speculation: Megaservers, transfer fees, WvW
What i realy expect is the solving of the coverage problem.
Just the WvW
There was a post where one of the devs said explicitly that they will not be implementing the eotm style megaserver system into normal WvW.
Eternity, The Juggernaut, Kudzu…
(edited by maestrochino.7104)
What’s the difference anyway? People already stack onto the top tier or bandwagon servers, creating the same effect.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
Honestly if a “megaserver” style system was implemented and it essentially resovled balance issues in matchups, it would be a welcome change.
As for megaservers in PvE…. better than the empty maps that most players had become accustom to.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
Either super servers are coming or contractions/clusters(daoc) are coming. I lived through the daoc clusters, and WvW feels exactly the same as daoc felt before the clusters.
Megaservers in EotM would be interesting. It won’t happen in WvW though, a.net has already made that clear.
My best guess would be that a.net will just let the current system run its course. Though naturally that course of (in)action will produce similar results over time – so yeah, one way or another, you’ll end up with the equivalent of server mergers (if not actual mergers), through natural attrition if nothing else.
(edited by ManaCraft.5630)
Megaserver already exist in EotM … it was the first megaserver
Megaserver already exist in EotM … it was the first megaserver
No, it just lumps all players of a certain color together. The megaserver system prioritizes a certain instance for you based on a number of variables. To the best of my knowledge nothing similar occurs in EotM – though I’d love for you to prove me wrong on that.
You’d have to be stupid to think that megaservers for wvw wouldn’t create a horrible mess of clashing personalities, awful communication and population inequalities.
Screw the “Server Identity”, make WvW more Guild Oriented.
I’d welcome it.
Megaserver already exist in EotM … it was the first megaserver
No, it just lumps all players of a certain color together. The megaserver system prioritizes a certain instance for you based on a number of variables. To the best of my knowledge nothing similar occurs in EotM – though I’d love for you to prove me wrong on that.
megaserver prioritization doesn’t actually work so they’re actually just another word for overflow servers which is exactly what EOTM is. examples are guildies doing guild missions that end up on different megaservers. the same thing happens in EOTM where unpartied guildies can end up in different overflows whereas partied guildies end up in the same overflow. There, I proved you wrong.
You’d have to be stupid to think that megaservers for wvw wouldn’t create a horrible mess of clashing personalities, awful communication and population inequalities.
Sounds exactly like WvW now.
megaserver prioritization doesn’t actually work so they’re actually just another word for overflow servers which is exactly what EOTM is.
Well that still doesn’t change the fact that there is no sorting mechanism of any kind applied in EotM beyond color. The mechanisms of the megaserver system are (one would hope) a good deal more advanced. Whether or not they work to your satisfaction is an entirely different subject.
On a more fundamental level though, I’ll agree with you that removing choice from the player comes at a fairly steep cost. But I’m not ready to make a call about the performance of megaservers in PvE quite yet, it simply hasn’t been long enough.
There is no sense of community outside of wvw with mega server rollout. Why keep one only for wvw? It is going to happen, just a matter of when not if.
Ps-I’d rather not have the mega server, but it is what it is.
The mega server will be very bad for WvW due to the same reason it is bad for PVE lag. You all know that right now if maps start filling up people that don’t have high end systems suffer skill lag, frame rate loss, character freezes and other game ruining items. Well just wait till every map is running the huge zerg balls lol have fun playing and mashing buttons and watching skill icons flash due to lag. I run a high end system so it wont bother me as much but people with systems that are not pure gaming rigs are going to suffer.
they already said that wasn’t going to happen. And if it did, then my only real reason for playing the game as much as I do now would be ruined.
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!
I wouldn’t mind this at all, WvW is all about numbers and nothing about skill when it comes to PPT. Blackgate is probably the worst skilled server I have ever fought but they were killing us in PPT, 0 logic. Mind numbingly boring #1 spamming zerglings shouldn’t benefit over skill tactical guild groups. So maybe if the #s were even we could really see who the “skilled” servers were.
DragonBrand – [Agg] Aggression
they already said that wasn’t going to happen. And if it did, then my only real reason for playing the game as much as I do now would be ruined.
They also said a slow rollout to pve to see how it goes. It didn’t go well in many people’s opinion, yet is now in all pve areas as of last night…. I think the decision makers may not be the designers….
This would be a horrible idea. Server pride is more important in WvW than anywhere else in the game.
We really need that on WvW to solve the coverage issue, but not under random colors. We need a 3-way alliance system, so you, your friends and your guildies would choose one alliance to fight for.
This would be a horrible idea. Server pride is more important in WvW than anywhere else in the game.
Not really, not when there’s mass transfers. That isn’t to say there isn’t server pride, just to say that in the larger picture, it isn’t as important. Mass transfers create the same effect as megaserver tbh. If there were no servers and teams were based on some other arbitrary division, like colors in EOTM, people would put their pride into those divisions too.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
Merging will occur eventually, this stage is inevitable, it is just a matter of time. They won’t push megaserver for WvW, they will more likely to give players the freedom of choice. Either they merge servers together or they come out with some new forms of WvW.
Henge of Denravi Server
This would be a horrible idea. Server pride is more important in WvW than anywhere else in the game.
What servers? The ones that only exist for 500 people at a time, now?
You’d have to be stupid to think that megaservers for wvw wouldn’t create a horrible mess of clashing personalities, awful communication and population inequalities.
Agreed, the fastest way to kill GW2 right now would be adding megaservers to WvW.
The megaserver itself would solve the coverage problem 10 fold. It’s something they should have done a long time ago. I think at this stage in the game though if they did it, they’d drive a lot of current WvW populace away.
Now if they decided to completely revamp the system under the guidelines of making WvW faction based where players could pick factions to join, I think that would work much better.
yup.. just a matter of time…. just a matter of time…. after they combine the guild chapters into one….
Archeage = Farmville with PK
It would obviously solve ppt which I like. But it would also mean you can’t find a nice quiet BL to roam on either. I quite like being able pick both heavy zerg warfare and quiet roaming when I want.
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
The mass exodus from this game that would follow. Population imbalance is only a problem if you don’t take WvW for what it is.
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink
Did you all have the nice megaserver taste on last reset?
People were landing on different overflows of the same BL instead of the queue.
We were not even sure, if we all were from the same server-
Guild groups did not make it on to the same BL instance and nobody ever figured out, which BL was the one that tick was counted from…
Some even had a BL all to themselves.
Heavenly chaos. How could one organise something like that battlewise?
It would end like EOtM, no aim, no community, just anonymous zerging for leveling.
At least now one can (still) choose where to play.
The megaserver itself would solve the coverage problem 10 fold. It’s something they should have done a long time ago. I think at this stage in the game though if they did it, they’d drive a lot of current WvW populace away.
Now if they decided to completely revamp the system under the guidelines of making WvW faction based where players could pick factions to join, I think that would work much better.
That might be a very awesome thing , mega-servers would solve the issue of out-manning and servers suffering from the recent issues of unequal coverage and the underhand guild server hopping “strategic tactics” techniques. Above all though it means it might put to rest the constant server hatred that goes on. Take away the choice where you play means you play for the love of the game and less about hatred for a certain server.
Last week I learned a very important lesson where I met some really nice people from a german server, even opposing some of us teamed up, had chats, had fun and acted immature in a non fighting moment. It is clear that through that there are some amazing people in many servers, its just very unfair they are judged through very scornful individuals who make it a life’s need to be vengeful and nasty over a game. One particular server comes to mind but won’t be mentioned here.
I say bring on mega-servers for WvW and that way we can get to playing the game as it was intended. In saying that, WvW would have to be managed properly, limit the amount of people per side for equal game-play, divide players equally to each BL map and have some sort of guild option where they can play together. I think WvW mega-servers is on the cards anyways, so I look forward to that coming if it should ever arise.
I don’t think mega-servers would kill WVW, I think it would make it far more enjoyable and far more fairer for those interested in WVW to gain achievements and ranks where they would not otherwise achieve being stacked against ridiculously over stacked servers.
(edited by mzt.3270)
The megaserver itself would solve the coverage problem 10 fold. It’s something they should have done a long time ago. I think at this stage in the game though if they did it, they’d drive a lot of current WvW populace away.
Now if they decided to completely revamp the system under the guidelines of making WvW faction based where players could pick factions to join, I think that would work much better.
That might be a very awesome thing , mega-servers would solve the issue of out-manning and servers suffering from the recent issues of unequal coverage and the underhand guild server hopping “strategic tactics” techniques. Above all though it means it might put to rest the constant server hatred that goes on. Take away the choice where you play means you play for the love of the game and less about hatred for a certain server.
Last week I learned a very important lesson where I met some really nice people from a german server, even opposing some of us teamed up, had chats, had fun and acted immature in a non fighting moment. It is clear that through that there are some amazing people in many servers, its just very unfair they are judged through very scornful individuals who make it a life’s need to be vengeful and nasty over a game. One particular server comes to mind but won’t be mentioned here.I say bring on mega-servers for WvW and that way we can get to playing the game as it was intended. In saying that, WvW would have to be managed properly, limit the amount of people per side for equal game-play, divide players equally to each BL map and have some sort of guild option where they can play together. I think WvW mega-servers is on the cards anyways, so I look forward to that coming if it should ever arise.
I don’t think mega-servers would kill WVW, I think it would make it far more enjoyable and far more fairer for those interested in WVW to gain achievements and ranks where they would not otherwise achieve being stacked against ridiculously over stacked servers.
Exactly this.
Megaserver would not kill WvW because the majority of WvW players already achieve the megaserver effect with stacking into the higher tiers. The only people who would get burned by this are the minority of WvW players who enjoy smaller scale WvW fights.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
Sounds good. I’m honestly not interested in server loyalty and all that nonsense anymore. Anet should focus more on providing the functionality for players to build strong reputable guild alliances instead. It should all be about the guilds.
I dislike Mega servers in PvE, I hate them in PvP (can’t test builds against the pnj’s anymore- people zerg them ), and I would more than hate it if it was put in WvW.
I could go on a NA server and play at prime time, but I chose a EU server to play when it’s quiet. I don’t mind playing outnumbered most of the time, as long as I can play different strategies.
The prime-time / night / day strategies are not the same. I find it’s very interesting, that those way of playing can be played on one server. Always playing the prime-time game would be useless.
Always playing on temporary maps created and maintained for as long as there are players on it would be another EoTM thing – running around capping things, and that’s it. no strategies of taking for tick, of upping to defend, of leading the foes to attack each others… Just a zergcapping fest.
If they ever change the way WvW works for anything remotely connected to mega servers, I think many would leave.
People who want to win braindead in a zerg go on stacked servers, those who want to outplay the opponent and fight nice fights go on servers accordingly, those who rather run small groups or small zergs can choose their servers accordingly…
Mega servers mean everyone in the same boat, everyone is the same, and there are no identity or individuality anymore… which is sad…
Now, for those putting forward three faction, bear in mind that people are still choosing their “faction” according to their chances of winning, it might be somewhat equal at the beginning, when all is new and shinny, but long term, the weight always shift towards a faction, a side, a server… Unless players are “forced” to play a side, and are changed sides according to the needs – which noone likes – there will be no “equality”.
Let it be as it is…
Problem of Mega Servers in PvE and even more in WvW is that a stupid computer program chooses where you have to play.
So you may be lucky in a few cases, you may find a way to trick the program like the taxi-party with a stupid amount of effort or you are lost and either resign or leave.
The stupidity of game play in eotm clearly shows that random-teams aren’t an alternative to self organized communities. But community and random assignment to teams doesn’t fit together.
So yes ANet likely introduce that as the do never showed a sense for understanding communities, but I guess it will also be the last day I and many others spend in gw2.
My guild has a chapter in ESO with over 250 people in it actively playing. In GW2 we have a remnent of 170 with an average of 50 still playing regularly. If GW2 eliminates communities and player choice in who to fight at our side in WvW I will do my utmost to remove those still here from my guild and every single WvW focused player on my server to ESO. The people in my WvW community are the reason I play the game. If the people in WvW become just a bunch of jumbled together random strangers like PVE is with the mega servers then this game can kiss my *. Do you know what kind of work it takes to get hundreds of people coordinated, communicating, working toward the same goal?
Molen Labe Female Human Necro
Devonas Rest – Black Rose Legion -CF4L
My guild has a chapter in ESO with over 250 people in it actively playing. In GW2 we have a remnent of 170 with an average of 50 still playing regularly. If GW2 eliminates communities and player choice in who to fight at our side in WvW I will do my utmost to remove those still here from my guild and every single WvW focused player on my server to ESO. The people in my WvW community are the reason I play the game. If the people in WvW become just a bunch of jumbled together random strangers like PVE is with the mega servers then this game can kiss my *. Do you know what kind of work it takes to get hundreds of people coordinated, communicating, working toward the same goal?
This is fully understandable but it is the issue of overstacked servers against other servers who are being brutally farmed based on coverage alone, which in effect is causing low moral with some servers not even bothering to show up knowing full well what the outcome would be. This is far more damaging to the game than anything else and effects more than a guilds players IMO, all that does is people leave a server to go to a more prolific server and so it spirals. As a guild it really should not matter, guilds are about support and inclusion, this is why PVP guild raids exist for social meets. Most overstacked servers are pug based anyways, so what difference would it make. Megaservers would just equal the numbers out.
So its not as if guild community would be totally frazzled if megaservers came to WvW, as long as it was managed in some way for guilds to play together – megaservers would not be an issue.
NO matter what though , the current system is frankly not working, open to abuse and needs to be overhauled to make it fairer for all servers to compete equally. WvW at the moment is like a game of Monopoly with 3 out of 6 players all demanding to be the banker and hands continually sneaking into the bank siphoning 400 each time to secure a winning spot. GW is a game, games need balance in order for it to have longevity and enjoyment.
All I have seen in Piken is a 300% rise in people farming at all hours when before there were very little after 10 pm. I see megaservers as a welcome commodity to many players whose servers were low on numbers to compete PvP instances, now there is little problem other than language barriers and that is not really an issue if you know what to do and how to play , what can go wrong really in a zerg (apart from Grenth LOL).
WvW Megaserver would do many servers a much needed boost for players who currently are being victim to over stacked servers. Of course the other solution is to keep so many “community servers” and close other under-performing servers down to amalgamate into megaservers. That way you have choice what you want out of GW2 – those that stay with community if so wished.
But fact of the matter is out of the 50 people in your guild there are many more people in servers suffering from being farmed in WvW by over-stacked servers. To quote Mr Spock “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few”, I think that’s about as right as it can get.
People complaining about coverage needs to stop. You think that just because your not on top of the PPT or your getting destroyed by the other team it’s because of coverage. WvW has always been about Community! If your on the bottom of the Tier it’s because your server Community is lacking.
If your tired of getting destroyed stop following the Blue Dorrito and make a guild or group who will be interested in something more coordinated. Blackgate isn’t just on top because they have more people, but because they have coordinated people working together.
The Megaservers like EotM will destroy WvW and the Communities that have been created around the server competition. People have created Websites, host Voice server, etc etc just to gain an edge on other servers. Destroying these communities isn’t what Anet is trying to do. I believe Anet is doing the right thing by using a Megaserver for it’s PvE content but improvement is still needed for guilds in this area.
Blackgate is on top because they have more people.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
People complaining about coverage needs to stop. You think that just because your not on top of the PPT or your getting destroyed by the other team it’s because of coverage. WvW has always been about Community! If your on the bottom of the Tier it’s because your server Community is lacking.
If your tired of getting destroyed stop following the Blue Dorrito and make a guild or group who will be interested in something more coordinated. Blackgate isn’t just on top because they have more people, but because they have coordinated people working together.
The Megaservers like EotM will destroy WvW and the Communities that have been created around the server competition. People have created Websites, host Voice server, etc etc just to gain an edge on other servers. Destroying these communities isn’t what Anet is trying to do. I believe Anet is doing the right thing by using a Megaserver for it’s PvE content but improvement is still needed for guilds in this area.
Ok time for truth … most under-manned servers would like to roam but it seems small scale roaming for over-stacked servers means 10 vs 1 or2 people mostly built on mesmer, perm stealth thief and hammer monkey warrior “roamers” . They have the coverage that it is simply unavoidable not to bump into these “large scale roaming parties roamers” Therefore it is much harder sometimes impossible even to reclaim sentries and camps , it is simply swarmed with ants and makes any attempt fruitless.
The damage has been done, the “communities” of over-stacking servers have destroyed moral and interest of WvW for many servers, that they are finding it hard to cope and find any sort of moral to get back. As more guilds leave for the bigger servers, most fed up with having less than favourable rewards and favour stacked wins, they move to the bigger servers . Thus this destroys communities of already smaller servers to the point there is no community. It is a virus and continually manifests itself. It does not help either that “motivated double teaming” by big servers to crush smaller scale ones (yet actually not even touch each other in the basis of "alliances ") also has a hand with this. Again mostly done on the basis of hatred towards certain servers, everyone knows it, everyone has seen the open chat and forum squabbling. Lets live with it, accept it’s exists and happens.
The point of megaservers destroying WvW is nonsense, as it has has already been done without any mention of megaservers. As I said before , some over -stacked servers have manipulated the system for a long time mostly due to past issues and server hatred. I agree EoTM is a terrible state, there is no balance to regulate teams and make things evenly matched, Anet has to match players in order for anything to work . I would hope if Anet ever sort out WvW, they will create it with a more favourable system
As it stands I for one am sick of the server squabbling and I am sick to death of big group roamer parties. I would like to see wvw turn back into a game as it should be and not based on politics and how many US timezone people you can bribe on a EU server to nightcap for you. If anything perhaps the over-stacked servers should perhaps organize smaller operating groups to make fairer fights… oh wait you can’t control people can you? Same as you can’t tell people not to follow a blue tag because at least there is a degree of safety in numbers and more dignity in being defeated with your server than ganked by high number roaming groups of mesmer, perm stealth thief combos picking off one or two strays as an example.
Don’t get me wrong, I have a guild, I want my teamplayers to WVW alongside me, but I for sure don’t want to place them in un-favorable match-ups where I lose them from the game altogether, I have far more respect and care for my guild members to inflict that on them. So I rather they play and enjoy playing in fair play matchups and continue to rack up points, improve skills and builds and above all have fun with like-minded people and the lessons gained from mega-servers in PvE might lend a hand to that .
(edited by mzt.3270)
People complaining about coverage needs to stop. You think that just because your not on top of the PPT or your getting destroyed by the other team it’s because of coverage. WvW has always been about Community! If your on the bottom of the Tier it’s because your server Community is lacking.
If your tired of getting destroyed stop following the Blue Dorrito and make a guild or group who will be interested in something more coordinated. Blackgate isn’t just on top because they have more people, but because they have coordinated people working together.
The Megaservers like EotM will destroy WvW and the Communities that have been created around the server competition. People have created Websites, host Voice server, etc etc just to gain an edge on other servers. Destroying these communities isn’t what Anet is trying to do. I believe Anet is doing the right thing by using a Megaserver for it’s PvE content but improvement is still needed for guilds in this area.
Don’t. Just don’t.
But there are a few things that still need to be addressed like queues before megaservers is rolled out into WvW.
There are no queues with megaservers. The system simply creates another instance of the map and starts filling that one.
- Colin Johanson while spamming key 1 in GW2
It’s disheartening to see how many people seem to think this would be a good idea. There are a lot of much better ways to fix the imbalance issues but who ever said life is suppose to be fair anyways? It’s almost like some of you all never really had the chance to play WvW the way it was meant to be.
I have the feeling a lot of people who never had the experience of world oriented communities in MMO’s before came to this game and made community building more difficult by their blind ignorance of what it is or could be. Not going to defend ANET and say they didn’t make matters 10X worse with the early guesting fail and free transfer world hopping precedent but the players were the ones who decided winning was everything (even before there were any temptation of rewards for it!) and stacking worlds full to the gills was the only way to play.
Jade Quarry has often times been a bandwagon destination and yet manged to keep a core sense of community going through it all simply because a lot of smaller loyalist WvW oriented guilds decided to make it home from day one. PvE mega-servers are already doing enough damage to my enjoyment of the game and I tend to avoid EotM so I know exactly what would happen if a similar mechanic were introduced to WvW. There are already plenty of games with PvP that work that way so play one of those instead of trying to bring GW2 down to that level of meaningless combat for purely personal glory.
Xyleia Luxuria / Sweet Little Agony / Morning Glory Wine / Precious Illusionz /
Near Fanstastica /Ocean at the End / Blue Eyed Hexe / Andro Queen / Indie Cindee . . .
Is there someone from a non-stacked server that think things are ok the way they are now?
Yestarday we worked hard, again, to guard and upgrade Hills, Bay and Garri. We also put a WP in each one. Oh boy, I was still online to see, during the off hours, the other server, with a large Oceanic presence, take everything with a 50+ man blob and 10+ golens, with absolutely no resistence of our part, because at the time, we had 15 people TOPS on the whole kitten map.
Now I have to ask, what incentive do we have, as a server without 25% of the other server coverage, to play and work kitten our prime time to upgrade and guard stuff, knowing that they will not be there next morning?
Skills, right?
Is there someone from a non-stacked server that think things are ok the way they are now?
Yestarday we worked hard, again, to guard and upgrade Hills, Bay and Garri. We also put a WP in each one. Oh boy, I was still online to see, during the off hours, the other server, with a large Oceanic presence, take everything with a 50+ man blob and 10+ golens, with absolutely no resistence of our part, because at the time, we had 15 people TOPS on the whole kitten map.
Now I have to ask, what incentive do we have, as a server without 25% of the other server coverage, to play and work kitten our prime time to upgrade and guard stuff, knowing that they will not be there next morning?
Skills, right?
You do it to help the ones who are on during those outmanned times. 15 people standin against 50 appreciate havin supplies, cannons, and fortified walls. You’re their sisters and brothers and they’re trying to get your back with all they got and hope you keep their back durin your time zone.
You’re one server, not one timezone.
Wasn’t my timezone, I was way past my bedtime.
If there was something I could do, I would. Hills was contested, I went there and saw the above-mentioned blob. Just tought to myself: “Nope. Nothing to do here.”.
And we seriosly don’t expect our few people who play on off hours to put a fight agains blobs 10 times their numbers. We just hope that, somehow, they find a way to have a good time. Which they don’t. They are kitten frustrated right now.
You bring megaserver in WvW, and you remove the need for named servers. No more GoM, no more HoD, no more BG. It would be rendered useless to stack servers anymore. There would be no tiers. No Gold League, no Silver League. No Tier 1, no Tier 5 and so on. It would just be randomly matched guilds every week, with a bunch of pugs mixed in.
It would promote heavily towards GvG. Guilds that you have fought alongside with would more than likely be pitted against you, but guilds that you may have fought against would become your ally.
It wouldn’t solve the coverage problem either. You may see a coverage balance during primetime, but not overnight or early morning. Unlike WvW, PvE maps can afford to condense morning coverage to the megaserver. You can’t do that in WvW, you would either end up with SEA/OCX players being randomly moved to different sides every day to even things out, or Anet would have to “draft” certain guilds based on their active playing time to play on certain sides for a matchup. I don’t think Anet really keeps tabs on guilds active playing periods.
Megaserver itself was a double edged sword, it brought many good things and also many bad things to PvE.
In this scenario, you would get more bad out of this than more good.
(edited by Crunk n monkey.3749)
It’s disheartening to see how many people seem to think this would be a good idea.
There are a lot of much better ways to fix the imbalance issues but who ever said life is suppose to be fair anyways? It’s almost like some of you all never really had the chance to play WvW the way it was meant to be.
I have the feeling a lot of people who never had the experience of world oriented communities in MMO’s before came to this game and made community building more difficult by their blind ignorance of what it is or could be. Not going to defend ANET and say they didn’t make matters 10X worse with the early guesting fail and free transfer world hopping precedent but the players were the ones who decided winning was everything (even before there were any temptation of rewards for it!) and stacking worlds full to the gills was the only way to play.
Jade Quarry has often times been a bandwagon destination and yet manged to keep a core sense of community going through it all simply because a lot of smaller loyalist WvW oriented guilds decided to make it home from day one. PvE mega-servers are already doing enough damage to my enjoyment of the game and I tend to avoid EotM so I know exactly what would happen if a similar mechanic were introduced to WvW. There are already plenty of games with PvP that work that way so play one of those instead of trying to bring GW2 down to that level of meaningless combat for purely personal glory.
Well, when you’re in T1; your server is almost constantly full, your teams are almost always of roughly equal size, your teams almost always are giving their best effort. It is because there is no higher tier above yours for people to stack into. So you experience matches that are close in score much more frequently than servers in other tiers, “the way WvW was meant”. It does happen sometimes in lower tiers, but not as often. And I’m confident that players will agree with me when I say that close matches are the most fun and contribute the most to WvW community building.
This isn’t life. This is a game. Games normally provide level playing fields. WvW doesn’t usually provide that, unless you stack into T1. You know there’s something wrong with the game mode when all you have to do is go one tier below yours to find server communities that decided a long time ago to not play WvW “the way it was meant”.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
If ANet wants to create a massive exodus from WvW, then this would be a fantastic way to go about it.