thought class was balanced okay in pvp

thought class was balanced okay in pvp

in WvW

Posted by: Jae.5138


then i went to wvw. oh how wrong i was

thought class was balanced okay in pvp

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Well that’s kind of the point, balance changes are made with sPvP in mind. WvWvW is the gutter where it all ends up!

Whispers with meat.

thought class was balanced okay in pvp

in WvW

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Well that’s kind of the point, balance changes are made with sPvP in mind. WvWvW is the gutter where it all ends up!

And some how many don’t understand this.

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thought class was balanced okay in pvp

in WvW

Posted by: coglin.1867


It isn’t even remotely reasonable to believe anyone can balance professions in battles of that size.

Not to mention, they have been very specific since before release, that WvW could not be reasonably balanced, and they stated it was never intended to be so.

if you expected balance there, that is your fault.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

thought class was balanced okay in pvp

in WvW

Posted by: Widebody.5071


Yet so many changes has been because of complaints about what one could and could not do in WvW.
Thier stability is too strong they just run rite through us, Their healing is too strong they have too much sustain, they run too fast, they’re OP because I couldn’t kill 3 of them by myself, our aoe’s needs to be larger cause the ac’s are OP, rifles are too strong they takes out our entire front line with piercing shot slotted…
Here’s a good one, “they’re too strong in PVE”.
Hardly ever read any complaints on the structured PVP side.
At least those were the major reasons given in the warrior class forum.

(edited by Widebody.5071)

thought class was balanced okay in pvp

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Because pvp tournies would never allow things like food and asc gear due to some players not having those things. Even if they added that stuff in as selectable it would make certain builds/professions unbearably OP. I can’t name any now but condi in particular can be a real pain. It’s better off balanced in pvp as it is.

WvW on the other hand is exactly what it is; it enables you to further maximize certain things like armor/food etc because some people like to min/max stuff and consider it real pvp environment because they have access to all the extras etc. I highly doubt it’ll ever be ‘balanced’, class-wise because there’ll always be one thing that’s deemed too strong or OP about it then MAYBE gets nerfed into oblivion and is replaced by something else that’s apparently too OP.. Repeat process.

Pvp is as close as balanced as you’ll get.
WvW is advanced, to a degree.

thought class was balanced okay in pvp

in WvW

Posted by: TyPin.9860


It isn’t even remotely reasonable to believe anyone can balance professions in battles of that size.

Not to mention, they have been very specific since before release, that WvW could not be reasonably balanced, and they stated it was never intended to be so.

if you expected balance there, that is your fault.

Exactly this. There is no balance in WvW intended. Maybe you can be close to balanced around 5v5 battles… but that’s it. And even there, due to food and certain stat combinations, balance is not the same as in sPvP. Wanna measure how balanced your class is, then go to sPvP.

WvW is unfair by design, just like war is^^

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
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thought class was balanced okay in pvp

in WvW

Posted by: Sorel.4870


I don’t mind. Warriors and thieves that aren’t good enough to play pvp can get a second life here, and that’s all we can hope for them.

thought class was balanced okay in pvp

in WvW

Posted by: Jae.5138


so where exactly can we hope for a balance then? lol. cuz it seems like balance isn’t intended anywhere

thought class was balanced okay in pvp

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


WvW isnt meant to have balanced classes, its meant to have balanced players.

Died in 1v1 because the enemy was more skilled?

Do 2v1 and win.

That’s how you balance it yourself. Most people complaining have this strange notion that if they died in a duel, either their class suck or the enemy is an OP class. Probably the same people that’s probably completely stuck in the extremes mindset instead of actually bringing flexible and balanced builds that can do decently vs any build instead of great vs some and incredibly weak vs others.