

in WvW

Posted by: Reikan.2908


i think the idea of siegerazer is nice but does he get used very often on other servers? usually we dont have enough people on the map to activate him if we are indeed push back to spawn.
and if we do have enough are usually better off just going and taking places ourselves


in WvW

Posted by: lioka qiao.8734

lioka qiao.8734

Siegerazer got used all the time when he was invented (about a year ago). Now players are skilled enough to know that there are 3 exits to a spawn and how to do damage after exiting the spawn. Siegerazer just gets used as a source of free supply. He’ll supply the nearest towers too so if you have upgrades going there he’s like a nearly invincible yak at that point.

Little red Lioka


in WvW

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


When a large group makes the shift to a new BL, that’s the time to get tons of supply out of him. As far as using his seige… not as much, since he’s insanely slow.