so... new maps?

so... new maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


I’m sure its been asked before, and I understand that this is something that would take a long time to create/implement, but it would be nice to know if this is something to look forward to in WvWs future. At least new BLs. Changes like the ruins is not what I’m talking about. I just want something completely different, maybe with a Crystal Desert feel to it or even Ring of Fire type of terrain.

I feel emotions when I think about you.

so... new maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

I’m sure its been asked before, and I understand that this is something that would take a long time to create/implement, but it would be nice to know if this is something to look forward to in WvWs future. At least new BLs. Changes like the ruins is not what I’m talking about. I just want something completely different, maybe with a Crystal Desert feel to it or even Ring of Fire type of terrain.

Yeah, I would love to see new maps, maybe roll them out after each season, so we can have a nice variety.

That being said, it does take time to build these maps and test them. Takes money too, lots of it. I think the WvW team would have to really make a convincing argument to be able to get the money and resources (extra peeps) that it takes to make more WvW maps.

It is clear that PvE is where the money is at, so they need to prioritize that first. And, if anyone wants to argue that, just go around your own server, and see how many people are on, doing PvE related things. Then, look how many of them actually do WvW? It isn’t a huge percentage.

I’m not in a WvW guild, but I do run as a pug everyday in WvW (and, I am a smart pug that gets on TS, so I can listen to the commanders). I have over 30 active people in my guild, and maybe about 3 or 4 of us actually will WvW every week, and most of the guild doesn’t even enter WvW (or sPvP at that).

so... new maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Rethical.3258


I’m sure its been asked before, and I understand that this is something that would take a long time to create/implement, but it would be nice to know if this is something to look forward to in WvWs future. At least new BLs. Changes like the ruins is not what I’m talking about. I just want something completely different, maybe with a Crystal Desert feel to it or even Ring of Fire type of terrain.

I found you, I found the person who took the user name I wanted before me

In regards to your post.

I think the maps, as they are laid out are fine. By this I mean where all the towers, camps and keeps are in relation to each other.

It could be refreshing to have the maps “reskinned” perhaps at the start of each season.

As a wvw’er I don’t care much for the living story line, but perhaps reflect what is going on in the living story in the WvW maps, at the start of each season?

FSP: Ranger – Rethika. Guardian – Rethical, Warrior – Taym Ah

so... new maps?

in WvW

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


At least new BLs. Changes like the ruins is not what I’m talking about. I just want something completely different, maybe with a Crystal Desert feel to it or even Ring of Fire type of terrain.

Not gonna happen, mostly because of lame attitudes like the one you display.. a few devs spent weeks making the new BL edit and the general reaction is always “meh, I want more/better/different”

making new maps/zones is the least productive way anet devs can their spend time. they could spend the next 6 months on a whole new set of 4 unique maps and the reaction would still be “meh, I want more/better/different”.

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

so... new maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Valik Shin.9027

Valik Shin.9027

They said before they were working on new maps but who knows how far they got

Valik Shin
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend

so... new maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

They said before they were working on new maps but who knows how far they got

I wonder if the ruins additions counted as new maps?