stormbuff isle wvw scene

stormbuff isle wvw scene

in WvW

Posted by: Jyeoi.6027


There was a big strain on NA guilds back before SBI exodus. Take that and the opportunity to start new and the lack of any guilds publically announce they were going to xfer to SBI after transfers close; these were why the SBI guilds at the time went different directions.

Yeah there was a huge strain, not just on NA as good ol’ Mayo might think but also on the Asian crew NYS YAKI SAHP SYN.

What forced the hand, was free transfers ending when they did. It was a culmination of all these factors that led to what happened. But wtf are we still talking about it? LOL

Yulo – Champions of Stormbluff [SBI]

stormbuff isle wvw scene

in WvW

Posted by: Krash.9486


So you know, we’re not on voice, we don’t have more then 2-3 people in a guild, and we fight quite well considering. Don’t want to give any credit, that’s fine. I would love to see how well you would do every night with no major guilds contributing. No FaTe running on its own or otherwise. Yeah, im saying it. Our pug is better then your pug. SBI is just pugs.

Ummm. you really need to get out of Eb and on to TS more…

[SBI] Champions of Stormbluff Isle

stormbuff isle wvw scene

in WvW

Posted by: Bannok.3152


Wrong place for this ;D

Bannok – Dark Covenant (SBI)

stormbuff isle wvw scene

in WvW

Posted by: Otokomae.9356


Wow, this thread really got derailed quite a bit. SBI and SoS have a lot of history and bitterness, and it looks like the fact that SoS has followed them all the way down to Tier 4 just to curbstomp them again week after like the old Tier 1 days is just adding to that.

So for stormbuff isle is the wvw scene actually good? I’d imagine all the organized guilds and commanders are on the tier 1 servers, but is the lower tier servers still fun to play on?

To get to your question, it really depends on what your idea of “fun” is in WvW. For a lot of people, “fun” means winning, or reaching Tier 1, or being the best in their Tier, or whatever. That’s why there’s currently an arms race in Tier 1 that has gotten completely out of control, because people want to win, or they want to be on the #1 server in the game at least once. In all honesty, after taking 1st place and holding it for a few weeks, a LOT of people quit the game, or significantly cut back on their time. It happened to SBI, it happened to SoS, it sort of happened to HoD, & it might be happening to JQ even now (though not to the degree of these other examples.)

If by “fun” you mean you’ll be able to come home after school or work, log in to GW2, and hop right into WvW with little or no wait, then you will probably enjoy SBI. If you mean you’ll have plenty of people to fight against, again, you’ll enjoy SBI. SBI these days is not the most organized, advanced-meta server in the game, of course, but there are still people there from the Tier 1 days to learn the game from and to run with (though most of them seem to be on JQ now.) If you’re worried about the fact that SBI has dropped in ratings quite a it, that sort of thing happens to nearly everyone eventually. You may want to check out another Thread on these forums in which people are discussing “The Most Stable Servers”.

Bakuon/Bakuon Thief [MAS]/ ex-[ATac]

stormbuff isle wvw scene

in WvW

Posted by: Otokomae.9356


Just curious, I remember SBI being nr1 america server, what made them drop? This is by no means offence, just curious how it happened.

It has been interesting reading the history lessons provided here on this subject. As someone who was on SoS during their entire rise from Tier 4 up to #1 in Tier 1, I can say that SBI was a very tough PvP server to go against, with good coverage and plenty of people on the field, though I’ve been told many times that SBI’s numbers were starting to dwindle at that time due to boredom after winning several matchups in the wake of HoD/Titan Alliance’s breakup. I can also say, however, that while SBI had lots of well-coordinated guilds, it was not an extremely organized server. SBI was also behind on the meta-game at that time, and slow to adapt (it was largely the difference between SBI and JQ, who adapted to the new meta rather quickly.) War Machine (who’s last remnants recently joined many of the old SoS guilds on Blackgate) blamed the free transfers, to large degree, for ruining the game, and after a bit of trolling by at least 1 GM from a large SoS WvW guild, transferred themselves to Kaineng, in what turned out to be a failed experiment that ended with them transferring again in order to get back to Tier 1 ( , to read it in WM’s own words.) That seemed to be the beginning of the end of SBI’s time in Tier 1, as we heard almost daily about SBI guilds moving to this server or that after WM’s move to Kaineng. JQ, on the other hand, understood where the meta was headed and started an arms race that’s still going on now, stacking up guilds right before the end of Free Transfers. So, while there were a number of things that contributed to SBI’s downfall from Rank 1, SoS was certainly one of them.

I think SBI’s reaction to the new meta that SoS brought to Tier 1 was best summed up by an [SF] officer at that time named Kelo:

from the old SBI forums

Kelo[SF] (SBI Victim):

“The problem I have with all this is that we can fight to have fun and all but the @^$&*s on servers like SoS (and I assume the old HoD) do actively go out of their way to ruin your day and make any type of fun not possible. They do not just want to win with the highest overall score at the end of the week they want to win by soo much that everyone quits and there is no resistance the following weeks. I assume this is how HoD maintained #1 while guilds like PRX and similar were there.

Last night [SF] saw this first hand. We tried to cap supply camps…they sent 50+ player zergs to cut us off and camp us no matter where we went on the map. We tried to change maps, they had 50+ player zergs on all 4 maps spawn camping all 3 exits from spawn and had roaming scouts at all camps and major road intersections that would have the 50+ player zerg ontop of us within minutes. There was no fun allowed no playing allowed if you wanted to WvW you were punched in the face and told “NO YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE YOUR SPAWN!”.

Against a server like this fun is going to become not an option anymore as they will make sure you cannot even play WvW anymore they will force you back into PvE and sPvP. The only way to fight this is to have all 4 maps full with a queue as zerg vs zerg we will win, we have much better strait up fighters than they do. Without their rigid organization and tactics they have NOTHING. When not enough of us show up and they can outnumber us 3:1 or worse the game just becomes not-fun no matter what you try and do.

Sea of Tryhards will not be satisfied till they have 100% map ownership and have siege setup at all 3 exits of both us and JQ’s spawns on all 4 maps."

A lot of us miss those days in WvW…

Bakuon/Bakuon Thief [MAS]/ ex-[ATac]

(edited by Otokomae.9356)

stormbuff isle wvw scene

in WvW

Posted by: Reikou.7068


Kelo[SF] (SBI Victim):

“The problem I have with all this is that we can fight to have fun and all but the @^$&*s on servers like SoS (and I assume the old HoD) do actively go out of their way to ruin your day and make any type of fun not possible. They do not just want to win with the highest overall score at the end of the week they want to win by soo much that everyone quits and there is no resistance the following weeks. I assume this is how HoD maintained #1 while guilds like PRX and similar were there.

Last night [SF] saw this first hand. We tried to cap supply camps…they sent 50+ player zergs to cut us off and camp us no matter where we went on the map. We tried to change maps, they had 50+ player zergs on all 4 maps spawn camping all 3 exits from spawn and had roaming scouts at all camps and major road intersections that would have the 50+ player zerg ontop of us within minutes. There was no fun allowed no playing allowed if you wanted to WvW you were punched in the face and told “NO YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE YOUR SPAWN!”.

Against a server like this fun is going to become not an option anymore as they will make sure you cannot even play WvW anymore they will force you back into PvE and sPvP. The only way to fight this is to have all 4 maps full with a queue as zerg vs zerg we will win, we have much better strait up fighters than they do. Without their rigid organization and tactics they have NOTHING. When not enough of us show up and they can outnumber us 3:1 or worse the game just becomes not-fun no matter what you try and do.

Sea of Tryhards will not be satisfied till they have 100% map ownership and have siege setup at all 3 exits of both us and JQ’s spawns on all 4 maps."

A lot of us miss those days in WvW…

A lot of people may not like this sort of situation (just as Kelo didn’t,) but to be honest, it just seems like he is making excuses, especially this particular quote.

Against a server like this fun is going to become not an option anymore as they will make sure you cannot even play WvW anymore they will force you back into PvE and sPvP. The only way to fight this is to have all 4 maps full with a queue as zerg vs zerg we will win, we have much better strait up fighters than they do. Without their rigid organization and tactics they have NOTHING. When not enough of us show up and they can outnumber us 3:1 or worse the game just becomes not-fun no matter what you try and do.

If they outnumber you 3 to 1, all you need to do is win that 1v3. Its not going to be easy, but this is what PvP is about. Overcoming challenges and becoming better at the game.

This sort of mentality of “we’re better than them, just have less numbers,” and making excuses for losses still exists in SBI, and which is why I say that the SBI community is mostly PvE players RP’ing as PvP’ers.


(edited by Reikou.7068)