Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir
My 2 cents about thieves in WvW…
They should not be allowed to remain cloaked while FINISHING someone.
It’s gotten past the annoying part now…
You have options to easily counter stealth stomping.
1. you can cc that area of you downed team mate 99% this will work perfectly.
2. you can auto attack the area of you downed team mate and assuming you atlest mananged to do some dmg to the theif b4 one of you got downed most of the time you will down the theif.
3. AOE the area of downed team mate.
4. You can easily res up said team mate b4 thief gets the stomp (if you are in a party with some you should be paying attention to his health as well as you own and get rdy to res if you see he is going down).
In addition if you are alone and got downed you lost so being stealth stomped does’nt matter. Thief needs stealth stomping or else more that half the time even in 1v1 engagement the downed play will auto attack the thief to downed state and will win the match in downed state. Even though thieves have more access to stealth, its much more easier to stop a stealth stomp and a theif may need several attempts even with stealth to actually get the stomp. Where as other profession with invu, and stability skill are almost guarantee the stomp.
Anti stealth trap to kill one thief, how nice (that makes what? 15 badges per one perma stealth thief?).
Thieves cant be nerfed in wvw because they will be nerfed in other aspects too, and really, OP stealth is the only thing keeping them alive. However, the very core of stealth mechanics seems broken by design, because you can stealth any time anywhere and cant be removed from stealth (nono, now you have traps, 10 supply and some time to place, and it will be wasted on some noob mesmer). Only fix is introducing stealth-breaking skills to other profs… or overhauling the whole concept of stealthm but thats not going to happen. (i wonder how GW1 assassins managed to kill their targets without any form of stealth, hm.)
If youre having problems with a class, then yes, this is the first thing you should do. Its not like looking up a build, watching youtube videos for 20-30 min to get a decent idea what to do and then taking it into sPVP for an afternoon is hard or anything…
Learning about other classes moves and how to counter them and knowing ahead of time what theyre likely to do is something good players find to be a standard thing to do. You wanna go into a fight and mash buttons and not care what your opponent does and still win I see, so I guess this skill based game isnt for you, have you ever thought about Hello Kitty Island Advanture? I think that might be more your speed since you dont want to put in any effort to learning about what the classes youll be fighting can do.
1. Thief has mediocre mobility
A thiefs ability to move from point A to point B is slower than most other classes, the only reason people think this isnt true is because you cant always tell which direction a thief is moving, and they have a habit of turning 90 degrees after stealthing to confuse their pursuers.
You are missing my point, probably intentionally.
Deniara Devious… is surprise surprise… a thief! Why don’t you see me playing a thief in WvWvW? Same reason why I refuse to use any other faceroll profession or build in any sort game format where you fight against other humans. Okay I must admit I played dual dagger elementalist for one night in WvWvW, but that was more like a test, just too easy, too powerful. Thus not for me. Thief also feels way too easy, same for guardian.
In Guild Wars 1, I didn’t use meta builds or copy & paste builds from the net. I was one of the 1st people using Mind Blast as elite. Honestly I had not seen anybody use it in GvG, HA, TA or RA. People were 1st laughing at me, telling that Mind Blast does so little dmg, but when Mind Blast elementalist became the meta and I saw countless of others playing the same, I stopped playing it. But I found my own niche and used the same unique build for over 5 years in a row, despite what was the flavor of the month.
So instead of playing the game in the easy mode, I prefer to do something more challenging. And currently multi-kit engineer is perhaps the most difficult combination to play effectively (no, I am NOT using HGH).
Your claim that thief has mediocre mobility is just hogwash. Shadowstep is instant cast 1200 range teleport (plus stun break). Sword #2, shadow return, is even better having infinite range (not 1200 like the outdated GW2 wiki says), a stun break + condition removal for a mere 2 initiative cost. Infiltrator’s arrow is 900 range instant teleport. So using just two skills, not counting the broken thief sword #2 (which should be fixed!), a thief can instantly get to 1200+900 = 2100 away. Tell what other profession can do that instantly?!
Think how long time engineer needs to spend to travel 2100 range in combat. Remember that movement speed is reduced during combat, so even with swiftness it is gonna take some time.
Fleet shadow gives 50% movement speed during stealth and stealth can be very easily stacked or kept up more or less indefinitely e.g. black powder + heartseeker with infusion of shadow + meld in shadows + patience traits + infilitrator’s signet. What more could you ask?
MInd Blast eles became meta after some balance patch, where energy management became a little better and it became easy for a little-more-than-average-skilled-player.
Nowdays i rarely see engis in WvW… even before nerfs most of enemy population was guardians, mesmers, eles and thieves.
Okay I must admit I played dual dagger elementalist for one night in WvWvW, but that was more like a test, just too easy, too powerful. Thus not for me. Thief also feels way too easy, same for guardian.
Your personal point of view….
OP D/D www ele is a myth of some people thinking WWW = PvP…..
Even devs in interviews talked about it and they said while ele was OP in PvP its not on WWW and its even uneffective in PvE…..
They are completely different.
Bunker roamers are useless in www and if you think glass cannon is too powerful ….its not a diffused opinion. (infact they were even balanced, GC or staff eles using rtl to catch their zerg)
Please do not encourage disinformations…
I even met players complaining of OP ele in PvE and saying he read it on the forum >.< just to say how Dangerous they are…
(edited by LordByron.8369)
If and an enemy thief is roaming about it you tower and you dont want to use an anti stealth trap leave the tower lord has 4min buff on anyway wait till you see swords probably means he is attempting to cap it, kill him in the act( The lord hurts quite a bit a some of his attack channel through even after stealth . Also you could have one competent player stand guard in the lords room. A solo thief in a tower isnt going to do much else.
The stealth mechanic was just a bad idea in the first place, I can’t see any way to balance it.
I kill plenty of thieves and can’t remember the last time I lost to one but I also can’t remember the last time I killed a good one, because once they realise they can’t kill me they just use the broken shadow return and drop shadow refuge out of my closing range and disappear off.
The reason that thieves can’t kill me is because any WvW build I make is primarily focused on countering them. I don’t feel the need to specifically counter any of the other classes and didn’t have to lvl 80 a warrior to be able to deal with them, like you have to with thieves. Dealing with thieves may be a learn to play issue and you hear all the time “if you want to deal with thieves you have to roll one and learn the tricks”. but how many times have you seen this on the forums?: “if you want to deal with Guardians/Rangers/Warriors/Eles/Necros you have to roll one and learn the tricks”.
Thief is not OP but it is the ultimate troll class, specced and played right thieves are just downright irritating to play against.
There is no fix for thieves, either you nerf them into the ground and kill a popular class (like they did with Mesmers) or you leave them as is and the rest of the classes find them annoying. I wish they had come up with something better for the thief but the truth is, they put them in the game, it was a bad idea and now we are stuck with them.
In conclusion they can’t really nerf thieves because the main things that cause the problems are core game mechanics, we just are forced to play them ourselves so we can learn them and then spec against them or stick to zerging around.
So let me rephrase this logic:
1. Everybody should play a thief to learn to counter them. And equip their character accordingly. Or they deserve to die to a button masher2. Almost nobody players engineer in WvWvW and if a thief just spams his skills through block, blind and confusion and then loses, it is a sign that things are balanced.
Learning about other classes moves and how to counter them and knowing ahead of time what theyre likely to do is something good players find to be a standard thing to do. You wanna go into a fight and mash buttons and not care what your opponent does and still win I see, so I guess this skill based game isnt for you, have you ever thought about
Hello Kitty Island Advanture?playing a Thief, I think that might be more your speed since you dont want to put in any effort to learning about what the classes youll be fighting can do.
Fixed that for you.
Of the main points people have been bringing up time and time again is that “being able to win a fight with no skill” is exactly the tool kit that is given to the thief class in GW2.
(edited by Ungood.3054)
The stealth mechanic was just a bad idea in the first place, I can’t see any way to balance it.
I kill plenty of thieves and can’t remember the last time I lost to one but I also can’t remember the last time I killed a good one, because once they realise they can’t kill me they just use the broken shadow return and drop shadow refuge out of my closing range and disappear off.
The reason that thieves can’t kill me is because any WvW build I make is primarily focused on countering them. I don’t feel the need to specifically counter any of the other classes and didn’t have to lvl 80 a warrior to be able to deal with them, like you have to with thieves. Dealing with thieves may be a learn to play issue and you hear all the time “if you want to deal with thieves you have to roll one and learn the tricks”. but how many times have you seen this on the forums?: “if you want to deal with Guardians/Rangers/Warriors/Eles/Necros you have to roll one and learn the tricks”.
Thief is not OP but it is the ultimate troll class, specced and played right thieves are just downright irritating to play against.
There is no fix for thieves, either you nerf them into the ground and kill a popular class (like they did with Mesmers) or you leave them as is and the rest of the classes find them annoying. I wish they had come up with something better for the thief but the truth is, they put them in the game, it was a bad idea and now we are stuck with them.
In conclusion they can’t really nerf thieves because the main things that cause the problems are core game mechanics, we just are forced to play them ourselves so we can learn them and then spec against them or stick to zerging around.
Great post. Sums it up pretty well.
So let me rephrase this logic:
1. Everybody should play a thief to learn to counter them. And equip their character accordingly. Or they deserve to die to a button masher2. Almost nobody players engineer in WvWvW and if a thief just spams his skills through block, blind and confusion and then loses, it is a sign that things are balanced.
Learning about other classes moves and how to counter them and knowing ahead of time what theyre likely to do is something good players find to be a standard thing to do. You wanna go into a fight and mash buttons and not care what your opponent does and still win I see, so I guess this skill based game isnt for you, have you ever thought about
Hello Kitty Island Advanture?playing a Thief, I think that might be more your speed since you dont want to put in any effort to learning about what the classes youll be fighting can do.Fixed that for you.
Of the main points people have been bringing up time and time again is that “being able to win a fight with no skill” is exactly the tool kit that is given to the thief class in GW2.
Hey. Why don’t you roll a Thief and try beating a good guardian? A good ranger? A good engineer? A good D/D ele?
That’s right, you can’t. Face it, almost any profession can smash a thief in 1v1 combat. It’s really easy too. Just bunker up and win by attrition, that would be the definition of having no skill and still winning fights.
People just choose not to because they somehow believe that they should have all kinds of utility in WvW while still being able to beat the profession that can only do well in that one format, 1v1 combat.
…Your allies are supposed to stop the enemy from stomping e.g. using knockdown, knock back, daze or other form of interrupt, but how is that supposed to work when the stomping attacker is using stealth…
By what you just said, you KNOW a Thief has downed the person, you see SR surrounding your fallen comrade. What do you honestly think is going on there? Stealth isn’t a defensive mechanic, it is an SIGHT mechanic. Use an AoE interrupt when you know a Thief is near a downed ally, and watch him fall apart.
If you guys honestly knew what you were talking about, you’d know that Shadowstep-Stomp is a VASTLY more practical method than simply stealthing. But who would expect a Thief hater to have a shred of knowledge about the class they are complaining about?
The stealth mechanic was just a bad idea in the first place, I can’t see any way to balance it.
I kill plenty of thieves and can’t remember the last time I lost to one but I also can’t remember the last time I killed a good one, because once they realise they can’t kill me they just use the broken shadow return and drop shadow refuge out of my closing range and disappear off.
The reason that thieves can’t kill me is because any WvW build I make is primarily focused on countering them. I don’t feel the need to specifically counter any of the other classes and didn’t have to lvl 80 a warrior to be able to deal with them, like you have to with thieves. Dealing with thieves may be a learn to play issue and you hear all the time “if you want to deal with thieves you have to roll one and learn the tricks”. but how many times have you seen this on the forums?: “if you want to deal with Guardians/Rangers/Warriors/Eles/Necros you have to roll one and learn the tricks”.
Thief is not OP but it is the ultimate troll class, specced and played right thieves are just downright irritating to play against.
There is no fix for thieves, either you nerf them into the ground and kill a popular class (like they did with Mesmers) or you leave them as is and the rest of the classes find them annoying. I wish they had come up with something better for the thief but the truth is, they put them in the game, it was a bad idea and now we are stuck with them.
In conclusion they can’t really nerf thieves because the main things that cause the problems are core game mechanics, we just are forced to play them ourselves so we can learn them and then spec against them or stick to zerging around.
Great post. Sums it up pretty well.
Yes, good post. I do want to make a comment regarding seeing posts “if you want to deal with Guardians/Rangers/Warriors/Eles/Necros you have to roll one and learn the tricks”.
I would say the most effective roamers are thieves, eles, ranger and warriors. But most of the time, you will see thieves. Since they are in abundance in small scale fights (1v1, 1vX, etc), they are at the attention of all the hate.
People still complaining about stealth stomps? It’s really not hard to counter. Use a blowout, fear, etc. or use a high damage mele skill to down the thief (as you know where he is).
No mention of how other classes can invuln stomp (much harder to counter). But I guess that’s better because you can see them while they do it???
As far as just building to be anti-thief… that isn’t necessary. It is necessary to have a plan on how to counter a burst build though (not only thieves can burst really hard).
You should know how every class works. That’s the key to defeating them. If you’re having problems with whatever class, watch a video on how to counter them. Thief and mesmer just punish new/lower skilled players the most for not knowing the class mechanics. Hence massive complaints.
The stealth mechanic was just a bad idea in the first place, I can’t see any way to balance it.
I kill plenty of thieves and can’t remember the last time I lost to one but I also can’t remember the last time I killed a good one, because once they realise they can’t kill me they just use the broken shadow return and drop shadow refuge out of my closing range and disappear off…
In conclusion they can’t really nerf thieves because the main things that cause the problems are core game mechanics, we just are forced to play them ourselves so we can learn them and then spec against them or stick to zerging around.
That’ s the point, the whole class relies on stealth….
Best regards,
Haltair, ine of the Twelve Shadows
So let me rephrase this logic:
1. Everybody should play a thief to learn to counter them. And equip their character accordingly. Or they deserve to die to a button masher2. Almost nobody players engineer in WvWvW and if a thief just spams his skills through block, blind and confusion and then loses, it is a sign that things are balanced.
Learning about other classes moves and how to counter them and knowing ahead of time what theyre likely to do is something good players find to be a standard thing to do. You wanna go into a fight and mash buttons and not care what your opponent does and still win I see, so I guess this skill based game isnt for you, have you ever thought about
Hello Kitty Island Advanture?playing a Thief, I think that might be more your speed since you dont want to put in any effort to learning about what the classes youll be fighting can do.Fixed that for you.
Of the main points people have been bringing up time and time again is that “being able to win a fight with no skill” is exactly the tool kit that is given to the thief class in GW2.
Hey. Why don’t you roll a Thief and try beating a good guardian? A good ranger? A good engineer? A good D/D ele?
LOL. Cute Qualifier “Good”, which is a fancy way of saying “If they Lose they are not good”
How about, instead you show me a vid of you beating a good thief. I won’t lose any sleep waiting for that to happen.
The stealth mechanic was just a bad idea in the first place, I can’t see any way to balance it.
I kill plenty of thieves and can’t remember the last time I lost to one but I also can’t remember the last time I killed a good one, because once they realise they can’t kill me they just use the broken shadow return and drop shadow refuge out of my closing range and disappear off.
The reason that thieves can’t kill me is because any WvW build I make is primarily focused on countering them. I don’t feel the need to specifically counter any of the other classes and didn’t have to lvl 80 a warrior to be able to deal with them, like you have to with thieves. Dealing with thieves may be a learn to play issue and you hear all the time “if you want to deal with thieves you have to roll one and learn the tricks”. but how many times have you seen this on the forums?: “if you want to deal with Guardians/Rangers/Warriors/Eles/Necros you have to roll one and learn the tricks”.
Thief is not OP but it is the ultimate troll class, specced and played right thieves are just downright irritating to play against.
There is no fix for thieves, either you nerf them into the ground and kill a popular class (like they did with Mesmers) or you leave them as is and the rest of the classes find them annoying. I wish they had come up with something better for the thief but the truth is, they put them in the game, it was a bad idea and now we are stuck with them.
In conclusion they can’t really nerf thieves because the main things that cause the problems are core game mechanics, we just are forced to play them ourselves so we can learn them and then spec against them or stick to zerging around.
This is what I have been saying since the start. They really can’t balance the thief class without invalidating it. So a nerf to the class itself should not be the point here, what they should do is give to some other classes counters to the stealth mechanic.
Give Mesmers a ability/skill that allows them to see though stealth.
Give Rangers a pet/ability/spirit that has the ability to spot though stealth.
Give Engineers a Tracking Turret that exposes Stealth.
That way, classes would have the means to counter stealth.. IF they are willing to make a trade off for it.
In that front, a real counter would be there, so it would not make stealth as OP’ed as it is right now, but it would not nerf the thief class to oblivion either.
look at pvp all you see is heartseek spamming noobs .
why are you whining then? who’s the worse noob? the guy spamming hss or the one getting killed by it?
yeah i forgot we have infinite dodge rolls
learn to time dodges then. i know, running to the forums crying ‘op’ is easier.
my point is a traited thief wont lose all their initiative by spamming heartseeker
also it is just as ignorant to defend an op clas telling everyone else its their fault and to l2p
OP class
OP=underpowered or what ?
Weakest healing in the game
Least health pool
Medium armor
Zero boons abilities
Zero invulnerable abilities
Middle mobility
Middle DPS
1-3 support abilities (two make only stealth,one block projectile)
OP F1 abilities /sarcasm
OP Utility slot skills /sarcasm3x stealth abilities-1x weapon slot skill 2x utilities slot.
Yeah Thiefs Are OP !!!!
you must be playing a handicapped thief
thiefs have the highest mobility ingame
as well as the Highest dps
they arent the only medium armor users
can use combo fields to stealth indefinetly as long they do not hit an opponent
no cooldown stun breaker/teleport/shadowstep
steal boons
gain boons by stealing wich is also a shadowstep
Heal skills- i dont know what you’re talking about each heals for about 5k hp without traits nor gear buff not only that one of the heal evades cures cripple,chilled and immobilize another cures burn bleed and poison and stealths and the other heals per attack passively.
they dont have Direct boons because they have signets (signets got buffed up to 100% so they give 180 points instead of 90 now)
So let me rephrase this logic:
1. Everybody should play a thief to learn to counter them. And equip their character accordingly. Or they deserve to die to a button masher2. Almost nobody players engineer in WvWvW and if a thief just spams his skills through block, blind and confusion and then loses, it is a sign that things are balanced.
Learning about other classes moves and how to counter them and knowing ahead of time what theyre likely to do is something good players find to be a standard thing to do. You wanna go into a fight and mash buttons and not care what your opponent does and still win I see, so I guess this skill based game isnt for you, have you ever thought about
Hello Kitty Island Advanture?playing a Thief, I think that might be more your speed since you dont want to put in any effort to learning about what the classes youll be fighting can do.Fixed that for you.
Of the main points people have been bringing up time and time again is that “being able to win a fight with no skill” is exactly the tool kit that is given to the thief class in GW2.
Hey. Why don’t you roll a Thief and try beating a good guardian? A good ranger? A good engineer? A good D/D ele?
LOL. Cute Qualifier “Good”, which is a fancy way of saying “If they Lose they are not good”
What? According to you?
If so how could I beat a good thief?
So let me rephrase this logic:
1. Everybody should play a thief to learn to counter them. And equip their character accordingly. Or they deserve to die to a button masher2. Almost nobody players engineer in WvWvW and if a thief just spams his skills through block, blind and confusion and then loses, it is a sign that things are balanced.
Learning about other classes moves and how to counter them and knowing ahead of time what theyre likely to do is something good players find to be a standard thing to do. You wanna go into a fight and mash buttons and not care what your opponent does and still win I see, so I guess this skill based game isnt for you, have you ever thought about
Hello Kitty Island Advanture?playing a Thief, I think that might be more your speed since you dont want to put in any effort to learning about what the classes youll be fighting can do.Fixed that for you.
Of the main points people have been bringing up time and time again is that “being able to win a fight with no skill” is exactly the tool kit that is given to the thief class in GW2.
Hey. Why don’t you roll a Thief and try beating a good guardian? A good ranger? A good engineer? A good D/D ele?
LOL. Cute Qualifier “Good”, which is a fancy way of saying “If they Lose they are not good”
What? According to you?
If so how could I beat a good thief?
you wouldnt he’d teleport/stealth and run away if he wasnt able to kill you
So let me rephrase this logic:
1. Everybody should play a thief to learn to counter them. And equip their character accordingly. Or they deserve to die to a button masher2. Almost nobody players engineer in WvWvW and if a thief just spams his skills through block, blind and confusion and then loses, it is a sign that things are balanced.
Learning about other classes moves and how to counter them and knowing ahead of time what theyre likely to do is something good players find to be a standard thing to do. You wanna go into a fight and mash buttons and not care what your opponent does and still win I see, so I guess this skill based game isnt for you, have you ever thought about
Hello Kitty Island Advanture?playing a Thief, I think that might be more your speed since you dont want to put in any effort to learning about what the classes youll be fighting can do.Fixed that for you.
Of the main points people have been bringing up time and time again is that “being able to win a fight with no skill” is exactly the tool kit that is given to the thief class in GW2.
Hey. Why don’t you roll a Thief and try beating a good guardian? A good ranger? A good engineer? A good D/D ele?
LOL. Cute Qualifier “Good”, which is a fancy way of saying “If they Lose they are not good”
What? According to you?
If so how could I beat a good thief?
you wouldnt he’d teleport/stealth and run away if he wasnt able to kill you
Ask him to duel or go to Fight Club?
look at pvp all you see is heartseek spamming noobs .
why are you whining then? who’s the worse noob? the guy spamming hss or the one getting killed by it?
yeah i forgot we have infinite dodge rolls
learn to time dodges then. i know, running to the forums crying ‘op’ is easier.
my point is a traited thief wont lose all their initiative by spamming heartseeker
also it is just as ignorant to defend an op clas telling everyone else its their fault and to l2p
OP class
OP=underpowered or what ?
Weakest healing in the game
Least health pool
Medium armor
Zero boons abilities
Zero invulnerable abilities
Middle mobility
Middle DPS
1-3 support abilities (two make only stealth,one block projectile)
OP F1 abilities /sarcasm
OP Utility slot skills /sarcasm3x stealth abilities-1x weapon slot skill 2x utilities slot.
Yeah Thiefs Are OP !!!!
you must be playing a handicapped thief
thiefs have the highest mobility ingame
as well as the Highest dps
they arent the only medium armor users
can use combo fields to stealth indefinetly as long they do not hit an opponent
no cooldown stun breaker/teleport/shadowstep
steal boons
gain boons by stealing wich is also a shadowstep
Heal skills- i dont know what you’re talking about each heals for about 5k hp without traits nor gear buff not only that one of the heal evades cures cripple,chilled and immobilize another cures burn bleed and poison and stealths and the other heals per attack passively.they dont have Direct boons because they have signets (signets got buffed up to 100% so they give 180 points instead of 90 now)
How cow batman! I see a 30/30/30/30/30 thief!
look at pvp all you see is heartseek spamming noobs .
why are you whining then? who’s the worse noob? the guy spamming hss or the one getting killed by it?
yeah i forgot we have infinite dodge rolls
learn to time dodges then. i know, running to the forums crying ‘op’ is easier.
my point is a traited thief wont lose all their initiative by spamming heartseeker
also it is just as ignorant to defend an op clas telling everyone else its their fault and to l2p
OP class
OP=underpowered or what ?
Weakest healing in the game
Least health pool
Medium armor
Zero boons abilities
Zero invulnerable abilities
Middle mobility
Middle DPS
1-3 support abilities (two make only stealth,one block projectile)
OP F1 abilities /sarcasm
OP Utility slot skills /sarcasm3x stealth abilities-1x weapon slot skill 2x utilities slot.
Yeah Thiefs Are OP !!!!
you must be playing a handicapped thief
thiefs have the highest mobility ingame
as well as the Highest dps
they arent the only medium armor users
can use combo fields to stealth indefinetly as long they do not hit an opponent
no cooldown stun breaker/teleport/shadowstep
steal boons
gain boons by stealing wich is also a shadowstep
Heal skills- i dont know what you’re talking about each heals for about 5k hp without traits nor gear buff not only that one of the heal evades cures cripple,chilled and immobilize another cures burn bleed and poison and stealths and the other heals per attack passively.they dont have Direct boons because they have signets (signets got buffed up to 100% so they give 180 points instead of 90 now)
How cow batman! I see a 30/30/30/30/30 thief!
Equipped Signets do not= Traits
Larcenous Strike and Steal does not = Traits
pistol #5+ Heartseek does not = Traits
doesnt take 30/30/30/30/30 to have fast initiative gain
be mature and stop exagerating facts
So let me rephrase this logic:
1. Everybody should play a thief to learn to counter them. And equip their character accordingly. Or they deserve to die to a button masher2. Almost nobody players engineer in WvWvW and if a thief just spams his skills through block, blind and confusion and then loses, it is a sign that things are balanced.
Learning about other classes moves and how to counter them and knowing ahead of time what theyre likely to do is something good players find to be a standard thing to do. You wanna go into a fight and mash buttons and not care what your opponent does and still win I see, so I guess this skill based game isnt for you, have you ever thought about
Hello Kitty Island Advanture?playing a Thief, I think that might be more your speed since you dont want to put in any effort to learning about what the classes youll be fighting can do.Fixed that for you.
Of the main points people have been bringing up time and time again is that “being able to win a fight with no skill” is exactly the tool kit that is given to the thief class in GW2.
Hey. Why don’t you roll a Thief and try beating a good guardian? A good ranger? A good engineer? A good D/D ele?
That’s right, you can’t. Face it, almost any profession can smash a thief in 1v1 combat. It’s really easy too. Just bunker up and win by attrition, that would be the definition of having no skill and still winning fights.
People just choose not to because they somehow believe that they should have all kinds of utility in WvW while still being able to beat the profession that can only do well in that one format, 1v1 combat.
again this is because thief requires no skill to instantly kill single players if thiefs actually depended on skill they would know Shortbows hit multiple enemies even with auto attack up to 2k damage easily .
look at pvp all you see is heartseek spamming noobs .
why are you whining then? who’s the worse noob? the guy spamming hss or the one getting killed by it?
yeah i forgot we have infinite dodge rolls
learn to time dodges then. i know, running to the forums crying ‘op’ is easier.
my point is a traited thief wont lose all their initiative by spamming heartseeker
also it is just as ignorant to defend an op clas telling everyone else its their fault and to l2p
OP class
OP=underpowered or what ?
Weakest healing in the game
Least health pool
Medium armor
Zero boons abilities
Zero invulnerable abilities
Middle mobility
Middle DPS
1-3 support abilities (two make only stealth,one block projectile)
OP F1 abilities /sarcasm
OP Utility slot skills /sarcasm3x stealth abilities-1x weapon slot skill 2x utilities slot.
Yeah Thiefs Are OP !!!!
you must be playing a handicapped thief
thiefs have the highest mobility ingame
as well as the Highest dps
they arent the only medium armor users
can use combo fields to stealth indefinetly as long they do not hit an opponent
no cooldown stun breaker/teleport/shadowstep
steal boons
gain boons by stealing wich is also a shadowstep
Heal skills- i dont know what you’re talking about each heals for about 5k hp without traits nor gear buff not only that one of the heal evades cures cripple,chilled and immobilize another cures burn bleed and poison and stealths and the other heals per attack passively.they dont have Direct boons because they have signets (signets got buffed up to 100% so they give 180 points instead of 90 now)
How cow batman! I see a 30/30/30/30/30 thief!
Yep like this kids with 30/30/30/30 Trait build
To Rezzet.3614: “Shortbows hit multiple enemies even with auto attack up to 2k damage easily .”
Hmm 2k DMG autoattack ? 3.5k power ?
(edited by Evilek.5690)
look at pvp all you see is heartseek spamming noobs .
why are you whining then? who’s the worse noob? the guy spamming hss or the one getting killed by it?
yeah i forgot we have infinite dodge rolls
learn to time dodges then. i know, running to the forums crying ‘op’ is easier.
my point is a traited thief wont lose all their initiative by spamming heartseeker
also it is just as ignorant to defend an op clas telling everyone else its their fault and to l2p
OP class
OP=underpowered or what ?
Weakest healing in the game
Least health pool
Medium armor
Zero boons abilities
Zero invulnerable abilities
Middle mobility
Middle DPS
1-3 support abilities (two make only stealth,one block projectile)
OP F1 abilities /sarcasm
OP Utility slot skills /sarcasm3x stealth abilities-1x weapon slot skill 2x utilities slot.
Yeah Thiefs Are OP !!!!
you must be playing a handicapped thief
thiefs have the highest mobility ingame
as well as the Highest dps
they arent the only medium armor users
can use combo fields to stealth indefinetly as long they do not hit an opponent
no cooldown stun breaker/teleport/shadowstep
steal boons
gain boons by stealing wich is also a shadowstep
Heal skills- i dont know what you’re talking about each heals for about 5k hp without traits nor gear buff not only that one of the heal evades cures cripple,chilled and immobilize another cures burn bleed and poison and stealths and the other heals per attack passively.they dont have Direct boons because they have signets (signets got buffed up to 100% so they give 180 points instead of 90 now)
How cow batman! I see a 30/30/30/30/30 thief!
Yep like this kids with 30/30/30/30 Trait build
was only done with 20/30/10/0/10
look at pvp all you see is heartseek spamming noobs .
why are you whining then? who’s the worse noob? the guy spamming hss or the one getting killed by it?
yeah i forgot we have infinite dodge rolls
learn to time dodges then. i know, running to the forums crying ‘op’ is easier.
my point is a traited thief wont lose all their initiative by spamming heartseeker
also it is just as ignorant to defend an op clas telling everyone else its their fault and to l2p
OP class
OP=underpowered or what ?
Weakest healing in the game
Least health pool
Medium armor
Zero boons abilities
Zero invulnerable abilities
Middle mobility
Middle DPS
1-3 support abilities (two make only stealth,one block projectile)
OP F1 abilities /sarcasm
OP Utility slot skills /sarcasm3x stealth abilities-1x weapon slot skill 2x utilities slot.
Yeah Thiefs Are OP !!!!
you must be playing a handicapped thief
thiefs have the highest mobility ingame
as well as the Highest dps
they arent the only medium armor users
can use combo fields to stealth indefinetly as long they do not hit an opponent
no cooldown stun breaker/teleport/shadowstep
steal boons
gain boons by stealing wich is also a shadowstep
Heal skills- i dont know what you’re talking about each heals for about 5k hp without traits nor gear buff not only that one of the heal evades cures cripple,chilled and immobilize another cures burn bleed and poison and stealths and the other heals per attack passively.they dont have Direct boons because they have signets (signets got buffed up to 100% so they give 180 points instead of 90 now)
How cow batman! I see a 30/30/30/30/30 thief!
Yep like this kids with 30/30/30/30 Trait build
was only done with 20/30/10/0/10
And what are you trying to prove? The fact that you might stack using all the CD to just 3 sec? WoW
Do not be ridiculous
(edited by Evilek.5690)
look at pvp all you see is heartseek spamming noobs .
why are you whining then? who’s the worse noob? the guy spamming hss or the one getting killed by it?
yeah i forgot we have infinite dodge rolls
learn to time dodges then. i know, running to the forums crying ‘op’ is easier.
my point is a traited thief wont lose all their initiative by spamming heartseeker
also it is just as ignorant to defend an op clas telling everyone else its their fault and to l2p
OP class
OP=underpowered or what ?
Weakest healing in the game
Least health pool
Medium armor
Zero boons abilities
Zero invulnerable abilities
Middle mobility
Middle DPS
1-3 support abilities (two make only stealth,one block projectile)
OP F1 abilities /sarcasm
OP Utility slot skills /sarcasm3x stealth abilities-1x weapon slot skill 2x utilities slot.
Yeah Thiefs Are OP !!!!
you must be playing a handicapped thief
thiefs have the highest mobility ingame
as well as the Highest dps
they arent the only medium armor users
can use combo fields to stealth indefinetly as long they do not hit an opponent
no cooldown stun breaker/teleport/shadowstep
steal boons
gain boons by stealing wich is also a shadowstep
Heal skills- i dont know what you’re talking about each heals for about 5k hp without traits nor gear buff not only that one of the heal evades cures cripple,chilled and immobilize another cures burn bleed and poison and stealths and the other heals per attack passively.they dont have Direct boons because they have signets (signets got buffed up to 100% so they give 180 points instead of 90 now)
How cow batman! I see a 30/30/30/30/30 thief!
Yep like this kids with 30/30/30/30 Trait build
was only done with 20/30/10/0/10
holy shhhhh!
dat 3 signet thief with 10 points in shadow arts must be an unkillable death machine!
look at pvp all you see is heartseek spamming noobs .
why are you whining then? who’s the worse noob? the guy spamming hss or the one getting killed by it?
yeah i forgot we have infinite dodge rolls
learn to time dodges then. i know, running to the forums crying ‘op’ is easier.
my point is a traited thief wont lose all their initiative by spamming heartseeker
also it is just as ignorant to defend an op clas telling everyone else its their fault and to l2p
OP class
OP=underpowered or what ?
Weakest healing in the game
Least health pool
Medium armor
Zero boons abilities
Zero invulnerable abilities
Middle mobility
Middle DPS
1-3 support abilities (two make only stealth,one block projectile)
OP F1 abilities /sarcasm
OP Utility slot skills /sarcasm3x stealth abilities-1x weapon slot skill 2x utilities slot.
Yeah Thiefs Are OP !!!!
you must be playing a handicapped thief
thiefs have the highest mobility ingame
as well as the Highest dps
they arent the only medium armor users
can use combo fields to stealth indefinetly as long they do not hit an opponent
no cooldown stun breaker/teleport/shadowstep
steal boons
gain boons by stealing wich is also a shadowstep
Heal skills- i dont know what you’re talking about each heals for about 5k hp without traits nor gear buff not only that one of the heal evades cures cripple,chilled and immobilize another cures burn bleed and poison and stealths and the other heals per attack passively.they dont have Direct boons because they have signets (signets got buffed up to 100% so they give 180 points instead of 90 now)
How cow batman! I see a 30/30/30/30/30 thief!
Yep like this kids with 30/30/30/30 Trait build
was only done with 20/30/10/0/10
holy shhhhh!
dat 3 signet thief must be an unkillable death machine!
you see thief is stronger than most think stealth is good but so is perma blinding. and teleporting
at least it shows im showing skill by not Relying on Stealth/backstab/heartseek spam unlike 90% thiefs
thats just one of my builds anyways.
look at pvp all you see is heartseek spamming noobs .
why are you whining then? who’s the worse noob? the guy spamming hss or the one getting killed by it?
yeah i forgot we have infinite dodge rolls
learn to time dodges then. i know, running to the forums crying ‘op’ is easier.
my point is a traited thief wont lose all their initiative by spamming heartseeker
also it is just as ignorant to defend an op clas telling everyone else its their fault and to l2p
OP class
OP=underpowered or what ?
Weakest healing in the game
Least health pool
Medium armor
Zero boons abilities
Zero invulnerable abilities
Middle mobility
Middle DPS
1-3 support abilities (two make only stealth,one block projectile)
OP F1 abilities /sarcasm
OP Utility slot skills /sarcasm3x stealth abilities-1x weapon slot skill 2x utilities slot.
Yeah Thiefs Are OP !!!!
you must be playing a handicapped thief
thiefs have the highest mobility ingame
as well as the Highest dps
they arent the only medium armor users
can use combo fields to stealth indefinetly as long they do not hit an opponent
no cooldown stun breaker/teleport/shadowstep
steal boons
gain boons by stealing wich is also a shadowstep
Heal skills- i dont know what you’re talking about each heals for about 5k hp without traits nor gear buff not only that one of the heal evades cures cripple,chilled and immobilize another cures burn bleed and poison and stealths and the other heals per attack passively.they dont have Direct boons because they have signets (signets got buffed up to 100% so they give 180 points instead of 90 now)
How cow batman! I see a 30/30/30/30/30 thief!
Yep like this kids with 30/30/30/30 Trait build
was only done with 20/30/10/0/10
holy shhhhh!
dat 3 signet thief must be an unkillable death machine!you see thief is stronger than most think stealth is good but so is perma blinding. and teleporting
at least it shows im showing skill by not Relying on Stealth/backstab/heartseek spam unlike 90% thiefs
thats just one of my builds anyways.
Me signet warrior is stronged sorry =(
look at pvp all you see is heartseek spamming noobs .
why are you whining then? who’s the worse noob? the guy spamming hss or the one getting killed by it?
yeah i forgot we have infinite dodge rolls
learn to time dodges then. i know, running to the forums crying ‘op’ is easier.
my point is a traited thief wont lose all their initiative by spamming heartseeker
also it is just as ignorant to defend an op clas telling everyone else its their fault and to l2p
OP class
OP=underpowered or what ?
Weakest healing in the game
Least health pool
Medium armor
Zero boons abilities
Zero invulnerable abilities
Middle mobility
Middle DPS
1-3 support abilities (two make only stealth,one block projectile)
OP F1 abilities /sarcasm
OP Utility slot skills /sarcasm3x stealth abilities-1x weapon slot skill 2x utilities slot.
Yeah Thiefs Are OP !!!!
you must be playing a handicapped thief
thiefs have the highest mobility ingame
as well as the Highest dps
they arent the only medium armor users
can use combo fields to stealth indefinetly as long they do not hit an opponent
no cooldown stun breaker/teleport/shadowstep
steal boons
gain boons by stealing wich is also a shadowstep
Heal skills- i dont know what you’re talking about each heals for about 5k hp without traits nor gear buff not only that one of the heal evades cures cripple,chilled and immobilize another cures burn bleed and poison and stealths and the other heals per attack passively.they dont have Direct boons because they have signets (signets got buffed up to 100% so they give 180 points instead of 90 now)
How cow batman! I see a 30/30/30/30/30 thief!
Yep like this kids with 30/30/30/30 Trait build
was only done with 20/30/10/0/10
holy shhhhh!
dat 3 signet thief must be an unkillable death machine!you see thief is stronger than most think stealth is good but so is perma blinding. and teleporting
at least it shows im showing skill by not Relying on Stealth/backstab/heartseek spam unlike 90% thiefs
thats just one of my builds anyways.
Me signet warrior is stronged sorry =(
diference is i have blinds+#2 skill’s teleport/stun breaker+ my #3 stuns before doing the 9 hits.
and my damage was similiar to yours besides the 2 big crits with a One handed weapon.
look at pvp all you see is heartseek spamming noobs .
why are you whining then? who’s the worse noob? the guy spamming hss or the one getting killed by it?
yeah i forgot we have infinite dodge rolls
learn to time dodges then. i know, running to the forums crying ‘op’ is easier.
my point is a traited thief wont lose all their initiative by spamming heartseeker
also it is just as ignorant to defend an op clas telling everyone else its their fault and to l2p
OP class
OP=underpowered or what ?
Weakest healing in the game
Least health pool
Medium armor
Zero boons abilities
Zero invulnerable abilities
Middle mobility
Middle DPS
1-3 support abilities (two make only stealth,one block projectile)
OP F1 abilities /sarcasm
OP Utility slot skills /sarcasm3x stealth abilities-1x weapon slot skill 2x utilities slot.
Yeah Thiefs Are OP !!!!
you must be playing a handicapped thief
thiefs have the highest mobility ingame
as well as the Highest dps
they arent the only medium armor users
can use combo fields to stealth indefinetly as long they do not hit an opponent
no cooldown stun breaker/teleport/shadowstep
steal boons
gain boons by stealing wich is also a shadowstep
Heal skills- i dont know what you’re talking about each heals for about 5k hp without traits nor gear buff not only that one of the heal evades cures cripple,chilled and immobilize another cures burn bleed and poison and stealths and the other heals per attack passively.they dont have Direct boons because they have signets (signets got buffed up to 100% so they give 180 points instead of 90 now)
How cow batman! I see a 30/30/30/30/30 thief!
Yep like this kids with 30/30/30/30 Trait build
was only done with 20/30/10/0/10
holy shhhhh!
dat 3 signet thief must be an unkillable death machine!you see thief is stronger than most think stealth is good but so is perma blinding. and teleporting
at least it shows im showing skill by not Relying on Stealth/backstab/heartseek spam unlike 90% thiefs
thats just one of my builds anyways.
Me signet warrior is stronged sorry =(
diference is i have blinds+#2 skill’s teleport/stun breaker+ my #3 stuns before doing the 9 hits.
and my damage was similiar to yours besides the 2 big crits with a One handed weapon.
You have absolutely nothing when I attack you: D
look at pvp all you see is heartseek spamming noobs .
why are you whining then? who’s the worse noob? the guy spamming hss or the one getting killed by it?
yeah i forgot we have infinite dodge rolls
learn to time dodges then. i know, running to the forums crying ‘op’ is easier.
my point is a traited thief wont lose all their initiative by spamming heartseeker
also it is just as ignorant to defend an op clas telling everyone else its their fault and to l2p
OP class
OP=underpowered or what ?
Weakest healing in the game
Least health pool
Medium armor
Zero boons abilities
Zero invulnerable abilities
Middle mobility
Middle DPS
1-3 support abilities (two make only stealth,one block projectile)
OP F1 abilities /sarcasm
OP Utility slot skills /sarcasm3x stealth abilities-1x weapon slot skill 2x utilities slot.
Yeah Thiefs Are OP !!!!
you must be playing a handicapped thief
thiefs have the highest mobility ingame
as well as the Highest dps
they arent the only medium armor users
can use combo fields to stealth indefinetly as long they do not hit an opponent
no cooldown stun breaker/teleport/shadowstep
steal boons
gain boons by stealing wich is also a shadowstep
Heal skills- i dont know what you’re talking about each heals for about 5k hp without traits nor gear buff not only that one of the heal evades cures cripple,chilled and immobilize another cures burn bleed and poison and stealths and the other heals per attack passively.they dont have Direct boons because they have signets (signets got buffed up to 100% so they give 180 points instead of 90 now)
How cow batman! I see a 30/30/30/30/30 thief!
Yep like this kids with 30/30/30/30 Trait build
was only done with 20/30/10/0/10
holy shhhhh!
dat 3 signet thief must be an unkillable death machine!you see thief is stronger than most think stealth is good but so is perma blinding. and teleporting
at least it shows im showing skill by not Relying on Stealth/backstab/heartseek spam unlike 90% thiefs
thats just one of my builds anyways.
Me signet warrior is stronged sorry =(
diference is i have blinds+#2 skill’s teleport/stun breaker+ my #3 stuns before doing the 9 hits.
and my damage was similiar to yours besides the 2 big crits with a One handed weapon.
You have absolutely nothing when I attack you: D
then again how would you harm me in smoke fields or stunned?
but whatever i dont like thiefs myself lol
look at pvp all you see is heartseek spamming noobs .
why are you whining then? who’s the worse noob? the guy spamming hss or the one getting killed by it?
yeah i forgot we have infinite dodge rolls
learn to time dodges then. i know, running to the forums crying ‘op’ is easier.
my point is a traited thief wont lose all their initiative by spamming heartseeker
also it is just as ignorant to defend an op clas telling everyone else its their fault and to l2p
OP class
OP=underpowered or what ?
Weakest healing in the game
Least health pool
Medium armor
Zero boons abilities
Zero invulnerable abilities
Middle mobility
Middle DPS
1-3 support abilities (two make only stealth,one block projectile)
OP F1 abilities /sarcasm
OP Utility slot skills /sarcasm3x stealth abilities-1x weapon slot skill 2x utilities slot.
Yeah Thiefs Are OP !!!!
you must be playing a handicapped thief
thiefs have the highest mobility ingame
as well as the Highest dps
they arent the only medium armor users
can use combo fields to stealth indefinetly as long they do not hit an opponent
no cooldown stun breaker/teleport/shadowstep
steal boons
gain boons by stealing wich is also a shadowstep
Heal skills- i dont know what you’re talking about each heals for about 5k hp without traits nor gear buff not only that one of the heal evades cures cripple,chilled and immobilize another cures burn bleed and poison and stealths and the other heals per attack passively.they dont have Direct boons because they have signets (signets got buffed up to 100% so they give 180 points instead of 90 now)
How cow batman! I see a 30/30/30/30/30 thief!
Yep like this kids with 30/30/30/30 Trait build
was only done with 20/30/10/0/10
holy shhhhh!
dat 3 signet thief must be an unkillable death machine!you see thief is stronger than most think stealth is good but so is perma blinding. and teleporting
at least it shows im showing skill by not Relying on Stealth/backstab/heartseek spam unlike 90% thiefs
thats just one of my builds anyways.
Me signet warrior is stronged sorry =(
diference is i have blinds+#2 skill’s teleport/stun breaker+ my #3 stuns before doing the 9 hits.
and my damage was similiar to yours besides the 2 big crits with a One handed weapon.
You have absolutely nothing when I attack you: D
then again how would you harm me in smoke fields or stunned?
but whatever i dont like thiefs myself lol
Of corse you have 24/7 smoke field and shadow reeturn
Still some fairytale before I go to sleep?
(edited by Evilek.5690)
look at pvp all you see is heartseek spamming noobs .
why are you whining then? who’s the worse noob? the guy spamming hss or the one getting killed by it?
yeah i forgot we have infinite dodge rolls
learn to time dodges then. i know, running to the forums crying ‘op’ is easier.
my point is a traited thief wont lose all their initiative by spamming heartseeker
also it is just as ignorant to defend an op clas telling everyone else its their fault and to l2p
OP class
OP=underpowered or what ?
Weakest healing in the game
Least health pool
Medium armor
Zero boons abilities
Zero invulnerable abilities
Middle mobility
Middle DPS
1-3 support abilities (two make only stealth,one block projectile)
OP F1 abilities /sarcasm
OP Utility slot skills /sarcasm3x stealth abilities-1x weapon slot skill 2x utilities slot.
Yeah Thiefs Are OP !!!!
you must be playing a handicapped thief
thiefs have the highest mobility ingame
as well as the Highest dps
they arent the only medium armor users
can use combo fields to stealth indefinetly as long they do not hit an opponent
no cooldown stun breaker/teleport/shadowstep
steal boons
gain boons by stealing wich is also a shadowstep
Heal skills- i dont know what you’re talking about each heals for about 5k hp without traits nor gear buff not only that one of the heal evades cures cripple,chilled and immobilize another cures burn bleed and poison and stealths and the other heals per attack passively.they dont have Direct boons because they have signets (signets got buffed up to 100% so they give 180 points instead of 90 now)
How cow batman! I see a 30/30/30/30/30 thief!
Yep like this kids with 30/30/30/30 Trait build
was only done with 20/30/10/0/10
holy shhhhh!
dat 3 signet thief must be an unkillable death machine!you see thief is stronger than most think stealth is good but so is perma blinding. and teleporting
at least it shows im showing skill by not Relying on Stealth/backstab/heartseek spam unlike 90% thiefs
thats just one of my builds anyways.
Me signet warrior is stronged sorry =(
diference is i have blinds+#2 skill’s teleport/stun breaker+ my #3 stuns before doing the 9 hits.
and my damage was similiar to yours besides the 2 big crits with a One handed weapon.
You have absolutely nothing when I attack you: D
then again how would you harm me in smoke fields or stunned?
but whatever i dont like thiefs myself lol
Of corse you have 24/7 smoke field and shadow reeturn
close enough lol
look at pvp all you see is heartseek spamming noobs .
why are you whining then? who’s the worse noob? the guy spamming hss or the one getting killed by it?
yeah i forgot we have infinite dodge rolls
learn to time dodges then. i know, running to the forums crying ‘op’ is easier.
my point is a traited thief wont lose all their initiative by spamming heartseeker
also it is just as ignorant to defend an op clas telling everyone else its their fault and to l2p
OP class
OP=underpowered or what ?
Weakest healing in the game
Least health pool
Medium armor
Zero boons abilities
Zero invulnerable abilities
Middle mobility
Middle DPS
1-3 support abilities (two make only stealth,one block projectile)
OP F1 abilities /sarcasm
OP Utility slot skills /sarcasm3x stealth abilities-1x weapon slot skill 2x utilities slot.
Yeah Thiefs Are OP !!!!
you must be playing a handicapped thief
thiefs have the highest mobility ingame
as well as the Highest dps
they arent the only medium armor users
can use combo fields to stealth indefinetly as long they do not hit an opponent
no cooldown stun breaker/teleport/shadowstep
steal boons
gain boons by stealing wich is also a shadowstep
Heal skills- i dont know what you’re talking about each heals for about 5k hp without traits nor gear buff not only that one of the heal evades cures cripple,chilled and immobilize another cures burn bleed and poison and stealths and the other heals per attack passively.they dont have Direct boons because they have signets (signets got buffed up to 100% so they give 180 points instead of 90 now)
How cow batman! I see a 30/30/30/30/30 thief!
Yep like this kids with 30/30/30/30 Trait build
was only done with 20/30/10/0/10
holy shhhhh!
dat 3 signet thief must be an unkillable death machine!you see thief is stronger than most think stealth is good but so is perma blinding. and teleporting
at least it shows im showing skill by not Relying on Stealth/backstab/heartseek spam unlike 90% thiefs
thats just one of my builds anyways.
Me signet warrior is stronged sorry =(
diference is i have blinds+#2 skill’s teleport/stun breaker+ my #3 stuns before doing the 9 hits.
and my damage was similiar to yours besides the 2 big crits with a One handed weapon.
You have absolutely nothing when I attack you: D
then again how would you harm me in smoke fields or stunned?
but whatever i dont like thiefs myself lol
Of corse you have 24/7 smoke field and shadow reeturn
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infiltrator%27s_Arrow 6 in blind on one hit
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Powder 6in
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_Shadows blind on one hit
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tactical_Strike you need stealth 6 in with CaD and autoattack
close enough lol
Of corse mister " Unlimited Initiative" But normal Thief have only 12 initiative.
But sorry you going 30/30/30/30 build
(edited by Evilek.5690)
look at pvp all you see is heartseek spamming noobs .
why are you whining then? who’s the worse noob? the guy spamming hss or the one getting killed by it?
yeah i forgot we have infinite dodge rolls
learn to time dodges then. i know, running to the forums crying ‘op’ is easier.
my point is a traited thief wont lose all their initiative by spamming heartseeker
also it is just as ignorant to defend an op clas telling everyone else its their fault and to l2p
OP class
OP=underpowered or what ?
Weakest healing in the game
Least health pool
Medium armor
Zero boons abilities
Zero invulnerable abilities
Middle mobility
Middle DPS
1-3 support abilities (two make only stealth,one block projectile)
OP F1 abilities /sarcasm
OP Utility slot skills /sarcasm3x stealth abilities-1x weapon slot skill 2x utilities slot.
Yeah Thiefs Are OP !!!!
you must be playing a handicapped thief
thiefs have the highest mobility ingame
as well as the Highest dps
they arent the only medium armor users
can use combo fields to stealth indefinetly as long they do not hit an opponent
no cooldown stun breaker/teleport/shadowstep
steal boons
gain boons by stealing wich is also a shadowstep
Heal skills- i dont know what you’re talking about each heals for about 5k hp without traits nor gear buff not only that one of the heal evades cures cripple,chilled and immobilize another cures burn bleed and poison and stealths and the other heals per attack passively.they dont have Direct boons because they have signets (signets got buffed up to 100% so they give 180 points instead of 90 now)
How cow batman! I see a 30/30/30/30/30 thief!
Yep like this kids with 30/30/30/30 Trait build
was only done with 20/30/10/0/10
holy shhhhh!
dat 3 signet thief must be an unkillable death machine!you see thief is stronger than most think stealth is good but so is perma blinding. and teleporting
at least it shows im showing skill by not Relying on Stealth/backstab/heartseek spam unlike 90% thiefs
thats just one of my builds anyways.
Me signet warrior is stronged sorry =(
diference is i have blinds+#2 skill’s teleport/stun breaker+ my #3 stuns before doing the 9 hits.
and my damage was similiar to yours besides the 2 big crits with a One handed weapon.
You have absolutely nothing when I attack you: D
then again how would you harm me in smoke fields or stunned?
but whatever i dont like thiefs myself lol
Of corse you have 24/7 smoke field and shadow reeturn
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infiltrator%27s_Arrow 6 in blind on one hit
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Powder 6in
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_Shadows blind on one hit
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tactical_Strike you need stealth 6 in with CaD and autoattack
close enough lolOf corse mister " Unlimited Initiative"
But normal Thief have only 12 initiative.
precisely the “normal” wich is why its a good thing theres traits and a sigil for initiative gain . anyhow have a nice day im out lol.
So let me rephrase this logic:
1. Everybody should play a thief to learn to counter them. And equip their character accordingly. Or they deserve to die to a button masher2. Almost nobody players engineer in WvWvW and if a thief just spams his skills through block, blind and confusion and then loses, it is a sign that things are balanced.
Learning about other classes moves and how to counter them and knowing ahead of time what theyre likely to do is something good players find to be a standard thing to do. You wanna go into a fight and mash buttons and not care what your opponent does and still win I see, so I guess this skill based game isnt for you, have you ever thought about
Hello Kitty Island Advanture?playing a Thief, I think that might be more your speed since you dont want to put in any effort to learning about what the classes youll be fighting can do.Fixed that for you.
Of the main points people have been bringing up time and time again is that “being able to win a fight with no skill” is exactly the tool kit that is given to the thief class in GW2.
Hey. Why don’t you roll a Thief and try beating a good guardian? A good ranger? A good engineer? A good D/D ele?
That’s right, you can’t. Face it, almost any profession can smash a thief in 1v1 combat. It’s really easy too. Just bunker up and win by attrition, that would be the definition of having no skill and still winning fights.
People just choose not to because they somehow believe that they should have all kinds of utility in WvW while still being able to beat the profession that can only do well in that one format, 1v1 combat.
again this is because thief requires no skill to instantly kill single players if thiefs actually depended on skill they would know Shortbows hit multiple enemies even with auto attack up to 2k damage easily .
The only thing a Thief could instantly kill would be a glass cannon if the Thief is equally glassy.
By what you just said, you KNOW a Thief has downed the person, you see SR surrounding your fallen comrade. What do you honestly think is going on there? Stealth isn’t a defensive mechanic, it is an SIGHT mechanic. Use an AoE interrupt when you know a Thief is near a downed ally, and watch him fall apart.
If you guys honestly knew what you were talking about, you’d know that Shadowstep-Stomp is a VASTLY more practical method than simply stealthing. But who would expect a Thief hater to have a shred of knowledge about the class they are complaining about?
First of all, I didn’t say anything about thief downing anybody. In fact I often see in group fights that something else has downed an ally e.g. those nicely over powered arrow carts. Secondly you assume yet again too much that the thief is using shadow refuge for that stealth stomp. If you would know the thief profession as well as you claim you would know that thieves can stack stealth using combo fields as well e.g. black powder + 4x infiltrator’s arrow. Those perma stealth duo thieves are truly annoying.
And for your information most AoE do NOT interrupt stomping.
And for your information most AoE do NOT interrupt stomping.
Yep do NOT interurrupt stomping but interrupt(kill) Thief
Give Engineers a Tracking Turret that exposes Stealth.
Actually the engineer turrets e.g. the net turret seem to track stealthed opponents. Still turrets are pretty much useless in WvWvW setting, because their hit point pool is so low (e.g. 6k) and their hit box is the size of a barn, thus any AoE or attack destroys them quickly. If you ask me, turrets should have roughly equivalent health and thoughness to ranger pets. Turrets are immobile, self-destruct and their AI is even worse than the ranger pet AI: turrets attack the closest target e.g. a door, even if it is immune to at attack (e.g. net turret attacks the enemy tower doors). Ranger pets offer much more utility, can move, revive you etc.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
Give Engineers a Tracking Turret that exposes Stealth.
Actually the engineer turrets e.g. the net turret seem to track stealthed opponents. Still turrets are pretty much useless in WvWvW setting, because their hit point pool is so low (e.g. 6k) and their hit box is the size of a barn, thus any AoE or attack destroys them immediately. If you ask me, turrets should have roughly equivalent health and thoughness to ranger pets. Turrets are immobile, self-destruct and their AI is even worse than the ranger pet AI: turrets attack the closest target e.g. a door, even if it is immune to at attack (e.g. net turret attacks the enemy tower doors). Ranger pets offer much more utility, can move, revive you etc.
maybe they track highest toughness targets wich is why they always go for walls and doors?
By what you just said, you KNOW a Thief has downed the person, you see SR surrounding your fallen comrade. What do you honestly think is going on there? Stealth isn’t a defensive mechanic, it is an SIGHT mechanic. Use an AoE interrupt when you know a Thief is near a downed ally, and watch him fall apart.
For your information AoE interrupts, which don’t require any target are generally rare and have so long cooldowns, it is more than likely that in a group fight that skill is on a cooldown.
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Reaper%27s_Mark 40 seconds cooldown
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fear_Me 80 seconds cooldown
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Earthquake 45 seconds cooldown
And please explain me how that thief just falls apart after his stomp is interrupted. He can still get away.
People are still here repeating the same lie: “thieves are so squishy, a single hit makes them die”. You can make a thief into a bunker and still do decent damage. And no: I am NOT gonna mention anything related to that build.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
So now we’re complaining about builds that we’ve had to spend time to experiment with to find what’s the difference with other classes? Should we just nerf every viable thief build just for the sake of you QQ’ers? Ridiculous.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
Give Engineers a Tracking Turret that exposes Stealth.
Actually the engineer turrets e.g. the net turret seem to track stealthed opponents. Still turrets are pretty much useless in WvWvW setting, because their hit point pool is so low (e.g. 6k) and their hit box is the size of a barn, thus any AoE or attack destroys them immediately. If you ask me, turrets should have roughly equivalent health and thoughness to ranger pets. Turrets are immobile, self-destruct and their AI is even worse than the ranger pet AI: turrets attack the closest target e.g. a door, even if it is immune to at attack (e.g. net turret attacks the enemy tower doors). Ranger pets offer much more utility, can move, revive you etc.
Actually that was my motive to use Turrets and Pets to be honest.
That way the Thief can counter by killing the pet or the turret, It also leaves the Thief wondering if they slotted said pet or turret.
Turrets have a 1/2 second drop, so an Engineer could drop one just as the fight started or even after the fight started, and thus forcing the Thief to change targets to the Turret to be able to use Stealth again, but opening themselves up to be attacked by the engineer at this time. (and the AI would be a non issue for a Tracking Turret, it would just expose stealth in a radius as opposed to needing to target anything)
Same with a ranger pet, the ranger can swap to the pet mid fight and force the thief to now eliminate the pet to be able to use stealth skills.
In the end, it just forces thieves to do what they demand everyone else does, and that is learn to play.
(edited by Ungood.3054)
The stealth mechanic was just a bad idea in the first place, I can’t see any way to balance it.
I kill plenty of thieves and can’t remember the last time I lost to one but I also can’t remember the last time I killed a good one, because once they realise they can’t kill me they just use the broken shadow return and drop shadow refuge out of my closing range and disappear off.
The reason that thieves can’t kill me is because any WvW build I make is primarily focused on countering them. I don’t feel the need to specifically counter any of the other classes and didn’t have to lvl 80 a warrior to be able to deal with them, like you have to with thieves. Dealing with thieves may be a learn to play issue and you hear all the time “if you want to deal with thieves you have to roll one and learn the tricks”. but how many times have you seen this on the forums?: “if you want to deal with Guardians/Rangers/Warriors/Eles/Necros you have to roll one and learn the tricks”.
Thief is not OP but it is the ultimate troll class, specced and played right thieves are just downright irritating to play against.
There is no fix for thieves, either you nerf them into the ground and kill a popular class (like they did with Mesmers) or you leave them as is and the rest of the classes find them annoying. I wish they had come up with something better for the thief but the truth is, they put them in the game, it was a bad idea and now we are stuck with them.
In conclusion they can’t really nerf thieves because the main things that cause the problems are core game mechanics, we just are forced to play them ourselves so we can learn them and then spec against them or stick to zerging around.
This post is IMHO, one of the most worthwhile in the thread.
I honestly see thieves as one of the only reasons preventing full battlefields of people running full glass cannon, zero stun break, dps only builds. Thieves bring the pucker factor. Leave them alone and adapt is my opinion.
Some of my most fun fights have been Necro vs thief.
As this topic has run it’s course and there is no constructive discussion, this thread is closed.
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