new queue system please.

new queue system please.

in WvW

Posted by: Falsk.8193


Getting hit by a 40 man blob with 20 golems each night when we are 10 to defend is just not much fun.
How about make a queue system like pvp.
queue 25 up -when full on each side raise cap to 50- then 75-and so on.
So all Servers are equal, and we might have a good time all of us.

new queue system please.

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


that is not fixing the fundamental issue

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

new queue system please.

in WvW

Posted by: Rangerdeity.5847


new queue system please.

in WvW

Posted by: Pancake.3092


A similar suggestion was made in this thread.

I know it’s not fair that 10 people have to defend against 50, but is it any fairer for 40 people to not be able to play at all or to have to transfer because of something completely out of their control?

Also this is really easy to abuse – just park a few alts on one map and lock one server out, then let the other server freely k-train the map.

Would be funny to see afk wars 2 though

new queue system please.

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


So all Servers are equal, and we might have a good time all of us.

When all servers are equally low you mean. Cause that is all this change would do – make people leave and lower the population. You set the bar low.

A core part of WvW is that a few can do things and when they do those things, more will join. Going 20 vs 50 isnt fun no but what other incentives to bring 30 more people into WvW at that time is there? You bide your time, you handle them until you can beat them With this change, there would be no reason for more people to come to WvW.

new queue system please.

in WvW

Posted by: Justine.6351


If you don’t promote wvw play with server/guild communities you end up a ghost town. If that means tagging up and being a commander yourself then do it. Even I will pugmander and I don’t TS or anything. Just got to be brave/bold/adult and do it.

If they are so amazing you cannot fight them in defense, go offense on their stuff. Kill it, flip it or tag it. Its what I call setting a borderland on fire.

new queue system please.

in WvW

Posted by: Rangerdeity.5847


A similar suggestion was made in this thread.

I know it’s not fair that 10 people have to defend against 50, but is it any fairer for 40 people to not be able to play at all or to have to transfer because of something completely out of their control?

Also this is really easy to abuse – just park a few alts on one map and lock one server out, then let the other server freely k-train the map.

Would be funny to see afk wars 2 though

parking alts would only lock YOUR server out tho ….. i mean i suppose you could multi box free accounts on enemy servers but thats A LOT of work for little reward.

new queue system please.

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


If you don’t promote wvw play with server/guild communities you end up a ghost town. If that means tagging up and being a commander yourself then do it. Even I will pugmander and I don’t TS or anything. Just got to be brave/bold/adult and do it.

If they are so amazing you cannot fight them in defense, go offense on their stuff. Kill it, flip it or tag it. Its what I call setting a borderland on fire.

That is what i call ktrain back while they ktrain out stuff :P saddly most time end with more people apearing from the other server outmanign the group i am or we can ktrain due how big the group is, its mostly ktrain or be ktrained situations theres no midle ground

Still i love to see my side lossing stuff near keeps when every one is at one place, the same happens to the other servers… ktrains all that matters is not fight players and fight empty stuff.

(this is how bad wvw is)

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.