unkillable dire chrono

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: squall.4691


i don’t know but is there any plan to nerf condi dire god mode unkillbale chrono ?

no for real evry balance update i say this is it chrono dire ’ll get nerf this update and hope and hope but nothing.

r u guys really ok with this god mode build ? ppl can just run it and trolling around and kill ppl with one finger and no one can do anything for them we just run from them cuz we know what’s gonna happened if we fight them.

i dont know about u guys but i got enough of them.

if u guys think chrono dire condi is unbalance pls talk arena net not gonna do anything if we didnt talk cuz they dont play there game and dont know about anything they just nerf things in PVE and do the same in WVW they keeping remove runse and op stats from PVP but they give 0 care about WVW roaming builds" that’s what i got hope u guys understand me.

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: EremiteAngel.9765


you can always play the unkillable dire chrono build if it bothers you…

just something that might help though…if you run reaper with every single transfer and mitigation of condi possible, you have a decent chance of winning against the unkillable dire chrono build.

Especially using the reaper aoe shout that transfer 1 condi per target.

Scourge Demo Weekend Roaming Video:

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Exciton.8942


2v1 him and profit.
There is no need to behave like white knight in WvW roaming.

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: squall.4691


i dont think reaper is good for roaming maybe its good but reaper is very weak against thiefs and warriors and druids and they r too much in wvw its better for me to use another class and die by chrono than i play reaper in raoming

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: squall.4691


2v1 him and profit.
There is no need to behave like white knight in WvW roaming.

well i dont like to gank ppl but yea i think we need this to kill dire chrono

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: squall.4691


i mean omg this build have like
28k HP
over 3.4k armor
and blocks and shatter heal and shatter remove condi and 2 sowrd and f4 and
33%- damage over the protection and heal skill remove 2 condi’s aswell cmon
if he have good skills retaion he’ll be like unhittable

btw i only talk about condi dire chrono i dont care about the others condi build its easy to kill

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

All the roaming classes are like this now. If you play your class well and are running the right build every 1v1 against another properly built roamer that knows their class pwill end in a stale mate.

Get used to it because anet won’t balance the game modes separately so they can’t fix wvw without breaking something else.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Justine.6351


Need to have that right type of cleanses and not panic spam them cause you have multiple conditions in monitor. Not everything is lethal immediately. Also negating all those clones running at you does wonders.

Can you kill them though? If you can stalemate them then it’s on you to make them error enough times to get the kill.

The real question though is why? Why spend 5min fighting that garbage?

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Curunen.8729


I agree that both Dire and Trailblazer need looking at.

But Viper Chrono is perfectly fine compared with Marauder/Zerker – in fact I’d say it is more difficult to play because of lacking instant power burst but being equally as glassy. So depending on stats and traitlines (for example Mistrust/Duelling), condition/hybrid play can require more skill than power and have even less survivability (ie if not using Shield).

One side note that might help when fighting Dire/Trailblazer – if they’re running PU then they’re not running Inspiration as there’s no room for it – so they are weak to incoming conditions. If they’re running Inspiration then at least you know where they are most of the time and are able to react/run. For the record I’m not condoning these builds – what I am saying is it is the gear stats causing them to over perform beyond the “normal” powercreep since HoT.

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Mesmer is problem not gear. Condi mesmer doesn’t even need defense at all if he isn’t totally braindead player.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: squall.4691


Need to have that right type of cleanses and not panic spam them cause you have multiple conditions in monitor. Not everything is lethal immediately. Also negating all those clones running at you does wonders.

Can you kill them though? If you can stalemate them then it’s on you to make them error enough times to get the kill.

The real question though is why? Why spend 5min fighting that garbage?

i dont spam my skills i know how to play but what is the point its like unkillable he’ll just kite u till u go down

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: squall.4691


I agree that both Dire and Trailblazer need looking at.

But Viper Chrono is perfectly fine compared with Marauder/Zerker – in fact I’d say it is more difficult to play because of lacking instant power burst but being equally as glassy. So depending on stats and traitlines (for example Mistrust/Duelling), condition/hybrid play can require more skill than power and have even less survivability (ie if not using Shield).

One side note that might help when fighting Dire/Trailblazer – if they’re running PU then they’re not running Inspiration as there’s no room for it – so they are weak to incoming conditions. If they’re running Inspiration then at least you know where they are most of the time and are able to react/run. For the record I’m not condoning these builds – what I am saying is it is the gear stats causing them to over perform beyond the “normal” powercreep since HoT.

idk reaper and druid and even warrior with dire gear i can kill them but chrono i just cant see any way to kill them and must of them r running inspiration and god this trait line is must broken trait line ever all the trait line is op so condi not work on them and power not work aswell this is what i think but idk maybe i’m wrong and ofc some of them r really have low skills i can kill them but if some one with normal to high skills he can kill u very easy

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: saerni.2584


What class are you using?

I mean I’ve fought good and bad condi mes-chrono. I’ve won a number of fights and lost a number as well. Mesmers are usually at mid range so I think having a good ranged weapon is helpful in addition to having good condi clears obviously for fighting condi mes-chrono.

If you have stealth access that helps as well to confuse them and turn the momentum back on them. Better condi mesmers will use a lot of stealth to break targeting on them so being able to retarget them quickly will also help you win the fight.

Northern Shiverpeaks (NSP)
Thief (Daredevil)
Commandant of Pistol-Dagger and Apex Predator

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Lexander.4579


actually i thought condi tank mesmers were going to be nerfhammered this patch when everyone was talking about mesmer nerfs

somehow the nerf only affected the zerg mesmer build where it wasnt really a problem anyway

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

actually i thought condi tank mesmers were going to be nerfhammered this patch when everyone was talking about mesmer nerfs

somehow the nerf only affected the zerg mesmer build where it wasnt really a problem anyway

Same thing they did with druids, they nerfed glassy specs without really hurting the bunker. kitten poor balancing.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Mesmer is problem not gear. Condi mesmer doesn’t even need defense at all if he isn’t totally braindead player.

The gear is a big part of this particular issue. Yes, mesmer has always been a strong roamer and chrono makes it even stronger, but most condi builds before dire had to make compromises. You could have vitality but not toughness, vice versa or hybrid. You couldnt go max tank with max condi.

Either way even if mesmer need tweaking, fixing dire and similar sets should be the first priority. It would strike a blow to other builds at the very top of the cheeze chain as well.

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Curunen.8729


Mesmer is problem not gear. Condi mesmer doesn’t even need defense at all if he isn’t totally braindead player.

If Mesmer itself is a problem, not gear, then both Condi AND power will be nerfed together – because what is currently broken is the sustain from Inspiration and Shield – and this is independent of damage type.

Even Chaos largely is independent of damage type.

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Mesmer is problem not gear. Condi mesmer doesn’t even need defense at all if he isn’t totally braindead player.

The gear is a big part of this particular issue. Yes, mesmer has always been a strong roamer and chrono makes it even stronger, but most condi builds before dire had to make compromises. You could have vitality but not toughness, vice versa or hybrid. You couldnt go max tank with max condi.

Either way even if mesmer need tweaking, fixing dire and similar sets should be the first priority. It would strike a blow to other builds at the very top of the cheeze chain as well.

Like power berserker’s, power druids, evade spam thieves…. oh wait…

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Jacion.6302


I eat mesmers, I see no problem here.

I don’t even have a mesmer and I think they need a clone tweak, it is way, way to easy for me to focus down a mesmer. Make clone AI do things like back pedal and strife! AI is so bad that the actual player stands out like a sore thumb.

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: squall.4691


I eat mesmers, I see no problem here.

I don’t even have a mesmer and I think they need a clone tweak, it is way, way to easy for me to focus down a mesmer. Make clone AI do things like back pedal and strife! AI is so bad that the actual player stands out like a sore thumb.

we talk here about condi dire chrono dude i dont think u know what we r talking about

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Jacion.6302


I eat mesmers, I see no problem here.

I don’t even have a mesmer and I think they need a clone tweak, it is way, way to easy for me to focus down a mesmer. Make clone AI do things like back pedal and strife! AI is so bad that the actual player stands out like a sore thumb.

we talk here about condi dire chrono dude i dont think u know what we r talking about

I think I do, I don’t have an issue with 1v1 condi builds

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: medusashadow.3567


Omg thanks for the great laugh about this post when really condi mesmers are non issue. The biggest issue thing called a ghost thief. Cause you obviously have not fought one. When fight a ghost thief come to then we can talk about unkillable. But until do us all favor and be quiet.

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: squall.4691


Omg thanks for the great laugh about this post when really condi mesmers are non issue. The biggest issue thing called a ghost thief. Cause you obviously have not fought one. When fight a ghost thief come to then we can talk about unkillable. But until do us all favor and be quiet.

they can nerf ghost thief by adding some physical damage to traps so it get u out of stealth when it hit someone
easy but still ghost thief with high vitality and toughness and stealth skills its very hard to kill anyway i see them once evry 3 month not like condi chrono

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: OriOri.8724


i mean omg this build have like
28k HP
over 3.4k armor
and blocks and shatter heal and shatter remove condi and 2 sowrd and f4 and
33%- damage over the protection and heal skill remove 2 condi’s aswell cmon
if he have good skills retaion he’ll be like unhittable

btw i only talk about condi dire chrono i dont care about the others condi build its easy to kill

A full dire build only gives a chrono 25.5k HP and 3k armor. I used runes of the undead over perplexity runes for a higher toughness stat in this build, along with full ascended gear and full infusions (which most players do not have), and I still can’t get the numbers you are throwing out.


Just learn how to get away from these cancer builds. If you have to fight them, bring strong AoEs to kill their clones before they can get to you when they are shattered.

There are some builds that just aren’t worth fighting. This build is one of them.

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


somehow the nerf only affected the zerg mesmer build where it wasnt really a problem anyway

Because boonshare was totally balanced, amirite?

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: squall.4691


i mean omg this build have like
28k HP
over 3.4k armor
and blocks and shatter heal and shatter remove condi and 2 sowrd and f4 and
33%- damage over the protection and heal skill remove 2 condi’s aswell cmon
if he have good skills retaion he’ll be like unhittable

btw i only talk about condi dire chrono i dont care about the others condi build its easy to kill

A full dire build only gives a chrono 25.5k HP and 3k armor. I used runes of the undead over perplexity runes for a higher toughness stat in this build, along with full ascended gear and full infusions (which most players do not have), and I still can’t get the numbers you are throwing out.


Just learn how to get away from these cancer builds. If you have to fight them, bring strong AoEs to kill their clones before they can get to you when they are shattered.

There are some builds that just aren’t worth fighting. This build is one of them.

i didnt play it so i just guessed and in real wvw day after day u get more stats
10% or 15% more HP at the end of the week thats mean it’ll get up to 27K HP
is this looks normal for u?

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


I hear what you are saying but I routinely see my full zerk thief land crit Backstab shots at 1500 or less on Druids, Tempests and Warriors barely scratching them. Mesmers aren’t the only class with seemingly unkillable builds that can dish some damage.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Oslaf Beinir.5842

Oslaf Beinir.5842

You’re a great duelist squall, probably 10 times better than the common rabble plebs that posts on this subforums and probably know your answer.

so why even bother post?

Get In The Van Yo[PR] -Play on Far Shiverpeaks/Gunner’s Hold/Vabbi

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Jacion.6302


i mean omg this build have like
28k HP
over 3.4k armor
and blocks and shatter heal and shatter remove condi and 2 sowrd and f4 and
33%- damage over the protection and heal skill remove 2 condi’s aswell cmon
if he have good skills retaion he’ll be like unhittable

btw i only talk about condi dire chrono i dont care about the others condi build its easy to kill

A full dire build only gives a chrono 25.5k HP and 3k armor. I used runes of the undead over perplexity runes for a higher toughness stat in this build, along with full ascended gear and full infusions (which most players do not have), and I still can’t get the numbers you are throwing out.


Just learn how to get away from these cancer builds. If you have to fight them, bring strong AoEs to kill their clones before they can get to you when they are shattered.

There are some builds that just aren’t worth fighting. This build is one of them.

I wouldn’t completely trust gw2skills, atleast for some of the stats, for what ever reason when I plug in my build it is about 100 ferosity short of what I am currently at with no food/stones/zone wide buffs or boons

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


You’re a great duelist squall, probably 10 times better than the common rabble plebs that posts on this subforums and probably know your answer.

so why even bother post?

If he is having issues with a condi chrono Either you are overexagerating your friend capability or you are underestimating the “common rabble” that post here.

Take your pick.

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: medusashadow.3567


squall Let me guess your a full glass ranger that is just spaming your number 2 skill rapid shot to kill somebody.

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Arcaedus.7290


A player that knows condi chrono well/has a good rotation is essentially unkillable in 1v1 by most power builds. I have a build on my DH roamer designed to specifically counter condi chrono and even then, the best I can get is a stalemate (either of us can run away).

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


quote=6381950;Lexander.4579:]actually i thought condi tank mesmers were going to be nerfhammered this patch when everyone was talking about mesmer nerfs

somehow the nerf only affected the zerg mesmer build where it wasnt really a problem anyway[/quote]


Granted, the issue was more or less with revenants, but boonsharing was breaking WvW lol.

Dire has needed a nerf for years.

Omg thanks for the great laugh about this post when really condi mesmers are non issue. The biggest issue thing called a ghost thief. Cause you obviously have not fought one. When fight a ghost thief come to then we can talk about unkillable. But until do us all favor and be quiet.

Sorry, but no. I’m not advocating for ghost thief (I’d like to see it nerfed because it’s stupid by concept), but ghost thief only kills either bad players or ones caught without cooldowns. And it’s only unkillable because of, you guessed it, Dire/TB gear, since it never needs to attack with power coefficients and can’t be cleaved down when stacking that much defense.

I’d really like to see the two sets deleted and give players with them an option of any kind of gear like they did when removing MF, and I think perplexity and durability runes also need to go.

But yea, roaming scene is ded when it comes to fun fights. Used to be incredibly diverse, now it’s basically as kittenPvP. Thanks HoT.

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: cgMatt.5162


This has been imbalanced even pre-HoT. I’d have the sustain and condi clear to fight these but they would always run away. Now they don’t take much effort to do well. I realize you want to make the game easy for new players, but it’s balance choices (or lack thereof awareness of these) that are killing the fun in playing. It’s more frustrating than anything.

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: OriOri.8724


i mean omg this build have like
28k HP
over 3.4k armor
and blocks and shatter heal and shatter remove condi and 2 sowrd and f4 and
33%- damage over the protection and heal skill remove 2 condi’s aswell cmon
if he have good skills retaion he’ll be like unhittable

btw i only talk about condi dire chrono i dont care about the others condi build its easy to kill

A full dire build only gives a chrono 25.5k HP and 3k armor. I used runes of the undead over perplexity runes for a higher toughness stat in this build, along with full ascended gear and full infusions (which most players do not have), and I still can’t get the numbers you are throwing out.


Just learn how to get away from these cancer builds. If you have to fight them, bring strong AoEs to kill their clones before they can get to you when they are shattered.

There are some builds that just aren’t worth fighting. This build is one of them.

i didnt play it so i just guessed and in real wvw day after day u get more stats
10% or 15% more HP at the end of the week thats mean it’ll get up to 27K HP
is this looks normal for u?

I mean the chrono isn’t the only one who gets those bonuses, and it doesn’t add 400 armor to them. Not to mention that anyone running this build will probably have perplexity runes, which drops their toughness by another 100.

I’m not trying to say that this build is balanced, because its not. Its one of those builds that you just have to disengage from. Honestly it would help a lot if scepter applied torment or confusion and another damaging condi like bleed, burning or poison instead of both torment and confusion. But I doubt that change will be made

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: squall.4691


squall Let me guess your a full glass ranger that is just spaming your number 2 skill rapid shot to kill somebody.

sorry i’m not i was playing warrior before the op regen buff when ppl was crying about it
this is roaming video i did it before the buff

ofc i stoped recored my fights after the buff cuz it was very easy to kill ppl around for me

and i think u r that dire chrono we talking about right?

i play evry class in this game i’m not just talking and dont know anything i can balance arena net game better than them

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


So you are playing warrior and lost to a condi chrono…

Sorry buddy but between the second highest Resistance uptime (losing only to Malyx Revenant), Several Condition Removal Traits (Brawler recovery, Cleansing Ire, Savage Instinct) and a huge passive healing (Adrenal Health and Healing Signet), there is absolutely no way a warrior will lose to a condi mesmer unless he let the mesmer kill him. Sure, you problably won’t kill a good mesmer because he will know what to avoid, but you can just walk away from these.

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

(edited by Jeknar.6184)

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: squall.4691


So you are playing warrior and lost to a condi chrono…

i play warrior sometimes and i can kill must of them if i cant it’s just cuz the fight is endless warrior the only class that have resest up time but for real when i play another class u want me to reroll to my warrior with this high queue to only fight them? cmon

and just say condi dire chrono is balace / unbalace for u ? if u think it’s unbalace so we have the same point if u think balance just say that

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Spurnshadow.3678


Sorry, OP, but it’s really a matter of your class, your build, and a l2p issue.

Not every class/build will be able to beat a dire mesmer, but some do if played well. Just like you might have a build that you’re currently playing with that might beat most of the people you fight because you’re really good at it. Is it really unreasonable to think that you should be able to beat every class/build in the game? No. There’s just too much variety. If the dire mesmer is your only bane, then I’d say you’re doing pretty good.

Blackgate Native. It takes tremendous strength and skill to pull a lever.

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: LordEnki.9283


i don’t know but is there any plan to nerf condi dire god mode unkillbale chrono ?

no for real evry balance update i say this is it chrono dire ’ll get nerf this update and hope and hope but nothing.

r u guys really ok with this god mode build ? ppl can just run it and trolling around and kill ppl with one finger and no one can do anything for them we just run from them cuz we know what’s gonna happened if we fight them.

i dont know about u guys but i got enough of them.

if u guys think chrono dire condi is unbalance pls talk arena net not gonna do anything if we didnt talk cuz they dont play there game and dont know about anything they just nerf things in PVE and do the same in WVW they keeping remove runse and op stats from PVP but they give 0 care about WVW roaming builds" that’s what i got hope u guys understand me.

I doubt Anet cares if Berserker is any indication.

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Sure, you problably won’t kill a good mesmer because he will know what to avoid, but you can just walk away from these.

I think that is the point of the thread. A good condi chrono is nearly impossible to solo kill. Sure there are builds like bunker Tempest, Druid and several Warrior builds that can stand in on it but all of them are basically playing to stalemate. Unlike most other bunker condi classes it doesn’t have an easily exploitable weakness. Misfire on some condi removal and boom, dead. The spike condi from the build is impressive and its defensive and offensive sustain are both solid.

Interestingly hybrid Tempest builds are starting to get that same rep but the skill floor to play them well is significantly higher than Condi Chrono.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Ash.2059


Which build are you referring to specifically, Straegen?

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Eval.2371


Out of all the condi builds out there Condi chrono is the least enjoyable opponent across all my classes in all game modes(i’d rather laugh at a ghost thief try and kill me honestly). I generally feel that it is a waste of time to even invest in a fight because against an equally skilled opponent the fight will always end in a stalemate or a 10-15 minute dance.

I do think there are some forms of counter play such as removing conditions and interrupting or dodging the main applicators, but currently the reset patterns of mesmer and low cooldowns for high application in addition to the inulvns and shield 4 are just unhealthy. I think condi mesmer general problem is it does not have to sacrifice between damage and survivability and has more baked in defensive options than any other condition class.

Here are my suggestions:

They need to either remove perplex runes completely or put it back into pvp and properly balance it across both game modes.

Anet either needs to change the amount of application: via cd increases or lower stacks of application OR the defensive capabilities need to be opened up to allow for more approachable windows. of attack.

Personally I am a fan of the latter rather than the former as I rarely have an issue with dealing with stacks, its more being able to find an opening.

[Cya] TC Roamer/Scout
I Play WvW to have fun. I don’t find it fun anymore. Therefore I don’t play.

(edited by Eval.2371)

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


The problem is: depending on what you want to have increased cd’s on the mesmer, you’ll basically killing other mesmer builds just because of a single build that all it can do is 1v1.

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: OriOri.8724


Out of all the condi builds out there Condi chrono is the least enjoyable opponent across all my classes in all game modes(i’d rather laugh at a ghost thief try and kill me honestly). I generally feel that it is a waste of time to even invest in a fight because against an equally skilled opponent the fight will always end in a stalemate or a 10-15 minute dance.

I do think there are some forms of counter play such as removing conditions and interrupting or dodging the main applicators, but currently the reset patterns of mesmer and low cooldowns for high application in addition to the inulvns and shield 4 are just unhealthy. I think condi mesmer general problem is it does not have to sacrifice between damage and survivability and has more baked in defensive options than any other condition class.

Here are my suggestions:

They need to either remove perplex runes completely or put it back into pvp and properly balance it across both game modes.

Anet either needs to change the amount of application: via cd increases or lower stacks of application OR the defensive capabilities need to be opened up to allow for more approachable windows. of attack.

Personally I am a fan of the latter rather than the former as I rarely have an issue with dealing with stacks, its more being able to find an opening.

The problem is: depending on what you want to have increased cd’s on the mesmer, you’ll basically killing other mesmer builds just because of a single build that all it can do is 1v1.

This is the problem with just instinctively wanting to nerf chrono’s defensive abilities. They have already been nerfed hard compared to when it was first released. And any further nerfs would unfairly hurt other builds.

Nerf perplexity runes. They are honestly extremely overpowered. Lower both the 2nd and 6th bonus by 5% duration, so the total confusion duration would only be 20% instead of 30%. And reduce the amount of stacks that the 4th and 6th bonus give to 2 stacks each.

Then also balance the application of condis that mesmer can put out. Scepter can put out both torment and confusion, which are extremely deadly in PvP/WvW and relatively tame in PvE. Apply either one or the other and also apply burning/poison/bleeding on the scepter. Makes it less powerful in PvP/WvW while more useful in PvE.

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Spurnshadow.3678


I’ll say it again: if this is the only build that you are having problems with, then you’re doing pretty good. If you’re able to kill everything in every build, then you’re build will be nerfed.

There isn’t one build that can or should be able to kill everything. We don’t have every skill available to us. Some games let us have access to 40 skills that enable us to deal with many situations. This isn’t one of them. We have to make choices that limit what we can run with.

Blackgate Native. It takes tremendous strength and skill to pull a lever.

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


I’ll say it again: if this is the only build that you are having problems with, then you’re doing pretty good. If you’re able to kill everything in every build, then you’re build will be nerfed.

Rock, Paper, Scissors should exist in competitive play like this no doubt. However this builds while not straight OP is very defensive, strong offense, no rotational weakness and in a relatively easy to play build. Its just too much combined in one package.

Contrast to the Stun Lock Warrior. Great defensive sustain and strong offense but it has a rotational weakness and requires good timing to play effectively. Its strong meta nature is countered by the need to have a good player driving. Condi Chrono’s skill floor is just too low. Players should have to work to get make a build feel OP.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Contrast to the Stun Lock Warrior. Great defensive sustain and strong offense but it has a rotational weakness and requires good timing to play effectively. Its strong meta nature is countered by the need to have a good player driving. Condi Chrono’s skill floor is just too low. Players should have to work to get make a build feel OP.

becomes hard to join in on threads when the one party has OP parts to its build, and yet is unable to overcome another party with even more OP parts to its build.
The battle of the OP?
Stun lock warrior is pretty ridiculous in itself. The insane number of easy heavy stuns. The insane values you get from healing signet and adrenal health. The insane effect of the defense line in general.
I mean if you go 90% endurance regen along with rousing resilience and outbreak and 2 endure pain and 1 berserker stance and healing signet….WITH heabutt. That literally beats most classes to death in and of itself. if ur melee warrior with shield ur rotation only has a small window only after about 14 seconds of 100% defense/block. With warrior its a case of triggering the abilities all within a 60 second interval and then destroying them once everything on cd. Mesmer doesn’t have as much of this but like you said their rotation is more fluid, with only small gaps in between where you have an opening (and since they have a high health pool and only need 1 offensive stat…..they can’t be bursted).

Honestly mesmer’s problem always seems to be the high base health pool getting in the way of its counterplay.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: Mikhael.2391


The problem is: depending on what you want to have increased cd’s on the mesmer, you’ll basically killing other mesmer builds just because of a single build that all it can do is 1v1.

A single build that can kill anyone isnt a problem? So anyone roaming should just teleport to wp on sight or log off right away.

unkillable dire chrono

in WvW

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


The problem is: depending on what you want to have increased cd’s on the mesmer, you’ll basically killing other mesmer builds just because of a single build that all it can do is 1v1.

A single build that can kill anyone isnt a problem? So anyone roaming should just teleport to wp on sight or log off right away.

Yea… I think the rock-paper-scissors ideology is simply silly. You should feel comfortable engaging anything and the fact of the matter is how well you play should dictate if you win or lose.

A common issue is that people misjudge how good they are and there’s no good definition of what defines “skill.” Some players have an innately higher aptitude for some styles/professions than others, and the converse is true for other professions. But builds like condi mes/chrono, which have been mathematically proven as being too excessive, have been running rampant for years and everyone knows

Currently, there are too many free defenses in the game as a whole, and too much power creep on offensive abilities and suppression/cc. It needs toning down.