server without queues?

server without queues?

in WvW

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Big thank you to anet for the free transfers to medium servers, I can now log on and wait for 1+ hours instead of logging on and being able to play wvw on a decent wvw server, which used to have an overall pretty nice and friendly community. This has greatly improved my gaming experience.
I really appreciate the new high population. I fell in love with the long wvw queues (instead of the short to non-existent ones) and enjoy the massive amount of advantages (aka none) for the remaining content (pve and spvp) . I think it was a great idea to announce the introduction of a wvw league and reducing the cost for transfers.
Piken Square used to be my favorite server, well thanks again anet – you ruined it for me.

Guess I will have to leave to everyone behind if I want to be able to play instead of wait, so is there still any server who has no (or very short ~5min) wvw queues in the evening/prime time?

edit: euro server ty

(edited by Erzian.5218)

server without queues?

in WvW

Posted by: sminkiottone.6972


Bro I feel your pain

(I just copy pasted my previous post )

/rant on !!
Thank you Anet to ruin WvW to all us !!
I’m in Piken Square, a lovely home untill this kitten league was announced, now we have 1h queue for all borders thank to your brillant idea.
Where is the problem you might ask, now I need to spend 100g+ just to move to silver/bronze league ! but don’t be too exited, I wont buy your precious gems
Please fire who ever had this Fantastic idea and find someone with brain, fire them all, then give us free transfers to lower tier server, stop this RNG machmaking and give us real pvp !!!

server without queues?

in WvW

Posted by: Ragemuffin.2750


I sincerely find this truly disturbing and utterly spirit breaking. To not be able to play in World versus World when I want to is just absolutely daft.

What if I’m one of those people who have limited time at my hand? What if when I log on I have the time -there and then- to join a WvW and do my fighting? What if I don’t -have- the time to wait for two hours in some god forsaken queue?

You’re discouraging people to play the bloody game. Get your act together if you ever want to become a game people actually -want- to play. Don’t make it worse every chance you get.

server without queues?

in WvW

Posted by: Fast Asleep.8475

Fast Asleep.8475

Big thank you to anet for the free transfers to medium servers, I can now log on and wait for 1+ hours instead of logging on and being able to play wvw on a decent wvw server, which used to have an overall pretty nice and friendly community. This has greatly improved my gaming experience.
I really appreciate the new high population. I fell in love with the long wvw queues (instead of the short to non-existent ones) and enjoy the massive amount of advantages (aka none) for the remaining content (pve and spvp) . I think it was a great idea to announce the introduction of a wvw league and reducing the cost for transfers.
Piken Square used to be my favorite server, well thanks again anet – you ruined it for me.

Guess I will have to leave to everyone behind if I want to be able to play instead of wait, so is there still any server who has no (or very short ~5min) wvw queues in the evening/prime time?

edit: euro server ty

I think half silver league hasn’t all borders queued even in prime time and besides that you dont have this massive skill lag either. Not to talk that people could join one of the four servers still rated as mid populated.
Big plus is that you dont have that much skill lag either (like against for example vizunah -.-)

Gunnars Hold [Chvc]