speculation: Megaservers, transfer fees, WvW

speculation: Megaservers, transfer fees, WvW

in WvW

Posted by: yanniell.1236


You bring megaserver in WvW, and you remove the need for named servers. No more GoM, no more HoD, no more BG. It would be rendered useless to stack servers anymore. There would be no tiers. No Gold League, no Silver League. No Tier 1, no Tier 5 and so on. It would just be randomly matched guilds every week, with a bunch of pugs mixed in.

It would promote heavily towards GvG. Guilds that you have fought alongside with would more than likely be pitted against you, but guilds that you may have fought against would become your ally.

It wouldn’t solve the coverage problem either. You may see a coverage balance during primetime, but not overnight or early morning. Unlike WvW, PvE maps can afford to condense morning coverage to the megaserver. You can’t do that in WvW, you would either end up with SEA/OCX players being randomly moved to different sides every day to even things out, or Anet would have to “draft” certain guilds based on their active playing time to play on certain sides for a matchup. I don’t think Anet really keeps tabs on guilds active playing periods.

Megaserver itself was a double edged sword, it brought many good things and also many bad things to PvE.

In this scenario, you would get more bad out of this than more good.

We would have a 3-way alliance system, otherwise, it would be just like you described: a large scale EotM.


speculation: Megaservers, transfer fees, WvW

in WvW

Posted by: oscuro.9720


If WvW mega servered, I would probably quit, no joke. I transferred from Blackgate to Yaks to Kaineng. We are possibly the least zergish server in the entire game, and it is amazing. If they mega servered, everything would be massive blobs. GvG wouldn’t really be less effective as everything would be just a massive wall of people from each three colors that just film the map with people. It would be disgusting.

speculation: Megaservers, transfer fees, WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Isaac.6041


Another thing is. Are they willing to eliminate a source of income that was manufactured several months after the game’s release.

Remember back in the old days, server transfers were FREE. And the reason they gave for the added gem fees for world transfers was the introduction of the guesting feature.

Now that guesting is made completely irrelevant with the introduction of megaservers, it only makes sense that world transfer fees should also be eliminated but are they willing to hurt their bottom line. They’re certainly not going to do anything while the tournament is ongoing.

But I would like to see the return of free world transfers. Also, maybe you should be able to guest on two servers so you can help them out in WvW (as long as they’re not the enemy servers of your home server that week). Imagine all the possible alliances that could form under a new free transfer system. I would still limit transfers to once a week or once every two weeks so people don’t hop around TOO often.

I dunno. They’re going to have to work it out. What purpose does guesting even serve now. Maybe if I could guest from EU to NA or NA to EU that would be great.

(edited by Isaac.6041)

speculation: Megaservers, transfer fees, WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


Is there someone from a non-stacked server that think things are ok the way they are now?

Yestarday we worked hard, again, to guard and upgrade Hills, Bay and Garri. We also put a WP in each one. Oh boy, I was still online to see, during the off hours, the other server, with a large Oceanic presence, take everything with a 50+ man blob and 10+ golens, with absolutely no resistence of our part, because at the time, we had 15 people TOPS on the whole kitten map.

Now I have to ask, what incentive do we have, as a server without 25% of the other server coverage, to play and work kitten our prime time to upgrade and guard stuff, knowing that they will not be there next morning?

Skills, right?

Play for fights? Play for bags? Play for fun? It’s a game, not a second job. If losing because of forces out of your control really bothers you that much then go transfer to a T1 server.

As stated by others, Megaservering WvW would break apart server communities that people have worked hard to develop and maintain. Not to mention the HUGE loss of organization due to the lack of public voice chat and the cycling of unfamiliar commanders that would devolve WvW into EotM-like blob v blob action except perhaps with less uplevels.

Separating players into teams by assigning guilds to pseudo-servers as others have suggested would happen is also a bad idea. For one, many people represent different guilds during different times and so you would be forcing them to choose one or even worse, making the choice for them. Additionally, I and others on my server have friends on the server who are not in my guild, it doesn’t seem fair that I’d be assigned against them 2/3 of the time.

speculation: Megaservers, transfer fees, WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

They already tried megaservers for WvW. It’s called EoTM. Which is now a refuge for karma trainers and PvEers trying to get their WvW daily. Complete disaster.

speculation: Megaservers, transfer fees, WvW

in WvW

Posted by: yanniell.1236


Play for fun?

This. Too bad there’s almost none on the currently state of WvW, except if you are on a T1~T2 server having even fights.

And nice solution. The system is totally not working for 20 of the 24 servers? Move to one of the few servers where it works and stop asking anet for solutions.


speculation: Megaservers, transfer fees, WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


Play for fun?

This. Too bad there’s almost none on the currently state of WvW, except if you are on a T1~T2 server having even fights.

And nice solution. The system is totally not working for 20 of the 24 servers? Move to one of the few servers where it works and stop asking anet for solutions.

I doubt everyone on the “20 out of 24” servers are as unhappy about their situation as you are. The only server I actually feel bad for is SoR since they just got assigned to a purgatory that is Silver League for 9 weeks with no hope of being moved down toward servers that they are competitive with until the tournament is over. Almost every other matchup this week seems to be close enough in score to suggest that the servers are pretty close to each other in competitiveness and so there must be even fights going on. If anything, the scores suggest that T1/T2 are the least even matches this week.

Regardless, it is your fault for staying in a situation/server that you are not happy with. Anet may have made the servers but it is the players that make them home. As such it is up to the players to find a server that they are happy with.

speculation: Megaservers, transfer fees, WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


If ANet wants to create a massive exodus from WvW, then this would be a fantastic way to go about it.

I imagine would be more a exodus from the game.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

speculation: Megaservers, transfer fees, WvW

in WvW

Posted by: buckeyecro.9614


I know of at least one Large Community will call it quits when the Sanctum of Rall ceases to exist. And I wouldn’t blame them at all.

I think its probably only a matter of time before the servers are merged for WvW purposes.

Anyways, to put it nicely, there’s no reason for me to play the game right now, because I want to have a reasonable perception that the game is balanced and not stale. SoR is in a relatively futile situation, and its situation for the entire year so far has burned me out of GW2.

The game-play is stale and needs to become more complex, better balanced, and more viable combinations of builds need to be possible.
I want to see and use fun Skill Shots! And other uniquely interesting and fun to use abilities!

Sanctum of Rall NA Engineer Commander

Guild Wars 2 needs a Public Beta Environment

speculation: Megaservers, transfer fees, WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Killface.1896


Megaserver EotM is place were people cry if there is PvP…

Pls Anet never use megaserver in WvW!!!

speculation: Megaservers, transfer fees, WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Vash.9183


I think it’s only a matter of time before WvW is poisoned with the megaserver disease that has fully engulfed PVE maps now.

DAoC had “clusters” and other games have server mergers, and it seems that GW2 is going to have the same even in WvW. But there are a few things that still need to be addressed like queues before megaservers is rolled out into WvW. We currently have 27 EU servers and 24 NA servers and my prediction is that by the end of the year we’ll only have half as many.

O sure, they’ve given assurances otherwise, but after the bulldozer rollout of megaservers in PVE, I fully expect similar consequences in WvW.

I have to disagree with you that megaserver is a “plague.” I am very happy to have the pve maps more populated. I’m sorry if you’re from a high populated server that didn’t have this issue, but many places were nearly dead-zones.

The megaserver update is a great way to keep a game healthy and lively, certainly nearly 2 years after its release. Your idea that this may hit WvW is just a speculation. Doing this to pve maps and pvp maps are two very different things. It was a huge plus for pve.

Megaservers in WvW does not even make sense. Don’t worry about that.

Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator