transfer to winning server

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: gidorah.4960


who is going to win so we can all transfer there before the league starts and get the reward bg, sor or jq? i dont pay enough attention to the top servers to follow who has more coverage these days

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: renmei.3102


If all you want to do is ride the bandwagon to wvw victory and custom finishers or whatever, please do not come to SoR. I enjoy our near drama-free environment where guilds are actually friendly towards and work well with each other. If you look at our medal count (6 gold, 16 silver and 9 bronze) SoR is hardly a winning server, look to the other 2 t1 servers thanks.

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: gidorah.4960


i’m not asking who is drama free or has a great community i am asking which of the top 3 will win

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: renmei.3102


Vizunah Square is guaranteed #1, please transfer there.

(edited by renmei.3102)

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


moar moneh for ANET…yesssss…shineyyyy !

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: SleepingDragon.1596


i’m not asking who is drama free or has a great community i am asking which of the top 3 will win

Go to SOR. See if they’ll offer to pay for your transfer as well.

-S o S-

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Konrad Curze.5130

Konrad Curze.5130

moar moneh for ANET…yesssss…shineyyyy !

that was their one and only reason behind this “league” anyway

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: gidorah.4960


oh any sor feel like paying for my transfer i would love you forever

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: roamzero.9486


BG will probably win via excessive cheathaxing, SoR/JQ will duke it out for second.

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Klawlyt.6507


Yeah… I think I overheard SoR talking about raising the mightiest PUG army ever, and leading them to victory. Definitely transfer to SoR.

The possibility of physical and mental collapse is now very real.
No sympathy for the Devil, keep that in mind.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Romek.4201


SFR will see sooooo many transfers soon …. but guess thats normal for them already^^

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


SFR will see sooooo many transfers soon …. but guess thats normal for them already^^

All scooter band members blob in elona. Can’t beat them because i don’t know how much is the fish.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Kai.9182


I’ll give you gold to go to any server other than those 3. None of those teams deserve someone so shallow.

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: gidorah.4960


so i finaly got around too look at mos it looks like sor is the server to go to if you want to win the league thing for na. also please send me the gold and tell me what other server i should go to since sor doesnt want me i am sure they will get enough people who want the reward already.

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Kai.9182


Frostmourne server

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: gidorah.4960


Frostmourne server

oh you didnt actualy send me gold sor here i come

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Valdemas.4960


Vizunah Square is guaranteed #1, please transfer there.

What this man said. Vizunah is the server to go to if you want the win. They are the only t1 EU server that plays the ppt game exclusively and are very, very good at it. They slack sometimes but always rebound almost instantly. Just check their win history so far.

Good luck Vizu!
From SFR with love

Vinita Rush, ZDs Officer

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: gidorah.4960


Vizunah Square is guaranteed #1, please transfer there.

What this man said. Vizunah is the server to go to if you want the win. They are the only t1 EU server that plays the ppt game exclusively and are very, very good at it. They slack sometimes but always rebound almost instantly. Just check their win history so far.

Good luck Vizu!
From SFR with love

so eu vizunah
and na sor now everyone knows the servers to go to for the first place rewards.

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: SykkoB.9465


Vizunah Square is guaranteed #1, please transfer there.

What this man said. Vizunah is the server to go to if you want the win. They are the only t1 EU server that plays the ppt game exclusively and are very, very good at it. They slack sometimes but always rebound almost instantly. Just check their win history so far.

Good luck Vizu!
From SFR with love

so eu vizunah
and na sor now everyone knows the servers to go to for the first place rewards.

maybe you should do better research, just saying. BG won 7-8 weeks ina row, then JQ won once followed again by BG winning, and now SOR has won one

Again do your research and not just look at 1 week for results, right now BG JQ and SOR r taking turns winning.


transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Achilles.2197


JQ has the longevity but we like people who put in the effort. Not a rally bot looking to ride coat tails

Âchillæs – Jade Quarry – GvG’ing before you knew what it was

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: bjchase.3074


moar moneh for ANET…yesssss…shineyyyy !

Won’t be from me. We will see how many others fall for this money “trick”. It will also be interesting to see if the gold-to-gems exchange rate takes a dive.

Stormbluff Isle
Straight Outta Kryta [KRTA]
I fart in your general direction

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: timidobserver.7925


Some people will transfer to winning servers. They’ll then see that they have to deal with mega queues and that the reward sucks. They’ll then transfer off of the winning servers.

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: GavinGoodrich.1382


Few things want me to slap someone more than what the OP is talking about. Way to go OP.

Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Yeah, ppl with this mindset is what causes server imbalance

Commander Nachonix

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Titan.3472


Expect BG n°1 when league will start

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Burn.5401


Yes, everyone transfer to Vizunah EU please.

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Theftwind.8976


You guys have it all wrong. Just before the first season do not transfer to the server at the top of the first league. Transfer to the server at the top of the silver or bronze league. Rewards will be the same for winning that league and you will get lower queue times. Just saying!

Theftwind (HoD)

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Wemil.7052


Vizunah Square is guaranteed #1, please transfer there.

What this man said. Vizunah is the server to go to if you want the win. They are the only t1 EU server that plays the ppt game exclusively and are very, very good at it. They slack sometimes but always rebound almost instantly. Just check their win history so far.

Good luck Vizu!
From SFR with love

so eu vizunah
and na sor now everyone knows the servers to go to for the first place rewards.

and everyone got someone to scream at:)

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: gidorah.4960


You guys have it all wrong. Just before the first season do not transfer to the server at the top of the first league. Transfer to the server at the top of the silver or bronze league. Rewards will be the same for winning that league and you will get lower queue times. Just saying!

harder to know where the cutoff is the score fluctuates more in the mid tiers you can guess wrong and end up on the number 12 server the loser of the gold and not number 13 the winner of bronze

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Kaamau.5341


Actually if you all bandwagon to one server you will increase the que times making it harder to achieve the required achievements. Maybe even impossible if there is enough ^.^

Fort Aspenwood

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Victory.2879


Definitely transfer to Viz, but remember to come out from under the AC at least once a week, we like collecting bags too!

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Fannwong.3059


Hello Gidorah,

I’ll present you the facts for NA fights. JQ has the highest gold medals followed by BG. The server that won last week is SOR after 5 weeks of wins by BG. Careful about spending your gold for transfer.

Here is our recruitment page.

SOR welcomes you if you don’t mind fighting JQ SEA (Foo/ATM) and BG OCN (MERC).


who is going to win so we can all transfer there before the league starts and get the reward bg, sor or jq? i dont pay enough attention to the top servers to follow who has more coverage these days

[SoX] – JQ

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: gidorah.4960


Hello Gidorah,

I’ll present you the facts for NA fights. JQ has the highest gold medals followed by BG. The server that won last week is SOR after 5 weeks of wins by BG. Careful about spending your gold for transfer.

Here is our recruitment page.

SOR welcomes you if you don’t mind fighting JQ SEA (Foo/ATM) and BG OCN (MERC).


who is going to win so we can all transfer there before the league starts and get the reward bg, sor or jq? i dont pay enough attention to the top servers to follow who has more coverage these days

i’m na like most of the transfers the top 3 servers will be getting. i do have insomnia so i am sure that counts. thanks for being the only person to give a reasonable answer i’m sure i am not the only one who wants to know who will be winning the matchup although from your data the top 3 are somewhat volatile with bg being the most consistent they could all reasonably win the league depending on how the guilds in them realign. shame about the other 9 servers though.

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: gidorah.4960


Actually if you all bandwagon to one server you will increase the que times making it harder to achieve the required achievements. Maybe even impossible if there is enough ^.^

classic example of the tragedy of the commons its in my best interest to transfer to the winning server if i want the rewards even though if everyone does it it will break the game for everyone not on the winning server and make it harder for me to get the rewards.

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Actinotus.6410


Sorry the sky is not falling here. Guilds are still looking to move to mid -tier servers today (look at the recruitment threads). The top three (even four in NA) servers are stacked of WvW guilds already so it would be astonishing to see any large movement to any single one of these – is all of TC and BG going to stack onto SoR? I don’t think so.

If players are that keen to get whatever these rewards are then better option would be to move to servers ranked 13-15 NA (the corresponding EU ones). I believe this will happen – there will be a slight destacking of the upper tier servers into the middle somewhere (and possibly a bandwagoning onto say an SBI or IoJ). Which is part of the intention of Anet in all of this.

People have been saying for ages that the WvW community needs to spread out and I reckon this is a smart way of doing it.

Sea of Sorrows

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


SoR has 130% of JQ population , BG has 125% of JQ population.

JQ has 150% better skills, its how we roll, quality, not quantity.

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Fannwong.3059



I have to agree with you. BG’s server philosophy has always been about PPT. Their lead guild MERC has inculcated that mantra to the rest of their server mates and it has produced results. To date, BG has never left T1 and T2.


Hello Gidorah,

I’ll present you the facts for NA fights. JQ has the highest gold medals followed by BG. The server that won last week is SOR after 5 weeks of wins by BG. Careful about spending your gold for transfer.

Here is our recruitment page.

SOR welcomes you if you don’t mind fighting JQ SEA (Foo/ATM) and BG OCN (MERC).


who is going to win so we can all transfer there before the league starts and get the reward bg, sor or jq? i dont pay enough attention to the top servers to follow who has more coverage these days

i’m na like most of the transfers the top 3 servers will be getting. i do have insomnia so i am sure that counts. thanks for being the only person to give a reasonable answer i’m sure i am not the only one who wants to know who will be winning the matchup although from your data the top 3 are somewhat volatile with bg being the most consistent they could all reasonably win the league depending on how the guilds in them realign. shame about the other 9 servers though.

[SoX] – JQ

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: gidorah.4960


Sorry the sky is not falling here. Guilds are still looking to move to mid -tier servers today (look at the recruitment threads). The top three (even four in NA) servers are stacked of WvW guilds already so it would be astonishing to see any large movement to any single one of these – is all of TC and BG going to stack onto SoR? I don’t think so.

If players are that keen to get whatever these rewards are then better option would be to move to servers ranked 13-15 NA (the corresponding EU ones). I believe this will happen – there will be a slight destacking of the upper tier servers into the middle somewhere (and possibly a bandwagoning onto say an SBI or IoJ). Which is part of the intention of Anet in all of this.

People have been saying for ages that the WvW community needs to spread out and I reckon this is a smart way of doing it.

who is talking about guild’s moving? i am talking about a solo moveand i doubt people will move to 13-15 too easy to guess which server will win wrong and gold is getting better rewards.

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Seigfried.5938


JQ is the land of the pugs, they all stacked there before paid transfers, so you would fit in well there.

Gandara → SoS → BG → Gandara → SFR

New bunker meta sux

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Seigfried.5938



I have to agree with you. BG’s server philosophy has always been about PPT. Their lead guild MERC has inculcated that mantra to the rest of their server mates and it has produced results. To date, BG has never left T1 and T2.


Hello Gidorah,

I’ll present you the facts for NA fights. JQ has the highest gold medals followed by BG. The server that won last week is SOR after 5 weeks of wins by BG. Careful about spending your gold for transfer.

Here is our recruitment page.

SOR welcomes you if you don’t mind fighting JQ SEA (Foo/ATM) and BG OCN (MERC).


who is going to win so we can all transfer there before the league starts and get the reward bg, sor or jq? i dont pay enough attention to the top servers to follow who has more coverage these days

i’m na like most of the transfers the top 3 servers will be getting. i do have insomnia so i am sure that counts. thanks for being the only person to give a reasonable answer i’m sure i am not the only one who wants to know who will be winning the matchup although from your data the top 3 are somewhat volatile with bg being the most consistent they could all reasonably win the league depending on how the guilds in them realign. shame about the other 9 servers though.

BG was in tier 2 on it’s own. It’s only after MERC moved did BG move to tier 1.

Gandara → SoS → BG → Gandara → SFR

New bunker meta sux

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Achilles.2197


JQ is the land of the pugs, they all stacked there before paid transfers, so you would fit in well there.

Then that’s quite embarrassing for SoR and BG to have lost to JQ twice the past few weeks. Ouchies.

Âchillæs – Jade Quarry – GvG’ing before you knew what it was

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Seigfried.5938


JQ is the land of the pugs, they all stacked there before paid transfers, so you would fit in well there.

Then that’s quite embarrassing for SoR and BG to have lost to JQ twice the past few weeks. Ouchies.

twice? I must have a bad memory. And, JQ is a double teamer, which takes advantage of the rivalry. Sadly, skill isn’t the only variable that determines PPT.

Gandara → SoS → BG → Gandara → SFR

New bunker meta sux

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Achilles.2197


Week 32 and Week 34. You’re right. Your memory is bad.

Âchillæs – Jade Quarry – GvG’ing before you knew what it was

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Seigfried.5938


Week 32 and Week 34. You’re right. Your memory is bad.

You sure about that?

Gandara → SoS → BG → Gandara → SFR

New bunker meta sux

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Let the flood to T1 begin!

Underwater Operations – [WET]

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Achilles.2197


Week 32 and Week 34. You’re right. Your memory is bad.

You sure about that?

SoR and JQ beating BG placed JQ as the highest rated server. We got the “gold medal.” So yes, I’m sure. Nice try, though.

Âchillæs – Jade Quarry – GvG’ing before you knew what it was

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


People who want to transfer to tier 1 should form up a guild, make a thread saying you’re a WvW guild that wants to transfer, and then get their ride paid for by one of the tier 1 servers. You can disband after.

Gate of Madness

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Achilles.2197


People who want to transfer to tier 1 should form up a guild, make a thread saying you’re a WvW guild that wants to transfer, and then get their ride paid for by one of the tier 1 servers. You can disband after.

BG pays guilds, don’t bother including JQ and SoR.

Âchillæs – Jade Quarry – GvG’ing before you knew what it was

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Seigfried.5938


Week 32 and Week 34. You’re right. Your memory is bad.

You sure about that?

SoR and JQ beating BG placed JQ as the highest rated server. We got the “gold medal.” So yes, I’m sure. Nice try, though.

Doesn’t change the fact that JQ didn’t actually ‘win’ week 34.
SoR: 230 902
JQ : 207 537
If this doesn’t convince you, I’m not sure what will. Rating is determined by taking history into account. JQ might have the most gold medals, that doesn’t mean it is the best in NA

Gandara → SoS → BG → Gandara → SFR

New bunker meta sux

transfer to winning server

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


People who want to transfer to tier 1 should form up a guild, make a thread saying you’re a WvW guild that wants to transfer, and then get their ride paid for by one of the tier 1 servers. You can disband after.

BG pays guilds, don’t bother including JQ and SoR.

I don’t think you know Jade Quarry as well as you think you do on that point.

Gate of Madness