suggestion for league match-up

suggestion for league match-up

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Not that i care much for ppt or wins or anything but i was thinking about a new way for how match are decided. for each current tier match-up (or bracket, not sure what you call them) at the end of each week, whoever comes in first place will be placed together in that top bracket, 2nd place will be in 2nd bracket, and 3rd bracket etc.

So for example in bronze league, since HoD, SF and GOM, all took first place in their brackets, they would be together in the next matchup.

Since Gold league doesnt have 9 servers, this wouldn’t work but I was thinking that the top 2 servers in top tier bracket stays, and 3rd place moves down, while the first place server of the tier 2 bracket moves up.

Some problems it would create is lets say JQ and TC are the 3rd and 4th server, they would consistently bounce back and forth, stomping t2 regardless, but i think in the current match making setup it will happen no matter what since the 4 servers have pretty much 24/7 presence.

feel free to drop some thoughts down. I probably won’t post much, just read over posts.


Will you help me move?