squad UI
Boon stacking and condition removal prioritizes your subgroup first.
This was a doubt i had. Awesome. Ty for the reply!
Wat r u, casul?
Sounds like this will be a waste for WvW. This is way too much micromanagement for a commander. Can we have someone else in the squad micromanage the subsquads so the commander can command? If the answers to these questions are no, then I don’t see a point in using squads for WvW.
I hope they implement assistant squad leaders.
The squad UI was based on an old WvW MMO. Warhammer Online (2008) had an excellent squad UI, assistant squad leaders could be assigned to help arrange members.
looks like the best thread for the Squad UI feedback and suggestions is here:
“It will no longer be possible to be in a squad and a party at the same time…”
This makes no sense.
I agree.
I really don’t understand why I can’t be my own party and in a squad. I don’t want to rely on a commander to decide that. Taking away options is not something I can really agree with.
I don’t know, personally. Sometimes I just like to chat with just party members.
I think this falls under the category of, you can’t have everything… personally, I think the tradeoff greatly favors the coming squad system over the previous system.
You tell ’em spoon!
It also seems to me that this was created more out of necessity for raids, rather than WvW, and it was expanded to accomodate the WvW community.
It has been one of the most requested changes for WvW since launch.
I understand that, but I think it was created out of necessity for raids rather than doing something that the WvW community has been wanting forever. Just theorizing.
what we currently have is adequate for raiding and all they would have needed to do was add a hook to the entrance for allowing a squad to enter instead of a party. instead theyve overhauled it entirely with a mind towards the old wvw CDIs and raiding just piggybacked.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
The comander can place you in sub squads of 5 just like parties, buffs will be prioritized based on sub squad, same a parties.
if that is so, finnaly squads have a better usage.