treb/cata negated by swirling winds

treb/cata negated by swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: damnreds.4325


maybe there has already been a post about this that i didnt see but i dont care.

why in the flaming hootie hoo has this not been patched out yet?

Commander Cheem of PainTrain [PTX]

treb/cata negated by swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: Ordibble.3092


Same reason they stopped iBerserker from being non-LOS but allow Dragon’s Tooth to still be so? Strangely, you don’t see the complaining about Dragon’s Tooth like you did with iBerserker and given comments in chat many eles are ignorant about Swirling Winds. Time to raise the exposure?

I don’t actually care about Swirling Winds (seems like a good tactic if an ele is prepared to stick it out) but as a mesmer I do about the non-exception exception of Dragon’s Tooth given the reasoning for ‘nerfing’ iBerserker.

treb/cata negated by swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: Odaman.8359


Swirling Winds is fine. Dragon’s Tooth needs to be fixed, ele has enough aoe they don’t need to ignore los as well.

Odaman 80 Mesmer

treb/cata negated by swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


Swirling Winds requires a team of ele’s to completely do nothing else except rotate spamming Swirling Winds.

It’s honestly very strategical and should definitely remain ingame.

Btw, other classes have similar abilities. When I was doing it we had 2x ele’s (that includes me) and a thief rotating blocking shots from Garrison to DE. Granted it is much harder for the thief but it is doable.

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

treb/cata negated by swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: Tammuz.7361


nah, this needs to go and is an oversight on ANets part

Back in beta it used to be that guardians abilities could also block siege, this obviously got nerfed out of the game…

I think they just forgot to remove the ability to block seige from swirling winds.


treb/cata negated by swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Swirling Winds requires a team of ele’s to completely do nothing else except rotate spamming Swirling Winds.

It’s honestly very strategical and should definitely remain ingame.

This, unless the ele is specced high in air it needs 3 eles for complete coverage.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

treb/cata negated by swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: Tammuz.7361


there is no reason for this to remain active but guardian to have had its siege blocking abilities nerfed in beta…

either projectile blocking = seige blocking (for guardian, mesmer and ele) or it dosent…

consistancy is one of the big things ANet has been pushing across classes (ie recent signet speed buffs)


treb/cata negated by swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


Actually, one guardian bubble still works, but its quite a small one.
Thief smokescreen also works, but requires good placement to intercept.

treb/cata negated by swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: Heinel.6548


Shield of Absorption still block sieges, it’s just a lot more difficult because the up time of that skill is quite a lot lower so you’ll need a lot more guardians, plus the shield last shorter too so you need to time it very precisely. I personally would rather see shield of the avenger fixed to use it’s ability even when not in combat, so that guardians can actually fill a niche in WvW.

“… but I hate the idea ‘It may not make sense at first’.
I want it to make sense right away, then another sense later. Murkiness =/= quality "
- CCP Abraxis

treb/cata negated by swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: naphack.9346


read tooltips…
There seems to be a big difference.
On most skills: “blocks projectiles” or “protects allies from projectiles”
On swirling winds: “Destroys projectiles”

If you view it that way, it suddenly makes sense :P

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

treb/cata negated by swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: covenn.7165


Who cares? Is isn’t OP and only requires people to switch up tactics a bit in sieges. Besides, what other purpose does a focus have for those ele’s, I am under the impressions that aside from swirling winds, it is quite useless.

treb/cata negated by swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: Handin.4032


I think it’s perfectly fine. It’s a good strategy, but, like all good strategies, once it is used successfully and becomes known, someone, somewhere, will want to nerf it. But please don’t! I don’t play ele, but I love the fact that this is here. It adds something extra that “Build x amount of siege. Press fire. Wall go down. Woo.” These types of cool little strategies is really what makes WvW fun in my opinion. Get rid of them and it’s just mindless zerging, bashing your head against a door, and a money sink to buy the most amount of siege.

It’s just like the new surge, at least in my bracket, of hammer guardians. Using this strategy, a handful of hammer guardians can keep huge groups busy at choke points. It’s not something to be nerfed, just a new cool tactic.

There is a way around this strategy. Build another treb, or go KILL the ele’s. I remember my guild had a team of 3 ele’s blocking treb shots at our counter treb at Bay. The enemy had a full zerg, and not a single one came up to try to AoE kill, or even target, the ele’s (they were in perfect AoE range).

Just don’t be one of those types that gets beat by a new strategy, and instantly calls “nerf!”, because you don’t like it, or realize you can’t do it! Think of a new cool strategy with your class that will bring on posts like this!

TC Golden Dolyak – [DOLY]
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300

treb/cata negated by swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


Its quite simple to negate some of the shielding when you are the one firing the trebs..

1. aim a little left or right after each shot
2. when you are shooting multiple trebs, do not fire all at once.

While your are mindlessly spamming 222222 the eles actually have to watch the projectiles to shield it. Also you need more eles to shield than the number of trebs. So I say its not broken and working as intended.

treb/cata negated by swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: Cake.4920


Swirling Winds requires a team of ele’s to completely do nothing else except rotate spamming Swirling Winds.

It’s honestly very strategical


treb/cata negated by swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: brandon.6735


The golem bubbles can also block siege. I had to do it once b/c the one golem we had left was at 4k health so i just blocked our treb from the enemy’s.


treb/cata negated by swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: naphack.9346


yes. even better. stack golems on top of the treb :>

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

treb/cata negated by swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Its quite simple to negate some of the shielding when you are the one firing the trebs..

1. aim a little left or right after each shot
2. when you are shooting multiple trebs, do not fire all at once.

While your are mindlessly spamming 222222 the eles actually have to watch the projectiles to shield it. Also you need more eles to shield than the number of trebs. So I say its not broken and working as intended.

Shooo. There will be none of this learning and adapting heresy you seem to be advocating.

Nerf or bust. That is all.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

treb/cata negated by swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: MarzAttakz.9608


Lol Porky that’s the chops.

I’d kitten more about kitten macro’d treb users tbh, aim, spotter calls it in, place prestik on screen, enable record, press play macro. No way a human can consistently fire at a perfect power rate unless it’s at the end of the power range.

Stating this as an anti-treb Ele myself.


Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}

treb/cata negated by swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


If Ele’s get swirling winds why doesn’t Mesmer feedback work anymore? That worked against siege at release and got completely nerfed out shortly after release.

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

treb/cata negated by swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: kanikani.2430


Swirling winds should have been nerfed a long time ago. It is over powered and the only ability that blocks so much area without even using a slot. You want to keep it, make it a slot and add a 90 sec cool down like portals. This goes further from trebs it also can block all siege basically when attacking a gate, or a line of ballistas. 3 Ele’s should not be better defense then a fortified wall.

With the money/effort/inflexibility of siege, nothing should stop it, ever aside from other siege.

Ishionna (80 Ele)

treb/cata negated by swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: Tammuz.7361


Im not sayin they should or shouldn’t nerf it, im just sayin they need to be consistant: and mincing words dosent count: an Aoe anti projectile spell is an aoe anti projectile spell, and it should be that either aoe anti projectile stuff works on seige or it dosent… not this one does but these 4 dont.

Thats all.

Now if “poor elementalists” were in any way otherwise underpowered in WvW or in need of buffing then i might say that its ok for them to have a niche ability (like mesmers and portals).

Although no ones worried about em 1v1 play a level 80 ele sometime with its aoe and count yer badges / kill count at the end of day…

Now im not sayint they need nerfing either, they dont. But pretending like ele is weak in wvw without a niche ability like this is kinda a joke.


(edited by Tammuz.7361)

treb/cata negated by swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


Im not sayin they should or shouldn’t nerf it, im just sayin they need to be consistant: and mincing words dosent count: an Aoe anti projectile spell is an aoe anti projectile spell, and it should be that either aoe anti projectile stuff works on seige or it dosent… not this one does but these 4 dont.

Thats all.

Agreed /15 chars.

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

treb/cata negated by swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: Provac.3598


I think swirling winds is a viable tactic. Both sides are able to do it on their siege. I feel though with stacking siege equipment should be prioritised over players.

treb/cata negated by swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: damnreds.4325


everyone saying that using an ele to block treb/cata shots is a viable tactic is absolutely correct. it is a fantastic strategy based on a terrible mechanics oversight.

really it is on the same level as when retaliation could be used to kill siege, or when it was possible to build siege inside the invincible spawn areas. yes you could “adapt to it” or “play around it”, but it is boring and cheapens the game.

as others have already noted there is a lot of inconsistency between these block/reflect projectile skills so i have no doubt that this skill will be fixed in due time by anet as well. it just irks me that it is taking this long.

With the money/effort/inflexibility of siege, nothing should stop it, ever aside from other siege.


Commander Cheem of PainTrain [PTX]

(edited by damnreds.4325)

treb/cata negated by swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: phaneo.4597


Yea, they should also remove the guardian bubbles on siege during breakout events, oh wait!
Its not same as building siege in spawn areas. There’s a cooldown on the skill and you’ll have to time multiple siege in a way that if one shot misses, the other siege equipment doesn’t miss it. It doesn’t make the walls/gates indestructible except for a short time and takes multiple ele’s with focus and the skill unlocked to keep rotating it one after another with proper timing.
With the money/effort/manpower/supplies taken to repair & upgrade walls & gates, nothing should destroy them, ever not even siege.
They’ve already given one advantage to the assaulting team by fixing insta-repair on walls/gates so that they go back up only at 10% health, this whole nerf a skill that only blocks projectiles for a limited time and has kittenload of cooldown, is similar to the other thread which asks to basically remove or nerf Arrow carts.

Tee See

(edited by phaneo.4597)

treb/cata negated by swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


maybe there has already been a post about this that i didnt see but i dont care.

why in the flaming hootie hoo has this not been patched out yet?

Let’s see.
Smoke screen does the same.
As well as a guardian skill can do it.

3 classes have the ability, 1 uses it more then others.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

treb/cata negated by swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: Peetee.9406


I am perfectly fine with removing this from the game so Commanders stop getting angry with me because I refuse to stand on their treb and spam it for hours.

[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall