to yak's bend world and the rest of the server

to yak's bend world and the rest of the server

in WvW

Posted by: Cerbreus.1543


Yak’s Bend server info for WvW

Apparently the mods don’t like it when i tell the truth…

Just so everyone knows Yak’s bend is in the lower part of the ranks and did this by sandbagin’ the dailies before going to weekly, so they can just utterly own you there prime times are from 4pm eastern standard time to 3am (the next day).

And they will zerg the F^^^%$#*#$##$%&^94$$# out of u. then turtle the orb either at garrison or hills never seen them hit bay… and make sure to build trebs before they do or u will never break them off.

They are very seige happy everytime they get on.

Off times where they’res barely anyone on is 4am to 8am in the morning. so u have a 4 hour window to claim stuff and get points

to yak's bend world and the rest of the server

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

I thought we were sand bagging too. Until I saw an entire zerg (30+ people) attacking a door at dreadfall and getting owned, while the wall 5 feet away was already down. >.<

I’m pretty sure we are just bad. We just have a lot of people.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

to yak's bend world and the rest of the server

in WvW

Posted by: Raffie.7865


I’m on Darkhaven and yes, this line up sucked.
However, till Arenanet says something about spawn camping and other questionable play its legit.

To servers that totally dominate the map.
Yes your winning and winning is fun, but you need to allow the other 2 servers a little breathing room to cap a few things before you zerg them.
If you lock the map down no one will want to try for the most part so your win seems a bit boaring.

Just food for thought…. and also lookup Agenda 21 its coming if you like it or not.

to yak's bend world and the rest of the server

in WvW

Posted by: Cerbreus.1543


@ flying dutchman

theres no way u can go for lower rank scoring to top notch… no way… u had to be purposely throwing ur daily wvw battles.

to yak's bend world and the rest of the server

in WvW

Posted by: Cael.2641


Even if they did, what’s the point of throwing the 24 hours to dominate the first 1 week? They’re just going to have to face other dominant servers. So why should we even care that they dominated a single 1 week matchup?

The whole point of the 24 hours and now the 1 weeks is to parse the numbers for better match-ups. We also need to use this time as a wake-up call. Now we know what we need, and no amount of blaming the dominant server in a match-up, their zerg, or our zerg is going to fix anything.

Now we know we need to recruit for better off-hours coverage. We do that by advertising zero off-hour queue times, but most of all by forming up, organizing, and showing potential WvW guilds and enthusiasts that we’re not going to just roll over again.

Not that the game = srs business, but rather we need to demonstrate the attitude that we are going to strive to work together and do better.

I was there when they blew a wall in the side of the fort and everyone kept attacking the gate right around the corner. We need to encourage the militia, i.e. “zerg” to pay more attention to the coordination in /team chat. Because I’ve been there when we’ve had many good people trying to coordinate our efforts—and succeeding in doing so. Crying foul with “zerg” or insulting our own players (not that’s what you’re doing here, but that’s usually what /team can devolve into) only makes things worse.

I don’t want Yak’s or anyone else to allow us “breathing room.” I want to take it by force!

It won’t be easy, but it doesn’t have to be a chore. If you really like the concept of WvW and you want to improve, that should be enough. It’s not all about winning, much less dominating. It’s about bringing the server together to accomplish a feat we can’t do separately.

I’m from Darkhaven, and proud!

to yak's bend world and the rest of the server

in WvW

Posted by: Gedwyn.5239


Wow. We weren’t sandbagging anything. I think the worst we can be accused of during the dailies is not caring.

When the match changed from 1 day to 1 week, we got slightly more organized, but the biggest difference was spending coin. On more siege gear, on keep upgrades. We didn’t do much of that during the dailies, but once it mattered more, keep upgrades were done quickly. Yeah, it makes a huge difference, but you probably wouldn’t know about that since it seems your server doesn’t bother with stuff like that.

We’ve moved up 5 spots or so in the rankings – not a huge leap really. And it’s just as much your fault as it is ours. Both servers – Darkhaven and Anvil Rock – basically gave up before last weekend as up once we had 3 orbs behind upgraded keeps. Fighting was at best sporadic even in prime time during the week, and neither server had anything really resembling an organized threat.

We have Gates of Madness this week. They are going to destroy us probably. They’ve already use their ‘techniques’ to capture our Orb due to player culling. Not nice when invisible enemies kill you and your ballista in 3 seconds without you even being able to see them. But there are a lot of them and they are organized – something Dark and Anvil aren’t.

Instead of pointing the finger and blaming us for ‘sandbagging’ (LOL) how about you look at you and your server mates performance this week and accept that you didn’t bring it very well.

Taelyn Windstrider
80 Thief
Sea of Sorrows

to yak's bend world and the rest of the server

in WvW

Posted by: Nero.7964


Belonging to one of the largest guilds on YB and seen the communications during WvW, I can honestly tell you we did not ‘sandbag’ the scores earlier on! In fact, our level of WvW coordination is appalling at times. Everyone just wants to zerg and very few people defend. Common chat goes something like, “Where’s the zerg?”, “Zerg Garrison!”, “We need defence at ###”, "Don’t bother defending, ZERG must zerg!

We dominated this week’s match mainly due to sheer server population size and our near-24hr coverage due to large oceanic and north american presence.

I fear we will be pummelled in our next matches unless strategy overcomes the zerg-mentality.

to yak's bend world and the rest of the server

in WvW

Posted by: paultimate.8790


1. Im from DH
2. Get a grip. They weren’t tossing matches. They were simply matched up with people that were on when they weren’t. Guess what, now the problem is they are on when we arnt. Its not their fault they have a bigger night-crew.

The fault lay with the horrible que system anet borrowed from their drunks aunts druggy half sons step daughters pet rat. Poor mr rat died on a keyboard one day and out poped a very basic and flawed que system in C++ written in notepad. This is the system they now use. Enjoy

to yak's bend world and the rest of the server

in WvW

Posted by: Bregah.7365


Being on Yak’s Bend, and being someone who’s interested in WvW, I can say that I was not at all interested in 24 hour matches.

I know of no sand-bagging that happened.

As for the 1st week-long WvW matches – we got matched up against servers that didn’t have an off-peak (US time) population to match ours, and dominated the score tallies.

That does not mean we’re “good”.

Routinely throughout a day the score would be 680ish to 10 to 5 at noon US EST, and then fall down to a 250-220-220 score until the other servers had their population start to log off. Then we’d retake everything over night (and as a player who can’t log in until around 11:30p US EST M-F – I am there for the start of the retaking time).

I suspect we’re one of the weaker “round the clock population” servers, but we didn’t face another in week 1. We have a lot of people from around the globe, but honestly not a great deal of organization (from what I can tell from some of the “top” WvW servers compared to ours).

But only time will tell.

I’m about to leave work and see what the new week looks like with the new matchups.

to yak's bend world and the rest of the server

in WvW

Posted by: Raffie.7865


I’m on DH and when I looked at the map and seen 1 camp only and went in to any wvw map I did not see hardly anyone. One time I saw 5 people running out and they got zerged by 30+ people…..

Somewhere down the road they might figure it out. For now I just focus on lvling and crafting. and also lookup Agenda 21 its coming if you like it or not.

to yak's bend world and the rest of the server

in WvW

Posted by: orci.5019


Yak’s didn’t throw any games (I assume that’s what you mean by sandbagging at least, I’ve never heard the term before) . No one wanted to spend gold on siege, and coordination was minimal during 24 hours resets. Only once weekly hit did we get a bit organized (and then after we wiped the floor with DH and AR the zergs just took over)

Server: Yak’s Bend.
Main: Hunter.

to yak's bend world and the rest of the server

in WvW

Posted by: Raffie.7865


My server is still trying to locate the chat box. and also lookup Agenda 21 its coming if you like it or not.

to yak's bend world and the rest of the server

in WvW

Posted by: BlueOrange.5740


Yak’s is a largely oceanic server. In the 24 hour matches, our oceanic players would come on when the americans were sleeping, cap some stuff, and get pretty much nothing for it, because the points accumulate over time, and our efforts would only make a difference for the last 1/4 of the round or so.

However, in the 7-day format, we can roll you while you sleep and actually see a benefit from it (and it seems that a lot of you joined us as a result). The 24-hour accumulation format discriminated against us. Now it doesn’t.

We’re disorganized and messy, but we are high-pop, and we don’t sleep

to yak's bend world and the rest of the server

in WvW

Posted by: Fingal Hoy.4129

Fingal Hoy.4129

We have numbers but we seriously lack coordination, our siege are higly inneficient and currently in GoM and Blackgate borderlands we’re having serious issue.

to yak's bend world and the rest of the server

in WvW

Posted by: ShaunZ.1098


Ah we got caught red handed! We were totally sandbagging running around trying to figure out how to do W3 with our level 20 mains.
As for being siege equipment happy … guilty as charged! It’s so annoying that we spend money so we can shoot you with giant weapons isn’t it?

Gremmil – Fort Aspenwood Engineer
It’s [NERF] or nothing!