thief nerf required in www
Guards are beastly in 1v1. As a guard, I only ever lost 1 duel to a confusion mesmer (Master of Timespace) before the conf nerf. Everything else I’ve just ran over with no problems. I have never lost to a thief with either guard or necro. And if you think people haven’t tried, you are wrong.
It’s an overrated class because of the stealth mechanic and people not using builds that have a counter against them.
I enjoy the thief class because it’s the only way people who would otherwise run from you, fight you 1on1 because they think they can escape with stealth. They think wrong.
(edited by TheGreatA.4192)
Wow, aren’t they? it can be possible? Just ONE poor underbalansed Ranger versus THREE enemies, 2 of them – OMG thieves!!!1111oneleven
And look at the titles – he playing Ranger FIRST time! ><Stop crying guys and learn to play with your classes, ok?
First: That is not an Underbalanced build, that is a common “healing ranger” build, aka a bunker style build. Notice, that The first 45 seconds of that vid were nothing but the ranger running away healing while a pack of nobs ran after them. and now … at 3 min.. I can’t tell if they killed anyone yet.
I saw the first kill at 4:31. Not impressed. (if I missed a kill in there, let me know, this was when I saw the first spike)
A thief could have had more kills in less time with a dancing routine at the start.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace
When spiking a downed player they should automatically come out of stealth until they are done spiking. It is a grandiose, slow move of victory when you spike someone, so it should be seen by all.
And any and all aoe should affect them, plus knock them out of stealth for extra time. Cannons, Trebs, Catapults. Any time they are hit while in stealth they should automatically become visible. Something like losing their concentration.
Also, if they happen to be in the way of direct fire weapon or attack, it SHOULD hit them. They aren’t vapor.
Tifa Ran/Ranger with a Pet
Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi
Also, if they happen to be in the way of direct fire weapon or attack, it SHOULD hit them. They aren’t vapor.
First time go on gw2 wiki and learn mechanisms of this game, because all attacks hurt Thief in stealth and you say there’s only mystification
Fredy Brimstone lvl 80 Mighty Warrior
Oupí lvl 80 Immortal Guardian
Also, if they happen to be in the way of direct fire weapon or attack, it SHOULD hit them. They aren’t vapor.
First time go on gw2 wiki and learn mechanisms of this game, because all attacks hurt Thief in stealth and you say there’s only mystification
The main issue is that when they stealth you can’t see them and thus can’t target them, so while yes, they can still be “hit”, they can only be hit with AoE, thus in effect removing the ability to hit them with a large chunk of attacks and abilities.
To be fair, No other class has any ability that pretty much invalidates entire means of attacks.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace
Also, if they happen to be in the way of direct fire weapon or attack, it SHOULD hit them. They aren’t vapor.
First time go on gw2 wiki and learn mechanisms of this game, because all attacks hurt Thief in stealth and you say there’s only mystification
Good, so you agree with the rest of my statement then. And since they can’t be “targeted” in stealth direct fire attacks can’t harm them. I’m saying that if they step in front of an arrow or rifle shot, it should hit them.
And spiking is definitely directly damages someone. As soon as the press “F” to finish someone they should automatically appear. It should be that way with anyone who is in stealth. Spiking is very visual and there’s no way you can hide what you’re doing from an opponent.
Tifa Ran/Ranger with a Pet
Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi
Been through 100s of these encounters now where a thief constantly annoy a group of 5 ppl by restealthing over and over.
Its also the most boring class to fight in 1v1 since they basically cant do anything but to backstab you and restealth. Over and over and over. Im running a stealthy mesmer and I can hide, but I can do it a few times and not without limit. I must use some form of tactics in my battles or Im dead. I thief can just stealth, hit you and restealth again.
Thieves seems to be a class that can only do 2 things in wvw. Kill dolyaks and hit random people running between towers.
Just remove the class completely from the game and give us something useful.
Also, if they happen to be in the way of direct fire weapon or attack, it SHOULD hit them. They aren’t vapor.
First time go on gw2 wiki and learn mechanisms of this game, because all attacks hurt Thief in stealth and you say there’s only mystification
You forget to things. Regeneration in stealth keeps going, maybe with purging conditions on the thief and you can still have blind active.
So, you can even aoe down the place where the thief should be without any effect.
I had a lot of 1v1 on my necro with good and bad thieves and even the bad ones can win by using 3 of their skills while i have to play on limit and without doing any small error.
That’s one reason I stopped playing my thief, because its absolutely boring going even 1v2, because you won’t lose and if you find some really good opponents which play a build that really counters you, you can still out run them before they even know where you’re gone and pick other fights.
As I said before, the whole build needs a serious rework. Healing in stealth, getting rid of conditions, shadowstepping, blinding and really good damage while staying invisible most of the time isn’t balanced at all.
As a necro I can’t even use a finisher or rezz while in death shroud, while thieves can do it from being stealthed.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc
wow 11 pages and not 1 Dev comment on our concerns , probably their preferred class that way they can sneak around and watch us all and we would never see them, thats why they won’t address the isssue lol
why should they answer when there is no issue?
we’re already telling that you scrubs are bad pvp’ers. the devs don’t need to say it again.
why should they answer when there is no issue?
we’re already telling that you scrubs are bad pvp’ers. the devs don’t need to say it again.
No, there is an issue…with stealth itself. I feel they’re not answering in this thread because they’re taking notes and know no matter what they say, somebody will QQ about it. They could come in here and say they plan on nerfing thieves, and it would make all the thieves QQ. They could come in here and say they plan on doing nothing, and make everybody else QQ. They could come in here and say they plan on changing stealth, which would make people QQ. Nothing they could say would go without somebody complaining, so it’s better not to say anything at all in this position.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
Better to close the thread to be honest.
We have enough different opinions and the thread is just going circular now. There’s nothing new coming to the discussion at all.
Keeping it open just makes it seem more important than it is, with largely the same people complaining/defending.
If ANet want to use this thread for any balancing input, so be it, but it’s run it’s course.
Put it to bed ANet please.
(edited by Jacklo.4230)
This thread hasn’t "tun it’s course’.
*If there were no Issue, no one would raise any concerns’.
It’s Obvious the ones who are crying to close this thread are the Sadist Elitist Thief class..
Why don’t you leave this thread and continue your Parade of Being The Only Monopolist Class in all stats in the game.
Bickering in this thread will only waste your time.
Guild Wars 2 World Is Yours,
Leave us alone
and continue your Tyranny.
We Can’t Stop You!
Neither Won’t your maker.
We’re The Less Privilege.
Find your own to Praise your Glory in Triumphing in WvW
Cause We Won’t
As it stands,
Oppression Is Our Way of Life in WvW.
That’s What We Were Made For.
To Be Oppressed By You.
Are You Satisfied Yet?
You Should Be
You Are Entitled To Everything and Having The Best Of Everything
In What Guild Wars 2 Has To Offer.
(edited by Burnfall.9573)
The main thing is. as I have said before, is not IF the Thief class is OP (It blatantly is) the only real consideration is how can it be balanced to the other classes without obliterating it.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace
This thread hasn’t "tun it’s course’.
*If there were no Issue, no one would raise any concerns’.
It’s Obvious the ones who are crying to close this thread are the Sadist Elitist Thief class..
Why don’t you leave this thread and continue your Parade of Being The Only Monopolist Class in all stats in the game.
Bickering in this thread will only waste your time.
Guild Wars 2 World Is Yours,
Leave us alone
and continue your Tyranny.
We Can’t Stop You!
Neither Won’t your maker.
We’re The Lesser.
Find your own to Praise your Glory in Triumphing in WvW
Cause We Won’t
As it stands,
Oppression Is Our Way of Life in WvW.
That’s What We Were Made For.
To Be Oppressed By You.
Are You Satisfied Yet?
You Should Be
You Are Given The Best Of Everything.
So you’ve made your point. I’ve made mine. You berate my comments, I do yours.
Now it seems to be getting childish.
Do you really think that if you keep demanding for ice cream and throw a tantrum if you don’t get it, it will come?
Well I suppose it will. Just to shut you up.
One day you’ll accept things for what they are, like an adult.
Then again…
“It’s Obvious the ones who are crying to close this thread are the Sadist Elitist Thief class
You Missed the Are
Didn’t Mentioned You.. Nor “Berate your comments”
“This thread hasn’t "run it’s course’.
“If there were no Issue, no one would raise any concerns”.
And Yet Again.
You Missed my direct response to your comment.
“I’m the child” for pointing that out to you.
“Then again”…
(edited by Burnfall.9573)
Recent video,
Enough said.
The Joke is on us, non-Stealth players.
What’s new?
Absolutely Nothing
No comments. GW2 developers have to and deal with permanent invisibility and fix the nerf-broken elementist and engineer classes .
Most of them drop 60 / 66 WXP when I kill them (66 WXP because our side is so often outmanned
). This means they have been alive a bit too long time.
So, I think, you must be happy from it, right? ^^
Like many others have commented on this thread, fighting against thieves is far from fun. You can down a bad thief fast, but any decent thief usually disengages quickly using both stealth and shadowstep. It is very difficult, sometimes impossible to catch them. Generally not worth the time. E.g. I can get 83 WXP by capturing a supply camp or NPC objective.
In order to kill a really good thief in 1-vs-1 you need to:
1) Either build your character also having so high burst that you can down the thief fast while you know his location / while he is visible. The duel between two glass cannons is more or less lottery, who timed their dodges perfect.
2) Play weak at the start of the match. Let him stab down your health to dangerously low levels. This triggers bloodlust in the mind set of some good thief players. Then you gotta heal up and dodge perfect (you better have lots of heals, protection and/or blocking ready). And then kill the thief, while he has used up his initiative.
So either strategy is very dangerous indeed: reflex test where a stealthed character has an obvious advantage due stealth or playing mind games.
As you see the perfect counter against good thieves either a glass cannon, but then you risk of dying to thieves very easily. Or building your character into a sustained combat and luring the enemy into mental game, where you to try to get him too overconfident at the start. A thief doesn’t need to do these mind games. If he fails his 1st attempt, he can easily disengage and try soon again or find another victim. He can run glass cannon with less risk than other professions (notable exception is mesmer, who can also run a glass cannon without much risk).
I do appreciate the time spent, wording your analysis, Deniara. However, in my honest opinion, it is only partially correct. Thieves have there counters, it is quite rarely other glascannon-setups tho. Ask any decent bunker-ranger, bunker-ele or phantasm mesmer what they do to the current thief builds. Even a well traited engineer, guard (burn, thief, burn) or necro should demolish any thief trying to engage. These are the real counters!
Apart from that, duels thief vs thief are by far the most challenging (and fun) fights one can have, in comparison to other duel setups not only highly apm intensive but counter based with blinds, dazes and stealth. A chance to let fast players really shine, which is too rare already in this game.
If your Kungfu sucks, work on the flaws in your play and dont cry for help from developers. Theres no place for such an attitude in pvp.
Best Regards
[Buka] Mojo Monkey Man
(edited by Moon.6371)
In order to kill a really good thief in 1-vs-1 you need to:
1) Either build your character also having so high burst that you can down the thief fast while you know his location / while he is visible. The duel between two glass cannons is more or less lottery, who timed their dodges perfect.
2) Play weak at the start of the match. Let him stab down your health to dangerously low levels. This triggers bloodlust in the mind set of some good thief players. Then you gotta heal up and dodge perfect (you better have lots of heals, protection and/or blocking ready). And then kill the thief, while he has used up his initiative.
This applies to all Thieves who have any idea how to play the class.
I’m a pretty average Thief player, but unless you can burst me down in between all of my dodges/stealths, it is practically impossible to kill me 1v1. Even so, if you somehow mess up and leave me alive with 1% hp, I will stealth away and you won’t ever see me again (Good luck spamming area attacks when I will dodge roll in stealth then Infiltrator’s Arrow in some random direction).
It’s not as overpowered as some people make it out to be, since there are certain builds that are very hard to kill – bunker Guardians/Eles/Rangers are the most common example, and against them I have no choice but to run away. However, it’s a bit boring because I either
-Run away (contrary to popular Thief opinion, I don’t consider this ‘losing’. It’s a draw)
-Kill the opponent (hooray, I win!)
-Die, if I overcommit. Just try not to do that unless you think it’s an acceptable risk. This rarely happens, and only against multiple enemies.
The D/P build that I use is pretty good at 1v1ing others and is decent in large fights with the Shortbow, but I wouldn’t say that it requires much nerfing. The damage is pretty good, and so is the sustain and condition removal and survivability, but there are builds on other classes that can do this too (e.g. D/D ele)
What does warrant a nerf is how much better Thieves are at running away compared to, for example, Engineers (I’m leveling an alt now and die so much).
Just give everyone Shadow Refuge and we can all be happy. No reason why only one class should be able to run away so easily.
Edit: And give Thieves something to do in zergs because spamming cluster bomb, while effective, is pretty boring.
(edited by Sunflowers.1729)
I do appreciate the time spent, wording your analysis, Deniara. However, in my honest opinion, it is only partially correct. Thieves have there counters, it is quite rarely other glascannon-setups tho. Ask any decent bunker-ranger, bunker-ele or phantasm mesmer what they do to the current thief builds. Even a well traited engineer, guard (burn, thief, burn) or necro should demolish any thief trying to engage. These are the real counters!
I fail to understand how an equally skilled thief would die against a bunker ele or ranger, unless that thief would overcommit or that bunker is being assisted by an ally. That thief is gonna be visible so short amount of time the bunker simply cannot down the thief in that time. Thief will have trouble killing that bunker, but so does the bunker have trouble killing a good thief. A good thief will always shadowstep and disengage. So it will be a draw.
Revealed is 4 seconds in pvp. Why was it reverted to 3 second in WvWvW, where stealth is even more useful?
In tpvp stealth has a big penalty because you cannot claim points while in stealth. In WvWvW much less time is spent on capturing points and the capturing circle e.g. for a supply camp is much bigger, making AoE much less effective counter than in tpvp.
The game balance in WvWvW sucks, because the developers can only see spvp and tpvp and never played on the completely outmanned side on WvWvW e.g. 1-3 players against 20-30. WvWvW is obviously a completely different beast from tpvp due different and better gear, consumables, scale, maps and so on.
To make matters worse: Arenanet has very close to zero communication with its WvWvW user base. There is no monthy State of the Game for WvWvW, despite it is more popular than tpvp. I have never ever seen a developer comment these threads. I have urged the developers to try WvWvW on heavily outmanned side. I will very well welcome them to come 1-3 man roaming with me e.g. let’s say ER BL, when we have nothing on the map and 2 × 20-30 man enemy teams wait outside the gates.
We can only conclude:
1. Arenanet lacks resources when it comes to WvWvW development. We see new pve content now and then, but the fixing of the culling has been the only major improvement in WvWvW, since launch. WXP was implemented badly and once again ignoring the wise comments from the player base.
2. Arenanet clearly has some favored professions e.g. look how much warrior gets buffed (I didn’t even mention the undocumented stealth buffs I noticed on my warrior), despite it is already very good in pve.
3. Arenanet still thinks Guild Wars 2 = Guild Wars 2 tpvp esports whatever and continues to “balance” the game based on an unpopular game mode.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
Well, tier 1 has more zergs and so less room for small scale, skill based combat. Spamming #1 with massive skill lag doesn’t really make you a better duelist. The tiers are also mainly affected by the total population and coverage of a server, not the skill of the players in those servers.
Some guards can do 1v1 fairly well. It can be build wars that you are experiencing here. I know several guards that kick kitten of the thieves that I lose to, but I still win those guardians without too much trouble. I play glass shatter mesmer.
Duels are really all about build wars. The other day there was this dagger / dagger bunker ele. The best thief I know of couldn’t do much against him, yet though it was quite difficult, I could eventually down him several times. Against this thief however, I have zero chances with my shatter build.
Yes, tier #1 has a lot of zerging and zergs rarely promotes individual skill, but they do actually promote organization and favor that side who has bigger numbers. I dislike zerging myself. Unfortunately Arenanet has made a lot of game design choices to make zerg the most viable meta. There has been a lot of wise good suggestions from the player base, yet they have ignored all of them and implemented totally unbalanced changes to Arrow Carts and given us… traps. Oh LOL, just tells me how badly alienated the developers are from their own game.
I agree that the build matters a lot in 1-vs-1, in fact it might pretty much completely decide the outcome. My build is balanced, thus it is far from optimal for anything. I need to handle a lot of different situations as a commander and as a solo roamer. At worst I will have couple of upleveled guys on my side and nothing more, yet I need to handle a 1-3 vs 3-20 enemies type of situations. On the other hand I might have a 20 man zerg tailing me as well. Thus I have mixed utility, team buffs & heals, crowd control, damage, self-survivability.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
I do appreciate the time spent, wording your analysis, Deniara. However, in my honest opinion, it is only partially correct. Thieves have there counters, it is quite rarely other glascannon-setups tho. Ask any decent bunker-ranger, bunker-ele or phantasm mesmer what they do to the current thief builds. Even a well traited engineer, guard (burn, thief, burn) or necro should demolish any thief trying to engage. These are the real counters!
I fail to understand how an equally skilled thief would die against a bunker ele or ranger, unless that thief would overcommit or that bunker is being assisted by an ally. That thief is gonna be visible so short amount of time the bunker simply cannot down the thief in that time. Thief will have trouble killing that bunker, but so does the bunker have trouble killing a good thief. A good thief will always shadowstep and disengage. So it will be a draw.
This was what I was thinking as well.
In the end of things, the only real counter to a thief is to move as a large group.
Humm, this makes me wonder if it is all the thief players that are the ones whining about the “blob” effect in WvW?
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace
Thief can run as a glass cannon easily and farm without dying very fast (that is very unfair) , he has enough tools to survive any situation, Any other glass cannon is doomed. Look videos from Yishis he kills about 10 players in few minutes, in single hit he puts 2k-8k dmg, he runs through zerg like best bunker in game.
Sooner or later it must to be fixed. But time will vanish out many good players from game due to that huge unbalance.
(edited by Sin.4130)
A good thief will always shadowstep and disengage. So it will be a draw.
Breaking aggro is considered a loss in duels. It also makes everyone in the fight club laugh at you.
I have seen very good thieves dying against quite newbie bunker eles. They just can’t damage the ele enough and the ele will eventually wore the thief down.
These are of course staged duels. In the open thief can naturally disengage, but I think most of them avoid bunker eles in the first place.
How big deal it is that a thief runs away, well I don’t know. There is nothing to gain / lose anyway.
(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)
Lets keep this thread alive like defending last tower in home border. Maybe many new ppl will roll to thief and ANet will have to put some action. This silence from them means a lot. But they probably don’t know what happened to eve online when they tried to fool all community.
(edited by Sin.4130)
A good thief will always shadowstep and disengage. So it will be a draw.
Breaking aggro is considered a loss in duels. It also makes everyone in the fight club laugh at you.
“Fight Club?” Who cares about fight club. That’s not WvW, that’s some group of people sitting at the windmill doing anything but WvW. and not in any way indictive of how a class functions on in real combat.
Welcome to WvW, on the real open field battles and skirmishes, disengaging is a draw, as it allows you to return to fight again, and a thief, thanks to stealth, gets to pick how the encounter starts and when it ends.
Also, “Fight Club” means you know it’s it’s coming and what you are facing, In Real WvW you have no idea if, when, where, or by what, you are going to get hit. That is why a Thief being able to strike from invsi means you get zero warning of anything coming at all, and end up literally taking massive damage out of nowhere.
No wonder people think they do good against thieves if their only understanding of encountering them is in “Fight Club”
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace
A good thief will always shadowstep and disengage. So it will be a draw.
Breaking aggro is considered a loss in duels. It also makes everyone in the fight club laugh at you.
“Fight Club?” Who cares about fight club. That’s not WvW, that’s some group of people sitting at the windmill doing anything but WvW. and not in any way indictive of how a class functions on in real combat.
Welcome to WvW, on the real open field battles and skirmishes, disengaging is a draw, as it allows you to return to fight again, and a thief, thanks to stealth, gets to pick how the encounter starts and when it ends.
Also, “Fight Club” means you know it’s it’s coming and what you are facing, In Real WvW you have no idea if, when, where, or by what, you are going to get hit. That is why a Thief being able to strike from invsi means you get zero warning of anything coming at all, and end up literally taking massive damage out of nowhere.
No wonder people think they do good against thieves if their only understanding of encountering them is in “Fight Club”
This is absolutely funniest post in this thread
Thank you for the smile on my face
Fredy Brimstone lvl 80 Mighty Warrior
Oupí lvl 80 Immortal Guardian
(edited by Evilek.5690)
No comments. GW2 developers have to and deal with permanent invisibility and fix the nerf-broken elementist and engineer classes .
I lol’d. Nerf-broken elementalists? Let me see…Staff eles still do an amazing job of support and can be actually dangerous, and D/D eles are still just as annoying and can tank 3+ enemies. Sure they’re nerf-broken. rolls eyes
Engineer though…that I can agree with, outside of the grenades (because those hit like a truck).
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
putting 2 thief threads next to each other.
A good thief will always shadowstep and disengage. So it will be a draw.
Breaking aggro is considered a loss in duels. It also makes everyone in the fight club laugh at you.
“Fight Club?” Who cares about fight club. That’s not WvW, that’s some group of people sitting at the windmill doing anything but WvW. and not in any way indictive of how a class functions on in real combat.
Welcome to WvW, on the real open field battles and skirmishes, disengaging is a draw, as it allows you to return to fight again, and a thief, thanks to stealth, gets to pick how the encounter starts and when it ends.
Also, “Fight Club” means you know it’s it’s coming and what you are facing, In Real WvW you have no idea if, when, where, or by what, you are going to get hit. That is why a Thief being able to strike from invsi means you get zero warning of anything coming at all, and end up literally taking massive damage out of nowhere.
No wonder people think they do good against thieves if their only understanding of encountering them is in “Fight Club”
This is absolutely funniest post in this thread
Thank you for the smile on my face
I wish I could share your humor in this discussion, because I found nothing funny about what I said.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace
I agree with Evilek in this.
ANet confirmed that stealth is broken in WvW by putting there anti-stealth traps. If thief is so easy to kill without anything or by anyone why this traps appeared?
Of course you have to pay for that. You still can’t buy those traps for real money (gems) but who knows what future will bring. You waste sources for that anyway just to beat some lonley thief if he ever will appear…
(edited by Sin.4130)
ANet confirmed that stealth is broken in WvW by putting there anti-stealth traps. If thief is so easy to kill without anything or by anyone why this traps appeared?
Good point. I had not thought of it that way. but the development of a trap for one ability of one class, seems like a lot of work.
I guess it was their way to call it done, without needing to do any real balancing.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace
ANet confirmed that stealth is broken in WvW by putting there anti-stealth traps. If thief is so easy to kill without anything or by anyone why this traps appeared?
Good point. I had not thought of it that way. but the development of a trap for one ability of one class, seems like a lot of work.
I guess it was their way to call it done, without needing to do any real balancing.
Let them make anti-heavy dmg traps as well;)
(edited by Sin.4130)
Unfortunately Arenanet developers haven’t commented what is the logic behind the anti-stealth traps?
Thieves of course have the superior advantage to lay down traps in the middle of enemy zergs without getting caught, but I also feel it is in fact a bit unfair towards the thieves to have an anti-stealth trap. Yet so far the usage of those traps has been so rare, it hasn’t affected the game balance in any significant way.
We can just speculate that the purpose of the anti-stealth trap was to counter veil bombs. But there are better solutions to this, which I have proposed before. Any bigger enemy group, let’s say 20 or more, should always show on the map. This would be one of the most powerful anti-zerg changes. If you want to move around the map unnoticed, you should have less blobbing.
Mesmer has also solid access to stealth and any profession can get stealthed via smoke combo fields, but let’s face it: thief profession is very closed tied up with stealth. Thieves can do much more damage from stealth. They can heal better, remove conditions while in stealth, move faster and so on. Now to introduce a trap which denies all of that. I don’t think rangers would have liked to have an anti-pet trap, which takes away their pet for 30 seconds or what would mesmers be with an anti-illusion trap denying the use of illusions for 30 seconds.
But this is clearly a sign that the developers have also understood stealth is big problem in WvWvW setting.
My proposal remains still the same:
1. Remove the anti-stealth trap
2. Keep stealth as it is, but make stealthed characters appear to their enemies semi-transparent, just like they do to their allies.
I think this is most balanced, since it would allow all stealth related traits and abilities work exactly as they are. Stealthed person could still not be targeted, but it would remove the guess work from where the stealthed person is and remove many of the stealth abuses. Thieves could still use their superior mobility to disengage: shadowstep, spam heartseeker or infiltrator’s arrow, use shadow step from infiltrator’s strike, 50% speed during stealth with fleet shadow trait etc. Compare this e.g. with engineer, which is severely lacking tools of disengagement. Speedy kits is pretty much the only viable trait and toss elixir S has random chance to give 4 s stealth once per 60 s. Those gadget skills, like personal battering ram, are simply not viable, because of an overly long cooldown and then probably opting to have no stun break on skill bar = bad bad idea. In other words thief would still enjoy superior ways to get out of combat.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
So has Anet also understood that supply was a big problem and thus implemented the supply trap?
I thought “Arrocart [merged]” thread was the most fail ever, but with this one here is getting a nice competition.
People think that these thief videos killing those either newbies or have no idea what they are doing its gonna do anything, I mean just look at the videos u don’t see them dodge, pop skills or jump on him, no traps and really slow reactions. How can you stil whine even after culling off and anti-stealth traps. Do you really think Anet gonna consider as thief OP based on theses videos? Jesus
How come so many players can deal with thiefs with no problem and some of you can’t? Obviously there’s difference between you and them, experience and skill level.
Easy, don’t fight thieves, problem solved!
Too bad their common appearance in WvW is through the roof.
Same old cliches being used over and over. L2P ..get some skills n00b ….roll a thief and practice etc etc. Those comments all completely miss the point.
There are more players that can’t deal with a thief than those that can. New players especially. They buy the game, level to 80 and head to WvW to check it out. They bump into a Ranger and lose the fight. They got a few hits in and thought it was fun. They head right back out and bump into a Necro. They chase him around, gets a few hits in but still dies. Share the experience with guildies. Has a good laugh. Heads out again and wham…dead. WTF ? Doesn’t even see what hit him or have a chance to react. Hrmm, that wasn’t fun.
Heads out again. Same thing. A invisable enemy takes him out in 4 seconds, then taunts him till he releases. Definitely not fun.
Now that player has a decision to make. Put the time in to get better, or not participate in WvW. Even when he gets better, and can at least somewhat compete vs Thieves, it’s still not fun. Win or lose, for most people, it’s not fun fighting an enemy that can constantly go invisable.
Most people can handle losing. They know they will never be the best player but still have fun. Thieves suck the fun right out of WvW. Daoc went through the same thing when released. Stealth was way overpowered but they eventually fixed it. I think anet realizes it also and will slowly make the changes to correct their flawed version of stealth.
ANet confirmed that stealth is broken in WvW by putting there anti-stealth traps. If thief is so easy to kill without anything or by anyone why this traps appeared?
Of course you have to pay for that. You still can’t buy those traps for real money (gems) but who knows what future will bring. You waste sources for that anyway just to beat some lonley thief if he ever will appear…
Um no. The size, cost and cast time makes steath traps a bit expensive and single lowly thief. This trap targets Stealth Bombs. Key player in this is Mesmers with Viel as they can stealth more then 5 people.
The biggest problem plaging WvW, small minded players who can’t see past thier own noses. Undisiplined and self centered players more worried about thier rank xp then the standing of their server.
It doesn’t matter if a thief snuffs a single player in the middle of no where or escapes a zerg. The thief is just one player, and is ill equipped to handle large scale operations like other classes. No seige was won because a thief was present.
Part-time Kittenposter
Don’t believe that there is any secret tactic to kill a thief. Look at thief videos he even doesn’t have to dodge your AoE. All you can do is to spam your skills and run/dodge like a blind man. By the way, this the stupidest thing I’ve ever experienced in any game.
Bunker build at last have a chance to avoid framing thieves, anybody else have no chance to survive.
(edited by Sin.4130)
Thieves are perhaps the most hilariously underpowered class for WvW combat. All they are good for is scouting and yak-sniping.
BUFF thieves, do not nerf them again.
I will say this again for the record ANet…you need to change how stealth works. That’s all you need to do to balance things right now. So make it so a person in stealth is knocked out of it with reveal if their attack is evaded or blocked. There, we’ve fixed stealth, and the QQing can stop.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
Don’t believe that there is any secret tactic to kill a thief. Look at thief videos he even doesn’t have to dodge your AoE. All you can do is to spam your skills and run/dodge like a blind man. By the way, this the stupidest thing I’ve ever experienced in any game.
Bunker build at last have a chance to avoid framing thieves, anybody else have no chance to survive.
This is your 38th reply in here . I think everyone already understood that you can’t with thiefs, if tou keep posting over and over people will think that’s an obsession. Maybe if u spent the time u are on this thread in game, you would probably be able do deal with thiefs by now. Who knows.
Don’t believe that there is any secret tactic to kill a thief. Look at thief videos he even doesn’t have to dodge your AoE. All you can do is to spam your skills and run/dodge like a blind man. By the way, this the stupidest thing I’ve ever experienced in any game.
Bunker build at last have a chance to avoid framing thieves, anybody else have no chance to survive.
This is your 38th reply in here . I think everyone already understood that you can’t with thiefs, if tou keep posting over and over people will think that’s an obsession. Maybe if u spent the time u are on this thread in game, you would probably be able do deal with thiefs by now. Who knows.
Wow you counted it, all your posts look like L2P, so I do think that you should stay in silence.
Don’t believe that there is any secret tactic to kill a thief. Look at thief videos he even doesn’t have to dodge your AoE. All you can do is to spam your skills and run/dodge like a blind man. By the way, this the stupidest thing I’ve ever experienced in any game.
Bunker build at last have a chance to avoid framing thieves, anybody else have no chance to survive.
This is your 38th reply in here . I think everyone already understood that you can’t with thiefs, if tou keep posting over and over people will think that’s an obsession. Maybe if u spent the time u are on this thread in game, you would probably be able do deal with thiefs by now. Who knows.
If thieves are a problem for you in wvw then you are doing one of three things: 1.) You are being afk. 2.) You have some terribad spec. 3.) Your gearing is wrong.
I’m not going to tell you what a good spec or good gear is. I’ll give you a hint though; if a thief is anything more than an annoyance, you’re doing it wrong.
It might be different in spvp or something, I don’t care. This is the WvW forum.
Don’t believe that there is any secret tactic to kill a thief. Look at thief videos he even doesn’t have to dodge your AoE. All you can do is to spam your skills and run/dodge like a blind man. By the way, this the stupidest thing I’ve ever experienced in any game.
Bunker build at last have a chance to avoid framing thieves, anybody else have no chance to survive.
This is your 38th reply in here . I think everyone already understood that you can’t with thiefs, if tou keep posting over and over people will think that’s an obsession. Maybe if u spent the time u are on this thread in game, you would probably be able do deal with thiefs by now. Who knows.
If thieves are a problem for you in wvw then you are doing one of three things: 1.) You are being afk. 2.) You have some terribad spec. 3.) Your gearing is wrong.
I’m not going to tell you what a good spec or good gear is. I’ll give you a hint though; if a thief is anything more than an annoyance, you’re doing it wrong.
It might be different in spvp or something, I don’t care. This is the WvW forum.
Has it ever occured to you that when you are playing your thief, and any other class is more than an annoyance, you’re doing it wrong ?
Thieves are perhaps the most hilariously underpowered class for WvW combat. All they are good for is scouting and yak-sniping.
BUFF thieves, do not nerf them again.
Then why do I see so many thieves in WvWvW? And their amount seems to have increased. I don’t have any official statistics, but according to my observations the top 4 professions in WvWvW are: guardian, thief, warrior and elementalist (and in this order).
Why every group fight has several thieves? Why every group fight has stealth stomps?
Must be because thieves are so underpowered…. I can imagine that almost every player wants to intentionally play the most underpowered profession in WvWvW. LOL :-P