real power is in their 24hour WvW coverage. Where as the other 2 servers know their coverage drops during the weekdays due to not having as many oceanic players and such.
If anything during the weekdays the 2 servers should attack HoD and keep the pressure on during off times, then bash heads when all 3 servers are in “prime time” hours.
Though on SBI borderlands, about 6-8am EST SBI loses everything but their keep, about 8:30-9am our korean guilds log in and we push both HoD and ET back off our towers and such. So if only there were a perfect world.
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
In bed with Ruin and SBI is gonna get an STI.
Oh right. We are playing WvW, not WvWvW
though i didn’t see anything myself, it’s still a valid tactic.
strengthen all forces to attack the stronger target. If ET, isn’t hitting us, we leave them alone. for now…. it’s kind of an unspoken ceasefire which barely hangs in shape.
and to my second point, what the hell are you doing in our server. get out.
Down Under – Stormbluff Isle
The only problem I have is the smack talk towards HoD lol….. its like 15 people zerging one person then jumping up and down talking smack like it took some amazing skill to beat him and he is clearly inferior for losing to 15 people.
Seems like a smart tactic to me. Rather than split your resources on two fronts, collude to strength both your positions.
We had this happen the other day on Sorrow’s Furnace, where both Sanctum of Rall and Darkhaven stopped attacking each other to siege our keep and towers from multiple directions at once. It worked really well and the keep we’d been holding for a long while fell within an hour.
I don’t recall us (Dark Haven) letting up on Rall. I was busy PvPing last night in our borderlands and EB for a while, and in both cases we were still trying to hit Rall whenever we could. In fact, I think we’re targeting them more because they keep taking our orb. I could be wrong, but I don’t think there was ever any kind of cease fire type thing between our servers.
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
OMG most funny thread here for a while
So you’re spying on SBI with a SUB account and not shamed on that..
At the same time you’re expecting SBI to get shamed as they don’t attack ET?Loser of the week haahahahaha awesome
even though your choice of words is slightly unprofessional, i would have to agree with you.
OP is openly complaining about the SBI Alliance whilst spying on them himself. care to resolve this dissidence?
Down Under – Stormbluff Isle
The same thing happened on with HoD on Red borderlands last night. People were gathering to attack garrison they saw SBI coming through with golems and so they said don’t attack them and we grabbed some ET towers while they were all busy. This is just what happens in 3 faction PvP.
Coming from HoD, I don’t really care much what the 2 servers are doing as long as I get good fights Of course they have a mutual interest in dethroning HoD, that’s only natural. I don’t believe there is an “alliance” as such, but more of a shared direction
Having tons of fun!
Sea of Sorrows
I don’t really care much but I find it strange that they would do that, when they wouldn’t last week.
ET seems to have some sweet talkers there able to get anyone to team up with them, first JQ, now SBI…
Isle of Janthir
Super Ultra Mega Awesome [SUMA]
please keldrath. don’t embarrass yourself.
Down Under – Stormbluff Isle
it might not be true, there was certainly a truce for at least 7 hours a couple days ago, sometimes it seems like it’s gone back on. i dont doubt some guilds and commanders are still trying it, but i do think more highly of sbi in general and don’t think most of them fall in line with it.
The way I really see it is we’ve got SBI adn HoD playing to win, and ET playing to take HoD down, rather than win, so it’s an interesting dynamic.
Isle of Janthir
Super Ultra Mega Awesome [SUMA]
LOL another waste of time thread about more QQ.
WvWvW is the way it is because it works, not because we have personal vendetta’s against servers.
Not to mention the amount of spies in our WvW chat, we cant say anything in map chat without HoD people sitting there waiting for us lol. Just the way it works.
Arkktos – 80 Thief, DU
Down Under Guild – Stormbluff Isle
Its just HQD crying cause they lost ther point lead to a low-med pop server don’t worry guys your welfare team will try to get it back while we are all a work.
Masters in Geek Mythology